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Quick Service Guide 707bSpecial StandardsPeriodicals Nonprofit, Classroom, and Science-of-AgricultureJune 7, 2010 Related QSGs![]() 707a, Periodicals General Information and Eligibility 707d, Periodicals Nonbarcoded Letters 707e, Periodicals Nonbarcoded Flats 707f, Periodicals Barcoded (automation) Letters 707g, Periodicals Barcoded (automation) Flats Prices and Fees (707.1.0)![]() See Notice 123—Price List. No additional fee to mail at a Preferred Periodicals price. Prices include piece charges, pound prices (advertising and nonadvertising), Outside-County bundle and container charges, and applicable discounts. The Preferred price discount applies to Outside-County postage, excluding the postage for advertising pounds, for Nonprofit, Science-of-Agriculture, and Classroom publications; In-County prices apply to all eligible in-county copies (707.11.3). Apply the Outside-County bundle and container prices as follows:
— For bundles placed directly on pallets, mailers pay the container price for each pallet. — For trays or sacks on pallets, mailers pay the container price for each tray or sack, and not for the pallets. The container price for each tray or sack is based on the tray or sack level and where the pallet is entered. Eligibility Standards (707.10.0, 707.11.0)![]() Available for publications authorized under specific standards for Nonprofit, Classroom (707.10.0), or Science-of-Agriculture (707.11.0) prices. These standards are in addition to the criteria in Quick Service Guide 707a. See Quick Service Guide 707a for basic eligibility standards. Application form required (707.5.1). Nonprofit standards: the publication must be issued by and in the interest of a religious, educational, scientific, philanthropic, agricultural, labor, veterans', or fraternal organization not organized for profit and none of whose net income benefits a private stockholder or individual (707.10.0). Also generally eligible (regardless of the nonprofit status of the publishing organization) are:
Classroom: publication must be designed for educational, religious, or scientific use in school classrooms or religious instruction classes. Science-of-Agriculture: prices apply to Outside-County copies of an authorized Periodicals publication mailed by a publisher or news agent when the total copies provided during any 12-month period to subscribers residing in rural areas are at least 70% of the total number of copies distributed by any means for any purpose. Postage Payment and Documentation (707.16.0, 707.17.0)![]() Identification: title on cover and identification statement (707.4.11). Postage statement: PS Form 3541, Periodicals One Issue or One Edition, or approved facsimile. Advance deposit account(s) at original and each additional entry Post Office, unless authorized under Centralized Postage Payment (CPP) (707.). Mail Preparation![]() Nonbarcoded Letters and Flats (707.22.0), Carrier Route (707.23.0), Barcoded Letters (707.24.0), or Barcoded Flats (707.25.0), as appropriate. Enter and Deposit (707.29.0)![]() Deposit only at authorized original and additional entry Post Office(s), unless authorized exceptional dispatch under 707.29.4.