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DMM TOC > 300 Commercial Flats > 360 Bound Printed Matter366 Enter and Deposit1.0 Deposit of Nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter 4.0 Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC) Entry 1.0 Deposit of Nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter1.1 Nonpresorted MailingsNonpresorted Bound Printed Matter postage must be paid via permit imprint and be deposited and accepted at the Post Office that issued the permit, at a time and place designated by the postmaster, except as otherwise provided for plant-verified drop shipments under 604.5.0. 2.0 Presenting a Mailing2.1 Verification and Entry—Presorted, Carrier Route, Destination Entry, and Barcoded MailingsAll presorted, carrier route, destination entry, and barcoded commercial mailings must be presented for verification and acceptance at the Post Office where the permit is held. All such mailings must be deposited at locations and times specified by the postmaster or designee at the office that verifies and accepts the mailing. Plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) mailings must be presented for verification, acceptance, and entry under 705.16.0. Plant-loaded mailings must be presented as specified by the applicable standards and the plant load agreement. 2.2 Verification and Entry—Nonpresorted MailingsNonpresorted Bound Printed Matter is not accepted at retail counters, in collection boxes, or by carriers. Mailers must deposit nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter only at the Post Office where the permit is held at the time and place specified by the postmaster at the office of mailing (see 604.5.0). 2.3 Office of MailingBound Printed Matter must be mailed at the Post Office from which the zone price postage was computed, except under 2.4, Redirected Mailings, and 2.5, NDC Acceptance. 2.4 Redirected MailingsA mailer who presents large mailings of zoned Package Services mail may be authorized or directed to deposit such mailings at another postal facility when processing or logistics make such an alternative desirable for the USPS, subject to these conditions: a. Zoned postage need not be recomputed if both the original Post Office of mailing and the alternative facility use the same zone chart for computing zoned postage, based on the 3-digit prefix of their ZIP Codes. b. Postage must be recomputed on pieces in mailings redirected to a postal facility that uses a different zone chart for computing zoned postage. 2.5 NDC AcceptanceA mailer may present Bound Printed Matter at a NDC for acceptance if: a. Permit imprint postage is paid through an advance deposit account at the NDC parent Post Office or another Post Office in the NDC service area, unless otherwise permitted by standard. b. Zoned postage is computed from the NDC parent Post Office. c. The NDC is authorized by Form 4410 to act as acceptance agent for the entry Post Office. 2.6 Drop Shipment InformationEssential information for entering drop shipment Bound Printed Matter mailings at specific postal facilities can be found in the Drop Shipment Product maintained by the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) ( see 608.8.1). 3.0 Destination Entry3.1 GeneralDestination entry prices apply to Presorted and carrier route Bound Printed Matter (BPM) that is deposited at a destination network distribution center (DNDC), destination sectional center facility (DSCF), or destination delivery unit (DDU) as specified below. Eligibility for a destination entry price is determined by the sort level, processing category of the mail, and the type of container the mail is in (sack or pallet). Each piece can claim only one destination entry price; an individual pallet may contain pieces claimed at different destination entry prices. 3.2 Minimum VolumeA destination entry price BPM mailing is subject to these minimum volume requirements: a. Each mailing must contain at least 300 presorted addressed pieces or 300 Carrier Route addressed pieces. b. Except as provided in 3.2e., each group of pieces prepared for deposit at different destination entry Post Offices must be presented as a separate mailing meeting separate minimum volume requirements and be accompanied by the appropriate Form 3605 postage statement. c. Separate presorted and Carrier Route mailings may be copalletized under 705.8.0. d. Pieces deposited at the same destination entry Post Office but claimed at different destination entry prices may be included in a single mailing and reported on the same postage statement (subject to one minimum volume requirement) if the destination entry Post Office is the proper facility for claiming each of the destination entry discounts. e. When Presorted or Carrier Route mailings are presented together under the plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS) procedures in 705.16.0, a mailer may use the total piece count from a single presort file (i.e., mailing job) for all line items to all destinations reported on a single Form 3605 and accompanied by a postage statement register to meet the separate 300-piece minimum volume requirement for each mailing. Under this alternative, a mailer may enter fewer than 300 pieces for a presorted or Carrier Route mailing entered at a single destination entry Post Office if there is a total of at least 300 Presorted price pieces and/or 300 Carrier Route pieces for all entry points combined for the single presort file listed on Form 3605 and the postage statement register. 3.3 Postage PaymentPostage payment for destination entry mailings is subject to the same standards that apply generally to BPM. Postage and fees are paid to the Post Office that verifies the mailings. 3.4 Mailing FeeA destination entry mailing fee (363.1.2.6) must be paid once each 12-month period at each postal facility where the mailing(s) are verified. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next 12-month period and only during the last 60 days of the current service period. The fee charged is that in effect on the date of payment. 3.5 DocumentationEach mailing must be accompanied by the appropriate Form 3605 and, if applicable, Form 8125. No additional documentation is required for destination entry prices. 3.6 Plant LoadsPlant load mailings, including expedited plant load shipments, are not eligible for destination entry discounts. 3.7 Mailings of Unsacked BundlesMailers may present unsacked, nonpalletized bundles of BPM flats that are properly prepared for and entered at DDU prices and unloaded according to standards in 3.9.9. Pieces in these bundles are not eligible for barcode discounts. 3.8 Verification3.8.1 Mail Separation and Presentation[4-17-11] Destination entry mail must be presented and verified under a PVDS system (705.16.0), presented for acceptance at a BMEU located at a destination postal facility; or presented for acceptance at an origin DMU or BMEU, and then prepared under Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute standards (705.17.0). Only plant-verified drop shipments may be deposited at a destination delivery unit not co-located with a Post Office or other postal facility having a business mail entry unit. When presented to the USPS, destination entry mailings must meet the following requirements: a. Each mailing must be separated from other mailings for verification. For PVDS, destination entry price mailings for deposit at one destination postal facility must be separated from mailings for deposit at other facilities to allow for reconciliation with each accompanying Form 8125, 8125-C, or 8125-CD. b. Mail must be separated from freight transported on the same vehicle. c. If Periodicals mail is on the same vehicle as BPM, then the Periodicals mail should be loaded toward the tail of the vehicle so that, for each destination entry, Periodicals mail can be offloaded first. d. Form 8125, 8125-C, or 8125-CD must accompany all PVDS mailings. 3.8.2 Form 8125[4-17-11] When mailings are verified and paid for at a postal facility different from the one at which they are deposited as mail, the mailer must ensure that they are accompanied by a completed Form 8125 (or 8125-C or 8125-CD), except for mailings prepared under Express Mail Open and Distribute or Priority Mail Open and Distribute standards in 705.17.0. 3.8.3 At NDCFor a mailing to be verified at a NDC, the Post Office where the mailer’s account or license is held must be within the service area of that NDC. The Post Office must authorize the NDC to act as its agent by sending Form 4410 to the NDC. 3.8.4 PVDS SealThe mailer may ask that a PVDS band seal secure the vehicle containing verified mailings before dispatch to the destination facility. 3.8.5 Mailer TransportThe mailer must transport the PVDS mailing from the place where it was verified to the destination postal facility. 3.8.6 Volume StandardsExcept as permitted for a local mailer under 3.9.12, destination entry mailings are subject to these volume standards: a. Regardless of total volume, the pieces for which a destination price is claimed must represent more than 50% of the mail (by weight or pieces, whichever is greater) presented by the same mailer within any 24-hour period. For this standard, mailer is the party presenting the material to the USPS (or for whom a transportation company has presented the material to the USPS). b. The same mailer may not in a 24-hour period present for verification and acceptance more than four destination price mailings at the same destination postal facility (or at another acting as its agent). The mailer may ask for a waiver of this limit when scheduling the deposit of the mailings. There is no maximum for plant-verified drop shipments. 3.9 Deposit3.9.1 Time and Location of DepositEach mailing claimed at a destination price must be deposited at the time and location specified by the USPS. Mailings must be presented in vehicles that are compatible with dock, yard, and DDU operations, as applicable. 3.9.2 FreightDrop shipments are freight until deposited and accepted as mail at the destination facility. 3.9.3 AppointmentsAppointments must be made for destination entry price mail as follows: a. Except for a local mailer under 3.9.12 and mailings of perishable commodities, appointments for deposit of destination entry price mail at NDCs, ASFs, and SCFs must be scheduled through the appropriate appointment control center at least one business day in advance. Same-day appointments may be granted by a control center only through a telephone request. All appointments for NDC loads must be scheduled by the appropriate NDC control center. Appointments for SCFs and ASFs must be scheduled through the appropriate district control center. Appointments may be made up to 30 calendar days before a desired appointment date. The mailer must adhere to the scheduled mail deposit time and location. The mailer must cancel any appointment by notifying the appropriate control center at least 24 hours in advance of a scheduled appointment. b. Electronic appointments may be made through the Dropship Appointment System (DSAS) by a mailer or agent using a USPS-issued computer logon ID. Electronic appointments or cancellations must be made at least 12 hours before the desired time and date. All information required by the USPS appointment system regarding a mailing must be provided. c. For deposit of DDU mailings, an appointment must be made by contacting the DDU at least 24 hours in advance. If the appointment must be canceled, the mailer must notify the DDU at least one business day in advance of a scheduled appointment. Recurring appointments are allowed if shipment frequency is once a week or more often. d. When Periodicals are transported together with BPM as a mixed load (707.29.0), an appointment must be obtained for deposit at a destination entry facility. 3.9.4 Advance SchedulingMailers must schedule appointments for deposit of destination entry price mail under 3.9.3 and the conditions below. When making an appointment, or as soon as available, the mailer must provide the control center or DDU with the following information: a. Mailer’s name and address and, when applicable, the name and telephone number of the mailer’s agent or local contact. b. Description of what is being mailed, product name, number of mailings, volume of mail, how prepared and whether containerized (e.g., pallets). For DDU entries, the mailer also must provide the 5-digit ZIP Code(s) of the mail being deposited. c. Where the mailing was verified. e. Requested date and destination facility for mailing. f. Vehicle identification number, size, and type. 3.9.5 Adherence to ScheduleThe mailer must follow the scheduled deposit time or cancel the appointment by notifying the designated control center. Destination facilities may refuse acceptance or deposit of unscheduled mailings or shipments that arrive more than 2 hours after the scheduled appointment at ASFs, NDCs, or SCFs or more than 20 minutes at delivery units. 3.9.6 Redirection by USPSA mailer may be directed to transport destination entry price mailings to a facility other than the designated DDU, SCF, or NDC due to facility restrictions, building expansions, peak season mail volumes, or emergency constraints. 3.9.7 Redirection at Mailer’s RequestFor service reasons, a mailer may ask to transport destination SCF price mail to a facility other than the designated SCF. This exception may be approved only by the district control center serving the destination facility. To qualify for the SCF price in this situation, mail deposited at a facility other than the SCF must destinate for processing within that facility and must not require backhauling to the SCF. 3.9.8 Recurring AppointmentsRecurring appointments refer to a drop shipment that is delivered to a destination office with a frequency of at least once a week on the same time and day(s). Mailings must be of a comparable product in terms of mail class, size, volume, and containerization (pallets, pallet boxes, etc.). A request to establish recurring appointments must be written on company letterhead to the postal facility manager/postmaster. The drop shipment appointment control office/postmaster will respond to all requests within 10 days. Recurring appointments may be made for a period not to exceed 6 months. Thereafter, a new application must be submitted to ensure that up-to-date mailer information is on file. Written request for an additional 6 months may be made within 60 days prior to the expiration of a current arrangement. Failure to adhere to scheduled appointments or other abuse of the procedures will result in revocation of recurring appointment privileges. Requests for recurring appointments must include the following: a. Name, address, and telephone number of the mailer. b. Transportation agent's name (contact person) and telephone number(s). c. Mail volume and preparation (trays/sacks/parcels). e. Size and type of trailer(s) transporting mail. 3.9.9 Vehicle UnloadingUnloading of destination entry mailings is subject to these conditions: a. Properly prepared containerized loads (e.g., pallets) are unloaded by the USPS at NDCs, ASFs, and SCFs. The USPS does not unload or permit the mailer (or mailer’s agent) to unload palletized loads that are unstable or severely leaning or that have otherwise not maintained their integrity in transit. b. At NDCs and ASFs, the driver must unload bedloaded shipments within 8 hours of arrival. Combination containerized and bedloaded mailings are classified as bedloaded shipments for unload times. The USPS may assist in unloading. c. At destination delivery units (DDUs), drivers must unload all mail within 1 hour of arrival. Unloading procedures are as follows: 1. If pallets or pallet boxes are stacked, drivers must unload, unstrap, and unstack them. 2. At DDUs that cannot handle pallets, drivers must unload any mail from pallets and place it into containers as delivery unit employees specify. d. When driver unloading is required, the driver or assistant must stay with and continue to unload the vehicle once at the dock. e. The driver must remove the vehicle from USPS property after unloading. The driver and assistant are not permitted in USPS facilities except for the dock and designated driver rest area. 3.9.10 DemurrageThe USPS is not responsible for demurrage or detention charges incurred by a mailer who presents destination entry price mailings. 3.9.11 AppealsMailers who believe they are denied equitable treatment may appeal to the manager, Customer Service (district), responsible for the destination postal facility. 3.9.12 Exception for Local MailerThe restrictions in 3.8.6, Volume Standards, and 3.9.3, Appointments, do not apply when a mailer deposits mailings for verification and acceptance at the local Post Office serving the facility where the mail was prepared, if the mailings are not verified under a plant load authorization or plant-verified drop shipment postage payment authorization. Under this exception, the mailer may claim the destination entry prices for mailings or portions of mailings deposited at the local Post Office that meet the standards in 4.0, Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC) Entry, 5.0, Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) Entry, or 6.0, Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) Entry. 4.0 Destination Network Distribution Center (DNDC) Entry4.1 EligibilityPieces in a mailing meeting the standards in 3.0, Destination Entry, and 4.0 are eligible for the DNDC price when they meet all of the following conditions: a. Are eligible for and prepared to qualify for Presorted or Carrier Route prices, subject to the corresponding standards for those prices. b. Are deposited at a NDC or ASF. c. Are addressed for delivery to one of the 3-digit ZIP Codes served by the NDC or ASF where deposited that are listed in Exhibit 4.1, NDC/ASF—DNDC Price Eligibility. d. Are placed in a sack or pallet that is labeled to the NDC or ASF where deposited, or labeled to a postal facility within that NDC's or ASF's service area (see Exhibit 4.1). Exhibit 4.1 NDC/ASF—DNDC Price Eligibility
4.2 Presorted FlatsPresorted flats in sacks or on pallets at all sort levels may claim DNDC prices. Separate mixed ADC sacks must be prepared for flats eligible for and claimed at the DNDC price and for flats not claimed at the DNDC price. Use the “label to” ZIP Code of the ADC to assign ADC bundles to the respective mixed ADC sack. Use the address on the mailpieces to assign pieces to the respective mixed ADC bundle. All pieces in an ADC sack or in a palletized ADC bundle are eligible for the DNDC discount if the ADC facility ZIP Code (as shown in Line 1 of the corresponding sack label or the ADC facility that is the destination of the palletized ADC bundle as would be shown on an ADC sack label for that facility using L004, Column B) is within the service area of the NDC or ASF at which the sack is deposited. Mail must be entered at the appropriate facility under 4.1, Eligibility. 4.3 Carrier Route FlatsCarrier Route flats in sacks or on pallets at all sort levels may claim DNDC prices. Mail must be entered at the appropriate facility under 4.1, Eligibility. 5.0 Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) Entry5.1 EligibilityPieces in a mailing meeting the standards in 3.0, Destination Entry, and 5.0 are eligible for the DSCF price when they meet all of the following conditions: a. Are eligible for and prepared to qualify for Presorted or Carrier Route prices, subject to the corresponding standards for those prices. b. Are deposited at an SCF listed in L005, except that machinable parcels prepared on pallets for the 5-digit ZIP Codes listed in Exhibit 5.1, NDC Deposit of DSCF Price Pallets, must be entered at the corresponding NDC facility shown in that exhibit (not at the SCF) unless an exception is requested and granted. An exception to Exhibit 5.1, must be requested at least 15 days in advance of the mailing in writing from the area manager, Operations Support, who has jurisdiction over the NDC and SCF. Exceptions, if granted, are for a limited time. c. Are addressed for delivery to one of the 3-digit ZIP Codes served by the facility, or are part of a 3-digit scheme combination in L008. d. Are placed in a sack or pallet that is labeled to the facility where deposited or labeled to a postal facility within that facility’s service area. Exhibit 5.1 NDC Deposit of DSCF Price Pallets
5.2 Presorted FlatsPresorted flats and automation flats in sacks for the 5-digit, 3-digit, and SCF sort levels or on pallets at the 5-digit scheme, 5-digit, 3-digit, SCF, and ASF sort levels may claim DSCF prices. Mail must be entered at the appropriate facility under 5.1. 5.3 Carrier Route FlatsCarrier route flats in sacks at all sort levels or on pallets at the 5-digit scheme carrier routes, 5-digit carrier routes, 3-digit, SCF, and ASF sort levels may claim DSCF prices. Mail must be entered at the appropriate facility under 5.1. 6.0 Destination Delivery Unit (DDU) Entry6.1 EligibilityPieces in a mailing meeting the standards in 3.0, Destination Entry, and 6.0 are eligible for the DDU price when they meet all of the following conditions: a. Are eligible for and prepared to qualify for Presorted or Carrier Route prices, subject to the corresponding standards for those prices. b. Are addressed for delivery within the ZIP Code(s) served by the destination delivery unit. 1. For Carrier Route flats, at the DDU where the carrier cases the mail, as shown in the Drop Shipment Product. 2. For Presorted flats, the Drop Shipment Product must be used to determine the correct destination entry facility for the 5-digit sorted flats entered at Presorted prices. If the Drop Shipment Product lists multiple facilities for a single 5-digit ZIP Code, then the mailer must inquire about the correct drop site when contacting the DDU to schedule an appointment. 6.2 Presorted FlatsPresorted flats that weigh more than 1 pound in 5-digit sacks, on 5-digit scheme or 5-digit pallets, or prepared as unsacked 5-digit bundles may claim DDU prices. Mailers must enter mail at the appropriate facility under 6.1. Presorted flats weighing 1 pound or less are not eligible for DDU prices. 6.3 Carrier Route FlatsCarrier route flats in sacks, on 5-digit carrier routes scheme and 5-digit carrier routes pallets, or prepared as unsacked carrier route bundles may claim DDU prices. Mailers must enter mail at the appropriate facility under 6.1. |