Contents Index



R700 Package Services


1.1Inter-BMC/ASF Machinable Parcel Post

For barcoded discount, deduct $0.03 per parcel (50-piece minimum). For OBMC Presort discount, deduct $1.17 per parcel. For BMC Presort discount, deduct $0.28 per parcel.

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that meets any of the criteria in C700.2.0 must pay the rate for a nonmachinable parcel in 1.2.


Weight Not Over (pounds) Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5 Zone 6 Zone 7 Zone 8
 1 $3.69 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75 $3.75
2 3.85 3.85 4.14 4.14 4.49 4.49 4.49
3 4.65 4.65 5.55 5.65 5.71 5.77 6.32
4 4.86 5.20 6.29 6.93 7.14 7.20 7.87
5 5.03 5.71 6.94 7.75 8.58 8.64 9.43
6 5.63 6.01 7.44 8.50 9.52 9.90 11.49
7 5.80 6.28 7.91 9.20 10.35 11.39 12.83
8 5.98 6.53 8.30 9.84 11.11 12.54 15.04
9 6.11 6.76 8.74 10.45 11.83 13.38 17.04
10 6.28 7.57 9.10 11.01 12.50 14.17 18.14
11 6.41 7.80 9.47 11.54 13.13 14.92 19.15
12 6.54 8.01 9.80 12.04 13.72 15.62 20.10
13 6.67 8.19 10.12 12.51 14.28 16.27 20.99
14 6.80 8.42 10.43 12.95 14.81 16.90 21.84
15 6.92 8.61 10.73 13.38 15.31 17.49 22.64
16 7.02 8.79 11.00 13.78 15.79 18.05 23.41
17 7.15 8.94 11.28 14.16 16.24 18.59 24.13
18 7.25 9.11 11.52 14.52 16.68 19.09 24.82
19 7.37 9.28 11.77 14.87 17.09 19.58 25.48
20 7.46 9.43 11.98 15.20 17.48 20.05 26.12
21 7.57 9.59 12.20 15.52 17.86 20.49 26.72
22 7.66 9.72 12.42 15.82 18.22 20.92 27.30
23 7.76 9.89 12.65 16.11 18.57 21.32 27.85
24 7.83 10.01 12.83 16.39 18.90 21.72 28.39
25 7.93 10.14 13.03 16.66 19.22 22.09 28.90
26 8.01 10.27 13.21 16.92 19.53 22.46 29.39
27 8.11 10.40 13.38 17.17 19.83 22.81 29.87
28 8.18 10.52 13.58 17.41 20.11 23.14 30.32
29 8.27 10.65 13.75 17.64 20.39 23.47 30.76
30 8.35 10.76 13.90 17.87 20.65 23.78 31.19
31 8.44 10.86 14.06 18.08 20.91 24.08 31.60
32 8.50 10.99 14.22 18.29 21.16 24.37 32.00
33 8.58 11.10 14.38 18.49 21.40 24.65 32.38
34 8.66 11.18 14.51 18.69 21.63 24.93 32.75
35 8.74 11.30 14.66 18.88 21.85 25.19 33.11
For parcels that weigh more than 35 pounds, see 1.2.



1.2 Inter-BMC/ASF Nonmachinable Parcel Post

Rates shown include the $2.75 nonmachinable surcharge. The nonmachinable surcharge does not apply to parcels mailed at oversized rates or parcels sent with special handling. Regardless of weight, a parcel that meets any of the criteria in C700.2.0 must pay the rate listed in this table.

For OBMC Presort discount, deduct $1.17 per parcel. For BMC Presort discount, deduct $0.28 per parcel.

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized rate.


















Not Over
Zones 1 & 2 Zone
Not Over
Zones 1 & 2 Zone
 1 $6.44 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 $6.50 37 $11.62 $14.23 $17.68 $21.98 $25.03 $28.44 $36.54
2 6.60 6.60 6.89 6.89 7.24 7.24 7.24 38 11.69 14.35 17.82 22.16 25.23 28.68 36.87
3 7.40 7.40 8.30 8.40 8.46 8.52 9.07 39 11.77 14.42 17.94 22.32 25.43 28.92 37.18
4 7.61 7.95 9.04 9.68 9.89 9.95 10.62 40 11.84 14.53 18.07 22.48 25.62 29.14 37.49
5 7.78 8.46 9.69 10.50 11.33 11.39 12.18 41 11.92 14.63 18.19 22.64 25.81 29.36 37.79
6 8.38 8.76 10.19 11.25 12.27 12.65 14.24 42 11.98 14.71 18.31 22.79 25.99 29.57 38.08
7 8.55 9.03 10.66 11.95 13.10 14.14 15.58 43 12.03 14.80 18.43 22.94 26.16 29.78 38.36
8 8.73 9.28 11.05 12.59 13.86 15.29 17.79 44 12.10 14.87 18.54 23.08 26.33 29.98 38.63
9 8.86 9.51 11.49 13.20 14.58 16.13 19.79 45 12.16 14.97 18.66 23.22 26.50 30.18 38.89
10 9.03 10.32 11.85 13.76 15.25 16.92 20.89 46 12.23 15.05 18.77 23.36 26.66 30.37 39.15
11 9.16 10.55 12.22 14.29 15.88 17.67 21.90 47 12.31 15.14 18.87 23.49 26.81 30.55 39.40
12 9.29 10.76 12.55 14.79 16.47 18.37 22.85 48 12.36 15.22 18.99 23.61 26.97 30.73 39.64
13 9.42 10.94 12.87 15.26 17.03 19.02 23.74 49 12.41 15.30 19.09 23.74 27.11 30.90 39.88
14 9.55 11.17 13.18 15.70 17.56 19.65 24.59 50 12.47 15.36 19.17 23.86 27.26 31.07 40.11
15 9.67 11.36 13.48 16.13 18.06 20.24 25.39 51 12.54 15.45 19.29 23.98 27.40 31.24 40.34
16 9.77 11.54 13.75 16.53 18.54 20.80 26.16 52 12.59 15.53 19.38 24.09 27.54 31.40 40.55
17 9.90 11.69 14.03 16.91 18.99 21.34 26.88 53 12.66 15.59 19.45 24.20 27.67 31.56 40.77
18 10.00 11.86 14.27 17.27 19.43 21.84 27.57 54 12.71 15.69 19.56 24.31 27.80 31.71 40.97
19 10.12 12.03 14.52 17.62 19.84 22.33 28.23 55 12.76 15.72 19.66 24.42 27.92 31.86 41.18
20 10.21 12.18 14.73 17.95 20.23 22.80 28.87 56 12.84 15.83 19.74 24.52 28.05 32.00 41.37
21 10.32 12.34 14.95 18.27 20.61 23.24 29.47 57 12.89 15.89 19.84 24.62 28.17 32.14 41.57
22 10.41 12.47 15.17 18.57 20.97 23.67 30.05 58 12.94 15.96 19.91 24.72 28.28 32.28 41.75
23 10.51 12.64 15.40 18.86 21.32 24.07 30.60 59 13.01 16.02 20.01 24.82 28.40 32.42 41.94
24 10.58 12.76 15.58 19.14 21.65 24.47 31.14 60 13.06 16.09 20.10 24.91 28.51 32.55 42.11
25 10.68 12.89 15.78 19.41 21.97 24.84 31.65 61 13.14 16.18 20.17 25.00 28.62 32.67 42.29
26 10.76 13.02 15.96 19.67 22.28 25.21 32.14 62 13.19 16.23 20.25 25.09 28.72 32.80 42.46
27 10.86 13.15 16.13 19.92 22.58 25.56 32.62 63 13.22 16.31 20.34 25.18 28.83 32.92 42.62
28 10.93 13.27 16.33 20.16 22.86 25.89 33.07 64 13.27 16.36 20.41 25.26 28.93 33.04 42.78
29 11.02 13.40 16.50 20.39 23.14 26.22 33.51 65 13.33 16.43 20.49 25.35 29.03 33.16 42.94
30 11.10 13.51 16.65 20.62 23.40 26.53 33.94 66 13.40 16.50 20.56 25.43 29.12 33.27 43.10
31 11.19 13.61 16.81 20.83 23.66 26.83 34.35 67 13.46 16.56 20.64 25.51 29.22 33.38 43.25
32 11.25 13.74 16.97 21.04 23.91 27.12 34.75 68 13.50 16.62 20.73 25.59 29.31 33.49 43.39
33 11.33 13.85 17.13 21.24 24.15 27.40 35.13 69 13.55 16.67 20.80 25.66 29.40 33.59 43.54
34 11.41 13.93 17.26 21.44 24.38 27.68 35.50 70 13.61 16.75 20.87 25.73 29.49 33.70 43.68
35 11.49 14.05 17.41 21.63 24.60 27.94 35.86 Oversized 41.70 46.73 54.12 65.84 79.69 92.81 120.72
36 11.55 14.14 17.57 21.81 24.82 28.20 36.20  
1.3Local and Intra-BMC/ASF Machinable Parcel Post

For parcels that originate and destinate in the same BMC service area.

For barcoded discount, deduct $0.03 per parcel (50-piece minimum).

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that meets any of the criteria in C700.2.0 must pay the rate for a nonmachinable parcel in 1.4.

Not Over
Zones 1 & 2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5
  1 $2.81 $2.96 $2.99 $3.05 $3.14
  2 3.13 3.53 3.56 3.63 3.74
  3 3.44 4.08 4.11 4.20 4.32
  4 3.73 4.28 4.62 4.72 4.86
  5 3.99 4.45 5.02 5.15 5.35
  6 4.23 4.61 5.38 5.51 5.80
  7 4.36 4.76 5.69 5.84 6.21
  8 4.46 5.33 5.98 6.14 6.60
  9 4.56 5.46 6.22 6.45 6.95
10 4.66 5.63 6.53 6.74 7.28
11 4.74 5.76 6.74 7.00 7.58
12 4.84 5.91 6.94 7.26 7.87
13 4.92 6.04 7.10 7.50 8.13
14 5.00 6.16 7.22 7.75 8.38
15 5.08 6.27 7.39 7.96 8.62
16 5.17 6.38 7.56 8.16 8.84
17 5.23 6.51 7.72 8.38 9.05
18 5.30 6.60 7.87 8.57 9.24
19 5.36 6.72 8.02 8.75 9.43
20 5.46 6.82 8.16 8.91 9.60
21 5.51 6.91 8.30 9.06 9.77
22 5.57 7.02 8.42 9.20 9.92
23 5.64 7.10 8.58 9.34 10.07
24 5.70 7.19 8.70 9.46 10.22
25 5.77 7.27 8.82 9.58 10.35
26 5.82 7.37 8.93 9.71 10.48
27 5.88 7.45 9.06 9.82 10.60
28 5.94 7.52 9.18 9.91 10.72
29 6.01 7.61 9.30 10.02 10.83
30 6.08 7.69 9.40 10.12 10.93
31 6.13 7.77 9.48 10.21 11.04
32 6.18 7.86 9.60 10.31 11.13
33 6.25 7.92 9.70 10.39 11.23
34 6.30 8.00 9.78 10.47 11.31
35 6.35 8.06 9.89 10.55 11.40
For parcels that weigh more than 35 pounds, see 1.4.
1.4Local and Intra-BMC/ASF Nonmachinable Parcel Post

Rates shown include the $1.35 nonmachinable surcharge. The nonmachinable surcharge does not apply to parcels mailed at oversized rates or parcels sent with special handling. Regardless of weight, a parcel that meets any of the criteria in C700.2.0 must pay the rate listed in this table.

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized rate.


Weight Not Over (pounds) Local
Zones 1&2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5   Weight Not Over (pounds) Local
Zones 1&2 Zone 3 Zone 4 Zone 5
1 $4.16 $4.31 $4.34 $4.40 $4.49 37 $7.79 $9.57 $11.41 $12.05 $12.91
2 4.48 4.88 4.91 4.98 5.09 38 7.84 9.63 11.50 12.12 12.98
3 4.79 5.43 5.46 5.55 5.67 39 7.91 9.71 11.60 12.18 13.05
4 5.08 5.63 5.97 6.07 6.21 40 7.96 9.76 11.67 12.24 13.12
5 5.34 5.80 6.37 6.50 6.70 41 8.02 9.85 11.78 12.30 13.19
6 5.58 5.96 6.73 6.86 7.15 42 8.07 9.90 11.85 12.37 13.25
7 5.71 6.11 7.04 7.19 7.56 43 8.12 9.96 11.93 12.43 13.30
8 5.81 6.68 7.33 7.49 7.95 44 8.19 10.03 12.01 12.49 13.35
9 5.91 6.81 7.57 7.80 8.30 45 8.23 10.08 12.08 12.65 13.40
10 6.01 6.98 7.88 8.09 8.63 46 8.27 10.17 12.17 12.70 13.45
11 6.09 7.11 8.09 8.35 8.93 47 8.33 10.24 12.23 12.75 13.50
12 6.19 7.26 8.29 8.61 9.22 48 8.38 10.29 12.32 12.79 13.55
13 6.27 7.39 8.45 8.85 9.48 49 8.42 10.36 12.39 12.84 13.60
14 6.35 7.51 8.57 9.10 9.73 50 8.47 10.39 12.46 12.88 13.65
15 6.43 7.62 8.74 9.31 9.97 51 8.53 10.48 12.52 12.93 13.70
16 6.52 7.73 8.91 9.51 10.19 52 8.56 10.54 12.62 12.97 13.75
17 6.58 7.86 9.07 9.73 10.40 53 8.61 10.57 12.67 13.00 13.80
18 6.65 7.95 9.22 9.92 10.59 54 8.67 10.63 12.71 13.05 13.85
19 6.71 8.07 9.37 10.10 10.78 55 8.72 10.69 12.75 13.10 13.90
20 6.81 8.17 9.51 10.26 10.95 56 8.75 10.75 12.79 13.14 13.95
21 6.86 8.26 9.65 10.41 11.12 57 8.80 10.82 12.81 13.16 14.00
22 6.92 8.37 9.77 10.55 11.27 58 8.85 10.87 12.85 13.20 14.05
23 6.99 8.45 9.93 10.69 11.42 59 8.90 10.92 12.88 13.24 14.10
24 7.05 8.54 10.05 10.81 11.57 60 8.92 10.99 12.91 13.26 14.15
25 7.12 8.62 10.17 10.93 11.70 61 9.01 11.05 12.94 13.30 14.20
26 7.17 8.72 10.28 11.06 11.83 62 9.03 11.10 12.97 13.36 14.25
27 7.23 8.80 10.41 11.17 11.95 63 9.08 11.15 12.99 13.43 14.30
28 7.29 8.87 10.53 11.26 12.07 64 9.13 11.21 13.01 13.48 14.35
29 7.36 8.96 10.65 11.37 12.18 65 9.17 11.26 13.05 13.54 14.40
30 7.43 9.04 10.75 11.47 12.28 66 9.20 11.33 13.07 13.61 14.45
31 7.48 9.12 10.83 11.56 12.39 67 9.27 11.39 13.10 13.68 14.50
32 7.53 9.21 10.95 11.66 12.48 68 9.31 11.41 13.11 13.72 14.55
33 7.60 9.27 11.05 11.74 12.58 69 9.32 11.48 13.13 13.79 14.60
34 7.65 9.35 11.13 11.82 12.66 70 9.33 11.53 13.16 13.85 14.65
35 7.70 9.41 11.24 11.90 12.75 Oversized 23.78 34.47 34.79 35.48 36.53
36 7.75 9.48 11.32 11.97 12.83
1.5Parcel Select DBMC

Destination facility ZIP Codes only.

For barcoded discount, deduct $0.03 per parcel (machinable parcels only).

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized rate.

For nonmachinable Parcel Select DBMC parcels, add $1.45 per parcel. Any parcel that weighs more than 35 pounds or that meets any of the criteria in C700.2.0 must pay the nonmachinable surcharge. The nonmachinable surcharge does not apply to parcels mailed at oversized rates or parcels sent with special handling.


Not Over
Zones 1 & 2 Zone
Not Over
1 & 2
  1 $2.01 $2.26 $2.49 $3.09 37 $6.95 $10.03 $10.66 $11.53
  2 2.24 2.76 3.19 3.69 38 7.03 10.12 10.74 11.60
3 2.49 3.27 3.84 4.28 39 7.11 10.21 10.80 11.68
4 2.72 3.75 4.41 4.81 40 7.19 10.29 10.86 11.74
5 2.94 4.20 4.82 5.30 41 7.27 10.40 10.92 11.80
6 3.15 4.60 5.16 5.75 42 7.34 10.47 10.99 11.87
7 3.34 4.96 5.47 6.18 43 7.42 10.56 11.05 12.16
8 3.53 5.32 5.76 6.56 44 7.49 10.63 11.11 12.45
9 3.71 5.64 6.05 6.91 45 7.56 10.69 11.26 12.76
10 3.88 5.97 6.71 7.24 46 7.63 10.79 11.31 13.06
11 4.04 6.27 6.96 7.54 47 7.70 10.85 11.36 13.37
12 4.20 6.56 7.22 7.84 48 7.77 10.94 11.41 13.69
13 4.35 6.80 7.46 8.10 49 7.84 11.01 11.46 14.01
14 4.50 6.92 7.71 8.35 50 7.91 11.08 11.50 14.35
15 4.64 7.08 7.92 8.58 51 7.97 11.15 11.55 14.68
16 4.77 7.24 8.13 8.81 52 8.04 11.23 11.59 15.02
17 4.91 7.39 8.35 9.01 53 8.10 11.28 11.63 15.38
18 5.03 7.54 8.53 9.21 54 8.16 11.33 11.68 15.74
19 5.16 7.68 8.72 9.40 55 8.23 11.37 11.73 15.89
20 5.28 7.82 8.88 9.56 56 8.29 11.40 11.75 15.96
21 5.40 7.96 9.02 9.73 57 8.35 11.43 11.78 16.06
22 5.51 8.08 9.17 9.89 58 8.41 11.47 11.82 16.14
23 5.62 8.23 9.31 10.05 59 8.47 11.50 11.85 16.21
24 5.73 8.34 9.43 10.18 60 8.52 11.53 11.88 16.30
25 5.84 8.46 9.55 10.32 61 8.58 11.56 11.92 16.38
26 5.94 8.56 9.67 10.45 62 8.64 11.59 11.98 16.44
27 6.05 8.69 9.78 10.57 63 8.69 11.61 12.05 16.52
28 6.14 8.81 9.88 10.68 64 8.75 11.64 12.10 16.59
29 6.24 8.92 10.00 10.79 65 8.80 11.67 12.16 16.65
30 6.34 9.02 10.09 10.90 66 8.86 11.70 12.24 16.74
31 6.43 9.10 10.17 11.01 67 8.91 11.72 12.29 16.79
32 6.52 9.21 10.27 11.11 68 8.96 11.73 12.34 16.86
33 6.61 9.30 10.36 11.19 69 9.01 11.75 12.40 16.93
34 6.70 9.39 10.43 11.28 70 9.06 11.77 12.47 16.99
35 6.78 9.49 10.52 11.37 Oversized 18.14 24.33 32.81 34.10
36 6.87 9.94 10.60 11.45
1.6Parcel SelectDSCF

Destination facility ZIP Codes only.

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized rate.

For nonmachinable parcels sorted to 3-digit ZIP Code areas, add $1.09 per parcel. Parcels that weigh more than 35 pounds or that meet any of the criteria in C700.2.0 must pay the nonmachinable surcharge. The nonmachinable surcharge does not apply to parcels sorted to 5-digit containers, mailed at oversized rates, or sent with special handling.


Not Over (pounds)
DSCF   Weight
Not Over (pounds)
DSCF   Weight
Not Over (pounds)
  1 $1.53 25 $3.90 49 $5.25
  2 1.71 26 3.97 50 5.29
3 1.85 27 4.04 51 5.34
4 1.99 28 4.11 52 5.38
5 2.12 29 4.17 53 5.42
6 2.24 30 4.24 54 5.46
7 2.35 31 4.30 55 5.51
8 2.45 32 4.36 56 5.55
9 2.56 33 4.42 57 5.59
10 2.65 34 4.48 58 5.63
11 2.74 35 4.54 59 5.67
12 2.83 36 4.59 60 5.71
13 2.92 37 4.65 61 5.74
14 3.00 38 4.70 62 5.78
15 3.10 39 4.76 63 5.82
16 3.19 40 4.81 64 5.86
17 3.28 41 4.86 65 5.89
18 3.36 42 4.91 66 5.93
19 3.45 43 4.96 67 5.97
20 3.53 44 5.01 68 6.00
21 3.61 45 5.06 69 6.04
22 3.68 46 5.11 70 6.07
23 3.76 47 5.16 Oversized 11.95
24 3.83 48 5.20
1.7Parcel SelectDDU

Destination facility ZIP Codes only.

Parcels that weigh less than 15 pounds but measure more than 84 inches (but not more than 108 inches) in combined length and girth are charged the applicable rate for a 15-pound parcel.

Regardless of weight, a parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized rate.



Not Over
DDU   Weight
Not Over
DDU   Weight
Not Over
 1 $1.23 25 $2.00 49 $2.28
  2 1.28 26 2.02 50 2.29
3 1.33 27 2.04 51 2.30
4 1.38 28 2.06 52 2.31
5 1.43 29 2.07 53 2.32
6 1.47 30 2.09 54 2.33
7 1.51 31 2.10 55 2.34
8 1.55 32 2.11 56 2.35
9 1.58 33 2.12 57 2.36
10 1.62 34 2.13 58 2.37
11 1.65 35 2.14 59 2.38
12 1.68 36 2.15 60 2.39
13 1.71 37 2.16 61 2.40
14 1.74 38 2.17 62 2.41
15 1.77 39 2.18 63 2.42
16 1.79 40 2.19 64 2.43
17 1.82 41 2.20 65 2.44
18 1.85 42 2.21 66 2.45
19 1.87 43 2.22 67 2.46
20 1.89 44 2.23 68 2.47
21 1.92 45 2.24 69 2.48
22 1.94 46 2.25 70 2.49
23 1.96 47 2.26 Oversized 6.98
24 1.98 48 2.27



For barcoded discount, deduct $0.03 per piece (automatable flats only, 50-piece minimum).

Weight Not Over (pounds) Zones
1 & 2
1.0 $1.79 $1.84 $1.88 $1.96 $2.03 $2.12 $2.29
1.5 1.79 1.84 1.88 1.96 2.03 2.12 2.29
2.0 1.86 1.92 1.98 2.08 2.18 2.30 2.52
2.5 1.93 2.01 2.08 2.21 2.33 2.48 2.76
3.0 2.00 2.09 2.18 2.33 2.48 2.66 2.99
3.5 2.07 2.18 2.28 2.46 2.63 2.84 3.23
4.0 2.14 2.26 2.38 2.58 2.78 3.02 3.46
4.5 2.21 2.35 2.48 2.71 2.93 3.20 3.70
5.0 2.28 2.43 2.58 2.83 3.08 3.38 3.93
6.0 2.42 2.60 2.78 3.08 3.38 3.74 4.40
7.0 2.56 2.77 2.98 3.33 3.68 4.10 4.87
8.0 2.70 2.94 3.18 3.58 3.98 4.46 5.34
9.0 2.84 3.11 3.38 3.83 4.28 4.82 5.81
10.0 2.98 3.28 3.58 4.08 4.58 5.18 6.28
11.0 3.12 3.45 3.78 4.33 4.88 5.54 6.75
12.0 3.26 3.62 3.98 4.58 5.18 5.90 7.22
13.0 3.40 3.79 4.18 4.83 5.48 6.26 7.69
14.0 3.54 3.96 4.38 5.08 5.78 6.62 8.16
15.0 3.68 4.13 4.58 5.33 6.08 6.98 8.63

For barcoded discount, deduct $0.03 per parcel (machinable parcels only, 50-piece minimum).

Weight Not Over (pounds) Zones
1 & 2
1.0 $1.87 $1.92 $1.96 $2.04 $2.11 $2.20 $2.37
1.5 1.87 1.92 1.96 2.04 2.11 2.20 2.37
2.0 1.94 2.00 2.06 2.16 2.26 2.38 2.60
2.5 2.01 2.09 2.16 2.29 2.41 2.56 2.84
3.0 2.08 2.17 2.26 2.41 2.56 2.74 3.07
3.5 2.15 2.26 2.36 2.54 2.71 2.92 3.31
4.0 2.22 2.34 2.46 2.66 2.86 3.10 3.54
4.5 2.29 2.43 2.56 2.79 3.01 3.28 3.78
5.0 2.36 2.51 2.66 2.91 3.16 3.46 4.01
6.0 2.50 2.68 2.86 3.16 3.46 3.82 4.48
7.0 2.64 2.85 3.06 3.41 3.76 4.18 4.95
8.0 2.78 3.02 3.26 3.66 4.06 4.54 5.42
9.0 2.92 3.19 3.46 3.91 4.36 4.90 5.89
10.0 3.06 3.36 3.66 4.16 4.66 5.26 6.36
11.0 3.20 3.53 3.86 4.41 4.96 5.62 6.83
12.0 3.34 3.70 4.06 4.66 5.26 5.98 7.30
13.0 3.48 3.87 4.26 4.91 5.56 6.34 7.77
14.0 3.62 4.04 4.46 5.16 5.86 6.70 8.24
15.0 3.76 4.21 4.66 5.41 6.16 7.06 8.71
2.3Presorted and Carrier RouteFlats

Each piece is subject to both a piece rate and a pound rate.

For barcoded discount on Presorted flats, deduct $0.03 per piece (automatable flats only). Barcoded discount is not available for flats mailed at carrier route rates.

Rate Zones Local,
1 & 2
Per Piece
Presorted $1.078 $1.078 $1.078 $1.078 $1.078 $1.078 $1.078
Carrier Route 0.978 0.978 0.978 0.978 0.978 0.978 0.978
Per Pound 0.090 0.112 0.149 0.198 0.248 0.308 0.419
2.4Presorted and Carrier RouteParcels

Each piece is subject to both a piece rate and a pound rate.

For barcoded discount on Presorted machinable parcels, deduct $0.03 per piece. Barcoded discount is not available for parcels mailed at carrier route rates.

Rate Zones Local,
1 & 2
Per Piece
Presorted $1.155 $1.155 $1.155 $1.155 $1.155 $1.155 $1.155
Carrier Route 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055
Per Pound 0.090 0.112 0.149 0.198 0.248 0.308 0.419
2.5Destination Entry RatesFlats

Each piece is subject to both a piece rate and a pound rate.

For barcoded discount on Presorted flats, deduct $0.03 per piece (automatable flats only). Barcoded discount is not available for flats mailed at Presorted DDU rates or carrier route rates.

Presorted DDU rate is not available for flats that weigh 1 pound or less.

1 & 2
Per Piece
Presorted $0.532 $0.603 $0.818 $0.818 $0.818 $0.818
Carrier Route 0.432 0.503 0.718 0.718 0.718 0.718
Per Pound 0.030 0.060 0.073 0.102 0.139 0.187
2.6Destination Entry RatesParcels

Each piece is subject to both a piece rate and a pound rate.

For barcoded discount on Presorted machinable parcels, deduct $0.03 per piece. Barcoded discount is not available for parcels mailed at Presorted DDU rates, Presorted DSCF rates, or carrier route rates.

1 & 2
Per Piece
Presorted $0.609 $0.680 $0.895 $0.895 $0.895 $0.895
Carrier Route 0.509 0.580 0.795 0.795 0.795 0.795
Per Pound 0.030 0.060 0.073 0.102 0.139 0.187


For barcoded discount for single-piece and basic rate, deduct $0.03 per parcel (machinable parcels only, 50-piece minimum). Barcoded discount is not available for pieces sent at the 5-digit rate.

Not Over
Single- Piece 5-Digit Basic   Weight
Not Over
Single- Piece 5-Digit Basic
1 $1.42 $0.80 $1.12 36 $12.64 $12.02 $12.34
2 1.84 1.22 1.54 37 12.94 12.32 12.64
3 2.26 1.64 1.96 38 13.24 12.62 12.94
4 2.68 2.06 2.38 39 13.54 12.92 13.24
5 3.10 2.48 2.80 40 13.84 13.22 13.54
6 3.52 2.90 3.22 41 14.14 13.52 13.84
7 3.94 3.32 3.64 42 14.44 13.82 14.14
8 4.24 3.62 3.94 43 14.74 14.12 14.44
9 4.54 3.92 4.24 44 15.04 14.42 14.74
10 4.84 4.22 4.54 45 15.34 14.72 15.04
11 5.14 4.52 4.84 46 15.64 15.02 15.34
12 5.44 4.82 5.14 47 15.94 15.32 15.64
13 5.74 5.12 5.44 48 16.24 15.62 15.94
14 6.04 5.42 5.74 49 16.54 15.92 16.24
15 6.34 5.72 6.04 50 16.84 16.22 16.54
16 6.64 6.02 6.34 51 17.14 16.52 16.84
17 6.94 6.32 6.64 52 17.44 16.82 17.14
18 7.24 6.62 6.94 53 17.74 17.12 17.44
19 7.54 6.92 7.24 54 18.04 17.42 17.74
20 7.84 7.22 7.54 55 18.34 17.72 18.04
21 8.14 7.52 7.84 56 18.64 18.02 18.34
22 8.44 7.82 8.14 57 18.94 18.32 18.64
23 8.74 8.12 8.44 58 19.24 18.62 18.94
24 9.04 8.42 8.74 59 19.54 18.92 19.24
25 9.34 8.72 9.04 60 19.84 19.22 19.54
26 9.64 9.02 9.34 61 20.14 19.52 19.84
27 9.94 9.32 9.64 62 20.44 19.82 20.14
28 10.24 9.62 9.94 63 20.74 20.12 20.44
29 10.54 9.92 10.24 64 21.04 20.42 20.74
30 10.84 10.22 10.54 65 21.34 20.72 21.04
31 11.14 10.52 10.84 66 21.64 21.02 21.34
32 11.44 10.82 11.14 67 21.94 21.32 21.64
33 11.74 11.12 11.44 68 22.24 21.62 21.94
34 12.04 11.42 11.74 69 22.54 21.92 22.24
35 12.34 11.72 12.04 70 22.84 22.22 22.54



For barcoded discount for single-piece and basic rate, deduct $0.03 per parcel (machinable parcels only, 50-piece minimum). Barcoded discount is not available for pieces sent at the 5-digit rate.

Not Over
Single- Piece 5-Digit Basic   Weight
Not Over
Single- Piece 5-Digit Basic
1 $1.35 $0.76 $1.06 36 $12.16 $11.57 $11.87
2 1.75 1.16 1.46 37 12.45 11.86 12.16
3 2.15 1.56 1.86 38 12.74 12.15 12.45
4 2.55 1.96 2.26 39 13.03 12.44 12.74
5 2.95 2.36 2.66 40 13.32 12.73 13.03
6 3.35 2.76 3.06 41 13.61 13.02 13.32
7 3.75 3.16 3.46 42 13.90 13.31 13.61
8 4.04 3.45 3.75 43 14.19 13.60 13.90
9 4.33 3.74 4.04 44 14.48 13.89 14.19
10 4.62 4.03 4.33 45 14.77 14.18 14.48
11 4.91 4.32 4.62 46 15.06 14.47 14.77
12 5.20 4.61 4.91 47 15.35 14.76 15.06
13 5.49 4.90 5.20 48 15.64 15.05 15.35
14 5.78 5.19 5.49 49 15.93 15.34 15.64
15 6.07 5.48 5.78 50 16.22 15.63 15.93
16 6.36 5.77 6.07 51 16.51 15.92 16.22
17 6.65 6.06 6.36 52 16.80 16.21 16.51
18 6.94 6.35 6.65 53 17.09 16.50 16.80
19 7.23 6.64 6.94 54 17.38 16.79 17.09
20 7.52 6.93 7.23 55 17.67 17.08 17.38
21 7.81 7.22 7.52 56 17.96 17.37 17.67
22 8.10 7.51 7.81 57 18.25 17.66 17.96
23 8.39 7.80 8.10 58 18.54 17.95 18.25
24 8.68 8.09 8.39 59 18.83 18.24 18.54
25 8.97 8.38 8.68 60 19.12 18.53 18.83
26 9.26 8.67 8.97 61 19.41 18.82 19.12
27 9.55 8.96 9.26 62 19.70 19.11 19.41
28 9.84 9.25 9.55 63 19.99 19.40 19.70
29 10.13 9.54 9.84 64 20.28 19.69 19.99
30 10.42 9.83 10.13 65 20.57 19.98 20.28
31 10.71 10.12 10.42 66 20.86 20.27 20.57
32 11.00 10.41 10.71 67 21.15 20.56 20.86
33 11.29 10.70 11.00 68 21.44 20.85 21.15
34 11.58 10.99 11.29 69 21.73 21.14 21.44
35 11.87 11.28 11.58 70 22.02 21.43 21.73




5.0 FEES

5.1Destination Entry Mailing Fees

Destination entry mailing fees, per 12-month period:

a. Parcel Select: $150.00.

b. Bound Printed Matter: $150.00.

5.2Pickup Fees

Parcel Post only, per occurrence: $12.50.

May be combined with Express Mail and Priority Mail pickups (see D010).

5.3Presort Mailing Fees

Presort mailing fees, per 12-month period:

a. Presorted Media Mail: $150.00.

b. Presorted Library Mail: $150.00.


DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04