Contents Index



R100 First-Class Mail



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.23 each.

1.2Letters, Flats, and Parcels

Letters, flats, and parcels; nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce $0.37
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.23



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.212 each.

2.2Letters, Flats, and Parcels

Letters, flats, and parcels; nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.352
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.311
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225

3.0 Qualified Business Reply Mail


Cards meeting the standards in E150 and S922, in addition to the fees in R900: $0.200 each.


Letter-size single pieces meeting the standards in E150 and S922. See also the fees for QBRM in R900:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce $0.340
Second ounce or fraction 0.230



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.194 each.


Letter-size pieces:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce  
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.309
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.268
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225

Flat-size pieces; nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.341
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.300
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.187 each.


Letter-size pieces:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce  
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.301
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.260
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225

Flat-size pieces; nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.333
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.292
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.183 each.


Letter-size pieces:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.292
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.251
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225

Flat-size pieces; nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.322
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.281
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.176 each.


Letter-size pieces:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.278
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.237
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225

Flat-size pieces; nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.302
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.261
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225



Cards meeting the standards in C100: $0.170 each.


Letter-size pieces:

Weight Increment Rate
First ounce or fraction of an ounce
(For pieces weighing 2 ounces or less) $0.275
(For pieces weighing more than 2 ounces) 0.234
Each additional ounce or fraction 0.225

9.0 SummarY

9.1Single-Piece and Presorted

  Weight Not Over (ounces) Single-Piece Presorted
Letters, Flats, and Parcels
  11 $0.370 $0.352
  2 0.600 0.577
  32 0.830 0.761
  4 1.060 0.986
  5 1.290 1.211
  6 1.520 1.436
  7 1.750 1.661
  8 1.980 1.886
  9 2.210 2.111
10 2.440 2.336
11 2.670 2.561
12 2.900 2.786
13 3.130 3.011
Cards3 0.230 0.212
  1. Nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply to pieces that weigh 1 ounce or less: single-piece $0.12; presorted $0.055.
  2. Presorted rates for pieces weighing over 2 ounces reflect a discount of $0.041 per piece.
  3. Rates shown apply to each single or double postcard when originally mailed; reply half of double postcard must bear postage at applicable rate when returned unless prepared as business reply mail.

  Letters1 Flats2
Weight Not Over (ounces) Mixed AADC AADC 3-Digit 5-Digit Carrier Route Mixed ADC ADC



Letters, Flats, and Parcels
  1 $0.309 $0.301 $0.292 $0.278 $0.275 $0.341 $0.333 $0.322 $0.302
  2 0.534 0.526 0.517 0.503 0.500 0.566 0.558 0.547 0.527
  33 0.718 0.710 0.701 0.687 0.684 0.750 0.742 0.731 0.711
  4 0.943 0.935 0.926 0.912 0.909 0.975 0.967 0.956 0.936
  5 1.200 1.192 1.181 1.161
  6 1.425 1.417 1.406 1.386
  7 1.650 1.642 1.631 1.611
  8 1.875 1.867 1.856 1.836
  9 2.100 2.092 2.081 2.061
10 2.325 2.317 2.306 2.286
11 2.550 2.542 2.531 2.511
12 2.775 2.767 2.756 2.736
13 3.000 2.992 2.981 2.961
Cards4 0.194 0.187 0.183 0.176 0.170
  1. Weight cannot exceed 3.3 ounces.
  2. Nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply to pieces that weigh 1 ounce or less: $0.055 per piece.
  3. Automation rates for pieces weighing over 2 ounces reflect a discount of $0.041 per piece.
  4. Rates shown apply to each single or double postcard when originally mailed; reply half of double postcard must bear postage at applicable rate when returned unless prepared as business reply mail.

10.0 Priority Mail

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

The 1-pound rate is charged for matter sent in a Priority Mail flat-rate envelope provided by the USPS, regardless of the actual weight of the piece.








Not Over
Zones Local, 1, 2, & 3 Zone
Not Over
Zones Local, 1, 2, & 3 Zone
1 $3.85 $3.85 $3.85 $3.85 $3.85 $3.85 36 $22.25 $31.10 $35.85 $43.55 $48.65 $63.85
2 3.95 4.55 4.90 5.05 5.40 5.75 37 22.75 31.95 36.80 44.65 49.90 65.60
3 4.75 6.05 6.85 7.15 7.85 8.55 38 23.30 32.65 37.70 45.85 51.15 67.30
4 5.30 7.05 8.05 8.50 9.45 10.35 39 23.75 33.50 38.65 47.00 52.40 69.05
5 5.85 8.00 9.30 9.85 11.00 12.15 40 24.25 34.30 39.60 48.10 53.60 70.75
6 6.30 8.85 9.90 10.05 11.30 12.30 41 24.70 35.00 40.45 49.25 54.85 72.45
7 6.80 9.80 10.65 11.00 12.55 14.05 42 25.20 35.85 41.35 50.30 56.15 74.20
8 7.35 10.75 11.45 11.95 13.80 15.75 43 25.65 36.60 42.30 51.50 57.40 75.90
9 7.90 11.70 12.20 12.90 15.05 17.50 44 26.15 37.40 43.25 52.60 58.70 77.60
10 8.40 12.60 13.00 14.00 16.30 19.20 45 26.60 38.20 44.15 53.75 59.95 79.35
11 8.95 13.35 13.75 15.15 17.55 20.90 46 27.10 39.00 45.05 54.85 61.20 81.05
12 9.50 14.05 14.50 16.30 18.80 22.65 47 27.55 39.75 46.00 56.05 62.50 82.75
13 10.00 14.75 15.30 17.50 20.05 24.35 48 28.05 40.60 46.95 57.20 63.75 84.50
14 10.55 15.45 16.05 18.60 21.25 26.05 49 28.50 41.35 47.80 58.30 65.05 86.20
15 11.05 16.20 16.85 19.75 22.50 27.80 50 28.95 42.15 48.75 59.45 66.30 87.95
16 11.60 16.90 17.60 20.85 23.75 29.50 51 29.45 42.95 49.65 60.55 67.55 89.65
17 12.15 17.60 18.35 22.05 25.00 31.20 52 29.90 43.75 50.60 61.75 68.80 91.35
18 12.65 18.30 19.30 23.15 26.25 32.95 53 30.40 44.50 51.50 62.85 70.05 93.10
19 13.20 19.00 20.20 24.30 27.50 34.65 54 30.85 45.25 52.45 63.95 71.30 94.80
20 13.75 19.75 21.15 25.35 28.75 36.40 55 31.35 46.10 53.40 65.05 72.50 96.50
21 14.25 20.45 22.05 26.55 30.00 38.10 56 31.80 46.85 54.25 66.25 73.75 98.25
22 14.80 21.15 22.95 27.65 31.20 39.80 57 32.30 47.65 55.15 67.35 75.00 99.95
23 15.30 21.85 23.90 28.80 32.45 41.55 58 32.75 48.45 56.10 68.50 76.25 101.65
24 15.85 22.55 24.85 29.90 33.70 43.25 59 33.25 49.25 57.05 69.60 77.50 103.40
25 16.40 23.30 25.75 31.10 34.95 44.95 60 33.70 50.00 58.00 70.80 78.75 105.10
26 16.90 24.00 26.60 32.25 36.20 46.70 61 34.20 50.85 58.85 71.95 80.00 106.85
27 17.45 24.70 27.55 33.35 37.45 48.40 62 34.65 51.55 59.80 73.05 81.25 108.55
28 18.00 25.40 28.50 34.50 38.70 50.15 63 35.15 52.40 60.75 74.20 82.50 110.25
29 18.50 26.15 29.45 35.60 39.95 51.85 64 35.60 53.20 61.70 75.35 83.70 112.00
30 19.05 26.85 30.35 36.80 41.20 53.55 65 36.10 53.90 62.50 76.45 84.95 113.70
31 19.55 27.55 31.20 37.85 42.40 55.30 66 36.55 54.75 63.45 77.55 86.20 115.40
32 20.10 28.25 32.15 39.00 43.65 57.00 67 37.05 55.60 64.40 78.70 87.45 117.15
33 20.65 28.95 33.10 40.10 44.90 58.70 68 37.50 56.30 65.35 79.80 88.70 118.85
34 21.15 29.70 34.00 41.25 46.15 60.45 69 38.00 57.10 66.25 81.00 89.95 120.55
35 21.70 30.40 34.95 42.40 47.40 62.15 70 38.45 57.95 67.15 82.10 91.20 122.30



Weight Not Over (ounces) Rate1
12 $0.97
2 1.20
3 1.43
4 1.66
5 1.89
6 2.12
7 2.35
8 2.58
9 2.81
10 3.04
11 3.27
12 3.50
13 3.73
1 pound 4.45
2 pounds 5.153
  1. Includes $0.60 fee.
  2. Nonmachinable surcharge in 12.0 might apply.
  3. Zone 4 postage charged for all pieces. See E120.2.4.

12.0 Nonmachinable SURCHARGES

Surcharge per piece (see C050.2.2, E130, and E140):

a. Single-piece rate: $0.12.

b. Presorted and automation rate: $0.055.

13.0 FEES

13.1Presort Mailing Fee

Presort mailing fee, per 12-month period, per office of mailing: $150.00.

13.2Pickup Fee

Priority Mail only, per occurrence: $12.50.

May be combined with Express Mail and Package Services pickups (see D010).

DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04