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Quick Service Guide 240b
Discount Letters and Cards Standard Mail
Presorted Letters—Machinable

January 2006
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Related QSG

703, Standard Mail Nonprofit Eligibility


Physical Standards (201)

Maximum weight: 3.3 ounces.
For an overview of the physical standards for discount letters and cards, see Quick Service Guide 201.


Rates and Fees (243.1)




3/5 $0.261 $0.158
Basic 0.282 0.170

There are no Standard Mail card rates; cards may be mailed at letter rates.

Destination discounts apply to mail prepared as prescribed by USPS and addressed for delivery within service area of destination BMC/ASF or SCF (246.2).

Annual $160.00 presort mailing fee (243.3.2).


Content (243.2)

Letters containing mailable items not required to be sent using First-Class Mail can be sent using Standard Mail. Standard Mail is typically used for advertisements and flyers. Additional content restrictions must be met for authorized nonprofit mailers (703.1).


Eligibility Standards (243.5)

Mailings of 200 or more addressed pieces, sorted and marked as described below. All pieces must be machinable under 201.1. Pieces are eligible if not required to be mailed at First-Class rates or not eligible for Periodicals rates. Nonprofit rates require specific authorization (703.1).

Each piece must include a complete delivery address with correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code.

A certified process must be used at least once a year to ensure accuracy of 5-digit ZIP Codes.

Mailers can apply Repositionable Notes ("sticky notes") for an additional charge of $0.015. See 709.7.


Postage Payment and Documentation (244)

Precanceled stamp (604.3), meter (604.4), or permit imprint (604.5).

Additional standards apply to mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces.


  • Postage statement:
    Regular: Form 3602-R or Form 3602-EZ or approved facsimile.
    Nonprofit: Form 3602-N or Form 3602-NZ or approved facsimile.
  • Supporting documentation: required unless correct rate is affixed to each piece or unless each piece is of identical weight and separated by rate when presented for acceptance; documentation generated by PAVE-certified software (or printed in standardized format).


Mail Preparation (245)

Marking on each piece in the postage area (202.3):

  • Regular: "Presorted Standard" or "PRSRT STD."
  • Nonprofit: "Nonprofit Organization" or "NONPROFIT ORG." or "NONPROFIT."

1-foot or 2-foot trays used (245.3.3) where appropriate (e.g., when there is enough mail to fill a 2-foot tray, a 2-foot tray must be used).

See reverse for preparation and labeling.

Use 2-inch tray label (245.4) or barcoded tray label (recommended) (245.4.9).

Trays on pallets (705.8.5) are permitted and preferred.

Trays must be sleeved and strapped (245.3.4). See 245.3.5 for exceptions to strapping for mailings that originate and destinate in delivery area of same SCF and for trays not processed at a BMC.

Strapping not required on trays placed on 5-digit, 3-digit, and SCF pallets that are secured with stretchwrap.


Enter and Deposit (246)

Mailing entered at an acceptance point designated by USPS.

For the specific DMM standards applicable to this category of mail, consult the DMM sections referenced above and the general sections within each DMM module.


Traying Sequence (245.5.4)


Trays: Optional, full trays only for pieces to same 5-digit ZIP Code; less-than-full trays not permitted.

Labels: For Line 1, use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail.



Trays: Required for any remaining pieces for same 3-digit ZIP Code prefix placed in 3-digit trays; bundling not permitted except in less-than-full trays; one less-than-full/overflow tray permitted per destination. (Exception: One less-than-full tray must be prepared for any remaining pieces for each origin 3-digit ZIP Code prefix.)

Labels: For Line 1, use L002, Column A, for destination facility.

Rate:3/5 or Basic1


Trays: Required, full trays only for pieces to same AADC (see L801); pieces grouped by 3-digit ZIP Code prefix; less-than-full trays not permitted.

Labels: For Line 1, use L801, Column B, for destination facility.

Rate: Basic

Mixed AADC 

Trays: Required for any remaining pieces placed in mixed AADC trays; pieces grouped by AADC; only one less-than-full/overflow tray permitted.

Labels: For Line 1, use L011, Column B (for BMC/ASF entry, use L010, Column B).

Rate: Basic

This graphic shows the traying sequence for Standard Mail Presorted Machinable Letters as described in the text.

Rates are based on tray in which pieces are placed.

Bundling not permitted except for mailings of card-size pieces and for pieces placed in less-than-full 3-digit or mixed AADC trays.

1. Only pieces meeting eligibility standards (150 or more pieces to a 3-digit area) may be prepared in 5-digit or 3-digit trays and be eligible for the 3/5 rate. The basic rate is applied for any 3-digit tray for origin SCF not meeting the 150-piece minimum.



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