235 Postage

235.1 Payment of Postage

Priority Mail International may be paid by postage stamps, postage validation imprinter (PVI) labels, postage meter stamps, information-based indicia (IBI), PC Postage, or permit imprint.

235.2 Prices

235.21 Permit Imprint — Commercial Base Prices

Priority Mail International commercial base prices for postage paid with permit imprint will be 5 percent below retail prices. The commercial base price incentive applies only to the postage portion of Priority Mail International prices. It does not apply to any other charges or fees, such as Pickup on Demand service, insured fees, or shipments made under a customized agreement. To receive the commercial base price incentive on postage, customers must use USPS-produced Global Shipping Software (GSS). Postage paid with permit imprint is subject to the general conditions in IMM 152.3 and DMM 124, 604, and 705. Customers who mail more than 5,000 Priority Mail International pieces a year should contact the Postal Service to discuss customized agreements for commercial volume price incentives (see 297).

235.22 Online Prices

For selected destination countries, Priority Mail International items receive a 5-percent incentive below retail prices when customers utilize one of the following shipping methods:

  1. Click-N-Ship.
  2. Authorized PC Postage vendors.
  3. End-user customers using information-based indicia (IBI) postage meters, provided they electronically transmit customs forms.

The commercial base price is automatically applied to each shipment. The incentive applies only to the postage portion of the Priority Mail International price. It does not apply to any other charges or fees, such as Pickup on Demand service, insurance fees, or shipments made under a customized agreement.

235.23 Computing Postage

For each addressed mailpiece, determine single-piece price based on weight and price group. Then multiply the retail price by 5 percent to obtain the discount amount. Subtract the discount amount (without rounding off) from the retail price and then round off the result (see 152.32).