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DMM TOC > 400 Commercial Parcels > 410 Express Mail414 Postage Payment and Documentation1.0 Basic Standards for Postage Payment Options[1-18-09] Federal agency and USPS official Express Mail may use the appropriate indicia, subject to 703.7.0, Official Mail (Penalty). The mailer is responsible for proper payment of postage. Customers wishing to manifest Express Mail items may request authorization to use an Express Mail Manifesting System according to the procedures in 705.2.6. 1.1 Commercial Base Pricing[1-18-09] Commercial base Express Mail postage may be paid with: a. An Express Mail Corporate Account (see 2.0), including Federal Agency Accounts. c. Information-based indicia (IBI) postage meter with an approved shipping label. d. USPS-approved PC Postage products by registered end-users in conjunction with a qualifying shipping label managed by the PC Postage system used. 1.2 Commercial Plus Pricing[1-18-09] Commercial plus Express Mail postage may be paid with an Express Mail Corporate Account (see 2.0), including federal agency accounts, or through USPS-approved PC Postage products by registered end-users in conjunction with a qualifying shipping label managed by the PC Postage system used. 2.0 Corporate Accounts2.1 AvailabilityAn Express Mail corporate account (EMCA) is available to any mailer, subject to 2.3 through 2.6 in Corporate Accounts and the terms on Form 5639. The address provided by the mailer on Form 5639 must be valid as a condition of an account being opened. 2.2 AccountWritten application is required to mail with an Express Mail corporate account. Mailers must pay postage through an Express Mail corporate account for all Express Mail items accepted under the terms of an Express Mail Manifesting agreement in 705.2.6. 2.3 Postage LiabilityThe mailer must pay all postage and fees resulting from shipments presented bearing the assigned account number while the account is active and up to 30 days after the account is closed. After that, any shipment bearing the account number is refused and returned to the mailer. 2.4 Payment Method[10-9-08] For opening and maintaining an account, the mailer may do any of the following: a. Use a personal or business credit card. b. Authorize the USPS to originate an Automated Clearing House (ACH) debit from a specified bank account. c. Participate in the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS) debit only if combined with other PostalOne! accounts such as permit imprint, Periodicals, and Business Reply Mail. d. Existing EMCA customers who deposit cash and checks in local trust accounts must maintain a minimum balance in the account equal to an average week's postage and fees, or $100, whichever is higher. 2.5 USPS ReportBy the 10th of the month, the account holder receives a mailing activity statement for the previous month. This statement includes beginning and ending balances; deposits made; and postage and fees deducted. Accounts with activity have an itemized page included in the statement. This itemization lists each piece mailed, the mailing date, label number, origin and destination ZIP Codes, and postage and fees. Deposits, withdrawals, and adjustments also are itemized. 2.6 Closing Account[10-9-08] The USPS may close an account with 10 days' written advance notice to the account holder, (and reserves the right to refer closed corporate accounts with negative balances or unpaid mailings to a collection agency), for any of the following reasons: a. The ending balance on the mailing activity statement is below the minimum balance required for two consecutive months. b. The account remains inactive for three consecutive months, unless circumstances warrant otherwise (e.g., a seasonal mailer, positive balance, etc.). d. There are repetitive unpaid mailings due to rejection of payment by the account holders' credit card company or ACH institution. The closing of an account due to repetitive unpaid mailings caused by the rejection of the payment by the banking institution is subject to review by the manager, Business Mail Entry. 3.0 Postage RefundsPostage refunds may not be available if delivery was attempted within the times required for the specific service, or if the delay of the item was caused by any of the following reasons: a. Properly detained for law enforcement purpose; strike or work stoppage; delayed because of an incorrect ZIP Code or address; forwarding or return service was provided after the item was made available for claim; delay or cancellation of flights. Attempted delivery occurs under any of these situations when the delivery is physically attempted, but cannot be made; the shipment is available for delivery, but the addressee made a written request that the shipment be held for a specific day or days; the delivery employee discovers that the shipment is undeliverable as addressed before leaving on the delivery route. b. As authorized by USPS Headquarters, when the delay was caused by governmental action beyond the control of the USPS or air carriers; war, insurrection, or civil disturbance; breakdown of a substantial portion of the USPS transportation network resulting from events or factors outside the control of the USPS; or acts of God.