Mailing Standards of the
United States Postal Service
Domestic Mail Manual Introduction
Transforming the Domestic Mail

The Postal Service has transformed
the Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) into a series of documents that are
easier for customers and employees to use.
Publications in the DMM Series
A Customer’s Guide to Mailing answers
the most common questions of household mailers. It includes
tips for addressing,
preparing packages, choosing a class of mailing, and adding extra services.
It is available at and
most Post Offices.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service contains all official
prices and standards governing domestic mailing services and is mostly used by
mailers and Postal Service employees. This document is available at
Mailing Standards of the United States
Postal Service
makes it easy to access information about postal
services and standards.
The DMM provides the following benefits
and features:
- Easy-to-find information.
- Clear mailing standards.
- Extensive index.
- Clear graphics.
- Information grouped by mailing method, shape,
class of mail, and topic.
- Efficient cross-referencing.
- Price List.
The Postal Service worked closely with customers
and employees to organize the DMM. The
DMM can help customers make informed decisions
about postal products and services to get the most
value from the mail. Postal employees can use it
to help customers.
Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service is
organized into color-coded modules that make it easy to locate information
The RETAIL section explains the services and standards for letters,
flats, and parcels mailed at single-piece prices. The information in
this section is intended for both household consumers and businesses.
Standards in the retail section are organized into units represented
by the available mailing services. Within each mailing service, the information
is organized into chapters that follow the sequence of mailing tasks.
COMMERCIAL sections explain the services and standards for commercial or “bulk,” presorted,
and automation mail. The information in this section is intended
for business mailers who are willing to do
some extra work preparing their mail in exchange for discounted postage
The GENERAL INFORMATION sections contain standards for all the
additional services available to mailers, including extra services,
mailer services, and recipient services. The general information sections
include standards that apply to all mailers, such as general mailability
and addressing, and special standards, such as technical specifications
and advanced preparation standards.

The modules for each method and shape of mail contain general
design standards and topics relating to the preparation of each class
of mail.
101 Physical Standards
102 Elements on the
of a Mailpiece
113 Prices and Eligibility
114 Postage Payment Methods
115 Mail Preparation
116 Deposit
123 Prices and Eligibility
124 Postage Payment Methods
125 Mail Preparation
126 Deposit
133 Prices and Eligibility
134 Postage Payment Methods
135 Mail Preparation
136 Deposit
153 Prices and Eligibility
154 Postage Payment Methods
Mail Preparation
156 Deposit
Prices and Eligibility
174 Postage Payment Methods
175 Mail Preparation
183 Prices and Eligibility
184 Postage Payment
185 Mail Preparation
186 Deposit
201 Physical Standards
202 Elements on the Face
of a Mailpiece
233 Prices and Eligibility
234 Postage
Payment and Documentation
235 Mail Preparation
236 Enter and Deposit
243 Prices and Eligibility
244 Postage Payment and Documentation
Mail Preparation
246 Enter and Deposit
301 Physical Standards
302 Elements on the Face
of a Mailpiece
333 Prices and Eligibility
334 Postage
Payment and Documentation
335 Mail Preparation
336 Enter and Deposit
343 Prices and Eligibility
344 Postage Payment and Documentation
Mail Preparation
346 Enter and Deposit
363 Prices and Eligibility
364 Postage Payment
and Documentation
365 Mail Preparation
366 Enter and Deposit
373 Prices and Eligibility
374 Postage Payment and Documentation
Mail Preparation
376 Enter and Deposit
383 Prices and
384 Postage Payment and Documentation
385 Mail Preparation
Enter and Deposit
401 Physical Standards
402 Elements on the Face
of a Mailpiece
413 Prices and Eligibility
414 Postage
Payment and Documentation
415 Mail Preparation
416 Enter and Deposit
423 Prices and Eligibility
424 Postage
Payment and Documentation
425 Mail Preparation
426 Enter and Deposit
433 Prices and Eligibility
434 Postage Payment and Documentation
435 Mail Preparation
436 Enter and Deposit
443 Prices and Eligibility
444 Postage Payment and Documentation
445 Mail Preparation
446 Enter and Deposit
453 Prices and Eligibility
454 Postage Payment and Documentation
455 Mail Preparation
456 Enter and Deposit
463 Prices and Eligibility
464 Postage Payment and Documentation
465 Mail Preparation
466 Enter and Deposit
473 Prices and Eligibility
474 Postage Payment
and Documentation
475 Mail Preparation
476 Enter and Deposit
483 Prices and Eligibility
484 Postage Payment and Documentation
Mail Preparation
486 Enter and Deposit
Services and standards that apply generally to all customers
are organized into three tabbed sections.
Extra Services for Express
Registered Mail
Certified Mail
Insured Mail
Certificate of Mailing
Restricted Delivery
Return Receipt for Merchandise
Delivery Confirmation
Collect on Delivery (COD)
Special Handling
Money Orders
Treatment of Mail
Premium Forwarding Service
Address Correction Service
Recall of Mail
Pickup Service
Mailing List Services
Address Sequencing Service
Reply Mail (BRM)
Permit Reply Mail
Merchandise Return Service
Bulk Parcel Return Service
Parcel Return Service
Recipient Options
Conditions of Delivery
Customer Mail
Post Office Box Service
Caller Service
General Delivery
Pandering Advertisements
Sexually Oriented Advertisements
Address Information System
Nonpostal Services
General Standards
Acceptable Mailing Containers
Cushioning, Closure, and Reinforcement
Handling, Content, and Extra Service Markings
Mailing Containers-Special Types of Envelopes and Packaging
Packaging Standards for Mail Processed at Network Distribution Centers
Nonmailable and Restricted Articles and Substances Generally
Hazardous Materials
Cigarettes and Smokeless Tobacco
Other Restricted and Nonmailable Matter
Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter Generally
Elements of Addressing
Use of Alternative Addressing
Detached Address Labels (DALs)
Stamped Stationery
Precanceled Stamps
Postage Meters and PC Postage Products ("Postage Evidencing Systems")
Permit Imprint (Indicia)
Payment of Postage
Computing Postage
Insufficient or Omitted Postage
Refunds and Exchanges
Revenue Deficiency
Mailer Compliance With Mailing Standards
Rulings on Mailing Standards
About the Domestic Mail Manual
Domestic Mail
Post Offices and Holidays
Philatelic (Stamp Collecting) Services
Private Express Statutes
Complaints and Postal Law Violations
Trademarks and Copyrights of the USPS
USPS Contact Information
General Filing Instructions
Providing Proof of Loss or Damage
Providing Evidence of Insurance and Value
Adjudication of Claims
Nonprofit Standard Mail
Overseas Military Mail
Department of State Mail
Mail Sent by U.S. Armed Forces
Free Matter for the Blind and Other Physically Handicapped Persons
Official Mail (Franked)
Official Mail (Penalty)
Absentee Balloting Materials
Mixed Classes
Customized MarketMail
Manifest Mailing System
Optional Procedure Mailing System
Alternate Mailing System
First-Class Mail or Standard Mail Mailings With Different Payment Methods
Combining Mailings of Standard Mail, Package Services, and Parcel Select Parcels
Combining Package Services and Parcel Select Parcels for Destination Entry
Preparing Pallets
Combining Bundles of Automation and Nonautomation Flats in Trays and Sacks
Merging Bundles of Flats in Sacks and Pallets Using the City State Product
Combining Automation Price and Nonautomation Price Flats in Bundles
Merging Bundles of Flats on Pallets Using a 5% Threshold
Merging Bundles of Flats on Pallets Using the City State Product and a 5% Threshold
Plant Load Mailings
Plant-Verified Drop Shipment
Express Mail Open and Distribute and Priority Mail Open and Distribute
Express Mail Reshipment Service
Metered Mail Drop Shipment
Postage Due Weight Averaging Program
Optional Combined Parcel Mailings
Repositionable Notes (RPNs)
Full-Service Automation Option
Prices and Fees
Price Application and Computation
Physical Characteristics and Content Eligibility
Basic Eligibility Standards
Applying for Periodicals Authorization
Qualification Categories
Mailing to Nonsubscribers or Nonrequesters
Record Keeping Standards for Publishers
Changing Title, Frequency, or Known Office of Publication
Preferred Periodicals
Basic Eligibility
Nonbarcoded (Presorted) Eligibility
Carrier Route Eligibility
Barcoded (Automation) Eligibility
Ride-Along Eligibility
Postage Payment
General Mail Preparation
Sacks and Trays
Sack and Tray Labels
Preparing Nonbarcoded (Presorted) Periodicals
Preparing Carrier Route Periodicals
Preparing Letter-Size Barcoded (Automation) Periodicals
Preparing Flat-Size Barcoded (Automation) Periodicals
Physical Criteria for Nonmachinable Flat-Size Periodicals
Combining Multiple Editions or Publications
Enter and Deposit
Destination Entry
Additional Entry
Standardized Documentation for First-Class Mail, Periodicals, Standard Mail, and Flat-Size Bound Printed Matter
Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation (PAVE)
Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS)
Standards for POSTNET and Intelligent Mail Barcodes
Standards for Postal Routing Barcodes
Standards for Barcoded Tray Labels, Sack Labels, and Container Placards
Optional Endorsement Lines (OELs)
Carrier Route Information Lines
Facing Identification Mark (FIM)
Postal Zones
General Requirements for Negotiated Service Agreements (NSAs)
Standard Mail Incentive Program
First-Class Mail Incentive Program
Click-N-Ship Indemnity Increase for Express Mail and Priority Mail
Numbering System
The numbering system can help you locate
standards quickly.

Page Layout
The layout includes graphic features and navigation elements
to help you find the information you need.

A. Chapter Title
The DMM is divided
into chapters based
on mailing topics.
B. Overview
Each chapter begins
with a table of
C. Reference Number
Each section, subsection, and standard has its own reference number. D. Change Bar
Change bars next to
standards indicate
that the text has
changed since the
last printed edition.
E. Change Date
The change date
indicates the date a
change is effective.

F. Chapter Header
The header lists the
module, unit, and
G. Chapter Number
This number shows
the current chapter for
easy navigation.
H. Page-level
This element shows
the number of the first
or last reference on
each page.
I. Shape Icon
Icons provide a visual
point of reference.
J. Exhibit
Illustrations and
diagrams provide clear
visual explanations
and examples.
K. Cross-reference
Cross-references point
to other required or
related standards.
They are linked
in the online DMM for
quick access.
L. DMM Issue and Date
The DMM is updated
online, between printed editions.
Postal Explorer
Postal Explorer is an easy-to-use Web site that provides a comprehensive
collection of business mailing tools, including Mailing Standards
of the
United States Postal Service.

With Postal Explorer you can:
- Get the most up-to-date information.
- Access the Quick Service Guides.
- Check the DMM Advisory message board.
- Access postage statements and forms.
- Search one publication or a whole collection.
- Calculate domestic and international
postage prices.
- Use the Standard Mail eligibility decision tree.
- Access postal zone charts.
You will find the most up-to-date
version of Mailing Standards of
the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM)
in HTML and PDF formats.
The online DMM features
interactive menus and enhanced
search options.

Domestic Mail Manual Introduction
PSN: 7610-07-000-5420
July 2010
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