Contents Index
M000 General Preparation Standards
M010 Mailpieces

M014 Carrier Route Information Lines


M014 describes carrier route information elements and lists descriptive prefixes (e.g., “Rural Route” (“R”)).

1.0 Basic Information

Packages for individual carrier routes, rural routes, highway contract routes, post office box sections, or general delivery units must be prepared with facing slips under M020, optional endorsement lines under M013, or carrier route information lines under 2.0. These standards apply to automation Carrier Route First-Class Mail, Carrier Route Periodicals, Enhanced Carrier Route Standard Mail, and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter mailings. Carrier route information lines may be on all pieces in a mailing, regardless of presort level.

2.0 Format and Content

2.1Route Information

Carrier route information consisting of a descriptive prefix (or its abbreviation), plus a route number or numeric code, must be on the top line of the address, either alone or with other information (e.g., addressee, account data). Alternatively, when permitted by standard, the carrier route information may appear with the applicable carrier route endorsement on the line above or two lines above the address if the carrier route rate marking is in the address area (see Exhibit 2.1).

Exhibit 2.1Address Formats With Carrier Route Information

Shows acceptable formats for addresses with carrier route information.

2.2Descriptive Prefix

The authorized descriptive prefixes and their abbreviations are “Carrier Route” (“C”), “Rural Route” (“R”), “Highway Contract Route” (“H”), “Post Office Box Section” (“B”), and “General Delivery Unit” (“G”).

2.3Route Code

These conditions apply to the carrier route code:

a. The one-character descriptive prefix in 2.2 must be followed by a 3-digit route or post office box section number.

b. On Periodicals and Standard Mail pieces bearing a simplified address that does not include a ZIP Code, the descriptive prefix in 2.2 must be followed by the last two digits of the 5-digit ZIP Code and the 3-digit route number or post office box section number.

c. The route code required for simplified address mailings in 2.3b may also be used on mailings of any class that contain a ZIP Code in the address.

2.4Other Elements

The following elements also are included in the carrier route information line:

a. The carrier route code must be preceded by at least two asterisks (**) or other distinctive nonalphabetic or nonnumeric characters.

b. At least 10 spaces must be reserved for the carrier route code if other information is included on the top line.

c. The carrier route information line may also contain the basic markings required by standard for the class of mail and rate claimed, prepared under M012.

d. The carrier route information line may also include information to identify packages of Periodicals matter mailed at:

(1) carrier route saturation rates (“SATURATION WALK-SEQUENCED CARRIER ROUTE MAIL” or the abbreviation “CAR-RT WSS”),

(2) high density walk-sequenced rates (“HIGH DENSITY WALK-
SEQUENCED CARRIER ROUTE MAIL” or the abbreviation “CAR-RT WSH”), or

(3) basic carrier route rates (“CARRIER ROUTE LINE-OF-TRAVEL” or the abbreviation “CAR-RT LOT”).

2.5Firm Package

On a firm package of carrier route presorted Periodicals, “FIRM” may precede “CAR-RT LOT” or “CAR-RT WSH” or “CAR-RT WSS,” as applicable, in the carrier route information line.

DMM Issue 58 (8-10-03)