Barcode Location: delivery point barcode or Intelligent Mail barcode either within address block or within barcode clear zone in lower right corner of mailpiece (202.5.0). Address Block Barcode: (202.5.0) Within address block (shown by dashed lines) must be: The minimum clearance between the barcode and any information line above or below it within the address block must be at least 0.040 (1/25) inch for POSTNET barcode or 0.028 inch for an Intelligent Mail barcode. The separation between the barcode and the top line or bottom line of the address block must not exceed 0.625 (5/8) inch. Recommended Address Placement: On a letter-size piece, the recommended address placement is within the optical character reader (OCR) read area, which is a space on the address side of the mailpiece defined by these boundaries (202.2.1): | Envelope Window and Label Placement: 0.125 (1/8) inch—minimum clearance between leftmost and rightmost bars and any printing or window edge. 0.040 (1/25) inch—minimum clearance between POSTNET barcode and top and bottom edges of window. 0.028 inch—minimum clearance between Intelligent Mail barcode and top and bottom edges of window. For envelope window, a clear space must be maintained when insert is moved to its full limits in each direction within envelope (202.5.0). Address Label Barcode Placement: 0.125 (1/8) inch—minimum clearance between the barcode and the left and right edges of the address label. 0.040 (1/25) inch—minimum clearance between POSTNET barcode and top and bottom edges of address label. 0.028 inch—minimum clearance between Intelligent Mail barcode and top and bottom edges of address label. | For Barcode in Lower Right Corner Location: Leftmost bar between 4-1/4 inches and 3-1/2 inches from right edge (202.5.0). Barcode Window: If the barcode is printed on an insert to appear through a window in the lower right corner, see 202.5.7. |