524 Proof of Filing Citation (PFC)

524.1 General

Under the authority of 13 U.S.C. Chapter 9, as amended by the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 2002, P.L. 107-228, U.S. Census Bureau regulations require electronic filing of export information through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Automated Export System (AES) or AESDirect Web site for certain outbound international shipments of goods. Before mailing, customers subject to this filing requirement are responsible for presenting a Proof of Filing Citation (PFC) or AES Downtime Citation as evidence of compliance.

The Census Bureau’s regulations mandate that electronic export information be filed when any type of goods contained in a shipment (per Schedule B Export Codes at is valued at more than $2,500, requires an export license under U.S. law, or is being sent to certain countries designated as terrorist-supporting countries under the Export Administration Regulations, subject to certain exceptions. Following are three examples to illustrate the value criterion:

  1. Example 1: An insured Priority Mail International package contains one mechanically operated watch (Schedule B item number 9101.11.0000) valued at $2,600. The total value of goods to be mailed is $2,600, and the value of all items within the same Schedule B number is more than $2,500. Consequently, electronic filing and a PFC would be required (unless an exemption or exclusion applies).
  2. Example 2: An insured Priority Mail International package contains one mechanically operated watch (Schedule B item number 9101.11.0000) valued at $2,400, and one electronically operated watch (Schedule B item number 9101.91.0000) valued at $2,400. The total value of goods to be mailed is $4,800, but no group of items within the same Schedule B number is valued at more than $2,500. Consequently, electronic filing and a PFC would not be required because the mechanical watch and electronic watch are in different Schedule B groups. Rather, Exemption and Exclusion Legend “NOEEI 30.37(a)” would apply, assuming the items do not require an export license and are not being sent to a terrorist-supporting country (see 526.2).
  3. Example 3: An insured Priority Mail International package contains two mechanically operated watches (Schedule B item number 9101.11.0000), one valued at $1,400 and one valued at $1,500. The total value of goods to be mailed is $2,900, and the value of all items within the same Schedule B number is more than $2,500. Consequently, electronic filing and a PFC would be required (unless an exemption or exclusion applies).

524.2 Filing Requirements

524.21 Mandatory Filing

Electronic filing of export information is required when any of the following applies:

  1. One or more classes of goods (per Schedule B Export Codes at within the item are valued at more than $2,500, unless the shipment falls under an exemption or exclusion. See 524.1.
  2. The item requires an export license under U.S. law. (See 530 for additional information.)
  3. The shipment is destined to the terrorist-supporting countries of Iran or Syria.
  4. The shipment is destined to the terrorist-supporting countries of Cuba, North Korea, or Sudan, and the shipment does not qualify as a "gift parcel or humanitarian donation" as defined by 15 CFR § 740.12.

Note: The terrorist-supporting countries are identified in Country Group E:1 in the Export Administration Regulations, 15 CFR Part 740 Supplement 1. As of October 5, 2009, they are the countries cited in items 524.1c and d.

524.22 How to File Electronic Export Information and Obtain a Proof of Filing Citation

To file electronic export information through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Automated Export System or AESDirect Web site and obtain a PFC, customers should use the following steps:

  1. Go to
  2. Register for an AESDirect account or log into your existing account.
  3. Follow the instructions for the Automated Export System Certification Quiz.
  4. The “Port of Export” code for shipping through the Postal Service is “8000.”
  5. The “Mode of Transport” is “Mail.”
  6. Leave the carrier as “SCAC/IATA,” and leave the conveyance name fields blank.
  7. After successfully filing electronic export information, AESDirect will provide an alphanumeric Internal Transaction Number (ITN) as confirmation. The PFC consists of the letters “AES” followed by the ITN: for example, “AES X20080930987654.”

Note: If the Automated Export System is down, call the U.S. Census Bureau’s toll-free information hotline at 800-549-0595, option 1. For additional information on electronic filing, use option 3.