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DMM TOC > 400 Discount Parcels > 460 Bound Printed Matter463 Rates and Eligibility1.0 Bound Printed Matter Rates and Fees1.1 Rate ApplicationPostage is based on the rate that applies to the weight (postage) increment of each addressed piece. [P013.2.1] 1.2 Bound Printed Matter Rate ApplicationThe presorted Bound Printed Matter rate has a per piece charge and a per pound charge. Postage is based on the rate that applies to the weight (postage) increment of each addressed piece and on the zone to which the piece is addressed. The minimum postage rate for an addressed piece is one unit of the per piece charge plus the per pound charge for an addressed piece weighing 1 pound. [P013.5.1 and P013.5.6] 1.3 Bound Printed Matter Presorted, Carrier Route, and Destination Entry Rates
1.4 Destination Entry Mailing Fee1.5 Computing Postage for Bound Printed Matter1.5.1 Determining Single‑Piece WeightTo determine single‑piece weight in any mailing of nonidentical‑weight pieces, weigh each piece individually. To determine single‑piece weight in a mailing of identical‑weight pieces, weigh a sample group of at least 10 randomly selected pieces and divide the total sample weight by the number of pieces in the sample. Express all single‑piece weights in decimal pounds rounded off to four decimal places. [P013.1.3] 1.5.2 Computing Postage for Affixed PostagePresorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter mailings with postage affixed are charged a per pound rate and a per piece rate as follows: a. For each addressed piece, calculate the per pound rate: 1. If the piece weighs 1 pound or less, the per pound rate is the rate listed in 1.3 and 1.4 for the rate category and zone. 2. If the piece weighs more than 1 pound, compute the per pound rate by multiplying the unrounded weight of the piece by the pound rate for the category and zone. Do not round this result. b. Postage per piece. Compute the postage for each piece by adding the calculated per pound rate to the per piece rate for the category and zone. Round this number up to the next tenth of a cent. Affix this amount of postage to the piece. c. Total Postage for Mailing. Add all of the affixed postage amounts for each piece in the mailing. [P013.9.4] 1.5.3 Computing Postage for Permit ImprintPresorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter mailings paid with permit imprint are charged a per pound rate and a per piece rate as follows: 1. For pieces weighing 1 pound or less, compute the per pound rate by multiplying the total number of addressed pieces by the 1‑pound rate for the rate category and zone. Do not round this result. 2. For pieces weighing more than 1 pound, compute the per pound rate by multiplying the unrounded total weight of the addressed pieces by the pound rate for the category and zone. Do not round this result. b. Per piece rate. Multiply the total number of addressed pieces by the applicable piece rate. c. Total Postage. Calculate total postage by adding the total per piece calculation to the total per pound calculation. Round off the total postage to the nearest whole cent. [P013.9.3] 2.0 Content Standards for Bound Printed Matter Parcels2.1 Basic Content StandardsBound Printed Matter (BPM) is a subclass of Package Services and must: a. Meet the basic standards in 2.0. b. Weigh no more than 15 pounds. Pieces might be subject to other minimum weights or dimensions based on the standards for specific rates. c. Consist of advertising, promotional, directory, or editorial material (or any combination of such material). d. Be securely bound by permanent fastenings such as staples, spiral binding, glue, or stitching. Loose‑leaf binders and similar fastenings are not considered permanent. e. Consist of sheets of which at least 90% are imprinted by any process other than handwriting or typewriting with words, letters, characters, figures, or images (or any combination of them). f. Not have the nature of personal correspondence. g. Not be stationery, such as pads of blank printed forms. [E712.1.1] h. Consist of mailable matter that is neither mailed or required to be mailed as First‑Class Mail or Customized MarketMail under 705.1.0 nor entered as Periodicals (except as permitted under 2.2 or permitted or required under 707.7.9). [E710.1.1] 2.2 Attachments or Enclosures of Periodicals Sample CopiesSample copies of authorized and pending Periodicals publications may be enclosed or attached with merchandise sent at BPM rates. Postage at BPM rates is based on the combined weight of the host piece and the sample copies enclosed. 2.3 Postal InspectionBound Printed Matter mail is not sealed against postal inspection. Regardless of physical closure, the mailing of articles at Bound Printed Matter rates constitutes consent by the mailer to postal inspection of the contents. [E710.1.3] 2.4 Attachments and Enclosures2.4.1 InvoiceAn invoice, whether it also serves as a bill, may be placed either inside a Bound Printed Matter piece or in an envelope marked "Invoice Enclosed" and attached to the outside of the piece if the invoice relates solely to the matter with which it is mailed. The invoice may show this information: a. Names and addresses of the sender and addressee. b. Names and quantities of the articles enclosed, descriptions of each (e.g., price, tax, style, stock number, size, and quality, and, if defective, nature of defects). c. Order or file number, date of order, date and manner of shipment, shipping weight, postage paid, and initials or name of packer or checker. [E710.1.5] 2.4.2 Incidental First‑Class Attachments and EnclosuresIncidental First‑Class matter may be enclosed in or attached to any Bound Printed Matter piece without payment of First‑Class postage. An incidental First‑Class attachment or enclosure must be matter that, if mailed separately, would require First‑Class postage, is closely associated with but secondary to the host piece, and is prepared so as not to interfere with postal processing. An incidental First‑Class attachment or enclosure may be a bill for the product or publication, a statement of account for past products or publications, or a personal message or greeting included with a product, publication, or parcel. Postage at the Bound Printed Matter rate for the host piece is based on the combined weight of the host piece and the incidental First‑Class attachment or enclosure. [E710.1.6] 2.4.3 Additional EnclosuresBound Printed Matter may have the following additions and enclosures: a. Any printed matter mailable as Standard Mail. b. Nonprint attachments and enclosures. The combined weight of all nonprint attachments and enclosures in the mailpiece must be less than or equal to 25% of the weight of the BPM in the mailpiece. The individual cost of each nonprint attachment or enclosure must be less than or equal to the cost of a "low cost" item as defined in 703.1.6.11. In addition, the combined cost of all nonprint attachments and enclosures must not exceed two times the cost of a "low cost" item as defined in 703.1.6.11. [E712.1.2] 2.5 Written AdditionsMarkings that have the character of personal correspondence require, with certain exceptions, additional postage at the First‑Class rates. The following written additions and enclosures do not require additional First‑Class postage: a. The sender's and the addressee's names, occupations, and addresses, preceded by "From" or "To," and directions for handling. b. Marks, numbers, names, or letters describing the contents. c. Words or phrases such as "Do Not Open Until Christmas" and "Happy Birthday, Mother." d. Instructions and directions for the use of the item mailed. e. A manuscript dedication or inscription not having the nature of personal correspondence. f. Marks to call attention to words or passages in the text. g. Corrections of typographical errors in printed matter. h. Manuscripts accompanying related proof sheets and corrections of proof sheets including corrections of typographical and other errors, changes in the text, insertions of new text, marginal instructions to the printer, and corrective rewrites of parts. i. Handstamped imprints, unless the added material is in itself personal or converts the original matter to a personal communication. j. Matter mailable separately as Standard Mail printed on the wrapper, envelope, tag, or label. [E710.1.4] 3.0 Rate Eligibility for Bound Printed Matter Parcels3.1 Rate EligibilityBPM rates are based on the weight of a single addressed piece or 1 pound, whichever is higher, and the zone (where applicable) to which the piece is addressed. Rate categories are as follows: a. Presorted Rate. The Presorted rate applies to BPM prepared in a mailing of at least 300 pieces, prepared and presorted as specified in 465.5.0, Preparation for Presorted Parcels, or 705.8.0, Preparation for Pallets. b. Carrier Route Rate. The Carrier Route rate applies to BPM prepared in a mailing of at least 300 pieces presorted to carrier routes, prepared and presorted as specified in 465.6.0, Preparation for Carrier Route Parcels, or 705.8.0, Preparation for Pallets. c. Barcoded Discount—Machinable Parcels. The barcoded discount applies only to BPM machinable parcels (see 401.1.5) that bear a correct, readable barcode under 708.5.0, Barcoding Standards for Parcels, for the ZIP Code of the delivery address. The pieces must be part of a single‑piece rate mailing of 50 or more BPM parcels or part of a presort rate mailing of at least 300 BPM parcels prepared under 465.5.0, Preparation for Presorted Parcels, and 465.6.0, Preparation for Carrier Route Parcels, and 705.8.0, Preparation for Pallets. The barcoded discount is not available for parcels mailed at Presorted DDU or DSCF rates, or for Presorted DBMC rate mailings entered at an ASF other than the Phoenix, AZ, ASF. Carrier route rate mail is not eligible for the barcoded discount. [E712.2.0] 3.2 Nonidentical Weight PiecesMailings may contain nonidentical‑weight pieces only if the correct postage is affixed to each piece or if Business Mailer Support (BMS) has authorized payment of postage by permit imprint under 705.2.0, Manifest Mailing System (MMS), or 705.4.0, Alternate Mailing System (AMS). [E712.1.3] 3.3 ZIP Code Accuracy3.3.1 Basic StandardsThe ZIP Code accuracy standard is a means of ensuring that the 5‑digit ZIP Code in the delivery address correctly matches the delivery address information. For the purposes of this standard, address means a specific address associated with a specific 5‑digit ZIP Code. Addresses used on pieces claiming certain rates under 3.3.1d that are subject to the ZIP Code accuracy standard must meet these requirements: a. Each address and associated 5‑digit ZIP Code used on the mailpieces in a mailing must be verified and corrected within 12 months before the mailing date with one of the USPS‑approved methods in 3.3.2. b. Each individual address in the mailing is subject to the ZIP Code accuracy standard. c. If an address used on a mailpiece in a mailing at one class of mail and rate is verified and corrected with an approved method, the same address may be used during the following 12 months to meet the ZIP Code accuracy standard required for mailing at any other class of mail and rate. [A030.2.1] d. Except for mail bearing a simplified address, addressees used on pieces claiming the Bound Printed Matter Presort and carrier route rates, regardless of any required surcharges, must meet the ZIP Code accuracy standard. [A030.2.2 and A030.2.3] 3.3.2 USPS‑Approved MethodsThe following methods are authorized for meeting the ZIP Code accuracy standard: a. For computerized lists, Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS)‑certified address matching software and current USPS City State Product, within a mailer's computer systems or through an authorized service provider. b. For manually maintained lists or small computerized lists, options include the following: 1. Current USPS Publication 65, National Five‑Digit ZIP Code and Post Office Directory. 2. Surveys of addressees on mailer's address list inquiring about the accuracy of ZIP Code information. 3. Any mailing list service in 507.6.0. 4. An authorized service provider. 5. CASS‑certified matching software. 6. USPS Web site www.usps.com. [A030.2.4] 3.3.3 Mailer CertificationThe mailer's signature on the postage statement certifies that the ZIP Code accuracy standard has been met for each address in the corresponding mailing presented to the USPS. [A030.2.5] 3.4 Delivery and Return AddressesAll Bound Printed Matter must bear a delivery address. The delivery address on each piece must include the correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code. Alternative addressing formats under 602.3.0 or detached address labels under 602.4.0 may be used. Each piece must bear the sender's return address, except unendorsed Bound Printed Matter. [E710.3.1] 4.0 Additional Eligibility Standards for Presorted and Carrier Route Bound Printed Matter Parcels4.1 Basic StandardIn addition to the standards in 2.0 and 3.0, all pieces in a Bound Printed Matter mailing must: a. Bear a delivery address that includes the correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code and that meets these address quality standards: 1. The ZIP Code accuracy standard in 3.3. 2. The carrier route accuracy standard in 4.2. [E712.3.2a1] 3. If an alternative addressing format is used, the additional standards in 602.3.0. 4. If pieces are prepared with detached address labels, the additional standards in 602.4.0. b. Meet the preparation standards under 465.5.0, Preparation for Presorted Parcels, or 705.8.0, Preparation for Pallets. [E712.3.1] 4.2 Carrier Route Accuracy4.2.1 Basic StandardsThe carrier route accuracy standard is a means of ensuring that the carrier route code correctly matches the delivery address information. For the purposes of this standard, address means a specific address associated with a specific carrier route code. Addresses used on pieces claiming carrier route rates under 4.2.1d that are subject to the carrier route accuracy standard must meet these requirements: a. Each address and associated carrier route code used on the mailpieces in a mailing must be updated within 90 days before the mailing date with one of the USPS‑approved methods in 4.2.2. b. Each individual address in the mailing is subject to the carrier route accuracy standard. c. If the carrier route code (and accuracy) of an address used on a mailpiece in a carrier route mailing at one class of mail and rate is updated with an approved method, the same address may be used during the following 90 days to meet the carrier route accuracy standard required for mailing at any other class of mail and rate. [A030.3.1] d. Except for mail bearing a simplified address, addresses used on pieces claiming the Bound Printed Matter carrier route rates must meet the ZIP Code accuracy standard. [A030.3.2] 4.2.2 USPS‑Approved MethodsCarrier route coding must be performed using CASS‑certified software and the current USPS Carrier Route Product or another Address Information System (AIS) product containing carrier route information subject to 509.1.0, Address Information System Products, and 708.3.0, Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS). [A030.3.4] 4.2.3 Mailer CertificationThe mailer's signature on the postage statement certifies that the carrier route accuracy standard has been met for each address in the corresponding mailing presented to the USPS. [A030.3.5] 4.3 Destination EntrySee 466.2.0 through 466.5.0 for destination entry eligibility, preparation, and deposit standards. |