Quick Service Guide
May 31, 2015 Printer-Friendly PDF
Minimum weight irregular parcels: none.
Minimum weight machinable parcels: 6 ounces (3.5 ounces for parcels prepared under
Maximum weight: 15 pounds.
For an overview of the physical standards for commercial parcels, see Quick Service Guide 201e.
For a complete listing of Bound Printed Matter prices — see Notice 123–Price List.
Presorted, Carrier Route, and destination NDC (DNDC) prices: separate per piece and per pound charges based on weight and zone. Per pound charges must be calculated using a 1 pound minimum weight per piece, even if the pieces weigh less than 1 pound each. DSCF and DDU prices are not zoned. Destination entry discounts apply to mail prepared as prescribed by USPS and addressed for delivery within service area of destination NDC/ASF, SCF, or delivery unit (DDU) (266).
No annual mailing fee; however, there is an annual destination entry mailing fee.
Bound Printed Matter is typically catalogs, directories, books, and other printed material that weigh up to 15 pounds and meet specific eligibility standards in 263.3.0. Contents must:  Eligible mailings must meet the following minimum pieces: Mailings of 300 or more pieces, sorted, and marked as described below. Machinable parcels (201.7.5) and nonmachinable parcels (201.7.6) may not be combined in the same mailing. Each piece must include complete delivery address with correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 Code. Return address required for pieces with ancillary service endorsement or extra services. For Presorted prices, a certified process must be used at least once a year to ensure accuracy of 5-digit ZIP Codes. For Carrier Route price, carrier route information must be updated using CASS-certified process within 90 days before mailing (263.4.0). Destination entry discounts apply to mail prepared as prescribed by USPS and addressed for delivery within service area of destination NDC/ASF, SCF, or delivery unit (DDU) (266.2.0). Each piece entered at the Presorted or Carrier Route price must bear a unique Intelligent Mail package barcode, including a postal routing code, prepared under 708.5.0. Postage Payment and Documentation (264) Permit imprint (604.5.0). Postage statement: PS Form 3605-R or approved facsimile.  Markings (202.3.0): Pieces must be separated by zones when presented unless authorized under 705.2.0. Parcels must include a unique Intelligent Mail package barcode with a postal routing code, prepared under 708.5.0.  Generally at the Post Office where permit is held. 
Bundling and Sacking Sequence for Irregular Parcels Less than 10 Pounds (265.8.2) | | 5-Digit/Scheme1 Bundles: Scheme bundles required for 5-digit ZIP Codes in L606*. Required at 10 pieces or 10 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Maximum weight 20 pounds.2 Labels: Red Label 5 or optional endorsement line (OEL) (708.7.0). | 3-Digit Bundles: Required at 10 pieces or 10 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Maximum weight 20 pounds. Labels: Green Label 3 or OEL. | | ADC Bundles: Required at 10 pieces or 10 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Maximum weight 20 pounds. Labels: Pink Label A or OEL. | Mixed ADC Bundles: Required with no minimum. Maximum weight 20 pounds. Labels: Tan Label X or OEL. | 
| 5-Digit/Scheme1 Sacks: Required, at2 3 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted.4 Labels: Line 1: For 5-digit scheme sacks, use L606*, Column B. For 5-digit sacks, use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, use “PSVC IRREG 5D SCH.” For 5-digit sacks, use “PSVC IRREG 5D.” | 3-Digit Sacks: Required at 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Labels: For Line 1, use L002*, Column A. For Line 2, use “PSVC IRREG 3D.” | SCF Sacks: Optional at 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Labels: For Line 1, use L005*, Column B. For Line 2, use “PSVC IRREG SCF.” | ADC Sacks: Required at 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Labels: For Line 1, use L004*, Column B. For Line 2, use “PSVC IRREG ADC.” | Mixed ADC Sacks: Required; no minimum. Labels: For Line 1, use “MXD” followed by the city, state, and ZIP Code of ADC serving 3-digit prefix for the entry post office as shown in L009*, Column B. For Line 2, use “PSVC IRREG WKG.” | Each bundle (except mixed ADC bundles) must contain at least two addressed pieces. |
Sacking Machinable Parcels Not Claiming DNDC Prices (265.8.4) | 
| 5-Digit/Scheme2 Sacks: Required; minimum 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted.1 2 Labels: Line 1: For 5-digit scheme sacks, use L606*, Column B. For 5-digit sacks, use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, use “PSVC MACH 5D SCH.” For 5-digit sacks, use “PSVC MACH 5D.” | NDC Sacks: Required; minimum 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, smaller volumes not permitted. Labels: For Line 1, use L601*, Column B. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH NDC.” | Mixed NDC Sacks: Required; no minimum. Labels: For Line 1, “MXD” followed by the information in L601*, Column B for the NDC serving the 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of the entry post office. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH WKG.” | For Bound Printed Matter machinable parcels claiming DNDC prices, see 465.5.5. |
Palletizing Machinable Parcels (705.8.10.6) | 
| 5-Digit Scheme Optional at 250 pounds. Labels: For Line 1, use L606*, Column B. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH 5D SCH.” | 5-Digit Required at 500 pounds. Optional at 250 pounds. Labels: For Line 1, use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH 5D.” | ASF Optional at 250 pounds. Allowed only for mail deposited at an ASF to claim DNDC prices. Labels: For Line 1, use L602*. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH ASF.” | NDC Required at 500 pounds. Optional at 250 pounds. Labels: For Line 1, use L601*. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH NDC.” | Mixed NDC Optional at 250 pounds. Labels: For Line 1, use MXD followed by L601*, Column B information for NDC serving the 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of the entry post office. For Line 2, use “PSVC MACH WKG.” |
*http://fast.usps.com (Click “Resources,” then “Labeling List File Download.”) Back to Top