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290 Commercial Services

291 (Reserved)

292 International Priority Airmail Service

292.1 Description

292.11 General

International Priority Airmail™ (IPA®) service is as fast as or faster than regular international airmail service. It is available to bulk mailers of all letter-post items that are prepared by the sender in accordance with the requirements of this subchapter. Separate rates are provided for presorted mail and nonpresorted mail with drop shipment and volume discounts available.

292.12 Qualifying Mail

Any item of the letter-post classification, as defined in 141.5 and 141.6, qualifies, including aerogrammes and postcards. Items do not have to be of the same size and weight to qualify.

292.13 Minimum Quantity Requirements
292.131 Worldwide Nonpresort Mail

The mailer must have a minimum of 11 pounds of mail in the total mailing. The minimum does not apply to each country destination.

292.132 Presort Mail

The mailer must have a minimum of 11 pounds of presorted mail to a single rate group, including Canada, to qualify for the presort rate for that rate group.

Note: Mail that cannot be made up in direct country packages (292.442a), in direct country sacks (292.451), or in trays (292.455a) does not qualify for the presort rates and is subject to the worldwide nonpresort rates.

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292.14 Dutiable Items

Dutiable items may be sent in accordance with the applicable rules in this subchapter for those classes of mail. Parcel post (CP) items, either ordinary or insured, may not be mailed as International Priority Airmail.

292.15 Deposit
292.151 Full Service

Mailings must be deposited and accepted at all Post Office facilities where bulk mail is accepted and the mailer holds an advance deposit account or postage meter license.

292.152 Drop Shipment

To qualify for the drop shipment rates, the mailer must tender the mail to one of the locations in 292.153. The mailer must pay postage at the drop shipment location either through an advance deposit account or postage meter license at the serving Post Office facility. As an alternative, mailers who are participating in the Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) program (see DMM 705) may have the mail verified, accepted, and paid for at the mailer's plant or at the origin Post Office facility serving the mailer's plant if authorized under DMM 705. Plant-verified drop shipment mail must be transported by the mailer to the drop shipment location and the mail accompanied by PS Form 8125, Plant-Verified Drop Shipment (PVDS) Verification and Clearance.

292.153 Drop Shipment Locations

Drop shipment rates are available from the following offices:

New York:

JAMAICA NY 11430-9998


11698 NW 25TH ST
MIAMI FL 33112-9997

2200 NW 72ND AVE
MIAMI FL 33152-9997


2300 W 32ND ST
DALLAS TX 75261-9741


CHICAGO IL 60688-9998


CARSON CA 90810-9998

DALY CITY CA 94013-1631

*Only plant-verified mail is transported to these facilities by the mailer.

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292.16 Special Services Not Available

Items sent in this service may not be registered.

292.2 Postage

292.21 Rates
292.211 General

There are two rate options for International Priority Airmail service: a presort rate option that has eight rate groups, and a worldwide nonpresort rate. For both options, there are full service rates for mail deposited at offices other than the drop shipment offices listed in 292.153, and drop shipment rates for mail deposited at one of the drop shipment offices. The per-piece rates and per-pound rates are shown in Exhibit 292.211. The per-piece rate applies to each piece regardless of its weight. The per-pound rate applies to the net weight (gross weight minus tare weight of sack) of the mail for the specific rate group. Fractions of a pound are rounded to the next whole pound for postage calculation.

Exhibit 292.211

International Priority Airmail Rates

Rate Group Per Piece Drop Shipment
Per Pound
Full Service
Per Pound
$0.30 $2.75 $3.75
0.13 4.85 5.85
3 0.27 4.35 5.35
4 0.26 5.80 6.80
5 0.13 5.10 6.10
6 0.13 5.00 6.00
7 0.13 6.60 7.60
8 0.13 7.65 8.65
Worldwide 0.21 7.40 8.40

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292.212 Availability

IPA service is available to all foreign countries, as listed in Exhibit 292.452, which shows the rate group assigned to each country.

292.213 Presort Rates

To qualify for the presort rates (see Exhibit 292.211), a mailing must consist of a minimum of 11 pounds to a specific rate group. This minimum applies to each rate group and not to the entire mailing. Within a rate group, all mail addressed to an individual country must be sorted into direct country packages of 10 or more pieces (or 1 pound or more of mail) and/or sacked in direct country sacks of 11 pounds or more. Mail that cannot be made up into direct country packages or direct country sacks must be sent at the worldwide nonpresort rates.

Note: There are separate preparation requirements for mail to Canada. See 292.455.

292.214 Separation by Rate Group

The mailer must specify the rate group on the back of PS Tag 115, International Priority Airmail, with 1 (Canada), 2 (Mexico), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or WW (Worldwide), and must physically separate the sacks by rate group at the time of mailing.

292.215 Computation of Postage

Postage is computed on PS Form 3652, Postage Statement - International Priority Airmail. Postage at the worldwide nonpresort rate is calculated by multiplying the number of pieces in the mailing by the applicable per-piece rate, multiplying the net weight (in whole pounds) of the entire mailing by the applicable per-pound rate, and then adding the two totals together. Postage at the presorted rates is calculated by multiplying the number of pieces in the mailing destined for countries in a specific rate group by the appropriate per-piece rate, multiplying the net weight (in whole pounds) of those pieces by the corresponding per-pound rate, and then adding the two totals together. Volume discounts are calculated on the postage statement.

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292.22 Postage Payment Methods
292.221 General

a. Postage Meter or Permit Imprint. Postage must be paid by postage meter, permit imprint, or mailer-precanceled stamps (see DMM 604) or a combination. Postage charges are computed on PS Form 3652.

b. Piece Rate Portion. The applicable per-piece postage as set forth in the ICM agreement when appliable must be affixed to each piece by meter unless postage is paid by permit imprint or mailer-precancelled stamps (see 292.223).

c. Pound Rate Portion. Postage for the pound rate portion must be paid either by meter stamp(s) attached to the postage statement or from the mailer's authorized permit imprint advance deposit account.

292.222 Postage Meter

a. Postage Endorsement. When postage is paid by meter or mailer-precanceled stamps, each piece must be legibly endorsed with the words "INTERNATIONAL PRIORITY AIRMAIL."

b. Specifications for Endorsement. The endorsement required in 292.222a must appear on the address side of each piece and must be applied by a printing press, hand stamp, or other similar printing device. It must be printed above the name of the addressee and to the left or below the postage, or it may be printed adjacent to the meter stamp in either the postal inscription slug area or ad plate area. If the postal endorsement appears in the ad plate area, no other information may be printed in the ad plate. The endorsement may not be typewritten or hand-drawn. The endorsement is not considered adequate if it is included as part of a decorative design or advertisement.

c. Unmarked Pieces. Unmarked pieces lacking the postage endorsement required by 292.222a are subject to the airmail letter-post single piece rates.

d. Drop Shipment of Metered Mail. Mailers who want to enter metered IPA mail at a Post Office facility other than where the meter is licensed must obtain a drop shipment authorization. To obtain an authorization, the mailer must submit a written request to the postmaster at the office where the mail will be entered (see DMM 705).

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292.223 Permit Imprint

Mailers may use a permit imprint for mailings that contain identical weight pieces. Any of the permit imprints shown in Exhibit 152.3 are acceptable. The postage charges are computed on PS Form 3652 and deducted from the advance deposit account. Permit imprints must not denote Priority Mail, bulk mail, nonprofit, or other domestic or special rate mail. Mailers may use permit imprint with nonidentical weight pieces only if authorized to use postage mailing systems under DMM 705.

292.3 Weight and Size Limits

See 243 for the weight and size limits for letter-post items sent in this service. Items may not weigh more than 4 pounds.

292.4 Preparation Requirements for Individual Items

292.41 Addressing

International Priority Airmail is subject to the addressing requirements contained in 122.

a. Exception: International Priority Airmail items destined for Canada must have the applicable alphanumeric postcode included in the delivery address. See 122.1k for the address formatting requirements that generally apply to mailpieces sent to Canada.

b. Exception: International Priority Airmail in direct country sacks (see 292.451) is not subject to the interline addressing requirement that is specified in 122.1d. At the sender's risk, the English translation of the destination post office or city name may be omitted from printed addresses that are in Russian, Greek, Arabic, Hebrew, Cyrillic, Japanese, or Chinese characters. An English translation of the country name (e.g., Japan) is still required on the individual mailpieces.

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292.42 Marking
292.421 Airmail

The sender should mark "PAR AVION" or "AIR MAIL" on the address side of each piece. Use of bordered airmail envelopes is optional and may be used for items sent in this service if the envelope contains the "AIR MAIL" endorsement.

292.422 Packages

Items that might be mistaken for another class of mail because of their size, weight, or appearance should be marked "LETTER" on the address side.

292.43 Sealing and Packaging

Mail that is sent via the IPA service may be sealed at the sender's option. See 244.4 for the packaging methods that are applicable to all letter-post items.

292.44 Sortation Requirements for IPA
292.441 Worldwide Nonpresorted Mail

a. Working Packages. IPA mail paid at the nonpresorted rate must be made up into working packages. Letters and flats must be packaged separately, although nonidentical pieces may be commingled within each of these categories. Pieces that cannot be packaged because of their physical characteristics must be placed loose in the sack.

b. Facing of Nonpresorted Mail Within Package. All pieces in the working packages must be faced the same way.

292.442 Presorted Mail

a. Direct Country Packages. When there are 10 or more pieces or 1 pound or more of mail for the same country (except Great Britain), it must be made up into a country package. Great Britain requires a finer sortation. At the mailer's option, a finer breakdown by city or postal code may be made based on sortation information provided by the postal administration of the destination country.

b. Country Package Label.

(1) The label (facing slip) for country packages that contain 10 or more pieces to a specific country (except for Great Britain and Mexico) must be completed as follows:

Line 1: Foreign Exchange Office.
Line 2: Country of Destination.
Line 3: Mailer, Mailer Location.



(2) See Exhibit 292.442 for Direct Country Package Label and PS Tag 178, CN 35 Par Avion, for information.

c. Country Packages to Great Britain. When there are 10 or more pieces or 1 pound or more per separation, International Priority Airmail to Great Britain must be sorted into packages in the following manner:

Exchange Office
(Line 1 Bundle Label)



d. Facing of Pieces Within Country Package. All pieces in the country package must be faced in the same direction and a facing slip identifying the contents of the package must be placed on the address side of the top piece of each package in such a manner that it will not become separated from the package.

Note: The pressure-sensitive labels and optional endorsement lines used domestically for presort mail are prohibited for International Priority Airmail.

Exhibit 292.442

Foreign Exchange Office and Country Rate Groups

Rate Group Country 3-Letter Exchange Office Code Exchange Office
8 Afghanistan KBL Kabul
5 Albania TIA Tirana
8 Algeria ALG Algiers
3 Andorra * blank blank
8 Angola LAD Luanda
6 Anguilla AXA The Valley
6 Antigua and Barbuda ANU St. John's
6 Argentina BUE Buenos Aires Avion
8 Armenia EVN Yerevan
6 Aruba AUA Oranjestad
5 Ascension * blank blank
4 Australia ** SYD Sydney
3 Austria VIE 1150 Vienna Flug
8 Azerbaijan BAK Baku
3 Azores * blank blank
6 Bahamas NAS Nassau
8 Bahrain BAH Bahrain
8 Bangladesh DAC Dhaka 17
6 Barbados BGI Bridgetown
5 Belarus MOW Moscow PCI-1
3 Belgium BRU Brussels X
6 Belize BZE Belize City
8 Benin COO Cotonou
6 Bermuda BDA Hamilton
8 Bhutan * blank blank
6 Bolivia LPB La Paz
6 Bonaire * *** blank blank
5 Bosnia-Herzegovina SJJ Sarajevo
8 Botswana GBE Gabrone
6 Brazil RIO Rio de Janeiro
6 British Virgin Islands EIS Roadtown Tortola
7 Brunei Darussalam BWN Bandar Seri Begawan
5 Bulgaria SOF Sofia
8 Burkina Faso OUA Ouagadougou
8 Burma (Myanmar) RGN Rangoon
8 Burundi BJM Bujumbura
7 Cambodia PNH Phnom Penh
8 Cameroon DLA Douala
1 Canada See Exhibit 292.455,
Canadian Labeling Information
8 Cape Verde SID SAL
6 Cayman Islands GCM Grand Cayman
8 Central African Republic BGF Bangui
8 Chad NDJ N'Djamena
6 Chile SCL Santiago
7 China PEK Beijing
6 Colombia BOG Bogota Aeropuerto
8 Comoros Islands * blank blank
8 Congo, Dem. Rep. of the FIH Kinshasa CTT
8 Congo, Rep. of the (Brazzaville) BZV Brazzaville
3 Corsica * blank blank
6 Costa Rica SJO San Jose
8 Cote d'Ivoire ABJ Abidjan
5 Croatia ZAG Zagreb
6 Cuba HAV Havana
blank Curacao *** CUR Willemstad
8 Cyprus NIC Nicosia
5 Czech Republic PRG Prague 120
3 Denmark CPH Copenhagen PTM
8 Djibouti JIB Djibouti
6 Dominica DOM Roseau
6 Dominican Republic SDQ Santo Domingo
6 Ecuador UIO Quito
8 Egypt CAI Cairo Int'l Airport
6 El Salvador SAL San Salvador
8 Equatorial Guinea BSG Bata
8 Eritrea ASM Asmara
5 Estonia TLL Tallinn
8 Ethiopia ADD Addis Ababa
6 Falkland Islands * blank blank
5 Faroe Islands * blank blank
7 Fiji NAN Nadi
3 Finland HEL Helsinki
3 France PAR Paris Aviation Passe
6 French Guiana CAY Cayenne
7 French Polynesia PPT Papeete
8 Gabon LBV Libreville
8 Gambia BJL Banjul
8 Georgia, Republic of TBS Tbilisi
3 Germany FRA Frankfurt am Main Flughafen
8 Ghana ACC Accra
3 Gibraltar GIB Gibraltar
3 Great Britain blank blank
blank London City LON Londontown
blank Northern Ireland BFS Belfast
blank Scotland GLA Glasgow
blank All Other Great Britain LON Great Britain
3 Greece ATH Athens
3 Greenland * blank blank
6 Grenada GND St. George's
6 Guadeloupe PTP Pointe-a-Pitre
6 Guatemala GUA Guatemala
8 Guinea CKY Conakry
8 Guinea-Bissau BXO Bissau
6 Guyana GEO Georgetown
6 Haiti PAP Port-au-Prince
6 Honduras TGU Tegucigalpa
7 Hong Kong HKG Victoria
5 Hungary BUD Budapest 72 Trans
3 Iceland REK Reykjavik
8 India DEL Delhi Air
7 Indonesia JKT Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta
8 Iran THR Tehran
8 Iraq BGW Baghdad
3 Ireland DUB Dublin
3 Israel TLV Tel Aviv-Yafo
3 Italy ROM Rome Ferr
6 Jamaica KIN Kingston
4 Japan TYO Tokyo APT FWD
8 Jordan AMM Amman
8 Kazakhstan ALA Alma Ata
8 Kenya NBO Nairobi
7 Kiribati TRW Tarawa
7 Korea, Dem. People's Rep. (North) * blank blank
7 Korea, Republic of (South) SEL Seoul
8 Kuwait KWI Kuwait
5 Kyrgyzstan MOW Moscow PCI-1
7 Laos VTE Vientiane
5 Latvia RIX Riga
8 Lebanon BEY Beirut
8 Lesotho MSU Maseru
8 Liberia MLW Monrovia
8 Libya TIP Tripoli
3 Liechtenstein * blank blank
5 Lithuania VNO Vilnius
3 Luxembourg LUX Luxembourg Ville
5 Macao HKG Macau
5 Macedonia BEG Belgrade
8 Madagascar TNR Antananarivo
3 Madeira Islands FNC Funchal
8 Malawi BLZ Limbe C.S.O.
7 Malaysia KUL Kuala Lumpur
8 Maldives MLE Male
8 Mali BKO Bamako
8 Malta VLT Valletta
3 Marshall Islands,
Republic of the
6 Martinique FDF Fort de France
8 Mauritania NKC Nouakchott
8 Mauritius MRU Mauritius
2 Mexico MEX Mexico Aereo DF
3 Micronesia, Federated States of PNI
8 Moldova KIV Kishinev
3 Monaco MCM Monte Carlo
7 Mongolia * blank blank
6 Montserrat MNI Plymouth
8 Morocco CAS Casablanca P/PAL
8 Mozambique MPM CPI Maputo
8 Namibia WDH Windhoek
7 Nauru INU Nauru
7 Nepal KTM Kathmandu
3 Netherlands AMS Amsterdam EXP
6 Netherlands Antilles * *** blank blank
7 New Caledonia NOU Noumea
4 New Zealand AKL Auckland
6 Nicaragua MGA Managua
8 Niger NIM Niamey
8 Nigeria LOS Lagos
3 Norway OSL Oslo Transit
8 Oman MCT Muscat
8 Pakistan KHI Karachi
6 Panama PTY Panama City
7 Papua New Guinea POM Port Moresby
6 Paraguay ASU Asuncion
6 Peru LIM Lima Transito
7 Philippines MNL Manila
7 Pitcairn Island * blank blank
5 Poland WAW Warsaw
3 Portugal LIS Lisbon Province
8 Qatar DOH Doha
8 Reunion RUN St. Denis
5 Romania BUH Bucharest
5 Russia MOW Moscow PCI-1
8 Rwanda KGL Kigali
6 Saba * *** blank blank
6 Saint Christopher
(St. Kitts) and Nevis
SKB Basseterre
6 Saint Eustatius * *** blank blank
8 Saint Helena * blank blank
6 Saint Lucia SLU Castries
6 Saint Maarten *** SXM Philipsburg
6 Saint Pierre and Miquelon * blank blank
6 Saint Vincent and The
SVD Kingstown
3 San Marino * blank blank
5 Sao Tome and Principe * blank blank
8 Saudi Arabia DHA Dhahran APT
8 Senegal DKR Dakar Yoff
5 Serbia-Montenegro (Yugoslavia) BEG Belgrade
8 Seychelles SEZ Mahe Is
8 Sierra Leone FNA Freetown
7 Singapore SIN Singapore
5 Slovak Republic (Slovakia) BTS Bratislava
5 Slovenia LJU Ljubljana
7 Solomon Islands HIR Honiara
8 Somalia MGQ Mogadishu
8 South Africa JNB Johannesburg
3 Spain MAD Madrid Airport
8 Sri Lanka CMB Colombo
8 Sudan KRT Khartoum
6 Suriname PBM Paramaribo
8 Swaziland MTS Manzini
3 Sweden STO Stockholm Flug
3 Switzerland GVA Geneva *
8 Syria DAM Damascus
7 Taiwan TPE Taipei
8 Tajikistan MOW Moscow PCI-1
8 Tanzania DAR Dar es Salaam
7 Thailand BKK Bangkok
8 Togo LFW Lome
7 Tonga NUK Nukualofa
6 Trinidad and Tobago POS Port of Spain
8 Tristan da Cunha * blank blank
8 Tunisia TUN Tunis
5 Turkey IST Istanbul Hava Alani
5 Turkmenistan MOW Moscow PCI-1
6 Turks and Caicos Islands TKI Grand Turk
7 Tuvalu * blank blank
8 Uganda KLA Kampala
8 Ukraine IEV Kiev
8 United Arab Emirates DXB Dubai
6 Uruguay MVD Montevideo
8 Uzbekistan TAS Tashkent
7 Vanuatu VLI Port Vila
3 Vatican City VCY Vatican City State
6 Venezuela CCS Caracas
7 Vietnam SGN Ho Chi Minh Ville
7 Wallis and Futuna Islands * blank blank
7 Western Samoa APW Apia
8 Yemen SAH Sanaa
8 Zambia NLA Ndola
8 Zimbabwe HRE Harare

* Direct country sacks are not made to these destinations. Prepare direct country packages (10 or more pieces) and include in mixed direct country package sacks labeled to the assigned U.S. exchange office listed in Exhibit 292.452.

** At the mailer's option, a finer sortation for IPA items addressed to Australia may be used. If this option is chosen, items addressed with postal codes beginning with 0, 1, 2, 4, and 9 and uncoded mail should be sorted and packaged to Sydney. Direct country sacks should be tagged to Sydney as well. Both the three-letter exchange office code, "SYD," and the country name, Australia, should be entered in the "TO" block of Tag 178. Items addressed with postal codes beginning with 3, 5, 6, 7, and 8 should be sorted and packaged to Melbourne. Direct country sacks should be tagged to Melbourne as well. Both the three-letter exchange office code, "MEL," and the country name, Australia, should be entered in the "TO" block of Tag 178.

*** Netherlands Antilles includes Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, St. Eustatius, and St. Maarten.

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292.443 Physical Characteristics and Requirements for Packages

a. Thickness. Packages of letter-size mail should be no thicker than approximately a handful of mail (4 to 6 inches thick).

b. Securing Packages. Each package must be securely tied. Placing rubber bands around the length and then the girth is the preferred method of securing packages of letter-size mail. Plastic strapping placed around the length and then the girth is the preferred method of securing packages of flat-size mail.

c. Separation of Packages. Letter-size and flat-size mail must be packaged separately.

292.45 Sacking Requirements
292.451 Direct Country Sack (11 Pounds or More)

a. General. When there are 11 or more pounds of mail addressed to the same country (including Great Britain), the mail must be packaged and enclosed in international airmail sacks and labeled to the country with PS Tag 178, Airmail Bag Label LC (CN 35/AV 8) (white). All types of mail, including letter-size packages, flat-size packages, and loose items, can be commingled in the same sack for each destination and counted toward the 11-pound minimum.

b. Direct Country Sack Tags. Direct country sacks must be labeled with PS Tag 178. The tag is white and specially coded to route the mail to a specific country and airport of destination. The blocks on the tag for date, weight, and dispatch information must be completed by the Postal Service and may not be completed by the mailer. The mailer must complete the "To" block showing the destination country. PS Tag 115, International Priority Airmail, must also be affixed to the direct country sacks. PS Tag 115 is a "Day-Glo" pink tag that identifies the mail to ensure it receives priority handling. The mailer must designate on the back of PS Tag 115 the applicable rate group, using 1 (Canada), 2 (Mexico), 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or WW (Worldwide).

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292.452 Mixed Direct Country Package Sacks

a. General. The direct country packages containing 10 or more pieces or 1 pound or more of mail destined to a specific country that cannot be made up in direct country sacks must be enclosed in Priority Mail sacks unless other equipment is specified by the acceptance office.

b. Mixed Direct Country Sack Label. The sack label must be completed as follows. (See Exhibit 292.452 for list of U.S. International Exchange Offices.)

Line 1: Appropriate U.S. Exchange Office and Routing Code
Line 2: Contents - DRX
Line 3: Mailer, Mailer Location



Exhibit 292.452

Labeling of IPA Mail to Postal Service Exchange Offices

IPA Acceptance Office 3-Digit
ZIP Code Prefix
U.S. Exchange Office and Routing Code for Line 1
004-005, 010-089, 100-268, 270-297, 400-418, 420-427, 470-471, 476-477 ISC NEW YORK NY 003
006-009, 298-339, 341-342, 344, 346-347, 349-397, 399 ISC MIAMI FL 33112
424, 430-469, 478-516, 520-528, 530-531, 534-535, 537-567, 570-588, 600-620, 622-631, 633-641, 644-658, 660-662, 664-681, 683-693, 700-708, 710-799, 885 ISC CHICAGO IL 60688
590-599, 821, 832-838, 970-986, 970-999 AMC SEATTLE WA 980
800-816, 820, 822-831, 840-847, 893-898, 937-961 ISC SAN FRANCISCO CA 94013
850, 852-853, 855-857, 859-860, 863-865, 870-875, 877-884, 889-891, 900-908, 910-928, 930-936 ISC LOS ANGELES CA 90899
967-969 P&DC HONOLULU HI 967

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292.453 Worldwide Nonpresort Mail Sacks

a. General. The working packages of mixed country mail and loose items must be enclosed in Priority Mail sacks unless other equipment is specified by the acceptance office. Nonpresorted letter-size mail may be presented in trays if authorized by the acceptance office.

Note: Working packages of mixed country mail cannot be enclosed in mixed direct country package sacks.

b. Worldwide Nonpresort Mail Sack Label. The sack label must be completed as follows:

Line 1: Appropriate U.S. Exchange Office and Routing Code
Line 2: Contents - WKG
Line 3: Mailer, Mailer Location



See Exhibit 292.452 for list of U.S. International Exchange Offices.

292.454 Tags and Weight Maximum for Sacks

a. PS Tag 115 and PS Tag 178. All IPA sacks (direct country, mixed direct country package sacks, and worldwide nonpresort mail sacks) must be labeled with PS Tag 115, International Priority Airmail. PS Tag 115 is a "Day-Glo" pink tag that identifies IPA mail to ensure that it receives priority treatment. PS Tag 178 (see 292.451) is a dispatching tag to be used only for direct country sacks. PS Tag 178 is white and specially coded to route the mail to a specific country and airport of destination. The Postal Service must complete the blocks on the tag for date, weight, and dispatch information. The mailer must complete only the "To" block showing the destination country. Postal tags and sacks are available from Post Office facilities.

b. Sack Weight Maximum. The maximum weight of the sack and contents must not exceed 66 pounds.

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292.455 Preparation Requirements for Canada

To qualify for the presort rates for Canada, a mailer must have at least 11 pounds of mail for Canada. This includes letter-size, flat-size, and package-size items even though such items are prepared in separate containers. If the mailing contains less than 11 pounds of mail for Canada, or if the mailer chooses to do so, mail for Canada is included in the worldwide nonpresort rate mail with mail for other countries. Worldwide nonpresort mail for Canada is prepared in accordance with 292.453. The preparation requirements of presorted mail to Canada follow. See Exhibit 292.455 for Canadian labeling information.

a. Letter-Size Mail and Flat-Size Mail. Letter-size items are prepared in letter trays, either half-size or full-size, depending on volume. Flat-size items are prepared in flat trays. All items must be faced in the same direction, and all trays must be full enough to keep the mail from mixing during transportation. Do not prepare the content of the tray in packages. The mailer must label each tray to show the destination in Canada and the dispatching U.S. international exchange office in the following format:

Line 1: Canadian Destination, U.S. Exchange Office Code
Line 2: Contents
Line 3: Mailer, Mailer Location



In addition, the mailer must complete PS Tag 115, International Priority Airmail. Write "Canada" on the reverse and tape the tag to the tray sleeve. All trays must be banded.

b. Packages. Items that cannot be prepared in trays because of their size or shape must be placed loose in airmail sacks. Use PS Tag 115, International Priority Airmail, and label to either Toronto or Vancouver, as appropriate. Attach a completed PS Tag 178. See 292.451b.

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292.46 Customs Forms Requirements

See 123.

Exhibit 292.455

Canadian Labeling Information

Origin ZIP Code Exchange Office Canadian Destination U.S. Exchange Office Code
004-005, 010-089, 100-268, 270-297, 400-418, 420-427, 470-471, 476-477 JFK MONTREAL QC FWD 003
298-339, 341-342, 344, 346-347, 349-397, 399, 723 MIA MONTREAL QC FWD 33112
430-469, 472-475, 478-516, 520-528, 530-567, 570-588, 600-631, 633-641, 644-658, 660-662, 664-681, 683-693, 700-708, 710-722, 724-816, 822-831, 840-847, 870-885, 893, 898 ORD TORONTO ON FWD 60688
590-599, 821, 832-838, 970-999 SEA VANCOUVER BC FWD 98158
820, 894-895, 937-961 SFO VANCOUVER BC FWD 94013
850, 852-853, 855-857, 859-860, 863-865, 889-891, 900-908, 910-928, 930-936 LAX VANCOUVER BC FWD 90899
967-969 HNL VANCOUVER BC FWD 96820
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