DMM TOC > 600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services

608 Postal Information and Resources

1.0 About the Domestic Mail Manual

1.1 Content of the DMM

Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) contains the basic standards of the United States Postal Service (USPS) governing its domestic mail services; descriptions of the mail classes and extra services and conditions governing their use; and standards for price eligibility and mail preparation. Domestic mail is classified by size, weight, content, service, and other factors.

1.2 Copies of the DMM

The DMM is distributed to selected Post Offices and is available online on Postal Explorer ( Copies of the DMM may be inspected during normal business hours at USPS Headquarters; area and district offices. A copy is also filed at the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration. The public may buy copies by subscription from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (see 8.1 for address).

1.3 Revisions to the DMM

USPS may change the standards in the DMM. Substantive revisions are published in the Postal Bulletin and, when appropriate, the Federal Register.

1.4 Terms in the DMM

Terms in the DMM referring to the singular also apply to the plural, unless the context indicates otherwise. The term postmaster also applies to an officer-in-charge if the postmaster position is vacant and, in district host cities, to the district manager.

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2.0 Domestic Mail

2.1 Definition of “Domestic”

Domestic mail is mail transmitted within, among, and between the United States of America, its territories and possessions, Army Post Offices (APOs), fleet Post Offices (FPOs), and the United Nations, NY. For this standard, the term “territories and possessions” comprises the following:

American Samoa

Manua Island, Swain’s Island, Tutuila Island


Northern Mariana Islands, Commonwealth of the

Rota Island, Saipan Island, Tinian Island

Puerto Rico, Commonwealth of

U.S. Virgin Islands

St. Croix Island, St. John Island,
St. Thomas Island

Wake Atoll

Wake Island

2.2 Mail Treated as Domestic

Mail originating in the United States of America, its territories and possessions, APOs, FPOs, and the United Nations, NY, for delivery in the Freely Associated States, and mail originating in the Freely Associated States for delivery within, among, and between the Freely Associated States and the United States of America, its territories and possessions, APOs, FPOs, and the United Nations, NY, is treated as if it were domestic mail. The term “Freely Associated States” comprises the following:

Marshall Islands, Republic of the
Ebeye Island
Kwajalein Island
Majuro Island

Micronesia, Federated States of
Chuuk (Truk) Island
Kosrae Island
Pohnpei Island
Yap Island

Palau, Republic of
Koror Island

2.3 International Mail

International mail is mail addressed to or received from foreign countries, except under 2.2. Provisions for international mail are published in the International Mail Manual.

2.4 Customs Forms Required

2.4.1 Priority Mail Weighing 16 Ounces or More

Regardless of contents, all Priority Mail weighing 16 ounces or more sent from the United States to the ZIP Code destinations listed in the table below, and all Priority Mail sent from these ZIP Code destinations to the United States, must bear a properly completed PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note CP 72. If PS Form 2976-A will not fit on the address side of the mailpiece, a PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22, must be used.

ZIP Code

Two-Letter State Abbreviation


Territory, Possession or Freely Associated State

































































































2.4.2 Enter and Deposit—Items Requiring a Completed Customs Declaration

Except as provided in 2.4.3, a mailer may not deposit an item that requires a completed customs declaration into a collection box, Postal Service lobby drop, Automated Postal Center (APC) drop, customer mailbox, or at a Postal Service dock or other unattended location. In addition, these mailpieces are precluded from Pickup on Demand service and Carrier Pickup service under 507.6.0. Customers must present such items to an employee at a Post Office retail service counter. The Postal Service will return improperly presented items to the sender for proper entry and acceptance.

2.4.3 Items Bearing a Completed Customs Declaration with an Electronic Round Date

Items under 2.4.1 that have the mailing label, customs declaration (including an electronic round date), and postage prepared and paid online through an authorized PC Postage vendor Web site may be deposited only as follows:

a. At a Postal Service retail counter.

b. Through Pickup on Demand service.

c. Through Carrier Pickup service.

d. Into a Postal Service lobby drop.

e. Into an Automated Postal Center (APC) drop.

f. In a U.S. Postal Service collection box.

g. In the mailing customer's residential or business mailbox.

2.4.4 Freely Associated States—Items Requiring an Export License

Items sent to the Freely Associated States listed in 2.2 that require an export license under 2.5.8, regardless of weight or class of mail, always require a PS Form 2976-A. See IMM 530 for additional information on export licenses.

2.5 Foreign Trade Regulations—U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Bureau of the Census

This section describes the various U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Bureau of the Census requirements when shipping goods to, from, and between U.S. territories, possessions, and Freely Associated States. Shipments to APO/FPO/DPO addresses are not subject to these requirements. Customers may be subject to civil and criminal penalties if they fail to electronically file their export information when required, or if they fail to comply with the Foreign Trade Regulations in any other way. Refer to IMM 520 for additional standards about the Census Bureau's requirements.

2.5.1 Mandatory Electronic Filing—U.S. Territories, Possessions, and Freely Associated States

Under the authority of 13 U.S.C. Chapter 9, as amended by the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 2002, P.L. 107-228, U.S. Census Bureau regulations require electronic filing of export information through the U.S. Census Bureau's Automated Export System or AESDirect website for certain or AESDirect website for certain shipments of goods. Electronic filing of export information is required when any of the following applies, subject to certain exemptions and exclusions (see 2.5.4):

a. The item requires an export license under U.S. law when sent to the Freely Associated States. See 2.5.5 and 2.5.6.

b. One or more classes of goods (per Schedule B Export Codes at within the item is valued at more than $2,500 and the item is mailed as follows:

1. From Puerto Rico to the United States or U.S. Virgin Islands.

2. From the United States to Puerto Rico or the U.S. Virgin Islands.

3. From the United States, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands to the Freely Associated States.

2.5.2 Value Criterion

Following are three examples to illustrate the value criterion defined in 2.5.1:

a. A package contains one mechanically operated watch (Schedule B item # 9101.11.0000) valued at $2600. The total value of goods to be mailed is $2600, and the value of all items within the same Schedule B number is over $2500. Consequently, electronic filing and a PFC would be required (unless an exemption or exclusion applies).

b. A package contains one mechanically operated watch (Schedule B item # 9101.11.0000) valued at $2400, and one electronically operated watch (Schedule B item # 9101.91.0000) valued at $2400. The total value of goods to be mailed is $4800, but no group of items within the same Schedule B number is valued over $2500. Consequently, electronic filing and a PFC would not be required, because the mechanical watch and electronic watch are in different Schedule B groups,

c. A package contains two mechanically operated watches (Schedule B item # 9101.11.0000) one valued at $1400 and one valued at $1500. The total value of goods to be mailed is $2900 and the value of all items within the same Schedule B number is over $2500. Consequently, electronic filing and a PFC would be required, unless an exemption or exclusion applies.

2.5.3 How to File Electronic Export Information and Obtain a Proof of Filing Citation

For additional information on electronic filing, call the U.S. Census Bureau's toll-free information hotline at 800-549-0595, option #3. To file electronic export information through AESDirect and obtain a PFC, customers should use the following steps:

a. Go to

b. Register for an AESDirect account or log into your existing account.

c. Follow the instructions for the Automated Export System Certification Quiz.

d. The "Port of Export" code for shipping through the Postal Service is "8000".

e. The "Mode of Transport" is "Mail".

f. Leave the carrier as 'SCAC/IATA' and the conveyance name fields blank.

g. After successfully filing electronic export information, AESDirect will provide an alphanumeric Internal Transaction Number (ITN) as confirmation. The PFC consists of the letters "AES" followed by the ITN: for example, "AES X20080930987654".

2.5.4 AES Downtime Citation

If electronic information filing is required but U.S. Census Bureau's Automated Export System or AESDirect website is unavailable, the goods may be shipped but the customer is responsible for providing the appropriate AES Downtime Citation instead of a PFC. This citation includes the word "AESDOWN," the customer's AES filer identification number, and the date: for example, "AESDOWN 123456789 09/30/2009." If the Automated Export System system is down, call 800-549-0595, option 1.

2.5.5 Exclusion and Exemption Legends

In many circumstances, electronic export information filing and a Proof of Filing Citation (PFC) may not be required. In these circumstances, and only when a customs declaration form is required under 2.4, customers are responsible for presenting an applicable Exemption or Exclusion Legend on the customs declaration form upon mailing. Customers may forgo this requirement if no customs declaration form is required. When a customs declaration form is used, customers should enter the applicable Exemption or Exclusion Legend on the customs declaration form. Customers must only enter one Exemption or Exclusion Legend per addressed mailpiece. When multiple Exemption or Exclusion Legends may apply, the mailer may select any one that applies. For more information on these and other exemptions and exclusions, customers should consult Appendix C of the Foreign Trade Regulations, 15 C.F.R. Part 30. The following is a list of the most commonly applicable Exemption or Exclusion Legends for items mailed to, from, or between destinations under 2.0.

a. Regardless of value, for all goods shipped to, from, or between the following U.S. Territories, use "NOEEI 30.2(d)(2)":

1. American Samoa.

2. Guam Island.

3. Northern Mariana Islands.

b. For items destined to the Freely Associated States listed in 2.2, customers may apply "NOEEI 30.37(a)" if the value of each class of goods is $2,500 or less, provided an export license is not required (see 2.5.7 and 2.5.8).

2.5.6 Placement of PFC, AES Downtime Citation Placement, or Exemption and Exclusion Legend

If no customs declaration form is required (e.g., items sent between the United States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands), no other action for recording the PFC or AES Downtime Citation on the package is required. However, when a shipment requires a PFC, or AES Downtime Citation, or Exemption and Exclusion Legend, and a PS Form 2976-A is used under 2.4; it is the customer's responsibility to legibly write the PFC, AES Downtime Citation, or Exemption or Exclusion Legend as follows:

a. On PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note - CP72 (large white form) customers should write one PFC, AES Downtime Citation, or Exemption or Exclusion Legend in Block 11.

b. On older versions of PS Form 2976-A printed prior to January 2009 customers should write one PFC, AES Downtime Citation, or Exemption or Exclusion Legend at the top of the form or in any clear space. Avoid writing over the barcode on the form.

2.5.7 Additional Standards for the Freely Associated States

The Freely Associated States listed in 2.2 are foreign destinations for the purposes of the Foreign Trade Regulations and other laws and regulations governing imports and exports. As such, certain goods shipped to these destinations from the United States, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, or other U.S. territories may require an export license. To determine if an export license is required, go to or call: 1-800-USA-TRAD(E) (1-800-872-8723).

2.5.8 When an Export License Is Required

When an export license is required under 2.5.7, a PS Form 2976-A is always required. The electronically generated License Number must appear in Block 13, and a PFC or AES Downtime Citation must appear in Block 11 of the customs declaration form. See IMM 520 and 530 for complete requirements. In addition, it is the mailer's responsibility to comply with the U.S. Census Bureau's requirements for filing electronic export information, as described in 2.5.1 and 2.5.2. A PFC or AES Downtime Citation should appear on the customs declaration form as described in 2.5.6.

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3.0 Post Offices and Holidays

3.1 Management of Post Offices

3.1.1 Establishment of Post Offices

The USPS establishes and maintains Post Offices, stations, and branches for customer convenience.

3.1.2 Closing or Consolidation of Post Offices

Under 39 U.S. Code (USC) 404(b), any decision to close or consolidate a Post Office must be based on certain criteria. These include the effect on the community served; the effect on employees of the Post Office; compliance with government policy established by law that the USPS must provide a maximum degree of effective and regular postal services to rural areas, communities, and small towns where Post Offices are not self-sustaining; the economic savings to the USPS; and other factors that the USPS determines necessary. In addition, certain mandatory procedures apply.

3.1.3 Procedures for Post Offices

The Postal Operations Manual contains USPS rules for discontinuing, consolidating, or suspending service at an existing Post Office or other postal facility; changing a Post Office or other postal facility name; setting public business hours of postal facilities; and using bulletin boards and handling lost articles found in public areas of postal facilities.

3.1.4 Military Post Offices

Military Post Offices (MPOs) are branches of a U.S. civil Post Office, operated by the Army, Navy, Air Force, or Marine Corps to serve military personnel overseas or aboard ships. The term includes Army Post Offices (APOs) for the U.S. Army and the U.S. Air Force and fleet Post Offices (FPOs) for the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Marine Corps. MPOs provide postal service for military personnel where the U.S. civil postal service does not operate and a military situation requires the service. MPOs are established or discontinued by the USPS only on request of the military department that operates them. Notice of these actions is published in the Postal Bulletin. Military Post Offices do not verify and accept bulk or discounted-price mail; such mailings must be deposited at (nonmilitary) U.S. Post Offices.

3.2 Holiday Service

Exhibit 3.2a and Exhibit 3.2b shows the national holidays observed by the USPS and the service levels provided on those holidays for retail window, Post Office box, firm call, delivery, and collection services.

a. Holidays widely observed:

Exhibit 3.2a Holidays Widely Observed

New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day

Day of Holiday
and Surrounding Days


Delivery Services

Collection Services

Retail Window





Express Mail

Friday (holiday)







Time decal

























Saturday (holiday)







Time decal








Time decal









Sunday (holiday)















Time decal 1

















Monday (holiday)







Time decal 1

Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday (holiday)







Time decal

Preceding Day








  1. When a holiday is observed on Monday and no residential collection is scheduled on Sunday, a full residential collection may be provided on the Monday holiday. Consecutive days without collections should be avoided.

b. Holidays not widely observed:

Exhibit 3.2b Holidays Not Widely Observed

Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Birthday; Presidents Day; Columbus Day; and Veterans Day

Day of Holiday
and Surrounding Days


Delivery Services

Collection Services

Retail Window





Express Mail

















Monday (holiday)1







Time decal 2

  1. Veterans’ Day, November 11, is the only movable holiday in the group of holidays designated as not widely observed; the other three holidays listed in section B are always observed on Mondays. When Veterans’ Day falls on any day except Sunday, the services provided on that holiday are the same as those shown for Monday. When Veterans’ Day falls on Sunday, the service levels are the same as those shown for Sunday; the USPS, however, observes the holiday on Monday and treats it as a Monday holiday.

  2. When a holiday is observed on Monday and no residential collection is scheduled on Sunday, a full residential collection may be provided on the Monday holiday. Consecutive days without collections should be avoided.

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4.0 Philatelic (Stamp Collecting) Services

4.1 Basic Standards

4.1.1 Philatelic Policy

A single national USPS policy governs postage stamps and postal stationery, including their release, sale, and discontinuance.

4.1.2 Stamp Subjects

Subjects for commemorative postage stamps and postal stationery may be proposed by the public through correspondence to the Citizens’ Stamp Advisory Committee (see 8.1 for address). The Committee reviews suggestions and makes recommendations to the postmaster general, who makes the final selections.

4.1.3 Philatelic Availability

Stamps, postal stationery, and philatelic products are sold at various types of postal retail facilities. Post Offices establish special temporary retail stations to provide philatelic services and to sell commemorative stamps and philatelic products at activities of significant public or philatelic interest. Temporary philatelic stations may be authorized by the postmaster. Under specific circumstances, the USPS may limit or set conditions on the purchase of stamps and other forms of postage or postal stationery.

4.1.4 Philatelic Mail Orders

Mail orders for postage stamps and other philatelic items must be directed to Stamp Fulfillment Services (see 8.1 for address). Post Offices do not fill mail orders for stamps and other philatelic items other than orders under the stamps-by-mail program and for locally precanceled stamps. Customers must provide a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of precanceled stamps.

4.1.5 Philatelic Postmarking

Postmarking for philatelic (stamp collecting) purposes is provided at the request of collectors or cover servicers. The Postal Operations Manual contains USPS policy on philatelic postmarking, including cancellation devices, types of postmarks or cancellations, first day covers, and service conditions.

4.2 Special Cancellations

4.2.1 Description of Special Cancellations

Special cancellations are inkjet cancellations in which a caption publicizing an event is used to cancel mail. Special cancellations may be used only in Post Offices with 190 revenue units for canceling large volumes of mail. Special cancellations are authorized only if the scheduled observance is for a national purpose for which Congress has made an appropriation, or is of general public interest and importance. Special cancellations are approved for a definite period not to exceed 6 months, and must not be conducted for private gain or profit.

4.2.2 Prohibitions for Special Cancellations

Special cancellations are not authorized for events of interest primarily to a particular local group; for fraternal, political, religious, service, commercial, or trade organizations; for campaigns or events promoting the sale or use of private products or services; for idea or slogan promotions not directly connected with the event of general public interest and importance; for Post Office anniversaries; for recruitment programs; or for events that occur when all canceling machines in the Post Office are scheduled for other special cancellations.

4.2.3 Applying to Use Special Cancellations

Submit a written letter of request, on the requesting organization's letterhead, to the manager of Mailing Standards (see 8.1 for address) at least 4 months before the special cancellation will be used. The letter must include the following information:

a. The name, address, and telephone number of the sponsor.

b. Advance promotional materials that include a complete description and schedule of the event.

c. Evidence that the event is not conducted for private gain or profit.

d. The wording of the special cancellation, which must be standardized and approved by the sponsor's national headquarters. Space available for the wording is limited to three lines of not more than 20 letters, numbers, or spaces each. Illustrations or designs cannot be used. The wording must directly reflect the event to be commemorated.

e. The Post Office name(s) where the cancellation is to be used.

f. The requested time period of use.

4.2.4 Sponsor Payment for Special Cancellations

The sponsor must pay the costs incurred for installing and maintaining the special cancellation.

4.2.5 Time Limit on Use of Special Cancellations

Use of a special cancellation may not exceed 6 months. A special cancellation approved on an annual basis is limited to one 60-day period for each year. A request for reuse of recurring annual cancellations must be submitted 4 months before the date the cancellation will be used again. For national cancellations, the national sponsor may submit a single request.

4.2.6 Revocation of Special Cancellations

The USPS may curtail or revoke the use of any special cancellation when it is necessary to use special postmarking for USPS purposes.

4.2.7 Information about Special Cancellations

More information about special cancellations is in the Postal Operations Manual.

4.2.8 Mail Submitted for Special Cancellations

A mailer must affix First-Class Mail postage to mail that the mailer wants canceled with a special cancellation. The mail must bear a complete address. Stamps issued by foreign countries are not permitted on the mail. Mail bearing the special cancellation will not be enclosed in another envelope for return even if a postage-paid envelope is provided by the customer. Damaged envelopes canceled with a special cancellation are not replaced.

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5.0 Private Express Statutes

5.1 Private Express Statutes

5.1.1 Legal Foundation

By the laws known as the Private Express Statutes, Congress has generally conferred on the USPS the exclusive right to carry letters for others over post routes. USPS regulations under the Private Express Statutes are in the Code of Federal Regulations, 39 CFR 310 and 320, as amended by final rules published in the Federal Register. These regulations take precedence over all prior rulings and USPS publications. Copies of the regulations are available from the manager of Mailing Standards, USPS Headquarters (see 8.1 for address).

5.1.2 Definition of a Letter for Private Express

For the Private Express Statutes, a letter is a message directed to a specific person or address and recorded in or on a tangible object. A message consists of any information or intelligence that can be recorded on tangible objects including, but not limited to, paper in sheet or card form, recording disks, and magnetic tapes. Certain matter is excluded from the definition of letter, e.g.: telegrams; checks and certain other instruments shipped to, from, or between financial institutions; newspapers; and periodicals. The regulations detail exclusions.

5.1.3 Postage for Private Express

If the proper postage is paid, letters may be privately carried without violating the Private Express Statutes. The regulations detail compliance. Under certain circumstances, letters may be privately carried without paying postage. The principal exceptions cover letters sent with, and related in all substantial respects to, some part of the cargo or to the ordering, shipping, or delivering of the cargo; letters carried by the senders or the recipients, or by their regular salaried employees; and letters carried to or from a postal facility where they are to be or have been carried in the mail. The regulations detail exceptions.

5.1.4 Suspensions of Private Express Statutes

Limited suspensions of the Private Express Statutes specify the conditions under which: (a) private couriers may carry data-processing materials, international ocean carrier documents, extremely urgent letters, and advertisements incidental to the shipment of accompanying merchandise or periodicals; and (b) universities and colleges may carry the letters of their bona fide student and faculty organizations. Carriers wanting to use the suspension for data-processing materials must file a notice of their intention on a form available from the manager of Mailing Standards.

5.1.5 Violations of Private Express Statutes

Mailing Standards, USPS Headquarters, is responsible for reviewing initial reports of possible violations of the Private Express Statutes. When warranted by the facts, possible violations are forwarded to the USPS General Counsel for further action.

5.1.6 Legal Advice for Private Express

The public and USPS employees can obtain authoritative advice on the Private Express Statutes, including written advisory opinions, by contacting the Senior Counsel, Ethics and Information, USPS Headquarters (see 8.1 for address and telephone number).

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6.0 Complaints and Postal Law Violations

6.1 Consumer Complaints and Inquiries

Any postal customer may complain or inquire about postal products, services, or employees at any Post Office or directly to the USPS Consumer Advocate (see 8.1 for address). A complaint or inquiry may be made in person, by telephone, by e-mail, or by letter. A complaint or inquiry about the handling of a specific piece of mail should include the related envelope or wrapper and copies of all postal forms filed. A customer who is dissatisfied with the local handling of a complaint or inquiry may send a written appeal to the Consumer Advocate. A court of law can require such appeal as a legal prerequisite for hearing a customer’s suit against the USPS.

6.2 Postal Law Violations

Instructions on mail security as it relates to unauthorized opening, inspection, tampering, or delay of mail are in Administrative Support Manual 274. Information and complaints on a possible postal law violation must be sent to the appropriate address according to the ZIP Code ranges shown below:

ZIP Codes


003-079, 08005, 08006, 08008, 08050, 08087, 08092, 08501-08504, 08506-08510, 08512-08514, 08516, 08517, 08519-08553, 08555-08561, 08600-08639, 08642-08691, 087-098, 100-149

Postal Inspection Service

PO Box 2613

Jersey City NJ 07303‑2613

08001-08004, 08007, 08009-08049, 08051-08086, 08088-08091, 08093-08099, 081-084, 08505, 08511, 08515, 08518, 08554, 08562, 08640-08641, 150-39776, 700-799

Postal Inspection Service

225 N Humphreys Blvd

Memphis TN 38120‑2149

400-693, 800-884, 850-999

Postal Inspection Service

222 S Riverside Plz Ste 1250

Chicago IL 60606‑6100

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7.0 Trademarks and Copyrights of the USPS

7.1 Trademarks and Service Marks

7.1.1 Registered Marks

The following are among the registered USPS trademarks and service marks:


Planet Code

Business Reply Mail

Planet Code USPS and Design

Carrier Pickup

P.O. Box

Certified Mail

Postal Explorer




Priority Mail

Customized MarketMail

Priority Mail United States Postal Service Design

Delivery Confirmation

Registered Mail



The Eagle Logo

Signature Confirmation

Express Mail

Stamps By Mail


Stamps to Go

First-Class Mail

Standard Mail


U.S. Mail and Design

Intelligent Mail barcode

U.S. Postal Service

Media Mail

United States Post Office


United States Postal Service

Official Election Mail and Design

United States Postal Service and Design (with the Eagle Logo)

The Old Eagle Design


Parcel Post

PC Postage

We Deliver

We Deliver For You

Pickup on Demand



ZIP Code

7.1.2 Use of Registered Marks

USPS trademarks must be used in the form listed in 7.1.1. Proper use of USPS registered marks requires capitalizing the initial letters of the marks to distinguish them from terms not used as trademarks. Words and phrases that are registered trademarks may also use the registration symbol ®. Figures that are registered marks must always use the registration symbol. (An exception to this rule is the USPS emblem used on letterheads and business cards. All other uses of the emblem must include the ®.)

7.1.3 Proposed or Pending Registration

The USPS has additional trademarks not yet registered. The rules in 7.1.2 apply to these common law marks, except that such marks are not to be identified by the symbol ®. Instead, the superscript initials TM may be used to identify these marks.

7.2 Copyrights

7.2.1 Copyrighted Material

The USPS secures copyrights in its philatelic designs and certain publications. The designs of postage stamps, stamped envelopes, stamped cards, aerogrammes, souvenir cards, and other philatelic items issued on or after January 1, 1978, are copyrighted by the USPS under title 17 USC.

7.2.2 Permitted Use of Copyrighted Material

The use of illustrations of the designs covered by such copyrights is permitted:

a. In editorial matter in newspapers, magazines, journals, books, philatelic catalogs, and philatelic albums.

b. In advertising matter, circulars, or price lists for the sale of the postal items illustrated.

c. In advertising matter, circulars, or price lists for the sale of newspapers, magazines, journals, books, philatelic catalogs, and philatelic albums containing illustrations of philatelic designs.

d. In motion-picture films, microfilms, slides, or electronic tape for projection on a screen or for use in telecasting. No print or other reproduction from such films, slides, or tapes may be made except for the uses permitted in this section.

7.2.3 Design Reproductions of Copyrighted Material

Illustrations permitted by 7.2.2a. through 7.2.2d may be in color or in black and white, and may depict philatelic items as uncanceled or canceled. When depicting uncanceled items in color, illustrations must be less than 75% or more than 150% in linear dimension of the size of the design of the philatelic items as issued. Color illustrations of canceled philatelic items and black and white illustrations of uncanceled or canceled philatelic items may be in any size.

7.2.4 License Request for Copyrighted Material

The USPS may grant licenses for the use of illustrations of its copyright designs and registered trademarks outside the scope of the above permission. A request for such a license must be sent to the manager, Licensing, Public Affairs and Communications (see 8.1 for address).

7.3 Inquiries about USPS Trademarks and Copyrights

Inquiries about USPS copyrights or use of USPS trademarks and service marks, copyright materials, and intellectual property other than patents and technical data rights in USPS contracts must be sent to USPS Stamp Development. Inquiries about licenses to publish or reproduce ZIP Code information must be sent to the National Customer Support Center (see 8.1 for address).

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8.0 USPS Contact Information

8.1 Postal Service

Business Mail Acceptance
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 2P846
Washington DC 20260-0846

Business Mailer Support
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 2P846
Washington DC 20260-0846

Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee
Stamp Services
US Postal Service
1735 North Lynn Street, Room 5013
Arlington, VA 22209-6432

Consumer Advocate
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW
Washington DC 20260-2200

Customer Service Standardization
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 6816
Washington DC 20260-6816

Domestic Claims
Accounting Services
US Postal Service
PO Box 80143
St Louis MO 63180-0143

Domestic Claims Appeals
Accounting Services
US Postal Service
PO Box 80141
St Louis MO 63180-0141

Distribution Operations
Washington DC Post Office
900 Brentwood Rd NE
Washington DC 20066-9704

US Postal Service
8403 Lee Hwy
Merrifield VA 22082-8101

Engineering Letter Tech
US Postal Service
8403 Lee Hwy
Merrifield VA 22082-8101

General Counsel
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW
Washington DC 20260-1100

Integrated Business Solutions, Shipping Services
US Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plz SW Rm 5149
Washington DC 20260-5149

Label Printing Center
US Postal Service
500 SW Gary Ormsby Dr
Topeka KS 66624-9502
(800) 332-0317

US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 1P801
Washington DC 20260-0801

Mailing Standards
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 4446
Washington DC 20260-4446

Material Distribution Center
US Postal Service
500 SW Gary Ormsby Dr
Topeka KS 66624-9502
(800) 332-0317

Money Order Branch
Accounting Service Center
US Postal Service
PO Box 82450
St Louis MO 63182-2450

National Customer Support Center
US Postal Service
6060 Primacy Pkwy Ste 201
Memphis TN 38188-0001

Network Distribution Center Operations
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 7631
Washington DC 20260-2806

Postage Technology Management
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 3660
Washington DC 20260-4110

Postal Inspection Service
222 S Riverside Plz Ste 1250
Chicago IL 60606-6100

Postal Inspection Service
PO Box 2613
Jersey City NJ 07303-2613

Postal Inspection Service
225 N Humphreys Blvd
Memphis TN 38120-2149

Post Office Accounting Manager
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 8831
Washington DC 20260-5241

US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 4016
Washington DC 20260-4016
(see 8.4.1 for Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC) address)

Pricing Strategy
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 4316
Washington DC 20260-4316

Product Development
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW Rm 5012
Washington DC 20260-5012

Prohibitory Order Processing Center
PO Box 1500
New York NY 10008-1500

Judicial Officer
US Postal Service
2101 Wilson Blvd Ste 600
Arlington VA 22201-3078

Revenue Assessment and Control
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plaza SW Rm 8430
Washington DC 20260-8430

Senior Counsel
Ethics and Information
US Postal Service
475 L’Enfant Plz SW
Washington DC 20260-1127

Shipping Support, Shipping Services
US Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plz SW NB Ste 5437
Washington DC 20260-0001

Stamp Services
US Postal Service
1735 North Lynn Street Room 5018
Arlington VA 22209-6432

Stamp Fulfillment Services
US Postal Service
PO Box 7247
Philadelphia, PA 19101-7097

Transactions and Correspondence
US Postal Service
475 L'Enfant Plz SW Rm 5621
Washington DC 20260-0230

8.2 Federal Agencies

Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms
US Department of the Treasury
1200 Pennsylvania Ave NW
Washington DC 20226-0001

Bureau of the Public Debt
US Department of the Treasury
PO Box 1328
Parkersburg WV 26106-1328

Diplomatic Pouch Division
US Department of State
1375 K St NW
Washington DC 20522-0508

Office of the Federal Register
National Archives and Records Administration
1100 L St NW Rm 8401
Washington DC 20005-0001

Plant Protection and Quarantine Programs
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
US Department of Agriculture
4700 River Rd
Riverdale MD 20737-1228

Postal Rate Commission
901 New York Ave NW Ste 200
Washington DC 20268-0001

Superintendent of Documents
US Government Printing Office
732 N Capitol St NW
Washington DC 20401-0003
(For subscription to the Domestic Mail Manual)

US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Department of the Interior
18TH and C St NW
Washington DC 20240-0001

8.3 Other Agencies

American National Standards Institute
11 W 42ND St
New York NY 10036-8002
(212) 642-4900

Automatic Identification Manufacturers (AIM)
634 Alpha Dr
Pittsburgh PA 15238-2802
(412) 963-8588

Uniform Code Council INC
7887 Washington Village Dr Ste 300
Dayton OH 45459
(937) 435-3870

8.4 PCSC and District Business Mail Entry Offices Contact Information

The Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC) and the district business mail entry offices provide guidance on mail classification, prices, and mail preparation standards. Direct questions about mail classification and special mail services to local postal officials. The PCSC can help local offices answer these questions. (Note: Zip Code Prefix 340 is shared by South Florida and New York districts. Unassigned prefixes are not listed.)

8.4.1 Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC)

For return receipts mailed under the provisions in 601.11.5, 601.11.7, and 601.11.8, use the following address:

90 Church St Ste 3100
New York NY 10007-2951
Telephone: (212) 330-5300 / Fax: (212) 330-5320

90 Church Street Suite 3100
New York, NY 10007-2951

Exhibit 8.4.1 Contact Information for Business Mail Entry Offices, Grouped by Region and Listed by District and 3-Digit ZIP Code Service Area

Business Mail Entry

3‑Digit ZIP Code Service Area

Capitol Metro Area

Baltimore District:

900 E. Fayette Street, Room 166

Baltimore, MD 21233-9706

Phone: 410-347-4248

Fax: 410-234-8553

210-212, 214-219

Capital District:

900 Brentwood Road, NW

Washington, DC 20066-7204

Phone: 202-636-2177

Fax: 202-636-4367

200, 202-209

Greater South Carolina District:

2001 Dixiana Road

West Columbia, SC 29172-3098

Phone: 803-926-6329

Fax: 803-926-6326


Greensboro District:

418 Gallimore Dairy Road

Greensboro, NC 27409-9651

Phone: 336-668-1250

Fax: 336-668-1266

270-279, 286

Mid-Carolinas District:

1820 W. Pointe Drive, Suite A

Charlotte, NC 28214-9106

Phone: 704-398-5521

Fax: 704-398-5555

280-285, 287-289, 297

Northern Virginia District:

8409 Lee Highway

Merrifield, VA 22081-9651

Phone: 703-698-6380

Fax: 703-207-3660

201, 220-223, 226-227

Richmond District:

1801 Brook Road

Richmond, VA 23232-9650

Phone: 804-775-6235

Fax: 804-698-4711

224-225, 228-239, 244

Eastern Area

Appalachian District:

1002 Lee Street

Charleston, WV 25301-1700

Phone: 304-561-1060

Fax: 304-561-1033

240-243, 245-259, 261-268

Central Pennsylvania District:

1425 Crooked Hill Road, 3rd Floor

Harrisburg, PA 17107-9651

Phone: 717-257-4819

Fax: 717-257-2152

169-188, 195, 196

Cincinnati District:

990 Dalton Avenue

Cincinnati, OH 45203-9651

Phone: 513-684-5588

Fax: 513-684-5691

410, 434-436, 450-455, 458, 459, 470

Columbus District:

2323 Citygate Drive

Columbus, OH 43218-9651

Phone: 614-472-0386

Fax: 614-472-0387

430-433, 437, 438, 456, 457

Kentuckiana District:

4440 Crittenden Drive

Louisville, KY 40221-9998

Phone: 502-375-8540

Fax: 502-375-8549

400-409, 411-418, 420-427, 471, 476, 477

Northern Ohio District:

2400 Orange Avenue, Room 24

Cleveland, OH 44101-9603

Phone: 216-443-4100

Fax: 216-443-4186


Philadelphia Metro District:

3190 S. 70th Street, Room 502

Philadelphia, PA 19153-9651

Phone: 215-863-5061

Fax: 215-863-6074


South Jersey District:

501 Benigno Boulevard

Bellmawr, NJ 08031-9651

Phone: 856-933-4262

Fax: 856-933-4241

077, 080-087, 197-199

Western New York District:

55 Msgr. Valente Drive

Buffalo NY 14206-9651

Phone: 716 846 2562

Fax: 716 846 2586


Western Pennsylvania District:

1001 California Avenue, Room 2027

Pittsburgh, PA 15290-9651

Phone: 412-359-1468

Fax: 412 359-7108

150-168, 260

Great Lakes Area

Central Illinois District:

6801 W. 73rd Street

Bedford Park, IL 60499-9651

Phone: 708-563-7772

Fax: 708-563-7703

604, 605, 609, 613-619, 625-627

Chicago District:

433 W. Harrison

Chicago, IL 60607-9651

Phone: 312-983-8627

Fax: 312-983-8433


Detroit District:

1401 W Fort Street, Room M-156

Detroit, MI 48233-9651

Phone: 313-226-8678

Fax: 313-226-8124

481, 482, 492

Gateway District:

1720 Market Street, Room 1013

St. Louis, MO 63155-9651

Phone: 314-436-4103

Fax: 314-436-4565

620, 622-624, 628-631, 633-635, 650-653

Greater Indiana District:

3939 Vincennes Road

Indianapolis, IN 46298-9651

Phone: 317-870-8504

Fax: 317-870-8684

460-469, 472-475, 478, 479

Greater Michigan District

4800 Collins Road

Lansing, MI 48924-9655

Phone: 517-337-8705

Fax: 517-337-8734

486-491, 493-497

Lakeland District:

350 W. St. Paul Avenue

Milwaukee, WI 53203-9651

Phone: 414-287-1971

Fax: 414-287-2515

498, 499, 530-532, 534, 535, 537-539, 541-545, 549

Northern Illinois District:

500 East Fullerton Avenue

Carol Stream, IL 60199-9651

Phone: 630-260-5387

Fax: 630-260-5149

600-603, 610, 611

Southeast Michigan District

2351 Bellingham Drive, Room 1707

Troy, MI 48083

Phone: 248-497-4526

Fax: 651-456-5968

480, 483-485

Northeast Area

Albany District:

30 Old Karner Road

Albany, NY 12288-9601

Phone: 518-452-4034

Fax: 518-464-7451

120-123, 128-139

Caribbean District:

585 Ave FD Roosevelt, Suite 125

San Juan, PR 00936-9651

Phone: 787-622-1795

Fax: 787-622-1788


Connecticut Valley District

141 Weston Street

Hartford CT 06101-9451

Phone: 860-524-6311

Fax: 860-524-6482

010-013, 060-069

Greater Boston District

25 Dorchester Avenue, Room 1004

Boston, MA 02205-9651

Phone: 617-654-5443

Fax: 617-654-5026

014-019, 021, 022, 024, 055

Long Island District:

160 Duryea Road

Melville, NY 11747-8040

Phone: 631-755-2939

Fax: 631-755-2940

005, 115, 117-119

New York District:

421 8th Avenue, Room 3212

New York, NY 10199-9651

Phone: 212-330-4225

Fax: 212-330-3801

090-099, 100-102, 104

Northern New England District:

151 Forest Avenue, Suite 7023

Portland ME 04101-7023

Phone: 207-482-7186

Fax: 207-482-7265

030-054, 056-059

Northern New Jersey District

494 Broad Street, Room 223

Newark, NJ 071-02-9334

Phone: 973-468-7075

Fax: 973-468-7027

070-076, 078-079, 088-089

Southeast New England District:

181 Corliss Street

Providence, RI 02904-9998

Phone: 401-752-5640

Fax: 401-752-5699

020, 023, 025-029

Triboro District:

1050 Forbell Street

Brooklyn, NY 11256-9602

Phone: 718-348-3760

Fax: 718-348-3753

103, 110-114, 116

Westchester District:

1000 Westchester Avenue

White Plains, NY 10610-9651

Phone: 914-697-7013

Fax: 914-697-7022

105-109, 124-127

Pacific Area

Bay Valley District:

1750 Lundy Avenue

San Jose, CA 95101-7024

Phone: 408-437-6811

Fax: 408-437-6832

939, 945-948, 950-951

Honolulu District:

3600 Aolele Street

Honolulu, HI 96820-9651

Phone: 808-423-3928

Fax: 808-423-3759


Los Angeles District:

7001 S. Central Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90052-9614

Phone: 323-586-4481

Fax: 323-586-3702


Sacramento District:

3775 Industrial Boulevard

W. Sacramento, CA 95799-0070

Phone: 916-373-8723

Fax: 651-675-1556

936-938, 942, 952-953, 956-960

San Diego District

11251 Rancho Carmel Drive

San Diego, CA 92199-9651

Phone: 858-674-0417

Fax: 858-573-0566


San Francisco District

1300 Evans Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94124-1769

Phone: 415-550-5716

Fax: 415-550-5770

940-941, 943-944, 949, 954-955, 962-966

Santa Ana District

3101 W. Sunflower Avenue

Santa Ana, CA 92799-9324

Phone: 714-662-6447

Fax: 714-966-2004

905-908, 917-918, 926-928

Sierra Coastal District

28201 Franklin Parkway

Santa Clarita, CA 91383-9650

Phone: 661-775-6663

Fax: 661-775-7114

910-916, 930-935

Southeast Area

Alabama District

351 24th Street N.

Birmingham, AL 35203-9651

Phone: 205-521-0217

Fax: 205-254-0176

350-352, 354-368

Atlanta District:

1605 Boggs Road

North Metro, GA 30026-9651

Phone: 770-717-3435

Fax: 770-717-3405

300-303, 305, 306, 311, 399

Mississippi District:

401 E. South Street

Jackson, MS 39201-9998

Phone: 601-351-7125

Fax: 601-351-7501

369, 386-397

North Florida District:

3650 Southside Boulevard

Jacksonville, FL 32216-9651

Phone: 904-645-3220

Fax: 904-641-7925

320-326, 344

South Florida District:

16000 Pines Boulevard

Pembroke Pines, FL 33027-9990

Phone: 954-450-3016

Fax: 954-436-4350

330-334, 340, 349

South Georgia District:

451 College Street

Macon, GA 31213-9651

Phone: 478-752-8720

Fax: 478-752-8602

298, 299, 304, 308-310, 312-319, 398

Suncoast District:

5433 W. Sligh Avenue, Suite C

Tampa, FL 33634-9654

Phone: 813-243-5960

Fax: 813-243-7453

327-329, 335-339, 341, 342, 346, 347

Tennessee District:

525 Royal Parkway

Nashville, TN 37229-9651

Phone: 615-885-9103

Fax: 615-885-9287

307, 370-385

Southwest Area

Albuquerque District:

1135 Broadway Boulevard, NE

Albuquerque, NM 87101-9651

Phone: 505-346-8105

Fax: 505-346-8135

865, 870-875, 877-884

Arkansas District:

420 Natural Resources Drive

Little Rock, AR 72205-9651

Phone: 501-228-4121

Fax: 501-228-4299


Dallas District:

951 W. Bethel Road

Coppell, TX 75099-9996

Phone: 972-462-2208

Fax: 972-462-2219


Fort Worth District:

4600 Mark IV Parkway

Fort Worth, TX 76161-9621

Phone: 817-317-3635

Fax: 817-317-2777

739, 760-764, 768, 769, 790-796

Houston District:

401 Franklin Street, Room 115

Houston, TX 77201-9653

Phone: 713-226-3201

Fax: 713-226-3041


Louisiana District:

701 Loyola Avenue, Room 1101

New Orleans, LA 70113-9651

Phone: 504-589-1104

Fax: 651 406-4177

700, 701, 703-708, 710-714

Oklahoma District:

4025 W Reno Avenue, Room 2044

Oklahoma City, OK 73125-9996

Phone: 405-815-2320

Fax: 405-815-2013

730, 731, 734-738, 740, 741, 743-749

Rio Grande District:

10410 Perrin Beitel, Room 1069

San Antonio, TX 78284-9651

Phone: 210-368-8316

Fax: 210-368-8463

733, 765-767, 779-789, 797-799, 885

Western Area

Alaska District:

4141 Postmark Drive

Anchorage, AK 99530-9651

Phone: 907-266-3277

Fax: 907-266-3178


Arizona District:

4949 E. Van Buren Street, Room 190

Phoenix, AZ 85026-9651

Phone: 602-225-3148

Fax: 602-225-3909

850-853, 855-857, 859-860, 863-864

Big Sky District:

841 South 26th Street

Billings, MT 59101-9651

Phone: 406-657-5780

Fax: 650-577-4142


Central Plains District:

5303 N. 91st Avenue

Omaha, NE 68134-9651

Phone: 402-573-2117

Fax: 402-573-2131

515-516, 664-666, 668-681, 683-693

Colorado/Wyoming District:

7500 E. 53rd Place, Room 2213

Denver, CO 80266-9651

Phone: 303-853-6134

Fax: 303-853-6194

800-816, 820-831

Dakotas District:

2801 S. Kiwanis Avenue

Sioux Falls, SD 57105-9651

Phone: 605-333-2650

Fax: 605-333-2777

565, 567, 570-577, 580-588

Hawkeye District District:

7900 Hickman Road

Des Moines, IA 50318-9651

Phone: 515-251-2359

Fax: 515-251-2052

500-514, 520-528, 612

Mid-America District:

300 W. Pershing, Street 100

Kansas City, MO 64108-9995

Phone: 816-374-9358

Fox: 816-374-9701

636-641, 644-649, 654-658, 660-662, 667

Nevada-Sierra District

1001 E. Sunset Road

Las Vegas, NV 89199-9651

Phone: 702-361-9281

Fax: 702-361-9406

889-891, 893-895, 897-898, 961

Northland District:

100 S. 1st Street, Room 115

Minneapolis, MN 55401-9651

Phone: 612-349-6395

Fax: 612-349-3576

540, 546-548, 550-551, 553-564, 566

Portland District

715 NW Hoyt Street

Portland, OR 97208-9651

Phone: 503-294-2456

Fax: 503-294-2358

970-979, 986

Salt Lake City District:

1760 W. 2100 S.

Salt Lake City, UT 84199-9651

Phone: 801-974-2507

Fax: 801-974-2513

840-847, 832-834, 836, 837

Seattle District:

415 First Avenue N, 2nd Floor

Seattle, WA 98109-9432

Phone: 206-378-2612

Fax: 206-378-2546

835, 838, 980-985, 988-994