530 Commodities and Technical Data

531 Scope and Applicability of Export Licensing Requirements

531.1 U.S. Department of Commerce — Bureau of Industry and Security; Export Controls

The Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) regulates the export of commodities, software, and technologies in certain circumstances, pursuant to the Commerce Department’s Export Administration Regulations (EAR) (15 CFR Parts 730774). Among other things, BIS requires exporters to apply for and receive a license before sending certain commodities, software, or technology out of the country. The EAR can be found online at

Other U.S. government agencies have export control responsibilities for regulating more specialized exports. For example, military goods might be subject to the licensing jurisdiction of the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls at the Department of State. The Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) administers and enforces economic and trade sanctions against targeted foreign countries, terrorism-sponsoring organizations, international narcotics traffickers, and other blocked entities. The BIS Web site identifies resource links for various U.S. government agencies with export control responsibilities. Customers may obtain a listing of these links at

531.2 Export Enforcement

BIS implements and enforces the EAR. Many items regulated by the EAR are referred to as “dual-use” items, meaning that the items have both commercial and military or proliferation applications. However, many purely commercial items also are subject to the EAR. BIS’s mission is to advance U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and by promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership. Senders must understand and comply with BIS’s regulations when exporting commodities, software, or technology by mail. Postal Service employees will not advise prospective mailers of the type of license required for or the type of authorization available for the export of any item to any destination or recipient. However, if an export control violation has occurred or might occur, or for more information, contact the following source:

Office of Export Enforcement (OEE)
Bureau of Industry and Security
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20230-0002

Telephone: 202-482-1208.

In addition, OEE has nine field offices located throughout the United States. Information about these field offices is available at