Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 1 International Mail Services > 120 Preparation for Mailing
120 Preparation for Mailing
121 Packaging - Sender's Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the sender to prepare items and to address them
clearly and correctly. In preparing items for mailing, the sender must (1) use
strong envelopes or durable packaging material to prevent deterioration or
degradation, and (2) consider the nature of the articles being mailed and the
distance they must travel to reach the addressee. (See DMM 601 for detailed
122 Addressing
a. At least the entire right half of the address side of the envelope,
package, or card should be reserved for the destination address,
postage, labels, and postal notations.
b. Addresses must be printed in ink or typewritten. Pencil is unacceptable.
c. The name and address of addressee must be written legibly with roman
letters and arabic numbers, all placed lengthwise on one side of the
item. For parcels, addresses should also be written on a separate slip
enclosed in the parcel.
d. Addresses in Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Japanese, or
Chinese characters must bear an interline translation in English of the
names of the post office and country of destination. If the English
translation is not known, the foreign language words must be spelled in
roman characters (print or script). See 293.91 and
284.1 for an optional addressing procedure that applies only to
direct country sacks of International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) mail or
International Priority Airmail (IPA), respectively.
e. Mail may not be addressed to a person in one country "in care of" a
person in another country.
f. The name of the sender and/or addressee may not be in initials except
where they are an adopted trade name.
g. Mail may not be addressed to Boxholder or Householder.
h. The following exceptional form of address, in French or a language
known in the country of destination, may be used on printed matter:
the addressee's name or Occupant.
i. The house number and street address or box number must be included
when mail is addressed to towns or cities.
j. The address of items sent to General Delivery must indicate the name
of the addressee and the country of destination. The use of initials;
figures; simple, given names; or fictitious names is not permitted on
articles addressed for general delivery.
k. The last line of the address must show only the country name, written in
full (no abbreviations) and in capital letters. For example:
Exception: To Canada, there must be two spaces between the
province abbreviation and the postal code, as shown below
between "ON" and "KIA 0B1":

Due to heightened security, many foreign postal administrations require
complete sender and addressee information in roman letters and arabic
numerals on postal items. The complete address of the sender, including ZIP
Code and country of origin, should be shown in the upper left corner of the
address side of the envelope, package, or card. Only one return address may
be used. It must be located so that it does not affect either the clarity of the
address of destination or the application of service labels and notations
(postmarks, etc.). Unregistered items bearing a return address in another
country are accepted only at the sender's risk. In the case of bulk mailings,
the return address must be in the country of mailing. For the purpose of this
section, a "bulk mailing" is 200 or more pieces mailed at the same time by the
Only two customs declaration forms are used, as required under 123.6, for
international mail: PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 - Sender's
Declaration (green label); and PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and
Dispatch Note - CP 72. PS Form 2976-E, Customs Declaration Envelope -
CP 91, is used as a carriage document for PS Form 2976-A.
Note: The current edition of PS Forms 2976 and 2976-E is January
2004. The current edition of PS Form 2976-A is January 2006. Except as
provided in 123.3, mailers must present at the time of mailing a fully
completed Sender's Declaration (the Post Office copy of PS Form 2976),
which specifies both the sender's name and address and the addressee's
name and address.

Customs declaration forms are available without charge at Post Office™
facilities. Upon request, mailers may receive a reasonable supply for mail
preparation. Customers may also order supplies of the customs forms from
The Postal Store at; search on the words "customs
forms." Customs declaration forms are also available through an online
customs form application at
If authorized, mailers may privately print PS Forms 2976 and 2976-A.
Privately printed forms must be identical in size, design, and color to the
Postal Service™ forms, and each form must contain a unique Code U 128
barcode symbology that can be read by Postal Service equipment. Mailers
may obtain form specifications from the following address:
MEMPHIS TN 38188-0001
Mailers can also obtain form specifications by calling the NCSC at
800-238-3150 - select option 5 for barcode certification - or online at; click on customstechguide.pdf.
Upon receipt of the request, the NCSC will send mailers an application and
specifications for preparing PS Forms 2976 and/or 2976-A. The application
clearly explains the process necessary for authorization. When authorized by
the NCSC, a mailer may omit printing the Post Office copy (copy 4) of PS
Forms 2976 and/or 2976-A by submitting an authorized manifest listing of the
items. The manifest must be typewritten, legibly handwritten, or
computer-generated, and must contain the following information:
a. The sender's name and address.
b. The sender's print authorization number (i.e., barcode).
c. The edition date of the privately printed form.
d. The same certification statement that is printed on the Postal Service
e. A list of the foreign recipients' names and delivery addresses.
f. The mailer's signature and date.

Certain items must bear one or more of the forms required by the nonpostal
export regulations described in chapter 5.
123.5 Place of Mailing
Except as specified below, a mailer may not deposit a postal item that
requires a completed customs declaration form into a street collection box or
a Post Office lobby drop. Mailers must tender such items to a Postal Service
employee at a Post Office facility or other location as designated by the
postmaster. Otherwise, the Postal Service will return them to the sender for
proper entry and acceptance.
Exception: The above restriction on the deposit of customs mail does not
apply to Global Express Mail™ (EMS®) shipments paid through an Express
Mail corporate account (EMCA). Mailers may deposit such items into a
designated Express Mail® collection box or Post Office lobby drop.
Mailers must use PS Forms 2976 or 2976-A and 2976-E as shown in
Exhibit 123.61.
Exhibit 123.61
Customs Declaration Forms Usage
Mail Category
Declared Value
Required Form
Global Express Guaranteed (documents
and nondocuments)
All values
Mailing label (item
blank |
Global Express Mail (EMS)
All values
2976 or 2976-A unless
otherwise specified
See Note 3 at the bottom of this
exhibit and the Individual
Country Listings.
Global Priority Mail (GPM) items, airmail
letter-post items, and economy
letter-post items that:
Weigh less than 16 ounces and do not
have potentially dutiable contents.
Weigh 16 ounces or more, do not have
potentially dutiable contents, and
are entered by a known mailer.
A known mailer, as defined in
123.62, may be exempt from
affixing customs forms to
nondutiable mailpieces that
weigh 16 ounces or more.
Global Priority Mail (GPM) items, airmail
letter-post items, and economy
letter-post items that:
Weigh less than 16 ounces and have
potentially dutiable contents.
Weigh 16 ounces or more, regardless
of their contents.
Under $400
$400 and over
2976 *
2976-A *
blank |
Free matter for the blind - economy
Under $400
$400 and over
2976 *
2976-A *
blank |
Parcel post - airmail or economy
Regardless of
2976-A with 2976-E
Do not use PS Form 2976
(green label) on parcel post
M-bag - airmail or economy
(Note: An M-bag requires a customs form
when it contains potentially dutiable
printed matter, admissible merchandise
items as defined in 261.22 or
some combination thereof.)
Under $400
$400 and over
2976 *
2976-A *
blank |
* Placement of forms: Use PS 2976 (green label) for letter-post items under $400 in value and affix it to the outside of the
package. If the value of the contents is $400 or more, affix the upper portion of PS Form 2976 (green label) (cut on
dotted line and discard the lower portion) to the outside of the package, complete a separate PS Form 2976-A, and
enclose the form set inside the package.
1. See 233.3 for the customs form requirements that specifically pertain to Global Priority Mail (GPM) items.
2. Bulk business products, including International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) and International Priority Airmail (IPA), require
customs forms based on package contents and weight as specified above and as required by the country of
3. Global Express Mail (EMS) shipments that contain nondutiable correspondence, documents, or commercial papers are
subject to the following customs form requirements:
a. When an EMS shipment weighs less than 16 ounces, the determination as to whether or not to affix PS Form 2976
is dependent upon the conditions of the destination country. Some countries require that a customs form be affixed
to EMS shipments regardless of the weight or contents. Other countries require that a "BUSINESS PAPERS"
endorsement be applied to the package. See the Individual Country Listings for each country's specification.
b. When the EMS shipment weighs 16 ounces or more, PS Form 2976 or PS Form 2976-A is required.

A "known mailer" is defined as:
a. A business customer who tenders volume mailings through a business
mail entry unit (BMEU) or other bulk mail acceptance location,
completes a postage statement at the time of entry, pays postage
through an advance deposit account, and uses a permit imprint as an
indication of postage payment. International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) and
International Priority Airmail (IPA) customers are considered to be
"known mailers" for this purpose.
b. A federal, state, or local government agency whose mail is regarded as
Official Mail.
c. A contractor who sends out prepaid mail on behalf of a military service,
provided the mail is endorsed "Contents for Official Use - Exempt from
Customs Requirements."
Note: "Known mailers" are exempt from the customs form requirement
that would otherwise apply to mailpieces weighing 16 ounces or more
provided that the following conditions of entry are met:
a. The mailpieces contain no merchandise items or other contents that
are potentially dutiable.
b. The mailer pays postage through an advance deposit account and
accounts for the postage on the required postage statement.
Exception: Mailpieces that are paid for by postage meter do not
qualify for the "known mailer" exemption. The exemption applies
only to International Surface Air Lift (ISAL) and International Priority
Airmail (IPA) mailpieces that are paid with a combination post
method (meter postage affixed to the piece and additional postage
by permit imprint). Such mailpieces must bear the ISAL/IPA service
endorsements prescribed in 292.222 and 293.92,
c. The mailer certifies on the postage statement that the mailpieces
contain no dangerous materials that are prohibited by postal
d. The import regulations of the destination country allow individual
mailpieces without a customs form affixed.

123.63 Additional Security Controls
When the chief postal inspector determines that a unique, credible threat
exists, the Postal Service may require a mailer to provide photo identification
at the time of mailing. The signature on the identification must match the
signature on the customs declaration form.
123.71 PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 - Sender's
Declaration (green label)
123.711 Sender's Preparation of PS Form 2976
A sender must complete PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 -
Sender's Declaration (green label). See Exhibit 123.711 for a copy of PS
Form 2976.
a. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the package contains a
gift, documents, commercial samples, or other items.
b. In block (1), provide a detailed description, in English, of each article
and the quantity for each article. General descriptions such as "food,"
"medicine," "gifts," or "clothing" are not acceptable. In addition to the
English text, a translation in another language is permitted.
c. In block (2), give the weight of each article in pounds and ounces, if
d. In block (3), declare the value of each article in U.S. dollars.
Note: The sender may declare that the contents have no value.
However, declaring that the contents have no value does not
exempt an item from customs examination or charges in the
destination country.
e. In blocks (4) and (5) - which are only for commercial items (i.e., any
goods exported/imported in the course of a business transaction,
whether or not they are sold for money or exchanged) - enter, if
known, the HS tariff number (6 digits), which must be based on the
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System developed by
the World Customs Organization, and the country of origin, which is the
country where the goods originated (i.e., where they were produced,
manufactured, or assembled).
f. In block (6), give the total weight of the item, if known.
g. In block (7), give the total value of the item in U.S. dollars.
h. In block (8), sign and date in the blocks indicated on the left side and
the right side of the form. The sender's signature certifies that all
entries are correct and that the item contains no dangerous article
prohibited by postal or customs regulations
i. Enter the sender's full name and address and the addressee's full
name and address in the blocks indicated.
j. Affix the form to the address side of the item and present the item for
Exhibit 123.711
PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 - Sender's Declaration (green label)

123.712 Postal Service Employee's Acceptance of PS Form 2976
The Postal Service acceptance employee must do the following when
accepting PS Form 2976 from the sender:
a. Instruct the sender how to complete, legibly and accurately, PS Form
2976, as required. The sender's failure to complete the form properly
can delay delivery of the item or inconvenience the sender and
addressee. Moreover, a false, misleading, or incomplete declaration
can result in the seizure or return of the item and/or in criminal or civil
penalties. The Postal Service assumes no responsibility for the
accuracy of information that the sender enters on PS Form 2976.
b. Verify that the sender has entered the information on the form, and has
signed and dated the form in the spaces provided on the left side and
the right side of the form. The sender's address on the mailpiece must
match the sender's address on PS Form 2976.
c. Enter the total weight of the package on the form, if the sender has not
already done so.
d. Round stamp the right side of the form (the Post Office copy) and tell
the sender that the Postal Service will retain this document for 30 days
as a record of mailing.
Note: To comply with international mail aviation security procedures, the
Postal Service employee must endorse any item weighing 16 ounces or
more that is not accepted by an authorized employee, or that is subject to
uncertain acceptance conditions (e.g., if received through a collection box
or left on an unattended dock), with a "customer notification DDD-2"
sticker and "surface only" and return the item to the sender by surface
transportation. Consult the most recent international aviation security
procedures for comprehensive acceptance procedures.

123.72 PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note -
CP 72
123.721 Sender's Preparation of PS Form 2976-A
a. Enter the sender's full name and address and the addressee's full
name and address in the blocks indicated.
b. Enter information for customs reference, importer's reference, and
telephone/fax/email, if known.
c. In block (1), provide a detailed description, in English, of each article.
General descriptions such as "food," "medicine," "gifts," or "clothing" are
not acceptable. In addition to the English text, a translation in another
language is permitted. If there is insufficient space on the form to list all
contents, use a second form (and subsequent forms, if necessary) to
continue listing the contents and indicate on the first form that the
contents are continued on a subsequent form(s). Place the form(s) into
PS Form 2976-E (plastic envelope).
d. In block (2), enter the quantity of each article.
e. In block (3), enter the net weight of each article in pounds and ounces,
if known.
f. In block (4), enter the total weight of the package in pounds and
ounces, if known.
g. In blocks (5) and (6), enter the value for each article and the total in
U.S. dollars.
Note: The sender may declare that the contents have no value.
However, declaring that the contents have no value does not
exempt an item from customs examination or charges in the
destination country.
h. In blocks (7) and (8) - which are only for commercial items (i.e., any
goods exported/imported in the course of a business transaction
whether or not they are sold for money or exchanged) - enter, if
known, the HS tariff number (6 digits), which must be based on the
Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System developed by
the World Customs Organization, and the country of origin, which is the
country where the goods originated (i.e., where they were produced,
manufactured, or assembled).
i. In block (10), check the appropriate box for type of service.
j. In block (11), check the appropriate box to indicate whether the
package contains a gift, documents, commercial samples, or other
k. In block (12), provide details if the contents are subject to quarantine
(plant, food products, etc.) or other restrictions.
l. In blocks (13), (14), and (15), if the item is accompanied by a license, a
certificate, or an invoice, enter the number.
m. In block (16), sign and date the form. The sender's signature certifies
that all entries are correct and that the item contains no dangerous
article prohibited by postal or customs regulations.
n. In block (17), provide disposal instructions in the event that a package
cannot be delivered. Check the appropriate box to indicate whether the
parcel is to be returned, treated as abandoned, or forwarded to an
alternate address. Undeliverable parcels returned to the sender are,
upon delivery, subject to collection of return postage and any other
charges assessed by the foreign postal authorities. If unwilling to pay
return postage, check the box "Treat as Abandoned."
o. Affix PS Form 2976-A according to the class of mail, as follows:
(1) For parcel post, first allow the Postal Service employee to
complete PS Form 2976-A as described in 123.722 and then
place the form set inside PS Form 2976-E (plastic envelope) and
affix it to the outside of the package.
(2) For a letter-post item valued at $400 or more, or if you do not
want to list the contents on the outside wrapper of a letter-post
item, affix the upper portion of PS Form 2976 (green label) (cut
on dotted line and discard the lower portion) to the address side
of the package, complete PS Form 2976-A, and enclose the form
set inside the package.
p. Present the item for mailing.
Exhibit 123.721
PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note - CP 72
(Copies 1 and 4 and instructions only)
Exhibit 123.721 (continued)
PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note - CP 72
(Copies 1 and 4 and instructions only)

123.722 Postal Service Employee's Acceptance of PS Form 2976-A
The Postal Service acceptance employee must do the following when
accepting PS Form 2976-A from the sender:
a. Instruct the sender how to complete, legibly and accurately, PS Form
2976-A, as required. The sender's failure to complete the form properly
can delay delivery of the item or inconvenience the sender and
addressee. Moreover, a false, misleading, or incomplete declaration
can result in the seizure or return of the item and/or in criminal or civil
penalties. The Postal Service assumes no responsibility for the
accuracy of information that the sender enters on PS Form 2976-A.
b. Verify that the sender has entered the information on the form and has
signed and dated the declaration. The sender's address on the
mailpiece must match the sender's address on PS Form 2976-A.
c. If the sender wishes to insure the contents, complete an insurance
receipt and affix the insured numbered label to the package. Enter on
PS Form 2976-A the insured number and the insured amount in U.S.
dollars and SDR value. (See Exhibit 324.22 for conversion to SDRs.)
d. Weigh the parcel and enter in block (4) the gross weight, and enter in
block (9) the amount of the applicable postage and fees.
e. Round stamp the form in the appropriate place on each copy
(copies 1-6).
f. Remove the Post Office copy (copy 5) and tell the mailer that the Postal
Service will retain this document for 30 days as a record of mailing.
Remove the Mailer copy (copy 6) and give it to the mailer.
g. Round stamp any uncancelled stamps, and if postage is paid by meter,
round stamp the front of the piece near the meter postage.
Note: To comply with international mail aviation security procedures, the
Postal Service employee must endorse any item weighing 16 ounces or
more that is not accepted by an authorized employee, or that is subject to
uncertain acceptance conditions (e.g., if received through a collection box
or left on an unattended dock), with a "customer notification DDD-2"
sticker and "surface only" and return the item to the sender by surface
transportation. Consult the most recent international aviation security
procedures for comprehensive acceptance procedures.

123.73 PS Form 2976-E, Customs Declaration Envelope - CP 91
PS Form 2976-E is a transparent plastic envelope designed to carry and
protect the PS Form 2976-A form set. After completing the forms, the sender
inserts the PS Form 2976-A form set into the envelope of PS Form 2976-E,
removes the backing sheet, and affixes it to the package on the address side.