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The Summary of Changes lists revisions to this edition of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) by effective date. 1.0 Summary of Changes by Effective Date 1.1 November 7, 2011 Listing of USPS-Approved Adult Fowl Mailing Containers We revised 601.9.3.4 to add a reference for a new listing of USPS-approved container vendors for the mailing of adult fowl and other approved birds. We published this information in the October 6, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Mailing Firearms—Clarification We revised 601.12.1 through 601.12.3 to clarify the standards surrounding the mailability of firearms. We published this information in the October 6, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Centralization of Move Update and ZIP Code Accuracy Standards We revised 233.3.0, 243.3.0, 333.3.0, 343.3.0, 363.4.0, 433.3.0, 443.3.0, and 463.4.0 to consolidate and centralize Move Update and ZIP Code accuracy standards into new sections 602.5.0 and 602.6.0. We published this information in the October 6, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Post Office (PO) Box Fee Groups for Merged Locations We revised 508.4.0 to allow Post Office Box (PO Box) fee groups to be merged into a single location due to Post Office mergers and to have the ability to change a fee group more than one higher or lower level at a time in limited circumstances. We published this information in the September 22, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Suspension of Periodicals Privileges We revised 707.8.3.4 to amend the authority for noncompliance from the postmaster to the Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC) when a publisher does not file PS Form 3526, Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation, or publish the information provided on the form. We published this information in the October 6, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 126.1.0, 136.1.0, 156.1.0 and 705.24.0 to introduce new options designed for the return of merchandise; and to add a new subchapter 505 to consolidate all other USPS return service standards. We published this information in the September 22, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Reassignment of ZIP Codes Between NDCs and ASFs: Revision to Destination Entry Exhibits We revised 246, 346, 366, 446, 453, and 466 to change the exhibits for destination network distribution center (DNDC) eligibility to reflect the reassignment of certain 3-digit ZIP Code ranges. We published this information in the October 20, 2011, Postal Bulletin. 1.2 October 3, 2011 Parcel Return Service—Clarifications We revised 505.5.0 to clarify standards regarding Parcel Return Service (PRS). We published this information in the September 8, 2011, Postal Bulletin. 2010 Standard Mail Incentive Program Removal We revised 709 by removing section 2.0, Standard Mail Incentive Program. We published this information in the September 8, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Service Standards for Express Mail Military Service (EMMS) We revised 703.2.0 which clarifies the USPS service commitment for Express Mail items sent to and from APO/FPO and DPO destinations. We published this information in the September 22, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 401, 402, 433, 434, 435, 436, 503, 507, 602, 705, and 708 to introduce First-Class Package Service, which replaces and removes First-Class Mail commercial base and commercial plus parcels from the market-dominant product offering. We published this information in the September 8, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Reply Rides Free Incentive Program—Weight Increase We revised 233.7.0 to allow First-Class Mail letters weighing over 1 ounce but no more than 2 ounces to be eligible for the Reply Rides Free incentive program. We published this information in the August 11, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Automated Postal Center (APC) Insurance Indemnity Increase We revised 503.4.0 to increase the insurance indemnity available at an Automated Postal Center (APC) from $500 to $5,000. We published this information in the August 11, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 201.3.11 to permit the use of additional types of glue to seal booklet-type mailpieces and folded self mailers, and to clarify the sealing method for die cut flaps. We published this information in the June 30, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Group E Post Office Box Service We revised 508.4.6 to clarify eligibility, simplify the standards, and facilitate uniform administration for Group E (free) Post Office (PO) box service. We published this information in the August 11, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Shortpaid and Unpaid Information-Based Indicia (IBI) Postage and Shortpaid Express Mail Postage We revised 604.4.0, 604.8.0, and 604.10.0, to implement revenue protection procedures for mailpieces entered with shortpaid and unpaid Information Based Indicia (IBI) postage payment generated by Click-N-Ship, IBI postage meters, and PC Postage products, and also to implement revenue protection procedures for shortpaid Express Mail postage. We published this information in the August 11, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Standard Mail Nonmachinable Letter Preparation We revised 243.5.5 and 245.5.4 to provide a new option for sortation of nonmachinable letters. We published this information in the August 11, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Reassignment of ZIP Codes between Memphis NDC and Dallas NDC We revised 246.3.0, 346.3.0, 366.4.0, 446.3.0, 453.3.0, and 466.4.0 to incorporate the following mail processing changes: Mailers preparing destination network distribution center (DNDC) mailings must change their mail preparation for mail addressed to 3-digit ZIP Code 706 destinations by labeling those containers to Memphis NDC, and enter that mail at the Memphis NDC facility rather than at the Dallas NDC facility. Mailers with DNDC mailings must also change their preparation for mail for 3-digit ZIP Codes 713 and 714 by labeling those containers to the Dallas NDC rather than the Memphis NDC. We published this information in the July 28, 2011, Postal Bulletin. 1.4 August 1, 2011 Media Mail and Library Mail—Consolidation We revised 170, 370, and 470 to combine the standards for Media Mail and Library Mail. With that combination, sections 180, 380, and 480 are eliminated. We published this information in the July 28, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Use of Precanceled Stamps—Clarification We revised 234, 244, 334, 344, 434, 444 and 604.3.0 to clarify standards for use of precanceled stamps and the use of mailer's precancel postmarks. We published this information in the July 14, 2011, Postal Bulletin. 1.5 July 5, 2011 Bundle Preparation—Strapping Transparency We revised 300, 400, 705 and 707 to provide standards for the transparency characteristic of clear strapping. We published this information in the June 2, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Clarification on Processing Refund Requests for Unused Meter Indicia We revised 604.9.3 to clarify the standards that apply to the payment of approved refund requests for unused postage evidencing system indicia. We published this information in the June 2, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Forwarding and Return Service for Parcel Select Mailpieces We revised 507.1.0 and 507.2.0 to discontinue the free local forwarding of Parcel Select mailpieces and to eliminate the option to request discontinuance of forwarding. We published this information in the June 2, 2011, Postal Bulletin. New Authorization Process for Mailers Using Special Postage Payment Systems We revised 705 to reflect a new authorization process for mailers wishing to mail under a special postage payment system, and to remove reference to fixed 2-year authorization periods. We published this information in the June 2, 2011, Postal Bulletin. New Standards for Round-Trip Mailings of Optical Discs We revised 100, 200, 300, and 500 to provide new standards for round-trip mailings with one standard optical disc no larger than 12 centimeters in diameter enclosed per mailpiece. We published this information in the June 2, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 503, 508.7.2, 601.11.6, and 703.3.2, to add a new extra service called Adult Signature. We published this information in the June 16, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 709.3.0 to add a temporary promotion for First-Class Mail cards, letters and flats, and Standard Mail letters and flats bearing two-dimensional mobile barcodes. We published this information in the June 30, 2011, Postal Bulletin. 1.6 June 6, 2011 Optional Use of a Local Permit Imprint in Other Mailing Locations We revised 604.5.3 to provide a new option to mailers contributing permit imprint mailpieces to a mailing presented under an authorized First-Class Mail or Standard Mail Mailings with Different Payment Methods Mailing System. We published this information in the March 24, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Pallet Placards and Intelligent Mail Tray Labels We revised 705.8.6 and 708.6.6 to provide an additional option for mailers who need to print destination entry office information on pallet placards. We published this information in the March 24, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Revised MLOCR Automation Price Marking Codes We revised 705.5.3.2a. and 705.5.3.2b. to provide an updated listing of multiline optical character reader (MLOCR) automation price marking codes. We published this information in the April 21, 2011, Postal Bulletin. New Customs Declarations Label Requirements We revised 608.2.4 to require mailpieces containing goods that enter the Customs Territory of the United States (CTUS), from outside the CTUS, to bear a customs declaration label. We published this information in the April 21, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Market Dominant Negotiated Service Agreement for First-Class Mail and Standard Mail We added 709.1.4 to establish a new Negotiated Service Agreement (NSA) market dominant product for the combined total revenue of First-Class Mail automation letters, Standard Mail automation letters, and Standard Mail carrier route barcoded automation-compatible letters. We published this information in the May 5, 2011, Postal Bulletin. POSTNET Barcode Certification Program We revised 509.1.7, and Notice 123, Price List, to remove the POSTNET Barcode Certification Program which is no longer in use. We published this information in the May 19, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 604.5.2.2, to specify that, among others, one of the conditions that a permit imprint may be revoked is for failure to mail using the permit or pay the fees for a two-year consecutive period.We published this information in the May 19, 2011, Postal Bulletin. 1.7 April 17, 2011 New Mailing Standards for Domestic Mailing Services We revised 401, 433, and 434 to revise pricing and eligibility standards for commercial First-Class Mail. We additionally revised 604 to eliminate the sale of Standard Mail stamped envelopes, and , 370, and 380 to extend changes to weight computations for Package Services flats to mirror changes made previously for Package Services parcels. We also made a minor change to 201 to clarify new terminology regarding Standard Mail nonmachinable letters. We published this information in the March 10, 2011 Postal Bulletin. New Mailing Options for Flats and Irregular Parcels Bearing a Simplified Address We revised 602.3.2 to extend the option to use a simplified address format to Periodicals flats and irregular parcels and Bound Printed Matter flats, intended for distribution to city delivery routes and to Post Office (PO) box sections in Post Office locations with city delivery service. We published this information in the February 24, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised 202.4.0, 302.4.3, 402.3.3 and 508.1.2 to clarify that uninsured parcels and parcels not requiring a signature may bear the endorsement, “CARRIER—LEAVE IF NO RESPONSE.” We published this information in the March 3, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Express Mail and Priority Mail Open and Distribute—Clarification of Destination Entry We revised 240, 340, , 440, 450, 460, 705, and 707 to clarify that mail expedited by the proper use of Express Mail Open and Distribute and Priority Mail Open and Distribute is eligible for destination entry prices, as applicable for the shape and class of mail. We also revised 705.17.0 to add Area Distribution Center (ADC) and Auxiliary Service Facility (ASF) as destination entry sites for Express Mail Open and Distribute. We published this information in the March 24, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Introduction of Priority Mail Forever Prepaid Flat Rate Packaging and Shipping Services Revisions We revised 123, 124.1.0, 125.1.0, 213.1.0, 223.1.0, 313.1.0, 323.1.0, 423.1.0, and 604.9.0, to introduce Priority Mail Forever Prepaid Flat Rate packaging and to clarify Shipping Services DMM revisions from January 2011. We published this information in the March 24, 2011, Postal Bulletin. Domestic Shipping Services Product Launch of Parcel Select Regional Ground and Shipping Services Clarifications We revised 401.1.0, 401.2.0, 453.1.0, 453.3.0, 454.1.0, 455.7.0, 456.1.0, 456.2.0, 503.4.0, 503.10.0, 503.11.0, 508.7.0, 602.1.0, 602.3.0, 705.2.0, 705.6.0, 705.7.0, 705.8.0, 705.16.0, 705.21.0, 708.6.0, and labeling list, to introduce a new competitive shipping option, Parcel Select Regional Ground service and clarify mailing standards from the January 2011 Shipping Services price change. We published this information in the April 7, 2011, Postal Bulletin. We revised Labeling List(s) L001, L002, L004, L005, L006, L007, L009, L010, L011, L201, and L606 to reflect changes in mail processing operations. We published this information in the April 21, 2011, Postal Bulletin. |