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M900 Advanced Preparation Options for Flats
M950 describes the requirements for cobundling flat-size automation rate and Presorted rate First-Class Mail, nonletter-size automation rate and Presorted rate Periodicals, flat-size automation rate and Presorted rate Standard Mail, and flat-size Presorted rate Bound Printed Matter qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and Presorted rate Bound Printed Matter (not qualifying for the barcoded discount).
[10-2-03] Mailers may choose to cobundle (see M011) automation rate and Presorted rate pieces as an option to the basic bundling requirements in M910, subject to the following conditions:
a. The pieces in the automation rate mailing and the Presorted rate mailing must be part of the same mailing job and must be reported on the appropriate postage statement.
b. The pieces in the mailing job must be flat-size and meet any other size and mailpiece design requirements applicable to the rate category for which they are prepared.
c. The basic standards in M910 must be met.
d. A minimum of 500 automation rate pieces and 500 Presorted rate pieces are required. The total number of automation rate and Presorted rate pieces must be used to meet the minimum volume requirements for bundles and containers to a presort destination.
e. Presorted rate pieces must contain a 5-digit barcode and be cobundled with automation rate pieces for the same presort destination. If this optional preparation method is used, all automation rate and Presorted rate pieces in the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement must be cobundled.
f. Within a bundle, all pieces must meet the AFSM 100 requirements or all pieces must meet the UFSM 1000 requirements described in C820.
g. Mailers must sort automation rate pieces and Presorted rate pieces for each presort destination so that only one physical bundle for each logical presort destination (see M011) includes both automation rate pieces (containing a ZIP+4 or delivery point barcode) and Presorted rate pieces (containing a 5-digit barcode).
[6-10-04] [10-30-03] Preparation sequence, bundle size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit (required); 10-piece minimum; red Label 5 or optional endorsement line (OEL).
b. 3-digit (required); 10-piece minimum; green Label 3 or OEL.
c. ADC (required); 10-piece minimum; pink Label A or OEL.
d. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum; tan Label X or OEL.
[10-2-03] Mailers may choose to cobundle (see M011) automation rate and Presorted rate pieces as an option to the basic bundling requirements in M210 and M820. Mailing jobs consisting entirely of eligible pieces meeting the AFSM 100 compatibility criteria in C820.2.0 may be prepared in 5-digit scheme bundles for those 5-digit ZIP Code combinations identified in L007. 5-digit scheme bundles must meet the additional standards in M011.1.3j. Mailing jobs prepared using the 5-digit scheme bundle option must be sacked under M920 or palletized under M920, M930, or M940. All bundles are subject to the following conditions:
a. The pieces in the automation rate mailing and the Presorted rate mailing must be part of the same mailing job and must be reported on the appropriate postage statement.
b. The pieces in the mailing job must be nonletter-size and meet any other size and mailpiece design requirements applicable to the rate category for which they are prepared.
c. Mailings prepared in sacks must meet the basic standards in M910 or M920.
d. Mailings prepared on pallets must meet the basic standards in M045, M920, M930, or M940.
e. The total number of automation rate and Presorted rate pieces must be used to meet the minimum volume requirements for bundles and containers.
f. Presorted rate pieces must contain a 5-digit barcode and be cobundled with automation rate pieces for the same presort destination. If this optional preparation method is used, all automation rate and Presorted rate pieces in the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement must be cobundled.
g. Within a bundle, all pieces must meet the AFSM 100 requirements or all pieces must meet the UFSM 1000 requirements described in C820.
h. Mailers must sort Presorted rate pieces and automation rate pieces for each presort destination so that only one physical bundle for each logical presort destination (see M011) includes both automation rate pieces (containing a ZIP+4 or delivery point barcode) and Presorted rate pieces (containing a 5-digit barcode).
[6-10-04] [10-30-03] Preparation sequence, bundle size, and labeling:
a. Firm (optional for Presorted rate pieces only under M210.1.4); two-piece minimum; blue Label F or optional endorsement line (OEL).
b. 5-digit scheme (optional under M920; required under M930 and M940); six-piece minimum (fewer permitted under 2.3); OEL required.
c. 5-digit (required); six-piece minimum (fewer permitted under 2.3); red Label 5 or OEL.
d. 3-digit (required); six-piece minimum (fewer permitted under 2.3); green Label 3 or OEL.
e. ADC (required); six-piece minimum; pink Label A or OEL.
f. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum; tan Label X or OEL.
Periodicals 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, and 3-digit bundles prepared under 2.2 may contain fewer than six pieces when the publisher determines that such preparation improves service. These low-volume bundles may be placed in merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, 3-digit, and SCF sacks or on merged 5-digit scheme, merged 5-digit, 5-digit, 3-digit, or SCF pallets. Presorted rate pieces in such low-volume bundles must be claimed at the applicable basic Presorted rate. Automation rate pieces in such low-volume bundles must be claimed at the applicable basic automation rate.
[10-2-03] Mailers may choose to cobundle (see M011) automation rate and Presorted rate pieces as an option to the basic bundling requirements in M610 and M820. Mailing jobs consisting entirely of eligible pieces meeting the AFSM 100 compatibility criteria in C820.2.0 may be prepared in 5-digit scheme bundles for those 5-digit ZIP Code combinations identified in L007. 5-digit scheme bundles must meet the additional standards in M011.1.3j. Mailing jobs prepared using the 5-digit scheme bundle option must be sacked under M920 or palletized under M920, M930, or M940. All bundles are subject to the following conditions:
a. The pieces in the automation rate mailing and the Presorted rate mailing must be part of the same mailing job and must be reported on the appropriate postage statement.
b. The pieces in the mailing job must be flat-size and meet any other size and mailpiece design requirements applicable to the rate category for which they are prepared.
c. Mailings prepared in sacks must meet the basic standards in M910 or M920.
d. Mailings prepared on pallets must meet the basic standards in M045, M920, M930, or M940.
e. A minimum of 200 pieces or 50 pounds of automation rate pieces are required; the Presorted rate mailing may meet the residual volume requirements in E620. The total number of automation rate and Presorted rate pieces must be used to meet the minimum volume requirements for bundles and containers.
f. Presorted rate pieces must contain a 5-digit barcode and be cobundled with automation rate pieces for the same presort destination. If this optional preparation method is used, all automation rate and Presorted rate pieces in the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement must be cobundled.
g. Within a bundle, all pieces must meet the AFSM 100 requirements or all pieces must meet the UFSM 1000 requirements described in C820.
h. Mailers must sort Presorted rate pieces and automation rate pieces for each presort destination so that only one physical bundle for each logical presort destination (see M011) includes both Presorted rate pieces (containing a 5-digit barcode) and automation rate pieces (containing a ZIP+4 or delivery point barcode).
[8-1-04] [6-10-04] [10-30-03] Preparation sequence, bundle size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit scheme (optional):
(1) For mailings containing only pieces weighing 5 ounces (0.3125 pound) or less: 15-piece minimum; optional endorsement line (OEL) required.
(2) For mailings containing any pieces weighing more than 5 ounces (0.3125 pound): 10-piece minimum; OEL required.
b. 5-digit (required):
(1) For mailings containing only pieces weighing 5 ounces (0.3125 pound) or less and measuring 3/4 inch thick or less: 15-piece minimum; red Label 5 or OEL.
(2) For mailings containing any pieces weighing more than 5 ounces (0.3125 pound) or measuring more than 3/4 inch thick: 10-piece minimum; red Label 5 or OEL.
c. 3-digit (required); 10-piece minimum; green Label 3 or OEL.
d. ADC (required); 10-piece minimum; pink Label A or OEL.
e. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum; tan Label X or OEL.
Mailers may choose to cobundle flat-size Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and Presorted rate pieces as an option to the basic bundling requirements in M722 and M820, subject to the following conditions:
a. The pieces in the Presorted rate mailing qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and the pieces in the Presorted rate mailing must be part of the same mailing job and must be reported on the same postage statement.
b. The pieces in the mailing job must be flat-size and meet any other size and mailpiece design requirements applicable to the rate category for which they are prepared.
c. Cobundled pieces must be cosacked under M910.
d. A separate minimum of 300 Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and a separate minimum of 300 Presorted rate pieces are required. The combined total number of pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and the Presorted rate must be used to meet the minimum volume requirements for bundles and sacks.
e. Presorted rate pieces must contain a 5-digit barcode and be cobundled with Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount for the same presort destination. If this optional preparation method is used, all barcoded discount pieces and Presorted rate pieces in the same mailing job and reported on the same postage statement must be cobundled.
f. All pieces must meet the AFSM 100 requirements in C820.
g. Unless presented using an approved manifest mailing system under P910, Presorted rate pieces qualifying for and claiming the barcoded discount and Presorted rate pieces for each presort destination must be sorted so that only one physical bundle for each logical presort destination includes both Presorted rate pieces qualifying for the barcoded discount (containing a ZIP+4 or delivery point barcode) and Presorted rate pieces (containing a 5-digit barcode).
[10-30-03] Preparation sequence, bundle size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit scheme (optional); minimum 10 addressed pieces or 10 pounds, maximum bundle weight 20 pounds; optional endorsement line (OEL) required.
b. 5-digit (required); minimum 10 addressed pieces or 10 pounds, maximum bundle weight 20 pounds; red Label 5 or optional endorsement line (OEL).
c. 3-digit (required); minimum 10 addressed pieces or 10 pounds, maximum bundle weight 20 pounds; green Label 3 or OEL.
d. ADC (required); minimum 10 addressed pieces or 10 pounds, maximum bundle weight 20 pounds; pink Label A or OEL.
e. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum, maximum bundle weight 20 pounds; tan Label X or OEL.
DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04