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550 Dried Whole Eggs

551 Description

When dried whole eggs purchased under a program of the Commodity Credit Corporation, U.S. Department of Agriculture, are offered for export by mail, an endorsement must be written or stamped on each package and a special certificate of mailing (see 552) prepared and completed by the sender waiving any right to withdraw the package from the mail or to have it returned. Such mailings can be made only by parcel post.

552 Charges

A charge of $0.95 will be made for each certificate of mailing, or for each package if a single certificate covers more than one package. As prescribed in 553.21, postage stamps to cover the charge will be affixed to the certificate and canceled.

553 How to Mail

553.1 Preparation by Sender

553.11 Marking

The endorsement referred to in 551 must be properly completed and signed by the exporter or an authorized representative over his or her title. The parcel post forms accompanying applicable parcels should be completed by the sender to indicate that the parcels are to be abandoned in case of nondelivery.

553.12 Certificate of Mailing Dried Whole Eggs
553.121 Type of Certificate

A certificate as shown in Exhibit 553.121, prepared and completed by the sender, must be presented with all shipments described in 551.

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553.122 Single Certificate

A single certificate may cover any number of parcels mailed by the same sender even though addressed to different countries.

553.2 Processing in Office of Mailing

553.21 Postage

Postage to cover the charge for the certificate of mailing dried whole eggs must be affixed to the certificate and canceled by the postmark of the office of mailing.

553.22 Signature of Postmaster

After postmarking, the certificate should be signed by the postmaster or an authorized representative and returned to the sender.

Exhibit 553.121

Certificate of Mailing Dried Whole Eggs


I hereby certify that there has (have) been posted at this Post Office facility today by (Sender), parcels containing a total of (Number) pounds of dried whole eggs on which the sender has waived the right to withdraw same from the mail or have same returned.

Parcels addressed to

(Name and addresses of addressees)

(Office stamp) (Postmaster)


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