Postage for single-piece First-Class Mail must be paid with affixed postage stamps (604.1.0), metered postage (604.4.0) or permit imprint (604.5.0) as specified in 1.0. A permit imprint may be used for mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces only if authorized by Business Mailer Support at USPS Headquarters. The mailer is responsible for prompt payment of postage.
In a postage-affixed single-piece mailing, the mailer must apply enough value in adhesive stamps or meter stamps equal to the postage required (including any surcharges). A mailer also may use precanceled stamps on single-piece First-Class Mail under 604.3.0, Precanceled Stamps.
When two or more individuals or organizations, or a party acting as their agent, mail in one package the bills, statements of account, or other letters of the individuals or organizations, to an addressee in common, First-Class Mail postage may be paid on the weight of the entire package of aggregated mail. Postage is not required on each individual piece of First-Class Mail.
An individual or organization may mail in one envelope more than one of the mailer’s own letters and pay First-Class Mail postage on the weight of the entire package of letters if:
a. The letters are for persons at the same residence or working for the same organization at the address on the envelope (if the letters relate to the business of such organization); or
b. The letters are sent to a party who turns them over to other persons as part of a minor service provided in addition to a substantial and independent sales, service, or other business function that party performs for such persons.
Any agent of a licensing authority may forward completed applications in one envelope to an office of the licensing authority and pay First-Class Mail postage on the weight of the piece.
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A mailer may be authorized to mail material without affixing postage when payment is made at the time of mailing from a permit imprint advance deposit account established with the USPS for that purpose. This payment method may be used for postage and extra service fees. This method must not be used to pay postage on any mailpiece that is designed for reply mail purposes.
Permit imprint mailings must contain at least 200 pieces or 50 pounds, except that an occasional First-Class Mail mailing may contain fewer than 200 pieces if from a mailer whose total daily mailings are not much more than 200 pieces but who, to cooperate with the Post Office, presents a part of that mail early in the day.
A complete postage statement must accompany each mailing paid with a permit imprint.