Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 7 Treatment of Inbound Mail > 750 Special Services
751 Insured Parcels
751.11 Evidence of Insurance
A number on a parcel is not sufficient evidence of insurance. An insurance
endorsement is also required.
751.12 List of Insurance Endorsements
The following are insurance endorsements that may appear on inbound
insured parcels, depending on the language of the country of origin.
a. Insured.
b. Asegurado or Valor Declarado.
c. Assicurato or Valor Dichiarato.
d. VD or Valeur Declaree.
e. Wertangabe or Wertpaket.
Deliver international insured parcels in accordance with DMM 503 and POM
For detailed information concerning indemnity claims and payments for lost,
rifled, or damaged insured parcels, see 930.
752 Registered Mail
752.11 Evidence of Registration
A number on an item of mail is not sufficient evidence of registration. A
registry endorsement is also required.
752.12 List of Registry Endorsements
The following are registry endorsements that may appear on registered mail,
depending on the language of the country of origin.
a. Certificado.
b. Einschreiben.
c. R or Registered.
d. Raccomandata.
e. Recommande.
f. Registo or Registrado.

752.13 Treatment of Registered Items
All mail registered by the country of origin must be given the same handling
as domestic registered mail.
Exception: Inbound registered printed matter from countries other than
Canada must be removed from the registered mail system and given the
same handling as domestic certified mail.
752.14 Treated as Ordinary Mail
Any item without evidence of formal registration must be treated as ordinary
mail. A sender's registry endorsement on such articles must be crossed out.
752.21 Delivery
Record and deliver in accordance with DMM 503 and POM 812.4.
752.22 Mail Unaccounted for After Assignment for Delivery
752.221 General
When an item of registered mail assigned for delivery is not properly
accounted for, make a record of the available facts concerning the item and
file the report, pending a possible inquiry.
752.222 Inquiries
If an inquiry is received from the sender (see 928.24), ask the
addressee whether the item was received. If the item was not received, make
a full report promptly to the appropriate Postal Service inspector-in-charge.
752.23 Indemnity Claims and Payments
For detailed information concerning indemnity claims and payments for lost,
rifled, or damaged registered mail, see 930.
753 Return Receipt
753.1 Completion of Return Receipt Form
Inbound registered or insured mail for which the sender requests advice or
confirmation of delivery will be endorsed with the words "AVIS DE
RECEPTION" or with the letters "A.R.," and be accompanied by a light red or
pink card similar to PS Form 2865, Return Receipt for International Mail. The
office of delivery must complete the receipt as follows:
a. Have the addressee or an authorized agent date and sign the receipt
with ink. When signed by an agent of the addressee, have the agent
sign the addressee's name, followed by his or her own signature.
b. Postmark the receipt in the appropriate spaces on both sides.
c. Endorse the completed receipt "AIRMAIL" and dispatch it as
unregistered mail.

753.2 Foreign Receipt Form Missing
When inbound registered or insured mail is marked A.R. or bears the notation
Avis de Reception but is not accompanied by a receipt form, the delivery
office must complete and attach a pink PS Form 2865.
754 Restricted Delivery
754.1 Inbound Registered Mail
Inbound registered mail, accompanied by a return receipt and bearing the
notation A Remettre en Main Propre or Restricted Delivery should be
delivered only to the addressee.
Failing delivery on the first attempt, a second attempt must be made to
deliver this mail if it is likely this attempt will be successful. If appropriate,
scan/enter the mailpiece barcode and enter the corresponding event code in
the handheld scanner. See 770 for the treatment of undeliverable inbound
755 Recorded Delivery
755.11 Evidence of Recorded Delivery
Recorded delivery items will bear a yellow numbered label and the
endorsement "ENVOI ENREGISTRE" (or the equivalent in a language known
in the country of origin).
755.12 Treatment of Recorded Delivery Items
Recorded delivery items must be handled as ordinary mail.
755.13 Treatment by Office of Delivery
A record of delivery must be retained by the office of delivery. Record and
deliver in accordance with DMM 503.

Customers must call the International Inquiry Center at 800-222-1811 to
initiate an inquiry about the delivery of a recorded delivery item. There is no
additional charge for the inquiry if a return receipt was purchased at the time
of mailing and the return receipt is not returned to the mailer.