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420 Shortpaid and Unpaid Mail

421 Check for Sufficient Postage

Carefully check the postage on all outbound mail before dispatching it from the mailing office.

422 Unpaid Mail

422.1 With Return Address

Return all unpaid mail with return address to the sender. Imprint with stock rubber stamp R-1300-230, Returned For. . .Additional Postage. Enter the amount of the deficiency.

422.2 No Return Address

422.21 Letter-Post and Postcards

Unpaid letter-post and postcards with no return address must be forwarded to the appropriate exchange office. Endorse item with stock rubber stamp R-1300-4, Postage Due. . .Cents. Do not enter the amount of the deficiency.

422.22 Other Unpaid Mail

All other unpaid mail with no return address must be sent to the appropriate mail recovery center.

423 Shortpaid Mail

423.1 General Procedures at the Mailing Office

Return shortpaid mail to sender. Use stock rubber stamp R-1300-230, Returned For. . . Additional Postage. Enter the amount of the deficiency.

423.2 Exceptions

423.21 Letter-Post and Postcards

Shortpaid letter-post and postcards with no return address must be forwarded to the exchange office. Imprint with stock rubber stamp R-1300-4, Postage Due. . .Cents. Do not enter the amount of the deficiency.

Exception: For shortpaid letter-post and postcards to Canada having no return address, enter double the amount of the deficiency.

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423.22 Parcels

Shortpaid parcels with or without a return address must be stamped Postage Paid and forwarded without delay to the appropriate exchange office. Immediately notify the sender of the action taken and request payment of the deficient postage.

Note: Parcels must not be held for payment unless the deficiency can be obtained from the sender without delaying the dispatch of the parcel.

423.23 Global Express Mail Shipments

Shortpaid Global Express Mail (EMS) shipments must be stamped "POSTAGE PAID" and forwarded without delay to the appropriate exchange office. Collect the deficient postage from the sender.

Note: EMS shipments must not be held for postage due payment unless the deficiency can be obtained from the sender without delaying the dispatch of the shipment.

423.3 Credit for Postage Paid

When computing the postage due on items that are returned to sender for insufficient postage, allow a credit for the postage already paid.

423.4 Parcels at Other Than Mailing Offices

Originating bulk mail centers must check for shortpaid parcels addressed to Canada and Mexico. Sectional centers and other intermediate offices, however, should not attempt to verify postage payment on parcels.

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