Contents Index


A000 Basic Addressing

A020 Alternative Addressing Standards


A020 describes the simplified address format (i.e., “Postal Customer”), the occupant format address (i.e., “Postal Customer” or “Occupant”), the exceptional address format (i.e., “Jane Doe” or “Current Occupant”), standards for their use, and mail preparation.

1.0 Simplified Address

1.1UseRural and Highway Contract Routes, P.O. Boxholders

The simplified address format (i.e., “Postal Customer”) may be used on mail when general distribution is desired to each boxholder on a rural route or highway contract route, each family on a rural route or highway contract route (at any post office), or all post office boxholders at a post office without city carrier service. A more specific address such as “Rural Route Boxholder,” followed by the name of the post office and state, may be used. The word “Local” is optional.

1.2UseCity Routes, P.O. Boxholders

When distribution is to be made to each stop or possible delivery on city carrier routes or to each post office boxholder at a post office with city carrier service, the addressee’s name, street address or post office box number, city, state, and ZIP Code may be omitted from the address only on pieces mailed as official matter by agencies of the federal government, any state, county, or municipal government, and the governments of the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and any U.S. territory or possession listed in G010. The following also applies:

a. Only these forms of address may be used instead of the addressee’s name and address:

(1) “Postal Customer” (delivery desired at all addresses).

(2) “Residential Customer” (delivery desired at residential addresses only).

(3) “Business Customer” (delivery desired at business addresses only).

b. At least 10 days before the mailing date, the mailer must submit a sample mailpiece and the following information to the entry office postmaster (in response, the mailer receives a mailing schedule that must be followed):

(1) Proposed mailing date.

(2) Total number of pieces being mailed.

(3) Method of postage payment.

(4) Names of all city delivery post offices to receive any of the mailing and the number of pieces for each.

1.3Mail Preparation

[11-14-02] All pieces must be prepared in carrier route or 5-digit carrier route or carrier routes containers; 3-digit carrier route or carrier routes containers are not allowed. All flat-size pieces must be prepared in carrier route or 5-digit carrier route sacks. All pieces for the same carrier route must be tied in packages of 50, so far as practicable, and each package must bear a facing slip showing desired distribution (e.g., 5-digit ZIP Code and route number). If the pieces are tied in quantities other than 50 each, the actual number must be shown on the facing slip. Delivery statistics for routes may be obtained as described in A930. Pieces in such mailings also must meet the following standards:

a. All pieces must be in the same processing category.

b. Pieces must be marked according to M012.

c. Letter-size pieces must be prepared in trays, and flat-size pieces must be prepared in sacks under M220 or M620, as applicable.

d. If selective distribution is desired, enough pieces must be presented to cover the route or routes selected.


Postage is paid according to the standards for the class of mail.

1.5Address Designation

Only the address designations in 1.1 or 1.2 may be used. Other designations (e.g., “Food Buyer,” “Voter”) are not permitted.

1.6Prohibited Use

The simplified address format is prohibited on mail addressed to an overseas post office and on Periodicals publications intended to count as subscriber or requester copies to meet the applicable circulation standards.

2.0 Occupant Address


The occupant address format (i.e., “Postal Customer” or “Occupant,” “Householder,” or “Resident”) may be used to address mail selectively to a rural route and box number, a specific street number, or a specific post office box number without using the addressee’s name:


WASHINGTON DC 20008-5036

2.2Prohibited Use

The occupant address format is prohibited on mail addressed to an overseas post office and on Periodicals publications intended to count as subscriber or requester copies to meet the applicable circulation standards.

3.0 Exceptional Address


The exceptional address format (i.e., “Jane Doe or Current Resident” or “Jane Doe or Current Occupant”) may be used on any mail except mail types listed in 3.2. The word “Current” is optional. The order of the words may be reversed (e.g., “Current Resident or Jane Doe” rather than “Jane Doe or Current Resident”).

3.2Prohibited Use

The exceptional address format cannot be used on any of the following:

a. Express Mail.

b. Mail sent with any special service (S900).

c. Mail with any ancillary service endorsement (F010).

d. Periodicals publications intended to count as subscriber or requester copies to meet the applicable circulation standards.

e. Mail addressed to an overseas post office under A010.6.0.


The exceptional address format must be placed in the address block, with the following exceptions:

a. If all the current resident/occupant information cannot be placed on the first or second line of the address, the exceptional address format may be placed no more than 3/4 inch above the address block.

b. If an optional endorsement line (OEL) is used, the mailer may elect to place the exceptional address format above the OEL. In these cases, the exceptional address format must be at least 1/2 inch, but not more than 3/4 inch, above the optional endorsement line. If a window envelope is used with an OEL, the exceptional address information may be printed either in the area on the insert showing through the window or on the envelope above the window.

3.4Undeliverable Mail

Mail with an exceptional address format is delivered as addressed and may not be forwarded. Mail is treated as undeliverable only if the address is incorrect or incomplete, or the mail cannot be delivered for another reason. Undeliverable mail is handled in accordance with F010. The reason for nondelivery of Periodicals with an exceptional address format is provided to the publisher only if the mail is undeliverable for reasons other than a move by the named addressee. The mail is not returned or forwarded.

DMM Issue 58 (8-10-03)