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E200 Periodicals
E230 describes the eligibility standards for mailing at carrier route rates. It also describes combining multiple publications or editions.
The standards for carrier route rates are in addition to the basic standards for Periodicals in E210, the standards for other rates or discounts claimed, and the applicable preparation standards in M045, M220, or M900. Not all combinations of presort level, automation, and destination entry discounts are permitted.
A correctly prepared package is the equivalent of a sack when palletized under M045, M920, M930, or M940. Individual pieces qualify for the presort level rate appropriate for the palletized packages in which they are placed, regardless of the destination of the pallet. Eligibility for destination entry or other zoned rates depends on the point of entry.
[6-12-03] All pieces in a Periodicals carrier route rate mailing must bear a delivery address that includes the correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code and that meets these address quality standards:
a. The carrier route accuracy standard in A030.3.0.
b. If an alternative addressing format is used, the additional standards in A020.
c. If flat-size pieces are prepared with detached address labels, the additional standards in A060.
[6-12-03] All pieces in a carrier route rate mailing must also meet the applicable sequencing requirements in 2.2, 3.0, and M050.
Any POSTNET barcode on a mailpiece in a nonautomation Periodicals mailing must be correct for the delivery address and meet the standards in C840 and A950.
A complete, signed postage statement, using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must accompany each mailing, supported by standardized documentation meeting the basic standards in P012. Documentation of postage is not required if each piece in the mailing is of identical weight and the pieces are separated when presented for acceptance by rate, by zone (including separation by In-County and Outside-County rates), and by entry discount (e.g., DDU and DSCF). Documentation of sequencing and of density standards under M050 must be submitted with each mailing.
Preparation to qualify eligible pieces for carrier route rates is optional and is subject to M045, M220, or (nonletter-size mail only) M920, M930, or M940. Carrier route sort need not be done for all carrier routes in a 5-digit area. Specific rate eligibility is subject to these standards:
a. The carrier route rates for letter-size mail apply to copies that are prepared in carrier route packages of six or more pieces each that are sorted to carrier route, 5-digit carrier routes, or 3-digit carrier routes trays.
b. The carrier route rates for nonletter-size mail apply to copies of flat-size or irregular parcel-size pieces prepared in carrier route packages of six or more pieces each and that are sorted to pallets under M045 or M920, M930, or M940, or sorted in carrier route, 5-digit scheme carrier routes, 5-digit carrier routes sacks, and, if prepared under M920, merged 5-digit scheme sacks or merged 5-digit sacks. Preparation of 5-digit scheme carrier routes sacks or pallets is required and must be done for all 5-digit scheme destinations. Preparation of merged 5-digit sacks and merged 5-digit scheme sacks is optional but if performed must be done for all 5-digit ZIP Codes for which there is an A or C indicator in the City State Product that permits co-containerization of carrier route and 5-digit packages. Preparation of merged 5-digit pallets and merged 5-digit scheme pallets is optional but if performed must be done for all 5-digit ZIP Codes or 5-digit schemes for which those pallet levels are possible (under M920 if there is an A or C indicator in the City State Product, under M930 if the 5% threshold standard is met, and under M940 if ZIP Codes have an A or C indicator in the City State Product and if ZIP Codes with a B or D indicator in the City State Product meet the 5% threshold standards). For merged 5-digit scheme sacks or pallets, preparation also must be done for all 5-digit scheme destinations. The applicable sequencing requirements in M050 and in 2.2a or 2.2b also must be met.
Carrier route mail must be prepared in delivery sequence as follows:
a. Basic carrier route rate mail must be prepared either in carrier walk sequence or in line-of-travel (LOT) sequence according to LOT schemes prescribed by the USPS (M050).
b. The high density and saturation rates apply to pieces that are eligible for carrier route rates under 2.1, are prepared in carrier walk sequence, and meet the applicable density standards in 3.0 for the rate claimed.
The high density or saturation rates apply to each walk-sequenced piece in a carrier route mailing, eligible under 2.1 and prepared under M045, M220, or (nonletter-size mail only) M920, M930, or M940, that also meets the corresponding addressing and density standards in 3.4. High density and saturation rate mailings must be prepared in carrier walk sequence according to schemes prescribed by the USPS (see M050).
A mailing that includes copies claimed at a walk-sequence rate may include other copies claimed at other presort rates. When presented to the USPS, the trays or sacks containing the walk-sequence rate copies must be separated from other trays or sacks. Any effective separation method may be used.
Walk-sequence mail must meet these addressing standards:
a. Each addressed piece must bear a complete delivery address or an alternative format address, subject to the applicable standards.
b. [11-14-02] Official matter, whether mailed under congressional frank or by certain government entities for delivery on a city route, may use the appropriate simplified address format described in E050.
Walk-sequence rate mailings are subject to these density standards:
a. Once the minimum volume per carrier route is met, there is no further minimum volume for the 5-digit ZIP Code delivery area. Walk-sequence rate mail need not be sent to all carrier routes within a 5-digit delivery area.
b. Except under 3.4c, at least 125 walk-sequenced addressed pieces must be prepared for each carrier route receiving mail claimed at the high density rate. Mail for carrier routes of 124 or fewer possible deliveries can qualify for the high density rate if there are at least 125 addressed pieces for the route or if pieces are addressed to every possible delivery on the route. This mail may also qualify for the saturation rate, subject to 6.4e. In-County rate pieces may also qualify for high density rates under 3.4c.
c. Mail may qualify for In-County high density rates when there are addressed pieces for a minimum of 25% of the total active possible deliveries on a carrier route. If a route contains addresses both within and outside the county, the number of pieces addressed to the entire carrier route will be used to determine if the 25% requirement has been met. However, for such carrier routes meeting the 25% requirement, only the pieces for that carrier route that are addressed to addresses within the county in which the original entry is located may qualify for the In-County high density rates.
d. Pieces eligible for and claimed at the saturation rate must be addressed to either 90% or more of the active residential addresses or 75% or more of the total number of active possible delivery addresses, whichever is less, on each carrier route receiving saturation rate mail, except that mail addressed in the simplified address format must meet the coverage standards in A020.
e. More than one addressed piece per delivery address may be included in a high density rate mailing and may be counted for the density standard in 3.4b for the high density rate. Only one piece per delivery address may be counted toward the density standards for high density in 3.4c and for the saturation rate in 3.4d.
DMM Issue 58 (8-10-03)