370 International Money Transfer Services

371 International Money Orders

371.1 Description

371.11 General

International postal money order service is available to transfer funds to individuals or firms in countries that have entered into agreements with the United States Postal Service for the exchange of postal money orders. International postal money orders may be sent by First-Class Mail International or Express Mail International service.

371.12 Maximum Amount

The maximum amount for a single international postal money order is $700 unless noted otherwise in parentheses in Exhibit 371.2.

There is no limit on the number of money orders that may be sent to a payee during any time period. There is a limit on the total face value of money orders an individual customer may purchase on any one day (see DMM 503.14).

371.2 Availability

International postal money orders are exchanged with countries using the pink International Postal Money Order (Form MP1). Exhibit 371.2 lists the countries that accept this form. The maximum amount for a single postal money order is $700 unless noted otherwise in parentheses in Exhibit 371.2.

Exhibit 371.2 

Countries Accepting the International Postal Money Order Form (MP1)




Antigua and Barbuda


Barbados 1


Bolivia 2

British Virgin Islands


Cape Verde 2


Dominican Republic 2

Ecuador 2

El Salvador ($500)


Guinea 2

Guyana ($500)

Honduras 2

Jamaica 3

Japan 4

Mali 2

Mexico 2



St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis

St. Lucia

St. Vincent and the Grenadines

Sierra Leone 2

Trinidad and Tobago 3

(1) In Barbados the amount of the money due for payment will no longer be handwritten on Form MP1 (the form currently states “Amount To Be Written In Words”) but will be electronically applied.

(2) Bolivia, Cape Verde, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guinea, Honduras, Mali, Mexico, and Sierra Leone will not issue money orders for payment in the United States.

(3) Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago will not issue money orders in U.S. dollars.

(4) In Japan the Form TFP1 money orders issued for payment in the United States must be shown in U.S. dollars preceded by the capital letters “USD.”

371.3 Fees

The fee for money orders payable in countries that accept Form MP1 is $3.85 per money order.

371.4 Processing Requirements

371.41 Form Required — International Postal Money Order (Form MP1)

Use the pink International Postal Money Order (Form MP1) for money orders payable to the countries listed in Exhibit 371.2. Follow the issuance procedures in DMM 503.14.

Note: For money orders payable in Canada the amount of the money order must be expressed in U.S. currency only. Issuing clerks must use the money order imprinter in the usual manner printing the amount received in U.S. currency.

371.42 Preparation by Purchaser

When Form MP1 is used to send funds the purchaser should complete the information requested on both the money order and the customer’s receipt. Follow the instructions for preparing domestic money orders in DMM 503.14 when using Form MP1.The Postal Service is not liable for money orders that are lost before the purchaser completes this information. Money orders may be made payable to the purchaser (either a person or a firm) or a payee by official title (e.g., Director of Publications Canada).

371.43 Preparation by Postal Service Employee

Follow the instructions for preparing domestic money orders in DMM 503.14 when issuing Form MP1.

371.5 Procedures for Cashing Money Orders Issued by Foreign Countries

371.51 Valid Postal Money Orders

Valid postal money orders issued by countries listed in Exhibit 371.2 will be paid in accordance with the procedures for cashing domestic money orders (see DMM 503.14). However no international money order will be paid after the expiration of the validity date on the money order.

371.52 Canadian Money Orders

Canadian money orders may be paid only if they are addressed to a payee within the United States and the amount is imprinted in United States currency.

371.53 Japanese Money Orders

Valid postal money orders issued by Japan on its Form TFP1 are cashed in accordance with DMM 503.14. Money orders must not be paid after the expiration of the validity date indicated on the money order. The amount to be paid is shown in United States dollars and must not have been altered.

371.6 Lost Reissued Money Orders

Report the facts concerning lost reissued money orders (e.g. an international money order sent to the United States by a foreign country and reissued on a domestic form to the payee in the United States) to:

PO BOX 82414
ST LOUIS MO 63182–9421

371.7 Inquiries

371.71 Who May Receive Information

Postal Service employees must not disclose information concerning money order transactions to any person except the purchaser, the payee, the endorsee, or a duly authorized agent of one of these. The Office of Accounting Postal Service Headquarters may authorize other requests only when the request concerns a specific money order or a specific party to a money order transaction and when accompanied by a valid court order. Send requests to:

WASHINGTON DC 20260–5240

371.72 Inquiries Regarding Payment
371.721 Money Orders Issued on International Postal Money Order (Form MP1)

Use PS Form 6401, Money Order Inquiry, in accordance with DMM 503.14 when filing inquiries or requests for replacement of an International Postal Money Order (Form MP1). Only the purchaser may file and receive payment. Replacement will not be made before 6 months after the date of issuance.

371.722 Reissued International Money Orders (89 Series)

Use PS Form 6401, Money Order Inquiry, in accordance with DMM 503.14 when filing inquiries or requests for replacement of reissued international postal money orders. The U.S. payee may file and receive payment.

371.723 Fee for PS Form 6401, Money Order Inquiry

The fee charged for each PS Form 6401, Money Order Inquiry, is $5.20. The fee is not required if PS Form 6401 is filed by a bank, another financial institution, a government agency that processes money orders directly with the Federal Reserve Bank, or Pa Postal Service Serviceofficial engaged in official USPS business.