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520 Shipper's Export Declaration

521 Description

521.1 Commerce Form 7525-V, Shipper's Export Declaration

U.S. Department of Commerce regulations require shippers mailing merchandise to foreign countries for commercial purposes to file a Shipper's Export Declaration (SED) on Commerce Form 7525-V with the Post Office facility at the time of mailing. Under these regulations, shippers who wish to correct a previously filed export declaration must promptly submit a photocopy, carbon, or other legible copy of the originally filed Shipper's Export Declaration on which the incorrect data are neatly lined out and the correct data are entered, to the postmaster at the Post Office facility where the shipment was mailed. Corrected copies should show the words Correction Copy conspicuously in the upper right of the form.

521.2 Magnetic Tapes

The Commerce Department authorizes some companies to submit magnetic tapes to the Census Bureau in lieu of filing Shipper's Export Declaration. Packages presented for mailing by authorized companies will bear an endorsement such as "NO SED REQUIRED, SECT 30.39 FTSR, S.A.S.-S.M." Packages bearing this or a similar endorsement may be accepted for mailing without Commerce Form 7525-V.

522 When Required

522.1 Mandatory Filing

Commerce Form 7525-V must be filled out and presented to the Post Office facility at the time of mailing for any of the following commercial purposes:

a. Merchandise exceeding $500 in value sent by one business concern to another business concern:

(1) From the United States (for the purposes of this chapter, the term United States refers to the 50 states and the District of Columbia), Puerto Rico, or the Virgin Islands of the United States to any foreign country, or to the Caroline Islands, the Northern Mariana Islands, or the Marshall Islands.

(2) From the United States to Puerto Rico or the Virgin Islands of the United States.

(3) From Puerto Rico to the United States or the Virgin Islands of the United States.

b. Any article covered by a validated export license or a distribution license from the Bureau of Trade Regulation, U.S. Department of Commerce, regardless of value or whether the sender or addressee is a business concern. (See 531 for licensing requirements.)

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522.2 Exceptions

Commerce Form 7525-V is not required when the following goods are mailed:

a. Catalogs, instruction books, and other advertising matter or magazines, newspapers, and periodicals.

b. Shipments of technical data, regardless of value or whether they are covered by export licenses. (See 530 for the shipment of technical data of a general nature, and 540 for the shipment of technical data relating to munitions.)

c. Shipments by companies authorized to submit magnetic tapes to the Census Bureau in lieu of filing Shipper's Export Declaration, as provided in 521.2.

d. Goods that involve no commercial consideration, except shipments described in 522.1b.

523 How to Obtain Commercial Forms

523.1 Occasional Shippers

Occasional shippers may obtain Commerce Form 7525-V free of charge at Post Office facilities and Department of Commerce district offices.

523.2 Regular Exporters

Regular exporters may purchase copies of Commerce Form 7525-V from:

WASHINGTON DC 20402-9371

from District Directors of Customs or from Commerce Department district offices. Copies may be privately printed, if they conform in every respect to the official form.

523.3 Postmasters

Postmasters may obtain supplies, without cost, for limited distribution to occasional shippers from:

SUITLAND MD 20746-2401

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524 How to Prepare Shipper's Export Declaration (Commerce Form 7525-V)

524.1 General

Only one copy of Commerce Form 7525-V is required for each shipment that may include any number of items mailed by one sender on the same day to one addressee.

524.2 Signature

Export declarations must be signed in ink, but need not be notarized.

524.3 Information to Be Furnished

The following items on Commerce Form 7525-V must be filled in by the sender of a postal shipment:

a. Item 1. Location (city and state) of Post Office facility where shipment is being mailed. (Insert in space on the form reading "From. . .(U.S. port of export).")

b. Item 3. Name and address of exporter.

c. Item 4. Name and address of forwarding agent, if any.

d. Item 5. Name and address of ultimate consignee.

e. Item 6. Name and address of intermediate consignee, if any.

f. Item 8. Country of final destination.

g. Item 10. Number of packages being mailed: description of merchandise and export license number and expiration date, or general license symbol.

h. Item 13. Schedule B, commodity number.

i. Item 14. Net quantity of merchandise, in Schedule B units.

j. Item 15. Value of merchandise.

k. Item 19. Signature.

524.4 Description of Contents

The description of contents and quantity must be in the detail required by the most-current edition of Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported From the United States. General descriptions - such as dry goods, groceries, or millinery - are not sufficient. Quantities and values must be given in whole numbers only. Fractions should be rounded to the nearest whole number.

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524.5 Export Commodity Control Number

For validated license shipments (see 533) and those under general license GLV (see 532.132), include directly below the Schedule B number the applicable four-digit Export Commodity Control Number (on the "Commodity Control List" part 339.1 of the Export Administration Regulations). Enclose each Export Commodity Control Number (ECCN) in parentheses.

524.6 How to Obtain Schedule B

The shipper may obtain copies of Schedule B for a nominal charge from:

WASHINGTON DC 20402-9371

from District Directors of Customs or from Commerce Department district offices located in principal cities of the United States.

525 Handling and Disposal of Shipper's Export Declaration

When Commerce Forms 7525-V or corrected copies of Commerce Forms 7525-V are presented at a Post Office facility in accordance with 522, they must be postmarked in the lower left corner. One copy must then be sent to:

1201 E 10TH ST

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