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M000 General Preparation Standards
M050 describes the basic standards for walk-sequence rate eligibility. The section includes mail with simplified and without simplified addressing, explains line-of-travel sequencing and required documentation for carrier sequencing, high-density rate, and saturation density rate mail.
Mailpieces for which a walk-sequence discount is claimed must be organized in the delivery sequence determined by the USPS and prepared as a carrier route mailing under M220 or M620 (as appropriate) and the standards below. Pieces prepared with a simplified address must also meet the corresponding standards.
Some mailpieces cannot be sequenced because an exact match for a name or address cannot be obtained. These pieces may be included in a sequenced mailing only if they are placed behind or after the sequenced mail. Arrange these pieces:
a. Alphabetically by complete street name, then either in ascending order by ZIP+4 code sector segments or numerically in ascending order by primary address.
b. Numerically for numbered streets, then either in ascending order by ZIP+4 code sector segments or numerically in ascending order by primary address.
Walk-sequence rate pieces prepared with a simplified address must be based on delivery stop information obtained within 90 days before the mailing date, either from the Delivery Statistics File or from the postmaster of the destination office.
[12-11-03] Walk-sequence rate pieces prepared with other than a simplified address format under 2.1 must be sequenced using USPS data from one of the following sources, issued within 90 days before the mailing date:
a. The Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) file.
b. The Delivery Sequence File, Second Generation (DSF2).
c. Delivery sequence information from USPS address sequencing services, as requested by the customer.
Mailings prepared with out-of-date walk-sequencing information are not eligible for walk-sequence rates.
[12-11-03] Unless the mail is prepared in carrier walk sequence, line-of-travel (LOT) sequence is required for mailings at Standard Mail Enhanced Carrier Route basic rates and Periodicals carrier route basic rates. LOT sequence is not an exact walk sequence but a sequence of ZIP+4 codes arranged in the order that the route is served by a carrier. (First the ZIP+4 groups are sequenced, then the addresses within each are identified as being in ascending or descending order.) The USPS eLOT product provides a list of the ZIP+4 codes each carrier route serves, identifies the order in which they are delivered, and provides an indicator specifying whether the addresses that share the same ZIP+4 code must be sorted in ascending or descending order. When a range of ZIP+4 codes on the same carrier route are assigned the same sequence number, the addresses bearing those ZIP+4 codes must be arranged in ascending ZIP+4 code order before the sequence number is assigned. LOT information must be updated within 90 days before the date of mailing.
[12-11-03] The postage statement must be annotated in the Carrier Route Sequencing Date block on page 1. The mailer must annotate the postage statement to show the earliest (oldest) date of the method (in 3.1a through 3.1e) used to obtain sequencing information for the mailing. The mailers signature on the postage statement certifies that this standard has been met when the corresponding mail is presented to the USPS. The mailer must maintain documentation to substantiate compliance with the standards for carrier route sequencing. Unless submitted with each corresponding mailing, the mailer must be able to provide the USPS with documentation (if requested) of accurate sequencing or delivery statistics for each carrier route to which pieces are mailed. Acceptable forms of documentation are:
a. The invoice showing that the addresses came from CDS.
b. DSF2 invoice or documentation.
c. Copies of the delivery unit summaries that served as the mailer's bills for address sequencing service charges.
d. Evidence of receipt of information from postmasters for simplified address mailings (see A930).
e. Form 3553 showing the date of the eLOT product used, or the date from the USPS Qualification report produced by presort software.
The following documentation must be submitted for high density rate mail:
a. Standard Mail and Periodicals Other Than In-County Mail Qualifying Under E230.3.4c. For each carrier route to which high density rate mail is addressed, the mailer must document the total number of addressed pieces to the route. If there are fewer than 125 addressed pieces for a given route, the documentation also must show the number of possible deliveries on the route.
b. Periodicals In-County Mail Qualifying Under E230.3.4c. For each carrier route for which Periodicals In-County high density rates are claimed under the minimum 25% of the total active possible deliveries per carrier route under E230.3.4c, the documentation must show for each carrier route for which the rates are claimed the total number of active possible deliveries and the number and percentage of deliveries to which mailpieces are addressed. The documentation must be listed by 5-digit ZIP Code and, within each, by carrier route. It must be submitted with each applicable mailing.
For each carrier route to which mail with a simplified address is sent at the saturation rate, the mailer must be able to document that the mailing meets the applicable density standard. This documentation must show the total number of active possible deliveries and the total number to which mailpieces in the mailing are being addressed, by 5-digit ZIP Code and, within each, by carrier route. It must be submitted with each applicable mailing.
For each carrier route to which mail without a simplified address is sent at the saturation rate, the mailer must be able to document that the mailing meets the applicable density standards. This documentation must show either the total number of active possible residential deliveries and the number and percentage to which mailpieces are addressed, or the total number of all active possible deliveries and the number and percentage to which mailpieces are addressed, depending on whether qualification is based on the 90% or 75% criterion, respectively. The documentation must be listed by 5-digit ZIP Code and, within each, by carrier route. It must be submitted with each applicable mailing.
If a mailing contains pieces qualifying for both walk-sequence rates, the documentation required by 3.2 and either 3.3 or 3.4 may be combined. Entries for pieces at the high density rate must be so annotated on the documentation. For the entire mailing, a summary of the total number of pieces at each rate must be provided. This documentation must be submitted with each applicable mailing.
If a mailing includes high density and saturation rate and basic carrier route rate pieces, in addition to the applicable information required by 3.2 through 3.5, the documentation for the basic carrier route rate mail must show, by 5-digit ZIP Code and, within each, by carrier route, the total number of addressed pieces at each rate for each carrier route to which pieces are addressed. Pieces qualifying for the basic carrier route rate must be so annotated. For the entire mailing, a summary by 5-digit ZIP Code of the total number of pieces at each rate must be provided. This documentation must be submitted with each applicable mailing to meet the documentation standard for the carrier route rate.
DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04