Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 2 Conditions for Mailing > 270 Matter for the Blind
270 Matter for the Blind
271 Description
Matter for the blind in international mail is limited to:
a. Books, periodicals, and other matter (including unsealed letters)
impressed in Braille or other special type for the use of the blind.
b. Plates for embossing literature for the blind.
c. Discs, tapes, or wires bearing voice recordings and special paper
intended solely for the use of the blind, provided they are sent by or
addressed to an officially recognized institution for the blind.
d. Sound recordings or tapes that are mailed by a blind person.
e. Those items listed in DMM 703.
272 Postage Rates
a. Surface: Free.
b. Air: No separate airmail rates are provided for matter for the blind. If
airmail service is desired, use airmail letter-post, air parcel post, or
other category that meets service request. These items are subject to
the weight, size, and preparation requirements of the category of mail
273.1 Weight Limit
The weight limit is 15 pounds.
273.2 Size Limits
273.21 Envelopes and Packages
a. Minimum length and height: 5-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches.
b. Minimum depth (thickness): .007 inch.
c. Maximum length: 24 inches.
d. Maximum length, height, depth (thickness) combined: 36 inches.

273.22 Rolls
a. Minimum length: 4 inches.
b. Minimum length plus twice the diameter combined: 6-3/4 inches.
c. Maximum length: 36 inches.
d. Maximum length plus twice the diameter combined: 42 inches.
274 Preparation Requirements
See 122.
274.21 Matter for the Blind Sent as Surface Mail
For surface mail accepted as matter for the blind, the word "FREE" must be
placed in the upper-right corner, immediately above the words "MATTER
274.22 Name of Officially Recognized Institution
The officially recognized institution for the blind must appear in the address or
the return address for the following items:
a. Disks, tapes, or wires bearing voice recordings.
b. Special paper intended solely for the use of the blind.
Matter for the blind must not be sealed, even if registered.
274.41 Subject to Postal Inspection
Matter for the blind is subject to postal inspection (see ASM 274), and must
be prepared in such a way that the contents are protected but inspection of
the contents is not hindered.
274.42 Types of Containers
The items must be placed in wrappers, in rolls, between cardboard, or in
bags, boxes, unsealed envelopes, or containers. Dangerous fasteners may
not be used. The articles may also be tied with string or twine in a manner
that will permit them to be easily untied.