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E215 describes the circumstances when mailing publications to nonsubscribers or nonrequesters is permitted.
Sample copies are nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies. They may be mailed at the rates and under the applicable standards below and in E270.
Nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies may be mailed to boxholders with each copy addressed in the simplified address format if such copies are mailed to each boxholder on a rural route or highway contract route, or to each boxholder at post offices that do not have city carrier service. Copies addressed in this manner may be mailed only to nonsubscribers or nonrequesters. If simplified address mailing results in a subscriber or requester receiving a copy in addition to his or her subscriber or requester copy, the additional copy is considered a nonsubscriber or nonrequester copy.
Copies paid for by advertisers or others for advertising purposes are nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies. Copies mailed for advertising purposes under arrangements with advertisers or others, and copies mailed by a publisher acting as an agent for an advertiser, are nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies. Those copies are subject to the applicable rates for nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies.
The subscription list may contain the names of persons whose subscriptions were paid by other individuals as gifts; these subscriptions are considered subscriber copies. Subscriptions paid by advertisers or other persons promoting their own interests, and subscriptions given free by the publisher, are not gift subscriptions, and are considered nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies subject to the corresponding rates.
A small part of the subscription list may contain publishers to whom copies are sent in exchange for copies of the recipients publications. Only one copy may be sent to each publisher. These exchange copies are considered subscriber or requester copies.
Copies may be mailed at the rates that apply to subscriber copies for 6 months after a subscription has expired if the publisher makes a good-faith attempt to obtain payment or a promise of payment for a renewal during the 6-month period. These copies are not considered subscriber copies for determining eligibility for Periodicals mailing privileges under E212, the base for computing the 10% nonsubscriber limits, or whether an issue is a bona fide issue under E216.
All complimentary copies, including copies sent in fulfillment of subscriptions given free by the publisher, are considered nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies subject to the corresponding rates.
One complete copy of each issue may be mailed at the applicable subscriber rates to each advertiser (or representative or agent) in the issue to prove that the advertisements are printed. These copies are considered subscriber or requester copies for Periodicals rates and eligibility. If more than one proof copy in an issue is sent to an advertiser (or representative or agent), the additional copies are considered nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies subject to the corresponding rates.
For authorized Periodicals requester publications, up to 10% of the total number of copies mailed to requesters during the calendar year may be mailed to nonrequesters at the Outside-County Periodicals rates, provided that those copies would be eligible for Outside-County rates if mailed to requesters, and if the copies are presorted under applicable standards. Nonrequester copies within the 10% limit do not need to be commingled in a mailing with requester copies to be eligible for Outside-County rates.
For other publications authorized Outside-County rates, up to 10% of the total number of copies mailed to subscribers during the calendar year may be mailed to nonsubscribers at the Outside-County Periodicals rates, provided that those copies would be eligible for Outside-County rates if mailed to subscribers, and if the copies are presorted under applicable standards. Nonsubscriber copies within the 10% limit do not need to be commingled in a mailing with subscriber copies to be eligible for Outside-County rates.
For In-County rates and Nonprofit, Classroom, and Science-of-Agriculture publications, nonsubscriber copies up to 10% of the total number of copies mailed to subscribers during the calendar year may be mailed at the applicable Preferred rates or Preferred rate discount, provided that the nonsubscriber copies would qualify as Preferred rate or Preferred rate discount publications if mailed to subscribers and if the copies are presorted under applicable standards. Nonsubscriber copies mailed over the 10% limit are not eligible for Preferred rates or the Preferred rate discount. To qualify for Outside-County rates, the nonsubscriber copies over the 10% limit must be part of a presorted commingled mailing (one that includes subscriber copies). Subject to E217.4.0, nonsubscriber copies may be mailed at In-County rates up to a 10% limit of the total number of subscriber copies of the publication mailed at In-County rates during the calendar year. Once the 10% calendar year limit is exceeded for the number of nonsubscriber copies that may be mailed at Preferred rates or the Preferred rate discount, nonsubscriber copies may not then be mailed at In-County rates even if the 10% limit separately applied to those rates (under E217.4.0) is not exceeded.
For publications of institutions and societies that are not authorized to contain general advertising under E212.2.3, all circulated copies are considered subscriber copies and the total number of such copies is the total paid circulation.
For publications authorized both Outside-County rates and In-County rates and/or Science-of-Agriculture rates, once the total number of nonsubscriber copies mailed during the calendar year (regardless of rate) exceeds 10% of the total number of copies mailed to subscribers during the calendar year, further mailings of nonsubscriber copies are not eligible for any Preferred rate. Nonsubscriber copies over the 10% allowance must be part of a presorted commingled mailing (i.e., including subscriber copies) to qualify for Outside-County rates.
Nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies, over 10% of the total number of copies mailed to subscribers or requesters during the calendar year, are eligible for Outside-County rates when they are commingled and presorted with subscriber or requester copies.
A mailing is not eligible for Periodicals rates if it consists entirely of nonsubscriber or nonrequester copies over the 10% limit of the total number of copies mailed to subscribers or requesters during the calendar year. These copies are subject to the appropriate Express Mail, First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, or Package Services rate.
If all copies in a mailing are to nonsubscribers or nonrequesters, and some copies are within the 10% limit while the rest are over the 10% limit, the portion exceeding the 10% limit is not eligible for Periodicals rates. That portion is subject to the appropriate Express Mail, First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, or Package Services rate.
DMM Issue 58 (8-10-03)