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M910 describes the requirements for cotraying bundles of flat-size automation rate and Presorted rate First-Class Mail. It also describes the requirements for cosacking bundles of nonletter-size automation rate and Presorted rate Periodicals, bundles of flat-size automation rate and Presorted rate Standard Mail, and bundles of flat-size Presorted rate Bound Printed Matter qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and Presorted rate Bound Printed Matter (not qualifying for the barcoded discount).
Bundles of flats in an automation rate mailing prepared under M820.2.0 must be cotrayed with bundles of flats in a Presorted rate mailing under the following conditions:
a. The automation rate pieces and Presorted rate pieces are part of the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement.
b. Pieces in the automation rate mailing must meet the criteria for a flat under C050.3.2 and C820. Pieces in the Presorted rate mailing must meet the criteria for a flat under C050.3.1.
c. The automation rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E140, except that the traying criteria in 1.4 must be met rather than the traying criteria in M820.
d. The Presorted rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E130, except that the traying and documentation criteria in 1.1 and 1.4 must be met rather than the traying and documentation criteria in M820.
e. The rates for pieces in the automation rate mailing are applied based on the level of bundle to which they are sorted under E140.3.0.
f. The pieces must be marked according to M012.
g. The bundles prepared from the automation rate mailing and the bundles prepared from the Presorted rate mailing must be sorted into the same trays as described in 1.4.
h. A complete, signed postage statement, using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must accompany each mailing job prepared under these procedures. In addition to the applicable postage statement, documentation produced by PAVE-certified software or standardized documentation under P012 must be submitted with each cotrayed mailing job that describes for each tray sortation level the number of pieces qualifying for each applicable automation rate and the number of pieces qualifying for the Presorted rate.
i. Barcoded tray labels under M032 must be used to label the trays.
Except for mail prepared under the cobundling option in 1.3, the automation rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M820.2.1. The Presorted rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M130.
As an option to the basic bundling requirements in 1.2, a mailer may choose to cobundle automation rate and Presorted rate flat-size pieces, subject to the conditions in M950.
Presorted rate and automation rate bundles prepared under 1.2 or 1.3 must be presorted together into trays (cotrayed) in the sequence listed below. Trays must be labeled using the following information for Lines 1 and 2 and M032 for other sack label criteria.
a. 5-Digit. Required, full trays only (no overflow trays).
(1) Line 1: use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M032 for military mail).
(2) Line 2: FCM FLTS 5D BC/NBC.
b. 3-Digit. Required, full trays only (no overflow trays).
(1) Line 1: Use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: FCM FLTS 3D BC/NBC.
c. Origin/entry 3-Digit. Required for each 3-digit ZIP Code served by the SCF of the origin (verification) office, optional for each 3-digit ZIP Code served by the SCF of an entry office other than the origin office, no minimum.
(1) Line 1: Use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: FCM FLTS 3D BC/NBC.
d. ADC. Required, full trays only (no overflow trays), use L004 to determine ZIP Codes served by each ADC.
(1) Line 1: Use L004.
(2) Line 2: FCM FLTS ADC BC/NBC.
e. Mixed ADC. Required, no minimum.
(1) Line 1: Use MXD followed by the city, state, and ZIP Code of the facility serving the 3-digit ZIP Code of the entry post office, as shown in L002, Column C.
(2) Line 2: FCM FLTS BC/NBC WKG.
Bundles of nonletter-size pieces in an automation rate mailing must be cosacked with bundles of nonletter-size pieces in a Presorted rate mailing under the following conditions:
a. The pieces in the automation rate mailing and in the Presorted rate mailing must be part of the same mailing job and must be reported on the appropriate postage statement(s).
b. The pieces in the mailing job must all be nonletter-size and meet any other size and mailpiece design requirements applicable to the rate category for which they are prepared.
c. The automation rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E240, except that the sacking and documentation criteria in 2.1, 2.4, and 2.5 must be met rather than the sacking and documentation criteria in M820.
d. The Presorted rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E220, except that the sacking and documentation criteria in 2.1, 2.4, and 2.5 must be met rather than the sacking and documentation criteria in M820.
e. The rates for pieces in the automation rate mailing are applied based on the number of pieces in the bundle and the level of bundle to which they are sorted under E240. The rates for pieces in the Presorted rate mailing are based on the number of pieces in the bundle and the level of sack in which they are placed under E220.
f. The bundles prepared from the automation rate mailing and the bundles prepared from the Presorted rate mailing must be sorted into the same sacks as described in 2.4 and 2.5.
g. A complete, signed, appropriate postage statement(s), using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must accompany each mailing job prepared under these procedures. In addition to the applicable postage statement, documentation produced by PAVE-certified software or standardized documentation under P012 must be submitted with each cosacked mailing job that describes for each sack sortation level the number of pieces qualifying for each applicable automation rate and the number of pieces qualifying for each applicable Presorted rate.
h. Barcoded sack labels under M032 must be used to label sacks.
Except for mail prepared under the cobundling option in 2.3, the automation rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M820 (all bundle levels) and the Presorted rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M210 (excluding carrier route bundles).
As an option to the basic bundling requirements in 2.2, a mailer may choose to cobundle automation rate and Presorted rate flat-size pieces, subject to the conditions in M950.
5-digit and 3-digit bundles prepared under M210 and M820 or under 2.3 may contain fewer than six pieces when the publisher determines that such preparation improves service. These low-volume bundles may be placed in 5-digit, 3-digit, and SCF sacks or on 5-digit, 3-digit, or SCF pallets. Pieces in low-volume bundles must claim the applicable basic Presorted or automation rate, except for firm bundles at Presorted rates as applicable under M210.1.4.
Presorted rate and automation rate bundles prepared under 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 must be presorted together into sacks (cosacked) in the sequence listed below. Sacks must be labeled using the following information for Lines 1 and 2 and M032 for other sack label criteria. If, due to the physical size of the mailpieces, the automation rate pieces are considered flat-size under C820 and the Presorted rate pieces are considered irregular parcels under C050, the processing category shown on the sack label must show FLTS.
a. 5-Digit. Required at 24 pieces to the same 5-digit, optional with one six-piece bundle, or under 2.4 with at least one bundle of fewer pieces.
(1) Line 1: use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M032 for military mail).
(2) Line 2: PER or NEWS as applicable and FLTS 5D BC/NBC.
b. 3-Digit. Required at 24 pieces to the same 3-digit, optional with one six-piece bundle, or under 2.4 with at least one bundle of fewer pieces.
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: PER or NEWS as applicable and FLTS 3D BC/NBC.
c. SCF. Required at 24 pieces, optional with one six-piece bundle, or under 2.3 with at least one bundle of fewer pieces.
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column C.
(2) Line 2: PER or NEWS as applicable and FLTS SCF BC/NBC.
d. Origin/entry SCF. Required for the SCF of the origin (verification) office, optional for the SCF of an entry office other than the origin office, no minimum.
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column C.
(2) Line 2: PER or NEWS as applicable and FLTS SCF BC/NBC.
e. ADC. Required at 24 pieces, optional with one six-piece bundle (bundles of fewer than six pieces are not permitted).
(1) Line 1: use L004.
(2) Line 2: PER or NEWS as applicable and FLTS ADC BC/NBC.
f. Mixed ADC. Required, no minimum, except that bundles of fewer than six pieces at 5-digit, 3-digit, and ADC bundle levels are not permitted.
(1) Line 1: Use L802 (mail entered by the mailer at an ASF or BMC) or L803, as appropriate.
(2) Line 2: PER or NEWS as applicable and FLTS BC/NBC WKG.
Bundles of flats in an automation rate mailing must be cosacked with bundles of flats in a Presorted rate mailing under the following conditions:
a. The automation rate pieces and the Presorted rate pieces are part of the same mailing job and are reported on the same postage statement.
b. Pieces in the automation rate mailing must meet the criteria for a flat under C050.3.2 and C820. Pieces in the Presorted rate mailing must meet the criteria for a flat under C050.3.1.
c. The automation rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E640, except that the sacking and documentation criteria in 3.1, 3.4, and 3.5 must be met rather than the sacking and documentation criteria in M820.
d. The Presorted rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E620, except that the sacking and documentation criteria in 3.1, 3.4, and 3.5 must be met rather than the sacking and documentation criteria in M610.
e. The rates for pieces in the automation rate mailing are applied based on the number of pieces in the bundle and the level of bundle to which they are sorted under E640.1.0. The rates for pieces in the Presorted rate mailing are based on the number of pieces in the bundle and the level of sack in which they are placed under E620.1.0.
f. The pieces must be marked according to M012.
g. The bundles prepared from the automation rate mailing and the bundles prepared from the Presorted rate mailing must be sorted into the same sacks as described in 3.4 and 3.5.
h. A complete, signed postage statement(s), using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must accompany each mailing job prepared under these procedures. In addition to the applicable postage statement, documentation produced by PAVE-certified software or standardized documentation under P012 must be submitted with each cosacked mailing job that describes for each sack sortation level the number of pieces qualifying for each applicable automation rate and the number of pieces qualifying for each applicable Presorted rate.
i. Barcoded sack labels under M032 must be used to label the sacks.
Except for mail prepared under the cobundling option in 3.3, the automation rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M820 and the Presorted rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M610. Loose packing under M610 is not permitted.
As an option to the basic bundling requirements in 3.2, a mailer may choose to cobundle automation rate and Presorted rate flat-size pieces, subject to the conditions in M950.
When the minimum quantity of 125 pieces or 15 pounds of mail is specified for a sack sortation level in 3.5, the provisions of M820.5.2 apply.
Presorted rate and automation rate bundles prepared under 3.2 and 3.3 must be presorted together into sacks (cosacked) in the sequence listed below. Sacks must be labeled using the following information for Lines 1 and 2, and M032 for other sack label criteria.
a. 5-Digit. Required, 125-piece/15-pound minimum.
(1) Line 1: use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M032 for military mail).
(2) Line 2: STD FLTS 5D BC/NBC.
b. 3-Digit. Required, 125-piece/15-pound minimum.
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: STD FLTS 3D BC/NBC.
c. Origin/entry 3-digit. Required for each 3-digit ZIP Code served by the SCF of the origin (verification) office, optional for each 3-digit ZIP Code served by the SCF of an entry office other than the origin office, no minimum.
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: STD FLTS 3D BC/NBC.
d. ADC. Required, 125-piece/15-pound minimum, use L004 to determine ZIP Codes served by each ADC.
(1) Line 1: use L004.
(2) Line 2: STD FLTS ADC BC/NBC.
e. Mixed ADC. Required, no minimum.
(1) Line 1: use L802 for mail entered by the mailer at an ASF or BMC, otherwise use L803.
(2) Line 2: STD FLTS BC/NBC WKG.
Presorted rate and automation rate bundles meeting the standards in M033 for letter trays and prepared under 3.2 must be presorted together into trays (cotrayed) in the sequence in 3.5. Trays must be labeled using the information for Lines 1 and 2 and M032 for other tray label criteria. Cobundling under this option is not permitted.
[9-4-03] Bundles of flat-size pieces in a Presorted rate mailing qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount under E712 must be cosacked with bundles of flat-size pieces from a Presorted rate mailing (not claiming the barcoded discount) under the following conditions:
a. The Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and the Presorted rate pieces must be part of the same mailing job and be reported on the same postage statement.
b. The Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount must meet the criteria for flat-size mail under C820. Pieces in the Presorted rate mailing must meet the criteria for flat-size mail under C050.
c. The Presorted rate mailing qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount must meet the eligibility criteria in E712, the mail preparation standards in M820, the sacking requirements in 4.4, and the documentation criteria in 4.1h.
d. The Presorted rate mailing must meet the eligibility criteria in E712, the mail preparation standards in M722, the sacking requirements in 4.4, and the documentation criteria in 4.1h.
e. The rates for pieces in the Presorted rate mailing qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount are applied based on meeting the sortation requirements in M820, and when applicable, the zone. The rates for pieces in the Presorted rate mailing are based on meeting the sortation requirements in M722, and when applicable, the zone.
f. The pieces must be marked according to M012.
g. The bundles prepared from the Presorted rate mailing qualifying for the barcoded discount and the bundles prepared from the Presorted rate mailing must be sorted into the same sacks as described in 4.4.
h. A complete, signed postage statement(s), using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must accompany each mailing job prepared under these procedures. In addition to the applicable postage statement, standardized documentation under P012 must be submitted with each cosacked mailing job that describes for each sack sortation level the number of pieces qualifying for the barcoded discount and the number of pieces qualifying for each applicable Presorted rate.
i. Barcoded sack labels under M032 must be used to label the sacks.
Except for mail prepared under the cobundling option in 4.3, the Presorted rate mailing qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount must be bundled and labeled under M820, and the Presorted rate mailing must be bundled and labeled under M722.
As an alternative to the basic bundling requirements in 4.2, flat-size Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount may be cobundled with flat-size Presorted rate pieces, subject to M950.
[10-30-03] Bundles of Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and Presorted rate pieces prepared under 4.2 or 4.3 must be presorted together into sacks (cosacked) using the following preparation sequence, sack size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit (required); minimum 20 addressed pieces; labeling:
(1) Line 1: city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code destination (see M031 for overseas military mail).
(2) Line 2: PSVC FLTS 5D BC/NBC.
b. 3-digit (required, except for optional bundles with 3-digit ZIP Code prefixes indicated by an N in L002, when optional SCF sacks are prepared); minimum 20 addressed pieces; labeling:
(1) Line 1: L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: PSVC FLTS 3D BC/NBC.
c. SCF (optional); minimum 20 addressed pieces; labeling:
(1) Line 1: L005.
d. ADC (required); minimum 20 addressed pieces (use L004 to determine ZIP Codes served by each ADC); labeling:
(1) Line 1: L004.
e. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum; labeling:
(1) Line 1: L803 or, if entered by mailer at an ASF or BMC, L802.
DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04