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6 Special Programs

610 Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program

611 Description

The Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program of the United States Postal Service establishes relationships between the Postal Service and wholesalers of international mail so that the business of both parties is increased through worksharing and volume pricing. Any Postal Qualified Wholesaler using a representative or agent must ensure that the representative or agent adheres to the same rules and regulations of the Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program when preparing and tendering qualified international mail to the Postal Service.

612 Pricing

A Postal Qualified Wholesaler will receive rates from the Postal Service, including applicable volume rates or an International Customized Mail rate, if special circumstances warrant, for any available service offered by the Postal Service for its use in submitting bids to customers.

613 Qualifying as a Wholesaler

613.1 Letter of Request

Any company desiring to be a Postal Qualified Wholesaler must submit a letter of request to:

WASHINGTON DC 20260-3216

The letter must demonstrate how a company meets the criteria listed in 613.2. The company must certify that it is not disqualified from being a Postal Qualified Wholesaler under the guidelines listed in 613.3 and state that it agrees to all of the terms and conditions of the Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program. The Postal Service will make the final determination of who shall be a Postal Qualified Wholesaler.

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613.2 Criteria

The wholesaler:

a. Must have a minimum of one year of experience as an international or domestic mail consolidator, presorter, or letter shop.

b. Must have realized at least $1 million in gross international revenues with the Postal Service in the most recent calendar year for services it provided in connection with mail that originated in the United States.

c. Must use a permit imprint that is allowable under the postage payment systems referenced in DMM 705. The wholesaler may use its own permit or that of its customers. If the wholesaler uses the customer's permit, then the wholesaler and its agent must specify to the Postal Service the permit numbers used and provide an additional itemized report identifying the volume and revenue for each international mailing.

d. Must have the ability to collect international mail at customers' facilities on a daily (Monday through Friday) basis. If the wholesaler and its agent provide pick-up of mail on Saturdays, Sundays, and/or holidays, it must state those days it provides pick-up service.

e. Must perform the actual handling and preparation of the international mail prior to tendering to the Postal Service in accordance with the applicable mail makeup requirements, maintain a processing facility and staff to provide the services described herein, and state the address and square footage of the facility and the number of persons employed who are involved in the handling and preparation of international mail.

f. Must have experience, capability, and knowledge to presort, pouch, or otherwise containerize the customer's international mail per the Postal Service requirements for any available service offered by the Postal Service.

g. Must have the ability to transport and tender the international mail to an agreed-upon Postal Service acceptance point.

h. Must give at least the following percentages of its gross revenue from international mailing to the Postal Service:

(1) First year of qualification: At least 75%.

(2) Second year of qualification: At least 85%.

(3) Third year and subsequent years of qualification: At least 90%.

i. Must be familiar with or take steps to comply with the Malcolm Baldridge National Quality Award Program and/or ISO 9000 certification. If a wholesaler has ISO 9000 certification, it must state the date of such certification and provide a copy of its certification award to the Manager, Postal Qualified Wholesalers.

Note: Any Postal Qualified Wholesaler using a representative or agent must ensure that the representative or agent adheres to the rules and regulations of the Postal Qualified Wholesaler Program when preparing and/or tendering qualified international mails to the Postal Service.

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613.3 Disqualification

Any wholesaler will be disqualified as a Postal Qualified Wholesaler if it does not meet any of the following conditions:

a. Must first recommend Postal Service services to its customers who request international mailing services.

b. Must use the level of Postal Service international service that the customer requires and for which the customer has paid.

c. Neither the wholesaler, a subsidiary, an affiliate, an agent, nor a parent company can be:

(1) On the List of Parties Excluded from Procurement Programs of the Postal Service and the United States Government.

(2) A licensed wholesaler or consolidator of any foreign postal administration, or owned by or a division of any foreign postal administration.

(3) A direct competitor of the Postal Service domestically or internationally that provides expedited or parcel delivery services or air transportation services.

(4) Must not be in arrears for any amount due to the Postal Service.

d. Gross revenue from non-Postal Service mail included in 613.2h does not include revenues which the wholesaler, a subsidiary, an affiliate, or a parent company receives for remail when the wholesaler's customer selects the remail service and directs the wholesaler to use the remail service.

e. The wholesaler shall describe any value-added services provided in addition to collection, sortation, and tendering of international mail. For any value-added service, the wholesaler must state how it meets the requirements of 613.2e and must specify if the value-added services are completed in-house or are subcontracted.

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614 Benefits

614.1 Qualified List

The Postal Service will maintain a list of Postal Qualified Wholesalers. The list shall be distributed upon request to any person who indicates a need for an international wholesaler. The list shall include all services that the wholesaler provides in addition to collection, sortation, and tendering of international mail.

614.2 Preapproved Advertising

A wholesaler may state that it has been qualified as a Postal Qualified Wholesaler of the Postal Service. Any use of the Postal Service logo or any Postal Service trademark or advertising material, including letterhead and stationery, stating that the wholesaler has been qualified by the Postal Service must be approved in advance and in writing by the Manager, Postal Qualified Wholesalers.

614.3 Right of First Refusal

Postal Qualified Wholesalers must give the Postal Service the first opportunity to handle any international mail originating in the United States that it receives from its customers. This includes giving the Postal Service the first opportunity to quote prices for handling mail that is the subject of a formal or informal request for proposals or quotes from a customer. If the services of a wholesaler are needed, the Postal Service may request competitive bids from all Postal Qualified Wholesalers when it quotes prices for handling international mail that is the subject of a formal or informal request for proposals or quotes from a customer.

615 Length of Qualification

615.1 Approval Period

Each wholesaler will be qualified for a period of two years. At the end of that two-year period the Postal Service must again qualify the wholesaler.

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615.2 Disqualification

If the Postal Service discovers at any time, by whatever means, that the wholesaler has not complied with any of the terms and conditions herein, the Manager, Postal Qualified Wholesalers will send the wholesaler written notice via Express Mail that it has not complied with these terms and conditions and that it will be stricken from the list of Postal Qualified Wholesalers. The wholesaler will have three business days to respond in writing via Express Mail to the Manager, Postal Qualified Wholesalers that it should not be removed from the list and the reasons why it should not be stricken. The Postal Service will render its decision on the objection within five business days after its receipt.

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