Pricing & Classification DMM Advisory

Message board to keep postal customers informed of changes to mailing standards, services, and prices.

August 23, 2012

Optional Modified Identification Statement for Periodicals Mailers

Address Change Service (ACS) is an automated or electronic process providing mailers with notices of address correction or reason for nondelivery. Effective September 4, 2012, Periodicals mailers who prepare their mail to receive electronic ACS address correction (as defined in Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) 507.4.2) may include the following optional wording in the ID Statement: "POSTMASTER: Send all UAA to CFS. (See DMM 707.4.12.5); NON-POSTAL AND MILITARY FACILITIES: send address corrections to [publication title and mailing address]."

Change-of-address information may also be placed on the label carrier or container of publications prepared in envelopes, closed wrappers, or polybags.

Mailers may adopt the modified ID Statement immediately.