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DMM TOC > 500 Additional Mailing Services507 Mailer Services3.0 Premium Forwarding Service 4.0 Address Correction Services 8.0 Address Sequencing Services 11.0 Merchandise Return Service 1.0 Treatment of Mail1.1 Nondelivery of MailMail can be undeliverable for these reasons: a. No postage. b. Incomplete, illegible, or incorrect address. c. Addressee not at address (unknown, moved, or deceased). e. Mail refused by the addressee at time of delivery. f. Mail refused by the addressee after delivery when permitted. g. Minimum criteria for mailability not met. 1.2 USPS Address Adjustments1.2.1 Types of AdjustmentsMail can be undeliverable because of USPS adjustments such as the following: c. Conversion from rural-style addresses (rural route and box number or highway contract route and box number) to city-style addresses (house number and street name). d. Realignment of rural or highway contract routes. e. Conversion from rural or highway contract service to city delivery service. g. Consolidation of Post Offices or adjustment of delivery districts. 1.2.2 ChargesFor 3 years after the date when the new address information appears in Address Information System (AIS) products, a mailer who regularly sends bulk mailings into an area affected by USPS adjustments is not charged for requested corrections to galley lists when such corrections relate to those adjustments. 1.2.3 DisposalMail that is undeliverable because of USPS adjustments is redirected and delivered to the destination without an additional postage charge as follows: a. For an adjustment under 1.2.1a through 1.2.1c, for 1 year from the date when the new address appears in the AIS bimonthly products released in February, April, June, August, October, and December. b. For an adjustment under 1.2.1d through 1.2.1g, for 1 year from the end of the month in which the adjustment occurs. c. For mail bearing the simplified address "Postal Customer," "Residential Customer," "Rural Route Box Holder," "Highway Contract Route Box Holder," or "Post Office Box Holder," for 90 days or until the next June 30, whichever is later. 1.2.4 RecordsRecords of address changes caused by USPS adjustments are kept by the local Post Office for 3 years. 1.3 Directory ServiceUSPS letter carrier offices give directory service to the types of mail listed below that have an insufficient address or cannot be delivered at the address given (the USPS does not compile a directory of any kind): a. Mail with extra services (certified, COD, registered, special handling). b. Foreign, except circulars. (Foreign mail received in quantities with letter-class postage but the general characteristics of circular mail is not given directory service.) c. Mail from overseas Armed Forces. d. Parcels mailed at any Package Services price or endorsed by the mailer. g. Express Mail Next Day Service (Post Office to Addressee only). 1.4 Basic Treatment1.4.1 GeneralMail that is undeliverable as addressed is forwarded, returned to the sender, or treated as dead mail, as authorized for the particular class of mail. Undeliverable-as-addressed mail is endorsed by the USPS with the reason for nondelivery as shown in Exhibit 1.4.1 USPS Endorsements for Mail Undeliverable as Addressed. All nonmailable pieces are returned to the sender. Exhibit 1.4.1 USPS Endorsements for Mail Undeliverable as Addressed 1.4.2 Official MailOfficial mail is treated the same as mail for the general public. All fees and services must be paid or collected on delivery of mail or address correction notices. 1.4.3 Mailer EndorsementA mailer endorsement is used to request forwarding, return, or address correction service. This endorsement (and other marking) must be prepared under 102, 202, 302, or 402. The endorsements authorized for each class of mail and the required wording are listed in the charts according to class of mail. 1.4.4 OrderThe information in the charts in this unit is associated with a customer’s change- of-address order. Information on temporary changes of address is not provided. 1.4.5 Extra ServicesMail with extra services is treated according to the charts for each class of mail in 1.5, except that: a. Undeliverable-as-addressed Certified Mail is treated as First-Class Mail. b. All insured First-Class Mail is forwarded and returned at no additional cost. All insured Standard Mail and Package Services is forwarded or returned. c. Parcels with special handling that are undeliverable as originally addressed and forwarded to the addressee continue to receive special handling service without an additional special handling fee. d. Undeliverable-as-addressed return receipt for merchandise mail receives the treatment appropriate for the class of mail of the host piece. e. All Registered Mail items are treated as registered while they are being forwarded or returned. 1.4.6 Metered PiecesMail paid by postage meter that does not have a delivery address and a return address is returned to the Post Office of mailing. The reason for nondelivery is attached but the address correction fee is not charged. The piece is returned to the meter licensee upon payment of the applicable return postage. 1.5 Treatment for Ancillary Services by Class of Mail1.5.1 First-Class Mail and Priority MailUndeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) First-Class Mail (including stamped cards and postcards) and Priority Mail are treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.1, with these additional conditions: a. First-Class Mail and Priority Mail cards and unregistered letters that do not appear to contain merchandise and do not bear “Return Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested” (Option 1 only) may be forwarded to international addresses. b. Alternative addressing formats under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with any ancillary service endorsement or mail with any extra service. Forwarding service is not provided for such mail. Undeliverable First-Class Mail with any alternative addressing format is returned with the reason for nondelivery attached only if the address is incorrect or incomplete or the mail is undeliverable for another reason as shown in Exhibit 1.4.1 USPS Endorsements for Mail Undeliverable as Addressed. c. The Priority Mail portion of a Priority Mail drop shipment receives the forwarding, return, and address correction services described in Exhibit 1.5.1. The mail enclosed within the drop shipment receives the services appropriate for its class. d. First-Class Mail or Priority Mail bearing Standard Mail markings and endorsements permitted by 202 for letters, 302 for flats, and 402 for parcels and 244.5.1 for letters, 344.5.1 for flats, and 444.4.1 for parcels receives forwarding, return, and address correction services for Standard Mail under 1.5.3. e. “Change Service Requested” is not permitted for the following: 1. Priority Mail, other than Priority Mail containing perishable matter under 601.9.0 (except for live animals). 2. First-Class Mail or Priority Mail containing hazardous materials under 601.10.0. 3. First-Class Mail or Priority Mail with an extra service other than Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation. f. Address Change Service (ACS) as described in 4.0 is available for First-Class Mail and Priority Mail displaying the appropriate ACS participant code for an authorized ACS participant in conjunction with a permitted ancillary service endorsement. Mailers participating in OneCode ACS under 4.2.6 may print an Intelligent Mail barcode on First-Class Mail automation-price letters instead of a participant code and endorsement. The only endorsements permitted for use on First-Class Mail and Priority Mail valid ACS pieces are “Address Service Requested”, “Change Service Requested” or “Electronic Service Requested” subject to the following: 1. “Address Service Requested” (Option 1) is valid for use on all mailpieces, including ACS participating pieces. “Address Service Requested” (Option 2) is valid for use only on ACS participating pieces. 2. “Change Service Requested” (Options 1 and 2) are valid for use only on ACS participating pieces. 3. The words “Option 1" or “Option 2" must not be part of the “Address Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested” endorsement on mailpieces. 4. Participating ACS mailers are limited to selecting only one of the two options available for “Address Service Requested” and one of the two options available for “Change Service Requested.” The option(s) selected along with the mailer's ACS participant code will be programmed at the CFS unit to facilitate processing of valid ACS pieces within the conditions that apply to ACS. Exhibit 1.5.1 Treatment of Undeliverable First-Class Mail and Priority Mail
1.5.2 PeriodicalsUndeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Periodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) are treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.2, with these additional conditions: a. Periodicals matter is forwarded only to domestic addresses. b. Publications with an alternative addressing format under 602.3.0 are delivered to the address when possible. Forwarding service is not provided for such mail. Periodicals publishers are notified only when mailpieces with the occupant or exceptional address formats are undeliverable for solely address-related reasons. c. When a change of address is filed, copies of Periodicals publications bearing the old address are forwarded to the new address even if the copies show the sender’s request for return. d. Address correction service is mandatory for all Periodicals publications, and the address correction service fee must be paid for each notice issued. e. Address correction service (including Address Change Service (ACS)) is provided for the first issue after 60 days for all publications, unless copies are to be returned at the publisher’s request. ACS participants may receive the change notice before day 60, if so requested. Copies received after the address correction notice is mailed are disposed of by the USPS. When copies of the publication cannot be forwarded, the address correction notice is prepared for the first undeliverable issue of the publication received. Forms 3579 are mailed to publishers at least once a week. f. The publisher may request the return of copies of undelivered Periodicals by printing the endorsement “Address Service Requested” on the envelopes or wrappers, or on one of the outside covers of unwrapped copies, immediately preceded by the sender's name, address, and ZIP+4 or 5-digit ZIP Code. This endorsement obligates the publisher to pay return postage. Each returned piece is charged the single-piece First-Class Mail price for the weight and shape of the piece, and the nonmachinable surcharge if applicable, or the Priority Mail price for the weight and destination of the piece. When the address correction is provided incidental to the return of the piece, there is no charge for the correction. g. A publisher of Periodicals publications may request a refund of the fees paid for duplicate address correction notices on Forms 3579 provided by the USPS if the customer submitted a change-of-address order and the first and duplicate notices are provided on magnetic tape by ACS or on printed copy by a Computerized Forwarding System (CFS) unit. The refund request must be supported by documentation showing the number of duplicate notices received. The USPS does not process refunds for duplicate notices if: 1. The customer did not submit a change-of-address order. 2. The original and duplicate notices are not provided both by ACS or both by CFS. 3. The publisher does not submit documentation to support the refund amount. Exhibit 1.5.2 Treatment of Undeliverable Periodicals
1.5.3 Standard MailUndeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Standard Mail is treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.3a and Exhibit 1.5.3k, with these additional conditions: a. Standard Mail is forwarded only to domestic addresses. Exhibit 1.5.3a Treatment of Undeliverable Standard Mail
b. The exceptional address format under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with any ancillary service endorsement or mail with any extra service. Forwarding service and address correction service are not provided for undeliverable Standard Mail with this address format. c. The endorsement “Change Service Requested” is not permitted for Standard Mail containing hazardous materials under 601.10.0. Standard Mail containing hazardous materials must bear the endorsement “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” or “Return Service Requested.” d. Standard Mail can be forwarded or returned at the appropriate Media Mail or Library Mail price if the content of the mail qualifies as Media Mail under 173, 373, or 473 or Library Mail under 183, 383, or 483 and the mail is marked “Media Mail” or “Library Mail” directly below the ancillary service endorsement. e. Mail that can qualify for Shipper Paid Forwarding under the applicable standards in 2.3.5 is forwarded or returned at the First-Class Mail single-piece price or Priority Mail single-piece price applicable for the weight of the piece. f. If a Standard Mail piece and any attachment to that piece are not opened by the addressee and the sender has guaranteed forwarding and return postage, the addressee may refuse delivery of the piece and have it returned to the sender without affixing postage. If a Standard Mail piece or any attachment to that piece is opened by the addressee, the addressee must affix the required postage to return the piece to the sender. g. Standard Mail with bulk insurance or return receipt for merchandise must be endorsed “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” or “Return Service Requested.” Standard Mail with Delivery Confirmation must be endorsed “Address Service Requested,” “Forwarding Service Requested,” “Return Service Requested,” or “Change Service Requested.” h. When a large volume of identical-weight pieces originates from a single mailer and is endorsed “Return Service Requested,” the USPS may weigh a sample of at least 25 pieces and divide that weight by the number of pieces to determine the weight of a single piece. After the per piece weight is determined, all the pieces are weighed in bulk and divided by the per piece weight to determine the total number of pieces. The return postage is calculated using these numbers. Pieces of identical weight counted in this manner are returned to the sender with the new address or the reason for nondelivery endorsed on the piece. i. A weighted fee is charged when an unforwardable or undeliverable piece is returned to the sender and the piece is endorsed “Address Service Requested” or “Forwarding Service Requested.” The weighted fee is the First-Class Mail or Priority Mail single-piece price and, if applicable, the nonmachinable surcharge (see 123.1.0 or 133.1.0), multiplied by 2.472 and rounded up to the next whole cent (if the computation yields a fraction of a cent). The weighted fee is computed (and rounded if necessary) for each piece individually. Using “Address Service Requested” or “Forwarding Service Requested” obligates the sender to pay the weighted fee on all returned pieces. j. A returned piece endorsed “Return Service Requested” is charged the single-piece First-Class Mail price for the weight and shape of the piece, and the nonmachinable surcharge if applicable, or the Priority Mail price for the weight and destination of the piece. The appropriate First-Class Mail price for a Not Flat-Machinable piece is the First-Class Mail parcel price. k. Mail sent as Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) under 12.0 is returned at the BPRS per piece fee if one of the endorsements includes “— BPRS” as shown in Exhibit 1.5.3k. Exhibit 1.5.3k Treatment of Undeliverable BPRS Standard Mail
l. Customized MarketMail under 705.1.0 is not eligible to use ancillary service endorsements. 1.5.4 Package Services and Parcel SelectUndeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Package Services mail is treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.4, with these additional conditions: a. Package Services and Parcel Select mail is forwarded only to domestic addresses. b. The exceptional address format under 602.3.0 may not be used on mail with any ancillary service endorsement or mail with any extra service. Forwarding service is not provided for such mail. Undeliverable Parcel Post, Parcel Select, Media Mail, and Library Mail with this address format are returned with the reason for nondelivery attached only if the address is incorrect or incomplete or the mail is undeliverable for another reason as shown in Exhibit 1.4.1 USPS Endorsements for Mail Undeliverable as Addressed. Undeliverable Bound Printed Matter with this address format is disposed of by the USPS. c. The endorsement “Change Service Requested” is not permitted for Package Services mail containing hazardous materials under 601.10.0. d. If a Package Services piece and any attachment to that piece are not opened by the addressee and the sender has guaranteed forwarding and return postage, the addressee may refuse delivery of the piece and have it returned to the sender without affixing postage and still have other Package Services pieces forwarded to the addressee. If a Package Services piece or any attachment to that piece is opened by the addressee, the addressee must affix the required postage to return the piece to the sender. If the addressee does not want to pay forwarding postage for all Package Services mail, the postmaster of the new address must use Form 3546 to notify the postmaster of the old address to discontinue the forwarding of Package Services mail. e. Package Services mail bearing a postage meter indicia from a customer meter that is unaddressed and without a return address (undeliverable) is returned to the Post Office of mailing. The reason for nondelivery is attached without charging the address correction fee. The piece is returned to the meter licensee on payment of the return postage. f. Bound Printed Matter with no ancillary service endorsement and: 1. With Delivery Confirmation, with Signature Confirmation, or with no other extra service, is disposed of by USPS. 2. With an extra service other than Delivery Confirmation or Signature Confirmation is treated as though endorsed “Forwarding Service Requested.” Exhibit 1.5.4 Treatment of Undeliverable Package Services Mail and Parcel Select
1.5.5 Express MailUndeliverable-as-addressed (UAA) Express Mail is treated as described in Exhibit 1.5.5, with these additional conditions: a. Express Mail is forwarded only to domestic addresses. b. Directory service is provided for Express Mail that cannot be delivered because of an incorrect or incomplete address. c. The Express Mail portion of an Express Mail drop shipment receives the forwarding, return, and address correction services described in Exhibit 1.5.5. The mail enclosed within the drop shipment receives the services appropriate for its class. d. Undeliverable or unclaimed Express Mail is held by the USPS for 5 calendar days before it is returned to the sender at no additional postage, unless either of the following applies: 1. The mail is refused before the end of the 5 calendar days. 2. The mail is not refused and the sender has specified in the return address a longer holding period (not to exceed 30 days). The sender may also place an instruction above the return address, subject to 202.4.0, 302.4.0, or 402.3.0, directing the return of undeliverable mail after fewer than 5 calendar days. Exhibit 1.5.5 Treatment of Undeliverable Express Mail
1.6 Attachments and Enclosures1.6.1 PeriodicalsUndeliverable Periodicals (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) with a nonincidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure are returned at the single-piece First-Class Mail price for the weight and shape of the piece, and the nonmachinable surcharge if applicable, or Priority Mail price for the weight and destination of the piece. The weight of the attachment or enclosure is not included when computing the charges for return of the mailpiece. Undeliverable Periodicals (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) with an incidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure are treated as dead mail unless endorsed “Address Service Requested.” 1.6.2 Standard MailUndeliverable, unendorsed Standard Mail with a nonincidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is returned at the single-piece First-Class Mail price for the weight and shape of the piece or Priority Mail price for the weight and destination of the piece. The weight of the First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is not included when computing the charges for return of the mailpiece. Undeliverable, unendorsed Standard Mail with an incidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is treated as dead mail. 1.6.3 Package ServicesUndeliverable, unendorsed Package Services with a nonincidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is either forwarded or returned at the single-piece Package Services price. The weight of the First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure is not included when computing the charges for return of the mailpiece. Undeliverable, unendorsed Package Services with incidental First-Class Mail attachments or enclosures is returned at the single-piece Package Services price. 1.7 Mixed Classes1.7.1 Combination With First-Class MailCombination mailings of First-Class Mail with Standard Mail or Package Services are provided the forwarding and return service of Standard Mail, as appropriate: a. An undeliverable combination mailpiece, including a piece that cannot be forwarded, one part of which is First-Class Mail (other than an incidental First-Class Mail attachment or enclosure), must be returned to the sender, subject to the charge for return according to its class. The weight of the First-Class Mail piece is not included when computing the charge for return of the Periodicals, Standard Mail, or Package Services part. b. Items with incidental First-Class Mail enclosures or attachments are returned according to the class of the host piece. c. An undeliverable combination mailpiece that is not returnable to the sender, of which one part is First-Class Mail, is given the treatment that applies to the class of the other part. 1.7.2 Other CombinationsPieces of Periodicals, Standard Mail, or Package Services with other classes of mail attached or enclosed (other than incidental First-Class Mail attachments or enclosures) must be forwarded as specified for the host piece by the applicable standards. Neither the enclosures nor the host piece are provided the forwarding service of First-Class Mail. 1.7.3 Host PieceAny undeliverable combination mailpiece that does not include First-Class Mail matter is given the treatment applicable to the host piece. 1.7.4 ParcelA combination parcel containing Media Mail and Bound Printed Matter is charged postage at the Parcel Post price when forwarded or returned. 1.8 Returning Mail1.8.1 NonmailableNonmailable matter is returned to the sender immediately. 1.8.2 Refused MailReturnable mail is returned if refused by the addressee. 1.8.3 Express Mail, Priority Mail, First-Class MailMailpieces sent as Express Mail, Priority Mail, or First-Class Mail that cannot be delivered as addressed or forwarded to a new address, unless otherwise requested by the sender, are returned when possible to the sender at no additional charge. Excluding pieces containing live animals, the following are disposed of by the USPS: a. Priority Mail bearing the appropriate Address Change Service (ACS) participant code and marked “Perishable” and endorsed “Change Service Requested.” b. First-Class Mail bearing the appropriate ACS participant code and endorsed “Change Service Requested.” 1.8.4 Other ClassesOther returnable mail is treated as appropriate for the class of mail and the sender’s instructions except as noted below. 1.8.5 Extra ServicesIf a return receipt is attached to a certified, collect on delivery (COD), numbered insured, registered, return receipt for merchandise, or Express Mail piece to be returned, the reason for nondelivery is shown on the face of the piece. The receipt stays attached to the piece and is returned to the sender. Registered Mail is returned through the registry system. The sender must sign a delivery receipt for returned Express Mail and for certified, COD, numbered insured, registered, and return receipt for merchandise mail. 1.8.6 No Sender InstructionsMail without a specific address or instructions from the sender is held: a. For 5 days if for delivery by rural or highway contract route carrier. b. For 10 days if for general delivery at an office with city carrier service. If the addressee notifies the postmaster of a delay in claiming the mail, the postmaster may hold such mail up to 30 days. c. For 15 days if for general delivery at an office without city carrier service. 1.8.7 Post Office BoxDeliverable mail addressed to a Post Office box is not returned until after the box is declared vacant, except for certified, collect on delivery (COD), insured, registered, postage due, and perishable mail. 1.8.8 Franked MailUnclaimed franked mail from a Member of Congress is returned to the origin Post Office (if known) or the Washington, DC, Post Office. 1.9 Dead Mail1.9.1 Basic InformationDead mail is matter deposited in the mail that is or becomes undeliverable and cannot be returned to the sender from the last office of address. Every reasonable effort is made to match articles found loose in the mail with the envelope or wrapper from which lost and to return or forward the articles. a. Nonmail matter (e.g., wallets and bank deposits) found in collection boxes or at other points within USPS jurisdiction is returned postage due at the single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority Mail price for keys and identification devices that is applicable based on the weight of the matter. b. Undeliverable, unendorsed Standard Mail, printed matter, circulars, newspapers, magazines, and other publications, and unidentified articles that have no value are disposed of as waste. c. Undeliverable articles of $10 or more in value are treated as dead mail. d. Dead letters are opened at mail recovery centers to determine the name and address of the addressee or sender to permit delivery or return. e. Except for unendorsed Standard Mail, all undeliverable Standard Mail and Package Services, and insured First-Class Mail containing Standard Mail or Package Services enclosures, that cannot be returned because of an incorrect, incomplete, illegible, or missing return address is opened and examined to identify the sender or addressee. f. Dead parcels are opened at mail recovery centers to determine name and address of the addressee or sender to permit delivery or return. Dead parcels returned to the sender or delivered to the addressee are priced postage due at the zone price from the dead parcel branch. If parcels are endorsed to show that they are USPS property, or that the sender refused to pay postage due on return as undelivered, the parcels are considered USPS property. 1.9.2 USPS Policy and ProceduresThe Postal Operations Manual contains USPS policy and procedures for handling and disposing of dead mail (including through sale at auction or by donation to institutions). 2.0 Forwarding2.1 Change-of-Address Order2.1.1 Normal Time LimitRecords of permanent change-of-address orders are kept by city delivery Post Offices for 18 months, for forwarding and for address correction purposes, from the end of the month when the change takes effect. A record of change-of-address orders from general delivery to a permanent local address without time limit is kept 6 months. A record of change-of-address orders to other than a permanent local address is kept 30 days. 2.1.2 Time Limit ExtensionWhen a customer notifies the Post Office of a permanent change in mailing address or the USPS changes a customer’s mailing address, the postmaster may extend the forwarding period for 1 additional year if mail is regularly received addressed to the old address. To qualify for this extension, the customer must show that a financial hardship will ensue if extended forwarding is not granted. The customer must also show that reasonable effort is being made to notify correspondents of the new address. 2.1.3 Temporary ForwardingA customer temporarily moving away may have mail forwarded for a specific period of time, not to exceed 12 months (364 total consecutive days). The Postal Service provides temporary forwarding service for a period of two weeks to six months (15 to 185 days) in response to an initial temporary change-of-address order. Customers may extend the temporary forwarding period up to a maximum of 12 months (364 days), by filing a second change-of-address order to begin on the first day of the second six-month period (the 186th day), and expiring on the desired date, up to and including the last day of the second six-month period (364th day). Every temporary change-of-address order must specify both beginning and end dates. 2.1.4 Methods of FilingCustomers may use one of the following methods to file a change-of-address with the Post Office: a. Mail or submit Form 3575 or other written notice to any Post Office, or as otherwise directed by the Postal Service. b. Use Internet Change of Address (ICOA) at https://moversguide.usps.com. Customers using the ICOA method must provide a valid credit card number for identity verification. The customer's credit card is charged $1.00 for the verification. c. Use Telephone Change of Address (TCOA) at 1-800-ASK-USPS. Customers using the TCOA method must provide a valid credit card number for identity verification. The customer's credit card is charged $1.00 for the verification. 2.1.5 Restricted or Prohibited UseA change-of-address order cannot be filed or is restricted for the following: a. An addressee (e.g., an individual or a business entity or other organization) may not file a change-of-address order for mail originally addressed to the addressee at an organization, business, place of employment, or other affiliation. The organization or business may change the address (but not the addressee's name) on a mailpiece to redirect it to the addressee. Barcodes on redirected mailpieces should be obliterated to facilitate automation processing. b. Individuals may not file a change-of-address order for mail originally addressed to the individuals at Department of State ZIP Code 20521. Additionally, individuals may not file a change-of-address order to have mail forwarded to Department of State ZIP Code 20521. c. Individuals may file a change-of-address order for mail addressed to or from Department of State ZIP Code 20189 only under the following conditions: 1. The change-of-address order is submitted through the Internet Change of Address (ICOA) entry under 2.1.4b. All other change-of-address methods are prohibited. 2. Only "Individual" orders are permitted. 3. Only "Permanent" orders are permitted. 2.2 Forwardable Mail2.2.1 ClassesForwarding is available for all classes of mail, subject to the corresponding conditions described in 1.0. 2.2.2 ReforwardingThe address (but not the name) may be changed and the mail reforwarded as many times as necessary to reach the addressee. 2.2.3 Discontinued Post OfficeAll Express Mail, First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Package Services addressed to a discontinued Post Office may be forwarded without added charge to a Post Office that the addressee designates as more convenient than the office to which the USPS ordered the mail sent. 2.2.4 Rural DeliveryWhen rural delivery service is established or changed, a customer of any office receiving mail from the rural carrier of another office may have all Express Mail, First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Package Services forwarded to the latter office for delivery by the rural carrier without added charge, if the customer files a written request with the postmaster at the former office. 2.2.5 Converted ServiceMail addressed to Post Office, rural, or highway contract route boxholders is delivered to customers residing in the affected area until June 30 following establishment of, or conversion to, city delivery service or for 90 days, whichever is later. 2.2.6 Mail for Military PersonnelAll Express Mail, First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Package Services addressed to persons in the U.S. Armed Forces (including civilian employees) serving where U.S. mail service operates is forwarded at no added charge when the change of address is caused by official orders. This free forwarding also applies to mail for household members whose change of address is caused by official orders to persons serving in or who are civilian employees of the U.S. Armed Forces. If the official permanent change of station order is to an overseas APO/FPO or DPO address, military authorities forward mail between the United States and those addresses; forwarding is limited to 60 days. 2.2.7 Mail Addressed to CMRA CustomersMail addressed to an addressee at a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA) is not forwarded through the USPS. The CMRA customer may make special arrangements for the CMRA operator to remail the mail with payment of new postage. A CMRA must accept and remail mail to former customers for at least 6 months after termination of the agency relationship. After the 6-month period, the CMRA may refuse mail addressed to a former customer. 2.3 Postage for Forwarding2.3.1 OriginForwarding postage is computed by using the forwarding office as the origin office. 2.3.2 Express MailExpress Mail is forwarded without charge. 2.3.3 First-Class MailFirst-Class Mail (including postcards and stamped cards) and Priority Mail are forwarded without charge when postage is fully prepaid by the sender. 2.3.4 PeriodicalsPeriodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) are forwarded without charge for 60 days when postage is fully prepaid by the sender. 2.3.5 Standard MailGenerally, Standard Mail is subject to collection of additional postage from the mailer when forwarding service is provided by charging the Standard Mail weighted fee on all returns. Shipper Paid Forwarding, used in conjunction with Address Change Service (4.0), provides mailers of Standard Mail parcels an option of paying forwarding postage at the applicable single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority Mail price. Mail that qualifies for Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) is returned at the BPRS per piece charge if the mailer uses one of the ancillary service endorsements that specifies BPRS (e.g., “Return Service Requested—BPRS”). 2.3.6 Package Services and Parcel SelectPackage Services and Parcel Select pieces are subject to the collection of additional postage at the applicable price for nonlocal forwarding. Shipper Paid Forwarding, used in conjunction with Address Change Service (4.0), provides mailers who ship Package Services and Parcel Select parcels, an option of paying forwarding postage instead of the addressee paying postage due charges. The addressee may refuse any piece of Package Services or Parcel Select that has been forwarded. This refusal does not revoke the right to have other Package Services and Parcel Select forwarded. If the addressee does not want to pay forwarding postage for all Package Services and/or Parcel Select pieces, the addressee must ask the postmaster of the new address to use Form 3546 to notify the postmaster of the old address to discontinue the forwarding of Package Services and/or Parcel Select pieces. Unless endorsed "Change Service Requested," all Package Services and Parcel Select pieces are delivered as directed without additional postage charge when the old and new addresses are served by the same Post Office. 2.3.7 Extra ServicesCertified, collect on delivery (COD), Delivery Confirmation, insured, registered, Signature Confirmation, and special handling mail is forwarded without additional extra service fees, subject to the applicable postage charge (to a domestic address only). 3.0 Premium Forwarding Service3.1 Prices and Fees3.1.1 Application FeeCustomers must pay a nonrefundable application fee. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable fee. 3.1.2 Weekly Reshipment ChargeThere is a reshipment charge for each Priority Mail shipment to one temporary address for each week of service requested. Upon submission of the application, the amount due for the total weeks requested must be paid in full. See Notice 123—Price List for the applicable fee. 3.1.3 Extension of ServiceA Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) customer may contact the Post Office responsible for delivery to the primary address prior to the last shipment date and extend PFS service (up to 1 year maximum service from the initial start date) as needed. An extension is processed only after the Post Office receives payment of the reshipment charges due for the total weeks of extension requested. 3.1.4 Early Termination of ServiceA customer who terminates PFS early (e.g., a customer prepays for 10 weeks but returns to a primary address after 8 weeks, either temporarily or permanently) may request a refund for any unused weekly shipment charges from the Post Office serving the primary address. The application fee is nonrefundable. 3.2 Basic Standards3.2.1 DescriptionPremium Forwarding Service (PFS) provides residential delivery customers and certain Post Office box customers an option to have all mail addressed to their primary address reshipped or rerouted to a temporary address mainly by means of a weekly Priority Mail shipment. PFS is available for a period of not less than 2 weeks and not more than 1 year. This optional service is separate from the piece-by-piece forwarding service offered in 2.0, whereby only certain mailpieces are forwarded. 3.2.2 UseParticipation in PFS is subject to the following standards: a. PFS is available to residential delivery customers and to Post Office box customers with a size-one or size-two Post Office box. b. A customer must submit a completed PFS application, Form 8176, Premium Forwarding Service (PFS) Application, as specified by the Postal Service. The application fee and weekly reshipment charges for the full duration of the requested service must accompany the application. c. Except as provided in 3.2.2d, customers must designate on the application whether the order is for an “Individual” or an “Entire Household.” d. For customers whose primary address is a Post Office box, only the box customer is authorized to initiate the application and “Entire Household” must be designated on the application. e. PFS is available for a period of not less than 2 weeks and not more than 1 year. f. PFS is available only from and to domestic addresses. g. PFS is available to, but not from, single-point central delivery addresses such as RV parks, hospitals, hotels, and U.S. Department of State addresses. See 703.3.0 for additional U.S. Department of State requirements. 3.2.3 Prohibited UsePFS cannot be combined with any ancillary or extra services beyond those purchased by the original sender. In addition, PFS is not available for: a. Customers who have an active temporary or permanent change-of-address (COA). b. Customers who have an active Hold Mail Authorization (PS Form 8076). Mail that has previously been held at the primary address Post Office cannot be included in PFS reshipments to a customer's temporary address. c. Customers whose primary address is a size-three, size-four, or size-five Post Office box. Residential customers who use these Post Office box sizes due to the unavailability of smaller boxes may request a waiver of this restriction. d. Customers whose primary address is a business delivery address. e. Customers whose primary address is a central point to which the USPS provides delivery in bulk to a third party, such as a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA), RV park, trailer park, or hotel. f. Customers whose primary address or temporary address is an APO or FPO. g. Customers whose temporary address is within the 969 3-digit ZIP Code area or is otherwise in a U.S. territory or possession that requires a customs declaration. 3.3 Preparation3.3.1 Weekly Priority Mail ReshipmentsRegardless of any mailer's ancillary service endorsement on a mailpiece, all mail is reshipped in the weekly Priority Mail shipment, except as specified in 3.3.2 through 3.4.1. 3.3.2 Mailpieces Arriving at the Primary Address Endorsed “Surface Mail Only” or With Other Hazardous Materials MarkingsAny mailpiece arriving at the primary address that indicates surface only transportation such as Label 127, “Surface Mail Only” or bears other hazardous materials markings such as “Consumer Commodity ORM-D”, cannot be reshipped in the weekly Priority Mail shipment and must be rerouted separately via surface transportation. 3.3.3 Mailpieces Requiring a Scan or Signature at DeliveryMailpieces requiring a scan or signature at delivery, such as Express Mail, Certified Mail, numbered insured mail or mailpieces with Delivery Confirmation, are appropriately scanned, then rerouted immediately and separately to the temporary address, subject to the following: a. Express Mail, Priority Mail, and First-Class Mail are rerouted at no additional charge. b. Standard Mail parcels are separately rerouted postage due at the appropriate 1-pound Parcel Post single-piece price. c. Package Services mailpieces (Parcel Post, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail, Library Mail and Parcel Select) are separately rerouted postage due at the appropriate single-piece price in the subclass in which the mailpiece was originally shipped. For Parcel Select items, the applicable price is the Parcel Post price. 3.3.4 Priority Mail Not Requiring a Scan or Signature at DeliveryPriority Mail that does not require a scan or signature at delivery is immediately and separately rerouted to the temporary address, unless it will fit into the weekly Priority Mail shipment and such inclusion does not delay its delivery to the temporary address. 3.3.5 Large First-Class Mail and Periodicals Parcels Not Requiring a Scan or Signature at DeliveryFirst-Class Mail and Periodicals parcels (firm bundles) not requiring a scan or signature at delivery and that do not fit into the weekly Priority Mail shipment are separately rerouted at no additional charge. 3.3.6 Standard Mail Parcels Not Requiring a Scan or Signature at DeliveryEligible Standard Mail parcels that do not require a scan or signature at delivery are included in the weekly Priority Mail shipment provided they will fit. Parcels that do not fit or are otherwise ineligible (e.g., mailpieces identified as surface transportation only) are separately rerouted postage due at the appropriate 1-pound Parcel Post single-piece price. 3.3.7 Package Services and Parcel Select Mailpieces Not Requiring a Scan or Signature at DeliveryPackage Services and Parcel Select mailpieces not requiring a scan or signature at delivery are separately rerouted postage due at the appropriate single-piece price in the subclass in which the mailpiece was originally shipped. For Parcel Select items, the applicable price is the Parcel Post price. 3.4 Enter and Deposit3.4.1 Mailpieces Arriving Postage Due at the Primary AddressAny mailpiece arriving postage due at the Post Office serving a customer's primary address is not reshipped in the weekly Priority Mail shipment and will be rerouted individually. Mailpieces arriving postage due are rerouted as follows: a. Postage due First-Class Mail mailpieces are rerouted as First-Class Mail postage due. Only the original postage due amount is collected. There is no additional charge for rerouting the mailpiece. b. Postage due Priority Mail mailpieces are rerouted as Priority Mail postage due. Only the original postage due amount is collected. There is no additional charge for rerouting the mailpiece. c. Postage due Package Services and Parcel Select mailpieces are rerouted postage due at the appropriate single-piece price in the subclass in which the mailpiece was originally shipped. For Parcel Select items, the applicable price is the Parcel Post price. The total postage due for Package Services and Parcel Select mailpieces is the sum of the postage due at the time of receipt at the primary address plus the postage due for rerouting the mailpiece from the primary Post Office to the temporary address at the appropriate single-piece price. 4.0 Address Correction Services4.1 Address Correction Service4.1.1 Address Correction Service Fee4.1.2 PurposeIf mail cannot be delivered as addressed, address correction service allows the sender on request, using the appropriate ancillary service endorsement under 1.0, to obtain the addressee’s new (forwarding) address (if the addressee filed a change-of-address order with the USPS) or the reason for nondelivery. Address corrections and notices are not provided for customers who file a temporary change of address or for individuals at a business address (see 2.1). Address correction service is available alone or in combination with forwarding and return service. 4.1.3 Invalid EndorsementAny obsolete ancillary service endorsement or similar sender endorsement not shown in 1.0 is considered invalid. Material bearing invalid or conflicting ancillary service endorsements will not be accepted for mailing. If discovered in the mailstream, pieces bearing an invalid ancillary service endorsement or conflicting endorsements are treated as unendorsed mail. Exception: Undeliverable Parcel Post, Media Mail, Library Mail, and Parcel Select pieces that bear invalid or conflicting ancillary service endorsements are treated as if endorsed “Forwarding Service Requested.” 4.1.4 PeriodicalsAddress correction service is provided automatically for all Periodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization) and begins 60 days after the effective date of the addressee’s change of address. Address corrections are provided as separate notices or, at the mailer’s request, on the returned pieces. 4.1.5 Other ClassesWhen possible, “on-piece” address correction is provided for First-Class Mail, Express Mail, Priority Mail, Standard Mail, and Package Services. If the piece cannot be forwarded, it is returned with the address information or reason for nondelivery attached. Generally, when separate corrections are necessary, Form 3547 is returned to the sender with the address correction fee charged and the mail is forwarded. This service is not available for Express Mail, First-Class Mail, or Standard Mail addressed for delivery to the addressee by military personnel at any military installation, including APOs and FPOs. 4.1.6 Fee and Return PostageUnless excepted, the applicable fee for address correction service is charged for each separate notification of address correction or the reason for nondelivery. When “on-piece” address correction is provided, no address correction fee is charged but return postage can be charged, depending on mail class. 4.2 Address Change Service (ACS)4.2.1 DescriptionAddress Change Service (ACS) is an automated or electronic process providing mailers with notices of address correction or reason for nondelivery. ACS is designed to reduce the volume of manual notifications provided for valid participating ACS mailpieces, but it does not completely eliminate manual notifications. Mailers must keep their address records in electronic format and mark or encode their mailpieces with the correct ACS symbology under 4.2 and the correct ancillary service endorsement under 1.5 to obtain address corrections. See 4.2.6 for an option to use OneCode ACS with an Intelligent Mail barcode for letters and flats in First-Class Mail, Periodicals, and Standard Mail. To obtain nondelivery information under 1.4.1, mailers must use an ACS keyline or an Intelligent Mail barcode on mailpieces. Mailers also can use traditional ACS, along with Shipper Paid Forwarding under 4.2.9, to pay forwarding postage on most Standard Mail and Package Services pieces. Mailers can find additional information about traditional ACS and OneCode ACS in Publication 8a, Address Change Service - Traditional, and Publication 8b, Address Change Service - OneCode ACS. 4.2.2 Service OptionsACS offers three levels of service, as follows: a. An automated option for letters and flat-size mailpieces bearing an Intelligent Mail barcode, mailed as First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Periodicals, with electronic notices processed using Intelligent Mail technology (see 4.2.6). Only automated First-Class Mail and Standard Mail letters qualify for automated address correction prices when using the Intelligent Mail barcode (see 4.1.1). b. An electronic option for notices processed electronically, except automated notices under 4.2.2a. c. A default manual process for notices generated manually. 4.2.3 Participant Code and Mailer IDParticipant codes or Mailer IDs are used on ACS mailpieces as follows: a. Traditional Address Change Service (ACS) human-readable participant codes are provided to authorized mailers by the National Customer Support Center (NCSC) (see 608.8.0 for address). A participant code consists of seven alpha characters, aligned left, and must be preceded by a single pound sign (#) delimiter on the top or OEL line of the address block. Additional information for using the human-readable option is available in Publication 8a, Address Change Service—Traditional. b. When using Intelligent Mail barcodes, mailers can participate in the OneCode ACS option of ACS (see 4.2.6 for restrictions). The NCSC provides the numeric OneCode ACS Mailer ID, the equivalent of a participant code, to authorized mailers using an Intelligent Mail barcode (see 708.4.3). As part of the application process, a Mailer ID is assigned to identify the participant, or mailers can choose to register one or more of their existing Mailer IDs for use with OneCode ACS. Mailers must incorporate the Mailer ID in the Mailer Identifier field, the unique mailpiece identifier in the Serial Number field, and the appropriate service in the Service Type Identifier field of the Intelligent Mail barcode according to Specification USPS B-3200. Customers can access the Intelligent Mail barcode specification at http://ribbs.usps.gov/. 4.2.4 Basic Standards for All ACS MailpiecesMailers preparing ACS mailpieces must meet these specifications:
a. When using a window envelope, maintain a clearance between the top line of the address block and the top edge of the address window of at least b. When using an address label, maintain a clearance between the top line of the address block and the top edge of the address label of at least 1/25 inch. 4.2.5 Additional Standards—When Using Human-Readable ACS Participant CodesMailers must use human-readable ACS participant codes according to the following specifications: a. Print and place the ancillary service endorsement according to the requirements in 102.4.0 and 1.5.
b. Print the ancillary service endorsement and the participant code in a non-narrow variant of Helvetica or Arial sans serif font in the range of c. Use equal line spacing in the address block, including the participant code line and mailer keyline. d. When placing the participant code in an optional endorsement line (OEL), the participant code must occupy the first eight positions in the left part of the OEL and be formatted as indicated in 708.7.2.3. e. When placing the participant code in the address block, place it on the top line. The address block information may be on an insert in a window, on an address label, or preprinted on the mailpiece. f. Mailers preprinting the participant code on an envelope (rather than printing it in the address block or on a label) must meet the conditions in 4.2.4 in addition to the following: 1. The participant code must be left-justified with the address block, with a tolerance of 1/4 inch left or right. Place the participant code not more than two line spaces above the top line of the address block (using the same line spacing size as used in the address block). 2. When using a mailer keyline, place it in the top line of the address block (but below the preprinted participant code). 3. OELs are prohibited when a mailer keyline is used. g. If using delivery point barcodes in the address block, mailers must place them in one of the following positions: 1. When using a mailer keyline, place the barcode between the top line of the address information and the mailer keyline. 2. When not using a mailer keyline, place the barcode between the top line of the address information and the participant code. 3. Below the City-State-ZIP Code line. 4. Above the participant code and OEL, except when placing the participant code under 4.2.5f. 4.2.6 Additional Standards—When Using Intelligent Mail BarcodesMailers can access OneCode ACS using an Intelligent Mail barcode, which is capable of encoding a valid Service Type Identifier indicating the ancillary service requested; a numeric Mailer ID; and the Serial Number, a unique numeric mailpiece identifier (keyline equivalent). This option is available for letters and flat-size mailpieces mailed as First-Class Mail, Standard Mail, and Periodicals. Address Service and Change Service ancillary services are available for letters and flat-sized mailpieces mailed as First-Class Mail or Standard Mail by choosing the appropriate Service Type Identifier and registering the same choice in the mailer profile maintained by the NCSC, ACS Department. In order to receive requested information, mailers wishing to change their ancillary service choice or endorsement must notify the NCSC, ACS Department in Memphis, TN, in writing, seven days prior to the mailing. Periodicals mailers not requesting Address Service will receive their current address correction notification option. The Service Type Identifier will indicate the ancillary service requested, and this choice must be indicated in the mailer's ACS profile maintained at the NCSC, ACS Department. In order to receive requested information, mailers wishing to change their ancillary service endorsement must notify the NCSC, ACS Department in Memphis, TN, in writing, seven days prior to the mailing. Standard Mail pieces with OneCode ACS using an Intelligent Mail barcode require the use of a printed on-piece endorsement. ACS mailers are encouraged to use the “Electronic Service Requested” text endorsement. Other printed endorsements are not required to request ancillary services in conjunction with an Intelligent Mail barcode used on First-Class Mail or Periodicals mailpieces, and their use may produce unintended results. Mailpieces must meet the following specifications: a. Letter-size mailpieces must be automation-compatible. b. Flat-size mailpieces may be mailed at nonautomation or automation prices. The Intelligent Mail barcode may appear anywhere a POSTNET barcode can be placed. c. If using a window envelope, maintain a clearance between the leftmost and rightmost bars and any printing or window edge of at least 0.125 (1/8) inch, and maintain a clearance between the Intelligent Mail barcode and the top and bottom window edges of at least 0.040 (1/25) inch. These clearances must be maintained during the insert's range of movement in the envelope. d. The Intelligent Mail barcode must contain an 11-digit delivery point code that correctly corresponds to the delivery address. e. The Intelligent Mail barcode must meet the technical specifications as described in 708.4.3 and USPS Specification USPS-B-3200. 4.2.7 PeriodicalsAddress correction by ACS is provided based on the mailer profile option chosen by participating Periodicals publications (including publications pending Periodicals authorization). 4.2.8 Address Correction Service FeeUnless excepted, the applicable fee for address correction is charged for each separate notification of address correction or the reason for nondelivery provided. 4.2.9 Shipper Paid ForwardingShipper Paid Forwarding is an ACS fulfillment vehicle. It allows mailers of Standard Mail, Package Services and Parcel Select parcels to pay forwarding charges via approved ACS participant code(s). For information about Shipper Paid Forwarding, contact the National Customer Support Center (see 608.8.0 for address). Mailers have the option of paying forwarding charges through a postage due advance deposit account. Mailers who choose to do so must pay an annual account maintenance fee. 4.2.10 Shipper Paid Forwarding FeeAnnual account maintenance fee required for (optional) advance deposit account. See Notice 123—Price List. 4.3 FASTforward4.3.1 PurposeFASTforward is an automated system that interfaces with addressing and automation systems, such as multiline optical character reader (MLOCR) or remote video encoding (RVE) technologies, to identify names and addresses for which current change-of-address orders are on file with the USPS. Approved FASTforward MLOCR and RVE systems print an on-piece address correction (text and delivery point barcode of the new address) for identified pieces before entry in the mailstream. Technical and licensing information is available from the National Customer Support Center (see 608.8.0 for address). 4.3.2 AddressingWhen MLOCR and/or video image technologies are used with FASTforward, all name lines and lines of the delivery address as defined in 602.1.0 on each mailpiece must have a uniform left margin and be entirely within the OCR read area defined in 202.2.1. The term name lines includes recipient’s name, firm name, and building name. An optional information line (e.g., keyline or optional endorsement line) is permitted if placed above the top line of the address block. Any alternative addressing format under 602.3.0 is not permitted. 4.3.3 BarcodingWhen MLOCR and/or video image technologies are used with FASTforward, each letter-size piece must have a barcode clear zone meeting the standards in 202.5.1, free of any printing and barcode. If a FASTforward match is made, the new address and barcode representing the new address are printed in the barcode clear zone and, for mail processing, take precedence over the old address and any barcode in the address block. The new barcode must meet the barcoding standards in 708.4.0. An envelope containing a window that intrudes into the barcode clear zone is not eligible for FASTforward. 4.4 Sender Instruction4.4.1 Mail Not ForwardedThe following types of mail are not forwarded: a. Mail addressed to “Occupant” or “Postal Customer.” b. Mail with exceptional address format. c. Mail showing specific instructions of the sender (e.g., “Return Service Requested” or “Change Service Requested”). d. Perishable items not marked to abandon that cannot be delivered before spoiling, or day-old poultry that cannot be delivered within 72 hours after hatching. These items are returned to the sender immediately, if the return can be made before spoilage or within the 72-hour period. 4.4.2 Extra ServicesA change-of-address order covers Certified Mail, collect on delivery (COD), insured, Registered Mail, and return receipt for merchandise mail unless the sender gives other instructions or the addressee moves outside the United States. This mail is treated as follows: a. COD mail is not forwarded to overseas military Post Offices. b. Ordinary, insured, and COD parcels marked on the envelope or wrapper with the mailer’s instructions to abandon or sell perishable items are treated following the instructions, such as: 1. “Do not forward or return. If not accepted within _____ days, treat as abandoned. Notify mailer of disposition.” 2. “Do not forward or return. If undelivered after _____ days, sell contents to highest bidder and remit proceeds, less commission, to mailer.” (A commission of 10%, but not less than $0.25, is kept by the USPS from the amount for which perishable items are sold.) c. When the mailer so requests, Form 3849-D is sent to the mailer. The mailer then may designate a new addressee or alter the amount of COD charges by submitting a written request to the postmaster and paying the proper fee. The USPS returns the article to the mailer after the holding period if no response is received. The postage charge, if any, is collected from the mailer for returning the mail (but not registration or COD fees). When COD mail is addressed to a person who moved and left no forwarding address, Form 3849-D is not sent, and the mail is returned to the mailer. d. Insured Standard Mail is forwarded and returned. e. Insured Package Services without any other endorsement is forwarded at no charge locally and postage due nonlocally. (For forwarding, local means within the same Post Office.) If the mailpiece is undeliverable, the USPS returns it to the sender with the new address or the reason for nondelivery. The sender is charged for the return of the piece only and the attempted forwarding, when appropriate. f. The USPS holds undeliverable Certified Mail, insured, Registered Mail, and return receipt for merchandise mail for no fewer than 3 days nor more than 15 days (unless the sender specifies fewer). g. The USPS holds undeliverable collect on delivery (COD) mail for no fewer than 3 nor more than 30 days (unless the sender specifies fewer). 4.4.3 Express Mail PouchThe USPS opens an undeliverable-as-addressed Express Mail pouch to find a delivery address on any envelope or article inside. The USPS does not open the wrappers or envelopes or break the seals of any Express Mail article in the pouch. If no address information is found, the pouch is treated as dead mail. Express Mail is held no more than 5 calendar days unless the sender sets a shorter period. 4.4.4 Holding MailAt the sender’s request, the delivery Post Office holds mail, other than Registered Mail, insured, Certified Mail, COD, and return receipt for merchandise, for no fewer than 3 days nor more than 30 days. A specific retention time of not less than 3 nor more than 30 days, if requested, must be included by the sender in the return address on the mailpiece (e.g., “Return in 30 days to” followed by sender’s return address). 5.0 Recall of Mail5.1 Who May Recall Mail5.1.1 SenderMail deposited in a collection box or at a Post Office may be recalled, with proper identification, by the sender or the sender’s representative. Form 1509 must be submitted to the postmaster at the office of mailing. 5.1.2 Federal AgencyA federal agency may recall any mailpiece sent as official mail by submitting an Express Mail letter identifying the piece to any Post Office. This provision excepts a federal agency only from the requirement to file recall orders at the office of mailing and does not authorize an agency to recall mail that it did not send. 5.1.3 Expenses and PostageThe mailer must pay all expenses of recalling mail (including return postage for other than First-Class Mail). If mail recalled before dispatch is again presented for mailing, the original stamps are accepted for postage at face value. This provision does not apply to stamps paying for registry, insurance, or COD fees. 5.1.4 Registered MailFor recalled Registered Mail, the sender must write or stamp “Withdrawn Before Dispatch” on the customer’s copy of the Registered Mail receipt, sign it, and surrender it. The same words must be written or stamped on the face of the article. 5.2 Mailer Request for Withdrawal and Disposal of Mail5.2.1 Mail Without Scheduled Delivery DateThe mailer may request the USPS to withdraw and dispose of mail without a scheduled delivery date before its delivery if: a. The mailing contains at least 200 pieces. b. The mailer gives the USPS a written and signed request, describing the mail by size, color, weight, identifying markings, number of pieces, class of mail, and type of postage payment. The request must include the authorization to withdraw and dispose of the mail. c. The mailer sends the request to the postmaster of the accepting Post Office (if the mailing has been deposited but not accepted) or to the postmaster of each destination office (if the mailing has been accepted). 5.2.2 Mail With Scheduled Delivery DateThe mailer may request the USPS to withdraw and dispose of mail with a scheduled delivery date (time-dated) before its delivery if: a. The mailing contains at least 200 pieces. b. The mailer entered the mailing early enough so that delivery can be expected on or before the scheduled delivery date. c. The mailer sends the request to the postmaster of the accepting Post Office (if the mailing has been deposited but not accepted) or, if the mailing has been accepted, the mailer either: 1. Attaches a facing slip to each bundle of mail showing the company name, person to contact, telephone number (where collect calls are accepted), and the scheduled delivery date after which the mailer does not want the mail delivered. The mailer also authorizes the withdrawal but not the disposal of the mail. 2. Sends a written request to the postmasters of destination Post Offices before depositing the mail, stating that time-dated mail is to be received at their offices and describing the mail by size, color, weight, identifying markings, number of pieces, class of mail, and type of postage payment. The mailer also authorizes the withdrawal and disposal of time-dated mail if received after the scheduled dates. 5.2.3 No GuaranteeThe USPS does not guarantee success in preventing delivery of all pieces in a withdrawn mailing. 5.2.4 Mail DisposalDisposal of mail at the mailer’s request creates no obligation of the USPS to refund postage. The mailer must pay all expenses that the USPS incurred in disposing of the mail. 6.0 Pickup on Demand Service6.1 Pickup on Demand Service FeeAvailable for Express Mail, Priority Mail, and Parcel Post, charged per pickup. See Notice 123—Price List. 6.2 Basic Standards6.2.1 AvailabilityPickup on Demand service is available from designated Post Offices for: c. Single-piece price Parcel Post. d. Certain types of international mail; see 6.2.9 for more information. 6.2.2 Stamped Pieces over 13 OuncesMailpieces weighing more than 13 ounces bearing only postage stamps as postage must be presented to an employee at a retail service counter in a Postal Service facility. Letter carriers may not pick up or accept mail weighing more than 13 ounces bearing only stamps as postage. If this mail is discovered in collection boxes, Postal Service lobby drop, Automated Postal Center (APC) drop, Postal Service dock, customer mailbox, or other unattended location, it will be returned to the sender for proper presentation at a retail counter. 6.2.3 Extra ServicesCertified Mail, Delivery Confirmation, and Signature Confirmation are the only extra postal services that may be used with pieces that are picked up. 6.2.4 VolumeThere are no limits on the number of pieces that may be picked up. The USPS may defer pickup or make multiple pickups at no additional charge to the customer if the volume to be picked up exceeds available vehicle capacity. The USPS may establish plant load service if warranted. 6.2.5 StandardsEach piece of Express Mail, Priority Mail, or Parcel Post must meet all applicable eligibility and preparation standards. Material prepared for Express Mail or Priority Mail drop shipment must meet the applicable standards in 705.17.0. 6.2.6 Form 5541When paying the fee, a customer must sign Form 5541. The USPS employee completes the information required on the form. 6.2.7 Collecting Other MailIncidental amounts of other postage-affixed, full-price mail also may be collected when Pickup on Demand service is provided. 6.2.8 Service ChangesThe USPS may suspend or refuse Pickup on Demand service due to exceptional or unsafe situations (e.g., hazardous weather or road conditions, facility emergencies on customer or USPS property, unforeseen employee or vehicle shortages, or unsafe or inadequate mailer facilities). 6.2.9 International MailThe following types of international mail are available for Pickup on Demand, including Carrier Pickup (under 6.3.3c), when all eligibility and preparation standards in the International Mail Manual are met: b. Express Mail International. c. Priority Mail International. 6.3 Postage and Fees6.3.1 PostageThe correct amount of postage must be affixed to each piece. Exception: Express Mail paid with a corporate account, Priority Mail or Parcel Post with a merchandise return service permit label (11.0), and manifest mailings approved by Business Mailer Support (BMS) do not need to have postage affixed. 6.3.2 Fee ChargedPickup on Demand fees are listed in Notice 123—Price List. The customer is charged the required fee:Every time Pickup on Demand service is provided, regardless of the number of pieces or combination of classes of mail. See 6.3.3 for when fee is not charged. a. For additional trips to pick up exceptional volume of which the serving Post Office was not notified. 6.3.3 Fee Not ChargedThe customer is not charged for: a. A scheduled Pickup on Demand that is canceled as required. b. An on-call Pickup on Demand that is canceled before the USPS employee is dispatched for the pickup. c. A pickup that occurs as part of a regularly scheduled delivery or collection stop. This service is known as Carrier Pickup. d. Priority Mail or Parcel Post using a merchandise return service label that indicates that the permit holder will pay for Pickup on Demand service. e. A minimum of seven pieces of the eligible types of mailpieces in 6.2.1 from a customer who has an authorized signed agreement (PS Form 5543) with the local Post Office. This agreement must be completed and signed in advance of any pickup request made under this standard. 6.3.4 Fee Payment MethodThe Pickup on Demand fee must be paid by one of these methods: a. Meter, PC Postage, precanceled, or adhesive stamps affixed to Form 5541, Pickup Service Statement. b. Federal agency number or Express Mail Corporate Account Number written on Form 5541. c. Check payable to the postmaster of the serving Post Office. d. Advance deposit account used by the merchandise return service permit holder to pay other applicable postage and fees (11.4.3). e. Regular postage due account maintained by the mailer at the serving Post Office. 6.4 On-Call Service6.4.1 AvailabilityOn-call Pickup on Demand service is available only from designated Post Offices with city delivery. 6.4.2 Requesting Pickup on Demand ServiceA customer may obtain information about the availability of Pickup on Demand service and schedule a pickup by calling 1-800-222-1811. Pickups are made within 2 hours of the requested pickup time unless the customer and the serving Post Office agree and service is not adversely affected. Depending on the time of the request and the delivery schedule of the serving Post Office, the pickup may be deferred to the next business day. When scheduling a Pickup on Demand, the customer must indicate the quantity of mail to be picked up. 6.5 Scheduled Service6.5.1 AvailabilityScheduled Pickup on Demand service is available from Post Offices with city delivery and from other Post Offices where the customer’s address is along the line of travel and within the regular delivery period of a rural route or highway contract route. 6.5.2 Service AgreementA customer requesting scheduled Pickup on Demand service must enter into a service agreement as follows: a. Use PS Form 5542, Scheduled Pickup on Demand Service Agreement, to specify the time, place, day or date, frequency of service, and approximate volume per pickup. b. The terms of the service agreement may be amended with the consent and approval of both parties. 6.5.3 Service hoursScheduled Pickup on Demand service may be requested during the regular business hours of the serving Post Office. Scheduled Pickup on Demand service begins the day after the service agreement is finalized and continues until the service agreement's stated end date or termination. 6.5.4 Customer ChangesThe customer must notify the serving Post Office at least 24 hours before a scheduled pickup if the pickup is to be canceled or the volume of mail to be picked up is more than 20% higher than the volume specified in the service agreement. The customer may terminate scheduled Pickup on Demand service, effective 24 hours after the USPS receives customer's written notice of termination at the serving Post Office. The customer must pay all fees for Pickup on Demand service provided before termination of service. 6.5.5 USPS ChangesThe USPS may terminate scheduled Pickup on Demand service, effective 24 hours after the customer receives written notice of termination from the serving Post Office. Termination is based upon the customer's failure to pay postage and fees or to meet the standards for Pickup on Demand service in 6.0. The customer may appeal this termination of services to the manager, Post Office Operations, but must pay for all fees for Pickup on Demand service provided during the appeal period. 6.6 Express Mail Reshipment Service6.6.1 Reshipment ServiceThe USPS gathers mail addressed to Post Office boxes or business street addresses and dispatches it as a Custom Designed or Next Day Service shipment under a service agreement (PS Form 5637, Corporate Account/Custom Designed Agreement) between the USPS and the mailer, subject to these standards: a. Service frequency is scheduled. b. The mailer is charged a Pickup on Demand fee each time mail is collected for reshipment from a Post Office no matter how many Post Office boxes or business street addresses the mailer may have at that office. c. Express Mail postage and fees are paid by Express Mail Corporate Account or federal agency “Postage and Fees Paid” indicia. The sack or container and its contents are considered a single piece for calculation of the Express Mail price of postage and must not exceed 70 lbs. d. The mailer must keep a postage-due, merchandise return service, or business reply mail account at the postal facility where the Post Office box or business street address is located for any shortpaid, merchandise return service, or business reply mail. The service agreement (PS Form 5637) must state that such an account exists. e. Delivery Confirmation and accountable mailpieces (Certified Mail, COD, insured, Signature Confirmation, or Express Mail) are reshipped and charged separately from non-accountable mailpieces. Registered Mail is not allowed for Express Mail reshipment service. f. The service agreement must list the Business Development Team at the originating office as the “Firm Representative” and show the pickup time is when the USPS employee gathers the mail and prepares it for dispatch as Express Mail. g. Commencement and termination of service agreements are subject to the standards for Express Mail Custom Designed Service. 6.6.2 DeliveryDelivery of Express Mail is subject to 508.1.1.7. 7.0 Mailing List Services7.1 Mailing List Service FeesAvailable for correction of name and address on occupant lists; for sorting mailing lists on cards by 5-digit ZIP Code; and for address changes provided to election boards and voter registration commission. See Notice 123—Price List. 7.2 General Information7.2.1 DefinitionA mailing list is a listing of names and addresses, or addresses only, produced on individual cards or in sheet form. 7.2.2 Carrier Route Information SystemThe official city delivery scheme, called the Carrier Route Information System, is available to mailers. 7.2.3 PurposeTo improve address quality, the USPS offers (for a designated fee) mailing list services to correct name and address lists; correct occupant lists; and sort mailing lists on cards by 5-digit ZIP Code (available only for multi-ZIP Code Post Offices). These services are available for mailing lists submitted by members of Congress; federal agencies; departments of state governments; municipalities; religious, fraternal, and recognized charitable organizations; and concerns or persons who solicit business by mail. For the designated fee, the USPS also provides address changes to election boards and voter registration commissions. 7.2.4 ListsIn providing services, the USPS does not compile any mailing list, including an occupant list. All corrections are marked on the list submitted by the customer. 7.2.5 ProhibitionsPersons other than USPS employees may not copy, or record by any means, names or addresses from carrier cases. Labels, wrappers, envelopes, stamped cards, or postcards indicating one-time use are not accepted as mailing lists. 7.3 Fee Assessment7.3.1 CorrectionsThe fee for correcting name and address lists or occupant lists is assessed for each name or street address on the list. Individual apartments are considered separate addresses. The minimum fee in 7.1 applies to lists with fewer than 30 names or addresses. For assessing the fee, the USPS considers a list to be all the addresses sent at one time to the appropriate postal facility. 7.3.2 Rural Route ConsolidationNo fee is charged for correcting name and address lists or occupant lists where rural routes are consolidated or changed to another Post Office, or where rural route and box number addresses are changed to city-style addresses. The lists must contain only names and/or addresses of persons residing on the routes involved, and the lists must be submitted for correction during the time when the local Post Office is required to keep the address conversion information. 7.3.3 CardsThe fee for sorting mailing lists on cards by 5-digit ZIP Code is assessed per 1,000 addresses or fraction thereof. 7.3.4 Election Board and Voter CommissionsThe fee for address changes provided to election boards and voter registration commissions is assessed for each Form 3575 submitted. The fee is collected on a per card basis regardless of the number of changes made on the card and whether the change concerns a person on the board’s or commission’s list of registrants. Instead of the actual forms, the USPS may supply facsimiles of the forms or copies of the information they contain at no additional fee. 7.3.5 PaymentThe Post Office providing the correction service annotates the total fee due on the outside of the package containing the corrected cards or lists. Payment must be made to the postal installation to which the list was submitted. Payment must be in cash or by check or money order made payable to the postmaster. Payment for correcting a list submitted by a federal agency or a person authorized to send matter as official mail may be made under the official mail reimbursement program. Payment may be made when the list is submitted or when the corrected list is delivered. 7.3.6 Time LimitThe USPS corrects and returns a mailing list to the owner within 15 workdays after receipt. This time limit does not apply to mailing lists received for correction between November 16 and January 1; they are returned as soon as possible. 7.4 Name and Address List Correction7.4.1 PreparationIf addresses are submitted in list form, the list must be typewritten, printed, or computer-prepared and in sheet form, with enough space between or next to each address to permit entry of corrections. The list owner’s name must appear in the upper left corner of each page or sheet. Lists must be separated by Post Office. A separate list must be presented for each carrier route served by a Post Office with 190 or more revenue units. Each Post Office can advise customers in this regard. 7.4.2 Card SizeIf the addresses are submitted on cards, the cards must be about the size (3-1/2 by 5-1/2 inches) and quality of a stamped card; data processing cards are acceptable. Information on the cards must be typewritten, printed, or computer-prepared, having only one name and address per card, and with enough space to permit entry of corrections. The list owner’s name must appear in the upper left corner of each card. Lists (groups of cards) must be separated by individual Post Office. 7.4.3 SubmissionThe customer must submit the address cards or mailing lists to the district manager of Address Management Systems for addresses within the district. (The address of each district may be found at www.usps.com/oncost/lookups/ams_office_ locator.html.) Unless directed otherwise by the district, the customer must address the submission as follows:
MANAGER 7.4.4 PostageCards or lists may be mailed by their owners to the designated district, but the list owner must prepay the postage for such items at the applicable price. The submitted items are returned free of postage. 7.4.5 Elements Correcteda. Cross off names to which mail cannot be delivered or forwarded. b. Correct initials and/or last names when the name apparently is known to the owner of the list. c. Correct the house, rural, or Post Office box number; correct the last line (Post Office name, state abbreviation, and 5-digit ZIP Code); and, in multiple-unit buildings, add apartment, suite, or room numbers if known by the USPS employee. d. Correct spelling of street names, suffixes, and placement of directionals to conform to the Carrier Route File scheme. e. Provide new addresses, including ZIP Codes, for customers who have moved and filed permanent forwarding orders that are still active, and for addresses, if known, that are undeliverable because of USPS adjustments. f. Mark an “X” in the upper right corner of the card or next to each entry on the sheet where no change is necessary. 7.4.6 No AdditionsIn making list corrections, USPS employees do not add a new name or address to a card or list. 7.5 Occupant Lists7.5.1 SubmissionCustomers must submit occupant lists of street addresses in the same way as for name and address corrections. Customers must not submit lists that include more than 110% of the possible deliveries for a specific 5-digit ZIP Code delivery area. 7.5.2 Elements Correcteda. Provide new addresses, if known, for addresses that are undeliverable because of USPS adjustments. b. Correct last lines (Post Office names, state abbreviations, and 5-digit ZIP Codes), spelling of street names, suffixes, and placement of directionals to conform to the Carrier Route File scheme. c. Cross off numbers representing incorrect or nonexistent street addresses, but do not change or add numbers. d. Indicate business addresses with a “B” in the upper right corner of the card, or opposite the street number as printed on the sheet, as applicable. e. Indicate rural route addresses with an “R” in the upper right corner of the card, or opposite the street number as printed on the sheet, as applicable. f. Enter the number of separate family units opposite addresses of multiple-unit dwellings. g. Mark an “X” in the upper right corner of the card or next to each entry on the sheet where no change is necessary. h. Group the corrected cards or sheets by carrier route for return to the list owner. 7.6 Sortation of Lists on Cards by 5-Digit ZIP Code7.6.1 CodingThe customer must code mailing lists by 5-digit ZIP Code for single 5-digit ZIP Code Post Offices. 7.6.2 PreparationTo allow the USPS to sort a mailing list to 5-digit ZIP Codes, a mailing list of addresses only for multi-ZIP Code Post Offices must be prepared on cards about the size (3-1/2 by 5-1/2 inches) and quality of a stamped card; data processing cards are acceptable. Only one address may appear on each card. The owner must separate the cards by Post Office of address and submit each group to the district manager of Address Management Systems serving that Post Office. The list owner must wrap mailing lists (cards) for mailing when practicable. The owner’s name and address must appear on the outside of the wrap or container. 7.6.3 USPS SortationUSPS employees sort cards by 5-digit ZIP Code and securely package them with a facing slip marked “All for ZIP Code Area (00000).” ZIP Codes are not written on individual cards. 7.7 Election Boards and Voter Registration Commissions7.7.1 GeneralElection boards or voter registration commissions may use the “Return Service Requested” endorsement and/or the National Change of Address Linkage System (NCOALink) to maintain current address lists. 7.7.2 ProcedureElection boards or voter registration commissions using permanent registration also may obtain residential change-of-address information from Forms 3575: a. An authorized official of the board or commission must sign and submit to the manager, address management systems (district), a written request that lists the Post Offices for which change-of-address information is desired. b. If the request is approved, an agreement must be obtained from and signed by an authorized official of the board or commission detailing the terms under which the change-of-address information is to be released. c. The board or commission receives the requested information from the postmasters of the listed Post Offices and pays those postmasters the applicable fees. 8.0 Address Sequencing Services8.1 Address Sequencing Service Fees8.2 Service LevelsThe USPS provides the following levels of manual or electronic address sequencing service for city carrier routes, rural routes, highway contract routes, and Post Office box sections: a. Sequencing of address cards or electronic address files. b. Sequencing of address cards or electronic address files, plus inserting only blank cards for missing addresses or missing sequence numbers for the addresses missing from the electronic files. c. Sequencing of address cards or electronic address files, plus inserting cards with addresses for missing or new addresses, or inserting addresses into electronic files for missing or new addresses. d. For address cards or electronic files, if qualification is met, the USPS will provide seeded addresses to the list owners for inclusion in their address files for file protection. e. If a request for sequencing contains a seeded address, the owner of the seeded address will be notified within 30 days of detection. If all known possibilities of fraud cannot be ruled out, the request will be denied and the Postal Inspection Service will be notified. 8.3 Card Preparation and Submission8.3.1 Color, Size, and QuantityWhen submitting cards, all address cards must be made of white or buff-colored card stock and of an identical size (5 to 8-5/16 inches long and 2-1/4 to 4-1/4 inches high). Blank cards for missing and/or new addresses must be of the same size as the submitted address cards but of a different color. A customer must provide enough blank cards to equal at least 10% of the number of address cards submitted. 8.3.2 LimitationThe customer must not submit address cards or an address file in excess of 110% of the possible deliveries for a specific 5-digit ZIP Code delivery area. Customers requesting the service level in 8.2c. will be allowed three attempts to qualify a ZIP Code for the service within a 12-month period. Failure to qualify within three attempts within 12 months will result in a suspension of 1 year for any additional attempts to qualify the ZIP Code. 8.3.3 Addressing FormatAddressing format is specific to the media being used. a. Card Processing. Cards must be faced in the same direction and bear only one address each. The customer’s current address information must be computer-generated, typed, or printed along the top of the card. The address must be within 1 inch from the top edge of the card in about the same location on each card submitted. Each card must include a complete address, but the ZIP Code is optional. Street designators may be abbreviated as shown in Publication 28, Postal Addressing Standards. When sequence cards are used to obtain address sequencing information for Post Office boxes, the box section number must be substituted for the carrier route number (if shown). b. Electronic Processing. The customer must submit address files on electronic media, as described by USPS. Call the National Customer Support Center at 1-800-331-5747 for a copy of the required format. 8.3.4 Header CardsWhen submitting address cards, customers must provide carrier route header cards prepared with standard 80-column computer card stock (or another size as described in 8.3.1). The header cards must be typed, computer-generated, or printed by the customer. A route header card of the same size as the address cards must be placed in front of the cards for each route. All columns must be provided on the header cards, regardless of the service level requested. Column headings may be abbreviated. Examples of the required format for the route header card can be obtained from the National Customer Support Center (see 608.8.0 for address). 8.3.5 Delivery Unit SummaryA Delivery Unit Summary must be typed, computer-generated, or printed and provided by the customer for card processing. A printed copy or electronic file will be acceptable for address file submissions. When submitting address cards, an original and two copies must be submitted for each 5-digit ZIP Code. When submitting an address file, an original and two copies of a printed form or one electronic file must be submitted for each 5-digit ZIP Code. This form, used by the USPS to provide summary information to the customer, is necessary for calculating total charges for the service level provided. For address card submissions, the original is returned to the customer with the cards as the customer’s bill. For electronic address file submissions, a computer-generated Delivery Unit Summary is returned as the customer's bill. Upon receipt of payment, the ZIP Code will be qualified for Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS), and product fulfillment will begin. Examples of the required printed or electronic format of the Delivery Unit Summary can be obtained from the National Customer Support Center (see 608.8.0 for address). 8.3.6 5-Digit ZIP CodesWhen submitting address cards, the cards for each 5-digit ZIP Code must be placed in separate containers, each with an envelope affixed containing a packing list and Delivery Unit Summary sheets for that 5-digit ZIP Code. For each 5-digit ZIP Code, the customer must also show the number of containers submitted on the Delivery Unit Summary and number those containers sequentially (e.g., “1 of 3,” “2 of 3,” and “3 of 3”). If there is more than one container for the 5-digit ZIP Code, the Delivery Unit Summary must be affixed to the first container. 8.3.7 Submitting Cards or Electronic FilesThe designated place for submission of addresses for sequencing depends on the type of media used.
a. Card Processing. The customer must submit the containers of address cards to the district manager of Address Management Systems for carrier routes within the corresponding district. (Exception: Address cards only for addresses in the city where the customer is located may be submitted to the postmaster of that city.) Unless directed otherwise, the customer must address containers of address cards to:
b. Electronic Processing. The customer must submit address files on electronic media to: 8.3.8 PostageContainers of cards mailed to the Post Office must have postage paid at the applicable price. Address files can be mailed at the appropriate price or be electronically transmitted, as determined by the USPS, to the National Customer Support Center. They are returned to the customer free of postage. 8.3.9 USPS SequencingUnsequenced address cards received at Post Offices or unsequenced address files received at the National Customer Support Center will be arranged in sequence of carrier route delivery without charge. Cards with incorrect or undeliverable addresses are removed from carrier route bundles, bundled separately, and returned to the customer. When address files are submitted, incorrect or undeliverable addresses are removed from the original file and returned as a separate file. 8.3.10 USPS Time Limits and BillingThe Post Office or the National Customer Support Center, whichever performs the service, returns the cards or address file and the bill for applicable charges to the customer within 15 working days after receiving a properly prepared request for address sequencing. This time limit does not apply to cards received between November 16 and January 1; they are returned as soon as possible. 8.3.11 Seasonal AddressesUnder all service levels, correct addresses subject to seasonal occupancy, but which do not indicate seasonal treatment, will be identified with an “S” on cards or a flag on address files. If the address is included in a series, such as those used for apartment buildings, trailer parks, and seasonal delivery areas in general, the appropriate “seasonal” indicator box is checked on the card or flagged on the address file. When correct address cards or address files that are not subject to seasonal occupancy but that include seasonal treatment notations are submitted, the seasonal indicator is marked out on cards or left blank on address files. For cards, a rubber band is placed around the card to identify it before it is put in carrier route sequence order in the returned deck of cards. No charge is assessed for this service. 8.4 Sequencing Cards With Blanks for Missing Addresses or Sequencing Address Files With Missing Sequence NumbersUSPS employees at Post Offices (for cards) or the National Customer Support Center (for address files) arrange unsequenced addresses in sequence of carrier route delivery without charge, remove incorrect or undeliverable addresses, and, if cards, package separately for return to the customer, and insert a blank card or missing sequence number for address files for each existing address that is not included in the customer’s cards or address file. (If several addresses in a series are missing, a single blank card is inserted for the series showing the number of missing addresses, or for address files a series of missing sequence numbers will be omitted identifying the number of missing addresses.) 8.5 Sequencing With Address Cards or Address File Sequencing With Addresses Added for Missing and New Addresses8.5.1 USPS SequencingUSPS employees at Post Offices (for cards) or the National Customer Support Center (for address files) arrange unsequenced addresses in sequence of carrier route delivery without charge, remove incorrect or undeliverable addresses, and, if cards, package separately for return to the customer or, if an address file, return as a separate file, and add new or missing addresses (including rural address conversions to city delivery) for each existing address that is not included in the customer’s cards or address file. 8.5.2 Separate Address GroupsSeparate groups of address cards must be submitted for the addresses in each 5-digit ZIP Code delivery area: city carrier (residential addresses only); city carrier (business addresses only); city carrier (combination of residential and business addresses); rural and highway contract route addresses; or Post Office box addresses (whether business, residential, or a combination). If submitting an electronic address file, a single file meeting the same requirements is acceptable. Each group must be accompanied by a statement showing: a. Types of addresses (residential, business, or a combination). b. Number of addresses on the cards or in the address file. c. Name, mailing address, and telephone number of the list owner or agent. 8.5.3 Post Office BoxesWithin a 5-digit ZIP Code, Post Office box addresses must be placed in separate groups from city carrier, rural, and highway contract route addresses and separately identified on the customer’s statement. 8.5.4 Address PercentageFor the 5-digit ZIP Code, the mailing list that the cards or address file represents must contain 90% of all possible residential or business city carrier addresses in the respective address group, 90% of all city carrier addresses in a combination residential/business address group, or 90% of all possible deliveries in rural/highway contract route and Post Office box groups. 8.5.5 Calculating PercentageIn calculating the total number of addresses within a 5-digit ZIP Code, each apartment unit in an apartment building or each office in an office building that is a deliverable address is treated as a separate address. 8.5.6 Resubmitting Cards or Address FileCustomers must monitor community growth and determine when address cards or address files need to be submitted for resequencing to maintain the 90% eligibility level of address coverage. Such a determination is not supplied by the USPS. See 509.1.0, Address Information System Services, for information on obtaining delivery statistics. 8.6 Service Charges8.6.1 Basic ServiceFor sequencing of address cards or address files, the fee in 8.1, Address Sequencing Service Fees, is charged for each address card or address that is removed because of an incorrect or undeliverable address. All cards removed are packaged separately and returned to the customer. 8.6.2 Blanks for Missing AddressesFor sequencing of address cards or address files with total possible deliveries shown, the fee in 8.1 is charged for each address card or address that is removed because it is incorrect or undeliverable. No charge is assessed for the insertion of blank cards or missing sequence numbers (for address files) showing the range of missing addresses in a submitted list. 8.6.3 Missing or New AddressesFor sequencing of address cards or address files with missing or new addresses added, the fee in 8.2 is charged for each address card or address that is removed because it is incorrect or undeliverable, and for each address (possible delivery) that is added to the customer’s list. For apartment or office buildings with a series of addresses for which the USPS provides a range of addresses, the charge is for each address (possible delivery) in the range or series. 8.6.4 Customer’s BillFor all services, the original of the Delivery Unit Summary is returned to the customer after completion by USPS employees and serves as the customer’s bill. The customer must submit payment for the amount due to the local Post Office or as instructed. 8.6.5 Free ServicesThese services are provided at no charge for all three levels of service: a. If the customer includes a rural address (box number) in a deck of cards or address file submitted for sequencing, and a street address is assigned to that box number so it can be served on a city delivery route, a correct address card or address is included at no charge. b. The USPS attempts, but does not guarantee, to make simple corrections to addresses (e.g., obvious spelling errors) that can be identified as a specific delivery address and are not undeliverable as addressed or nonexistent. Corrections are noted on the cards placed in proper carrier route sequence in the returned cards and identified by a rubber band around the card. 8.7 Submitting Properly Sequenced Mailings8.7.1 Customer ResponsibilityThe customer must ensure that mailings are prepared in correct carrier route delivery sequence and resequence cards or an address file when necessary. The USPS does not provide list-sequencing service for mailings not prepared in correct carrier route delivery sequence if the customer is so notified but fails to take corrective action. 8.7.2 ChangesWhen delivery changes affect delivery sequence but do not cause scheme changes, card customers will be notified in writing and must then submit cards for the affected routes or the complete ZIP Code for resequencing. Computerized Delivery Sequence (CDS) customers will automatically receive an updated electronic file from the USPS. 8.7.3 Out-of-Sequence MailingIf a mailing is found to be out of sequence, the customer is informed in writing both of the error and that, unless the situation is corrected, the USPS will not provide carrier route sequencing service. If the customer does not take corrective action, the USPS gives written notice that the customer is no longer allowed to submit address cards to the Post Office or address files to the National Customer Support Center for sequencing. Within 30 days, the customer may file a written appeal with the postmaster who gave notice. 8.7.4 ReinstatementGenerally, a customer denied address card or address file sequencing service for a specific ZIP Code may not submit address cards (to the Post Office) or address files (to the National Customer Support Center) for sequencing where that sequencing service was terminated for 1 year after the effective date of termination. After that time, the customer is again authorized to submit the ZIP Code address cards (to the Post Office) or address files (to the National Customer Support Center) for sequencing. At any time during the year after termination of service, the customer may renew the submission if the postmaster (for address cards) or the National Customer Support Center (for address files) is convinced that the customer has taken all necessary action to correct the past errors. 9.0 Business Reply Mail (BRM)9.1 Business Reply Mail (BRM) Prices and Fees9.1.1 Basic BRMFor basic BRM, an annual permit fee is required. A per-piece fee is applied to each mailpiece in addition to the applicable First-Class Mail or Priority Mail postage. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices and fees. 9.1.2 High-Volume BRMFor high-volume BRM, an annual permit fee and annual account maintenance fee are required. A per-piece fee is applied to each mailpiece in addition to the applicable First-Class Mail or Priority Mail postage. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices and fees. 9.1.3 Basic Qualified BRMFor basic qualified BRM, an annual permit fee and annual account maintenance fee are required. A per-piece fee is applied to each mailpiece in addition to the applicable First-Class Mail QBRM postage. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices and fees. 9.1.4 High-Volume Qualified BRMFor high-volume qualified BRM, an annual permit fee, an annual account maintenance fee, and a quarterly fee are required. A per-piece fee is applied to each mailpiece in addition to the applicable First-Class Mail QBRM postage. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices and fees. 9.1.5 Bulk Weight Averaged Nonletter-Size BRMFor bulk weight average nonletter-size BRM, an annual permit fee, an annual account maintenance fee (for advanced deposit accounts), and a monthly fee are required. A per-piece fee is applied to each mailpiece in addition to the applicable First-Class Mail or Priority Mail postage. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices and fees. 9.2 Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) Prices9.2.1 CardsSee Notice 123—Price List for QBRM card prices and fees. 9.2.2 LettersSee Notice 123—Price List for QBRM letter prices and fees. 9.3 Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) Basic Standards9.3.1 DescriptionQualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) is First-Class Mail that: a. Is letter-size and is prepared to meet the automation compatibility requirements in 201.3.0 (except, Use). b. Meets all the Business Reply Mail (BRM) standards in 9.4 through 9.12. c. Has postage and per piece charges deducted from a BRM advance deposit account. d. Is authorized to mail at QBRM prices and fees under 9.3.2. During the authorization process, the mailer is assigned a unique ZIP+4 code for each price category of QBRM to be returned under the system (one for card-price pieces, one for letter-size pieces weighing 1 ounce or less, and one for letter-size pieces weighing over 1 ounce up to and including 2 ounces) and has the option of using either an Intelligent Mail barcode or POSTNET barcode to encode the assigned ZIP +4 code. e. Bears the proper ZIP+4 code, assigned by USPS for the appropriate price category, in the address of each piece. The ZIP+4 codes assigned for this program must be used only on the organization's appropriate QBRM pieces. f. Bears the correct Intelligent Mail barcode or POSTNET barcode that corresponds to the unique ZIP+4 code in the address on each piece distributed. The barcode must be correctly prepared under 9.9 and 708.4.0. g. Bears a properly prepared facing identification mark (FIM) C on each piece distributed (see 708.9.0). 9.3.2 AuthorizationTo participate in QBRM, a mailer must have a valid BRM permit, must pay the annual account maintenance fee, and must submit Form 6805 to the postmaster or manager, Business Mail Entry at the Post Office to which the QBRM pieces are to be returned. The USPS reviews Form 6805 and preproduction samples provided by the mailer for compliance with relevant standards. If the mailer's request is approved, the USPS issues the mailer an authorization via the approved Form 6805.QBRM Postage The single-piece postage prices for QBRM First-Class Mail are applied to each returned piece as follows: a. The QBRM price for cards in 9.2.1 applies to a card meeting the applicable standards in 9.3.1 and 201.1.0. b. The QBRM price for letters in 9.2.2 applies to a letter meeting the applicable standards in 9.3.1 that is not eligible for and claimed at the QBRM price for cards. 9.3.3 QBRM Per Piece ChargesEach piece of returned QBRM is charged the per piece charge in 9.1. 9.3.4 QBRM FeesThe following fees apply to QBRM First-Class Mail: b. The annual BRM account maintenance fee. c. At the mailer’s option, a quarterly fee. 9.4 General Information9.4.1 DescriptionBusiness Reply Mail (BRM) service enables a permit holder to receive First-Class Mail and Priority Mail back from customers and pay postage and a per piece fee only for the pieces returned. BRM cards, envelopes, self-mailers, cartons, and labels may be distributed by a BRM permit holder in any quantity for return to any Post Office in the United States and its territories and possessions, including military Post Offices overseas. Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM) is a subset of BRM available for specific automation-compatible letter-size pieces that qualify for an automation postage price and a reduced per piece fee (see 9.10). Domestic BRM may not be distributed to foreign countries. Standards for International Business Reply Service (IBRS) are in the International Mail Manual. 9.4.2 Payment GuaranteeThe permit holder guarantees payment of the applicable First-Class Mail or Priority Mail postage, plus a per piece fee, on all returned BRM. This includes any incomplete, blank, or empty BRM cards and envelopes and any mailable matter with a BRM label affixed. 9.4.3 ServicesNo extra services (e.g., Certified Mail, insurance, Registered Mail) are permitted with BRM. 9.4.4 AddressThe delivery address on a piece of BRM may not be altered to redirect the mailpiece to any address other than the one preprinted on the piece. 9.4.5 Official MailAuthorized users of official (penalty) mail may distribute BRM subject to the additional standards in 703.7.0, which supersede any conflicting standards in 9.0. 9.4.6 Intentions of the Permit HolderBRM may not be used for any purpose other than that intended by the permit holder, even when postage is affixed. In cases where a BRM card or letter is used improperly as a label, the USPS treats the item as waste. 9.4.7 SamplesPrior to printing, permit holders are encouraged, but not required, to submit preproduction samples of BRM to the USPS for approval. QBRM pieces require USPS approval (9.3). 9.4.8 Error NotificationIf the USPS discovers a BRM format error, the responsible permit holder or authorized agent receives written notification of the error. The permit holder must correct the error and make sure that all future BRM pieces meet appropriate specifications. The repeated distribution of BRM with format errors is grounds for revoking a BRM permit (9.5.5). 9.5 Permits9.5.1 RequiredAny mailer who wants to distribute BRM must apply for and receive a permit. The permit number, city, and state where the permit is held must appear on all pieces of BRM. 9.5.2 Application ProcessThe mailer may apply for a BRM permit by submitting a completed Form 3615 to the Post Office issuing the permit and paying the annual permit fee. If a completed Form 3615 is already on file for the mailer for other permits at that office, then the mailer must submit the annual BRM permit fee and the USPS amends Form 3615 by adding the BRM authorization.Annual Permit Fee A permit fee must be paid once each 12-month period at each Post Office where a BRM permit is held. Payment of the permit fee is based on the anniversary date of the permit’s issuance. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next 12 months and only during the last 60 days of the current service period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. Agents authorized by a permit holder under 9.11 are not required to pay an annual permit fee at the Post Office where their BRM is received. 9.5.3 Renewal of Annual Permit FeeAn annual renewal notice is provided to each BRM permit holder by the USPS. The notice and the payment for the next 12 months must be returned by the expiration date to the Post Office that issued the permit. After the expiration date, if the permit holder has not paid the annual permit fee, then returned BRM pieces are treated as follows: a. Postcards of no obvious value are treated as waste and disposed of at the delivery unit. b. Pieces (excluding postcards) with a return address are endorsed “Business Reply Permit Canceled” and are returned to the sender. c. Pieces without a return address are endorsed “Business Reply Permit Canceled” and forwarded to the mail recovery center for handling. 9.5.4 Other Post OfficesA permit holder may distribute BRM through any Post Office for delivery at any Post Office under 9.11. 9.5.5 Revocation of a PermitThe USPS may revoke a BRM permit because of format errors or for refusal to pay permit fees (annual, accounting, quarterly, or monthly), postage, or per piece fees. If the permit was revoked due to format errors, then a former permit holder may obtain a new permit and permit number by completing and submitting a new Form 3615, paying the required BRM annual permit fee, paying a new annual account maintenance fee (if applicable), and, for the next 2 years, submitting two samples of each BRM format to the appropriate Post Office for approval. 9.6 Postage, Per Piece Fees, and Account Maintenance Fees9.6.1 PostageEach piece of returned BRM is charged the applicable single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority Mail postage (423.1.0, Prices and Fees, and 133.1.0, First-Class Mail Prices and Fees). Cards must meet the standards in 201.1.0 to qualify for card price postage. Any card larger than those dimensions is charged the applicable First-Class Mail letter price. For Priority Mail if the zone cannot be determined from a return address or cancellation, then the permit holder is charged zone 4 postage for the weight of the piece. For QBRM, see 9.10. 9.6.2 Per Piece FeesPer piece fees listed in 9.1 are charged for each piece of returned BRM (in addition to postage in 9.6.1). If a permit holder has not paid an annual account maintenance fee and established a BRM advance deposit account, then the basic (higher) BRM per piece fee must be paid. If a permit holder has paid the annual account maintenance fee and has established a BRM advance deposit account, then the high-volume (lower) BRM per piece fee is paid. For QBRM, see 9.10. 9.6.3 Advance Deposit Account and Annual Account Maintenance FeeA permit holder may choose to pay an annual account maintenance fee and establish an advance deposit account, which qualifies returned BRM pieces for the high-volume per piece fee. The account maintenance fee must be paid once each 12-month period at each Post Office where a permit holder holds an advance deposit account. Payment of the account maintenance fee is based on the anniversary date of the initial payment. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next 12-month period and only during the last 60 days of the current 12-month period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. A separate advance deposit account solely for BRM is not required. An advance deposit account can be used for BRM under these conditions: a. For each withdrawal, only one statement is provided for each annual account maintenance fee paid. b. If a permit holder distributes BRM with different addresses (including Post Office box numbers) under the same permit number going to the same delivery unit and has only one business reply account, then the BRM is separated by each different address but only one statement is provided and only one annual account maintenance fee is paid. c. The permit holder must pay an annual account maintenance fee for each separate statement (accounting) requested. If only one annual account maintenance fee is paid, then the permit holder receives only one statement. d. The permit holder must maintain a balance in the BRM advance deposit account that is sufficient to cover postage and per piece fees for returned mailpieces. The permit holder is notified if funds are insufficient. After 3 calendar days, if no funds are deposited, then BRM on hand is charged the basic BRM per piece fee and postage and charges are collected from the permit holder (e.g., in cash) prior to delivery. e. BRM addressed to several different firms at the same delivery unit may be delivered to an agent authorized by a valid BRM permit holder. The agent pays one annual account maintenance fee for all the firms represented by the agent in the same delivery unit. If the agent, or any of the firms represented by the agent, wants a separation of charges, then separate (additional) account maintenance fees must be paid. 9.6.4 Renewal of Annual Account Maintenance FeeAn annual renewal notice is provided to each BRM permit holder with a BRM advance deposit account. The notice and the payment for the next 12 months must be returned by the expiration date to the Post Office that holds the advance deposit account. After the expiration date, if the permit holder has not paid the annual account maintenance fee but still has a valid BRM permit, returned BRM pieces no longer qualify for the high-volume BRM per piece fee and are charged the basic BRM per piece fee in 9.1.1. 9.6.5 Combined Pieces as a Single ItemTwo or more BRM pieces may be mailed as a single piece if the BRM pieces are identically addressed and prepared for mailing in accordance with 201.1.0. The permit holder is charged postage based on the total weight of the combined piece plus one per piece fee. If the combined pieces become separated, then the permit holder must pay postage and a per piece fee for each individual piece. Combined pieces are not eligible for QBRM postage prices or per piece fees. 9.6.6 With Postage AffixedBRM with postage affixed is handled the same as other BRM. No effort is made to identify or separate BRM pieces with postage affixed. The amount of affixed postage is not deducted from the postage or per piece fees owed. The permit holder may request a refund or credit for postage affixed to BRM under 604.9.2.10. 9.6.7 Payment OptionsPermit holders may pay for postage and per piece fees on returned pieces by cash or check upon delivery, through a regular postage due account (604.6.3), or through a BRM advance deposit account. A regular postage due account does not qualify the permit holder for high-volume BRM per piece fees, and no annual account maintenance fee is charged to maintain the account. 9.7 Mailpiece Characteristics9.7.1 Paper WeightBRM paper envelopes must have a minimum basis weight of 20 pounds (500 17- by 22-inch sheets). Other pieces (cards and self-mailers) must meet the basis weight requirements in 201.3.0. 9.7.2 Nonpaper EnvelopesUSPS Engineering must approve nonpaper envelopes for mailability. See 201.3.0. 9.7.3 Envelope ReflectanceEnvelope material must not have a red fluorescence exceeding 4.0 phosphor meter units. 9.7.4 Sealing and EdgesBRM pieces must be rectangular, with four square corners, and parallel opposite sides, but may have finished corners as described in 201.1.0 for letter-sized pieces or 301.1.0 for flat-sized pieces. BRM pieces are not mailable if they are sealed with wax, clasps, string, staples, or buttons. 9.7.5 Window EnvelopesThe following standards apply to BRM prepared in an open-panel or a covered window envelope: 1. When a mailpiece has a barcode in the address block, the mailpiece must meet the applicable standards in 202.5.7 for letters or 302.5.6 for flats. 2. The address showing through the window must be that of the permit holder or an authorized representative. 3. The facing identification mark (FIM) must be printed on the envelope as specified in 708.9.0. 4. See 601.6.4 for required clearances for information showing within a window envelope. 1. The “No Postage Necessary” imprint, the business reply legend, and the horizontal bars must be printed either directly on the envelope or on the insert appearing through the covered window. The minimum size of the information appearing in the covered window is 2 inches high and 4-1/4 inches long. Horizontal bars may be omitted only on letter-size BRM bearing Intelligent Mail barcodes. 2. The window cover must be of a nontinted clear or transparent material (e.g., cellophane or polystyrene) that permits the barcode and its background, as viewed through the window material, to meet the reflectance standards in 708.4.4. The edges of the window cover must be securely glued to the envelope. c. Open panel window envelopes: 1. The “No Postage Necessary” imprint, the business reply legend, and the horizontal bars must be printed directly on the envelope. Horizontal bars may be omitted only on letter-size BRM bearing Intelligent Mail barcodes. 2. Other required and optional elements in 9.8 may be printed on the insert appearing through the address window. 9.7.6 Self-Mailers and Reusable MailpiecesIn addition to the standards in 9.7 and 9.8, self-mailers and reusable mailpieces must meet the standards in 201.3.14 and 601.6.5. Permit holders must provide instructions to the user for re-folding and sealing (see 601.6.5) so that upon return the piece meets sealing and folding requirements in 201.3.0. 9.7.7 CardsCards must meet the standards in 201.1.2. 9.7.8 LabelsFor general use, the minimum size of a BRM label is 2 inches high and 3 inches long. BRM labels are not required to have a FIM or a ZIP+4 barcode, but all other format standards in 9.8 must be met. In cases where a BRM card or letter is used improperly as a label, the USPS treats the item as waste. See 9.7.9 for labels for letter-size pieces. 9.7.9 Labels for Letter-Size PiecesThe following standards apply to BRM labels for use on letter-size pieces: a. The minimum size of a BRM label is 2-5/8 inches high and 4-1/4 inches long. All format elements, including a FIM, must be printed on the label. Exception: The vertical series of horizontal bars must be at least 3/4-inch high. Exception: The vertical series of horizontal bars must be at least 3/4-inch high. Horizontal bars may be omitted on BRM letter-size pieces bearing Intelligent Mail barcodes. The back of the label must be coated with a permanent adhesive strong enough to firmly attach the label to an envelope. b. The permit holder must provide instructions to the user describing how the label should be applied to a mailpiece and what precautions must be observed when applying the label (see Exhibit 9.7.9). A pictorial diagram showing proper placement of the label must be included with the instructions. At a minimum, the instructions must include the following directions: 1. Place the label squarely in the upper right corner of the envelope. 2. Do not write on the envelope or label. 3. Do not use a window envelope, an envelope that is less than 1 inch higher than the label an envelope that is more than 4-1/2 inches high, or an envelope with any printing other than a return address. 4. Do not use tape to affix the label. c. When the label is affixed to an envelope, the address must be placed within the OCR read area (see 202.2.1). d. Pieces with business reply labels cannot qualify for QBRM prices.
Exhibit 9.7.9
Instructions for Affixing Business Reply Label 9.8 Format Elements9.8.1 GeneralAll pieces of BRM are subject to these format elements. Pieces of QBRM and bulk weight averaged nonletter-size BRM are subject to additional format standards listed in 9.10 and 9.12, respectively. BRM format elements are shown in Exhibit 9.8.1.
Exhibit 9.8.1
Business Reply Mail Format 9.8.2 Printing and Print ReflectanceAll forms of printing are permissible if legible to the satisfaction of the USPS. Handwriting, typewriting, and handstamping may not be used to prepare BRM. Printed borders are not permitted on letter-size BRM, but are permitted on business reply labels and cartons and envelopes greater than 6-1/8 inches high or 11-1/2 inches long or 1/4 inch thick. All ink colors are acceptable if the piece meets the appropriate reflectance standards in 708.4.4. 9.8.3 “No Postage Necessary” ImprintThe imprint “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES” must be printed in the upper right corner of the address side of the piece, except as allowed under 601.6.6 for reusable mailpieces with outgoing permit imprint indicia. The “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY” imprint must not extend more than 1-3/4 inches from the right edge of the piece. 9.8.4 Business Reply LegendThe legend “BUSINESS REPLY MAIL” or “BUSINESS REPLY LABEL,” as appropriate, must appear on all pieces. This legend must appear above the address in capital letters at least 3/16 inch high. At the permit holder’s discretion, the business reply legend may be surrounded by a rule or border. 9.8.5 Permit Number and Postage EndorsementDirectly below the business reply legend, the words “FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. [NO., CITY, STATE]” (representing the permit holder's number and Post Office that issued the permit) must appear in capital letters. Directly below that, the endorsement “POSTAGE WILL BE PAID BY ADDRESSEE” must appear in capital letters. At the permit holder’s discretion, the permit number and postage endorsement may be surrounded by a rule or border. 9.8.6 Delivery AddressThe complete address (including the permit holder’s name, delivery address, city, state, and BRM ZIP Code) must be printed directly on the piece, except as allowed under 9.7.5 or under item a below, subject to these conditions: a. Preprinted labels with only delivery address information (including an Intelligent Mail barcode or POSTNET ZIP+4 barcode under 9.9) are permitted, but the permit holder's name and other required elements must be printed directly on the BRM piece. b. On letter-size pieces, the complete delivery address must appear within the OCR read area (see 202.2.1). c. There must be at least a 1/2-inch clearance between the ZIP Code and the horizontal bars. d. A unique ZIP Code (i.e., firm ZIP Code) must not be used for BRM unless the ZIP Code has been assigned specifically for BRM. A unique 4-digit add-on to denote BRM may not be used with a unique 5-digit ZIP Code not specifically assigned to BRM. 9.8.7 Horizontal BarsA vertical series of horizontal bars parallel to the length of the piece must be printed directly below the imprint “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES.” The bars must be uniform in length, at least 1 inch long and 1/16 inch to 3/16 inch thick, and evenly spaced. On letter-size nonbarcoded BRM, the bars must not extend below the delivery address line (the line above the line containing the ZIP Code). On barcoded BRM, the bars must not extend lower than 5/8 inch from the bottom edge of the piece. Horizontal bars may be omitted on BRM letter-size and cards bearing Intelligent Mail barcodes. 9.8.8 Facing Identification Mark (FIM)A FIM must be printed on all letter-size BRM and on business reply labels affixed to letter-size mail (see 9.7.9). FIM B must be used with BRM without a barcode. FIM C must be used with any BRM printed with a barcode. The FIM must meet the physical standards in 708.9.0. 9.8.9 Company Logoa. On nonbarcoded BRM, if it is placed outside the OCR read area (see 202.2.1). b. On letter-size barcoded BRM, if it is placed no lower than 5/8 inch from the bottom edge of the piece. c. On any piece, if the logo does not interfere with any required format elements. 9.9 Additional Standards for Letter-Size and Flat-Size BRMIn addition to the format standards in 9.8, letter-size BRM enclosed in automation mailings and all QBRM must be barcoded with a ZIP+4 POSTNET barcode or an Intelligent Mail barcode. Intelligent Mail barcodes on all BRM must contain the barcode ID, service type ID, and correct ZIP+4 routing code, as specified under 708.4.3. a. Permit holders must use the ZIP+4 codes and equivalent Intelligent Mail barcode or POSTNET barcodes assigned by the USPS. Delivery point barcodes are not permitted on BRM. The ZIP+4 barcode must be placed on the address side of the piece and positioned in either of these two locations: 1. As part of the delivery address block under 202.5.7. 2. Within the barcode clear zone in the lower right corner of the piece if printed directly on the piece. 9.10 Additional Standards for Qualified Business Reply Mail (QBRM)9.10.1 DescriptionQualified business reply mail (QBRM) is a subset of business reply mail. Permit holders distribute automation-compatible letter-size pieces that qualify for automation postage prices and reduced per piece fees. QBRM postage and per piece fees must be deducted from a BRM advance deposit account. 9.10.2 EligibilityTo qualify for QBRM, pieces must meet the eligibility requirements in 9.3. 9.10.3 AuthorizationBRM permit holders must apply for authorization to participate in QBRM under 9.3. 9.10.4 PostageEach piece of returned QBRM is charged the automation postage price for QBRM pieces in 9.2. Pieces that do not meet the format requirements for QBRM cannot qualify for automation postage prices and are charged First-Class Mail postage according to 9.6.1, Postage. 9.10.5 Per Piece FeesPer piece fees listed in 9.1.3 are charged for each piece of returned QBRM (in addition to postage in 9.10.4). Pieces that do not meet the format requirements for QBRM cannot qualify for QBRM per piece fees and are charged the high-volume BRM per piece fees in 9.1.2. 9.10.6 Annual Account Maintenance Fee and Advance Deposit AccountPermit holders are required to pay QBRM postage and per piece fees through a BRM advance deposit account, which requires payment of an annual account maintenance fee (see 9.6.3). 9.10.7 Quarterly Fee for High-Volume QBRMMailers may choose to pay a quarterly fee in addition to the annual account maintenance fee. Payment of the quarterly fee entitles mailers to a lower per piece fee (the high-volume QBRM per piece fee listed in 9.1.4). The quarterly fee and annual account maintenance fee must be paid at each Post Office where mail is returned and for each separate billing desired. Mailers are eligible for the high-volume QBRM rates and per piece fees only for the time they pay the quarterly fee (i.e., mailers can opt out of the quarterly fee and related high-volume QBRM per piece fees simply by not paying the fee for the next quarter). The quarterly fee cannot be paid or renewed retroactively to receive a lower per piece fee on pieces already paid for and delivered. The quarterly fee can be paid for any three consecutive calendar months. 9.10.8 Payment Period for Quarterly FeeThe quarterly fee must be paid in advance for at least one but no more than four quarterly periods. A quarterly period begins on either the first day of the month (if a mailer pays on or before the 15th of the month) or the first day of the following month (if a mailer pays after the 15th of the month) and continues for three consecutive calendar months. A mailer who pays the quarterly fee is entitled to the high-volume QBRM per piece fee from the date of payment through the end of the quarterly period. The fee paid is that which is in effect on the date of payment. 9.11 BRM Distributed and Received by Agents of a Permit Holder9.11.1 DescriptionPermit holders may give permission to subsidiary offices, agents, or authorized representatives to distribute and receive BRM using a single (corporate) permit number. BRM pieces are distributed by and returned to agents, who pay postage and per piece fees on those returned pieces. Agents may use any type of BRM service. 9.11.2 PermitThe main permit holder or “corporate” office applies for the permit number and pays the permit fee. The agent must present a letter of authorization from the permit holder showing the name, address, and telephone number of the local agent authorized to receive the BRM to the Post Office where the BRM is to be returned. Any time there is a change to the original permit application or the authorization letter, each agent must provide an amended letter of authorization to their local Post Office. 9.11.3 Annual Permit FeeThe annual permit fee must be paid by the permit holder (9.6.3). Agents do not pay a separate annual permit fee but must submit evidence (usually a copy of Form 3544) to the local office once each 12-month period to show that the annual permit fee has been paid. This evidence is not required if the permit holder has a centralized account processing system (CAPS) account through which the local Post Office can determine that the permit fee has been paid. 9.11.4 Postage, Per Piece Fees, and Annual Account Maintenance FeesAgents receiving BRM or QBRM pay the postage, per piece fees, and annual account maintenance fees listed in 9.1 for the type of service received. The agent may choose to pay an annual account maintenance fee and establish a BRM advance deposit account. The agent receiving BRM is responsible for paying all postage and per piece fees. 9.11.5 Payment GuaranteeThe permit holder is ultimately responsible for postage and per piece fees for all pieces returned under that permit number. If a local agent refuses or neglects to pay postage or per piece fees on returned pieces, then those pieces are forwarded to the Post Office that issued the original permit for collection of postage and per piece fees from the permit holder. Once forwarded to the permit holder, these pieces cannot qualify for QBRM postage and per piece fees. The permit holder’s refusal to accept and pay the required postage and per piece fees for BRM offered for delivery is grounds for immediate revocation of the BRM permit (9.5.5). 9.11.6 FormatBRM distributed by agents must meet all required format standards in 9.7 and 9.8. Authorized representatives distributing BRM on behalf of a permit holder must have the permit holder’s name and permit number printed on the BRM and their own names and addresses printed below the permit holder’s name, except: a. When the agent is a branch of an authorized business. b. The permit holder notifies a Post Office that authorized representatives may use the permit holder’s permit number without printing the permit holder’s name. 9.12 Bulk Weight Averaged Nonletter-size BRM9.12.1 DescriptionBulk weight averaging is a method of counting, rating, and billing incoming nonletter-size BRM based on principles of mathematical statistics. Probability sampling techniques are used to measure the characteristics of the total BRM volume by examining a fraction of the volume. Statistically valid samples that are drawn from the incoming BRM volume each postal accounting period are used by Post Offices to compute average postage due per pound and average piece count per pound factors. The net bulk weight of mail received is multiplied by these conversion factors to get the estimated volume received and postage and fee amounts. 9.12.2 EligibilityBRM pieces rated by the weight averaging method must: a. Meet the basic standards for BRM in 9.0. b. Not be letter-size (201.1.0) or card-size (201.1.2). c. Not exceed 5 pounds. 9.12.3 Postage, Per Piece Fees, and Other FeesReturned pieces of bulk weight averaged nonletter-size BRM are charged postage and per piece fees according to 9.1.5. Permit holders participating in bulk weight averaged nonletter-size BRM must pay an annual account maintenance fee (see 9.6.3) and a monthly maintenance fee (9.3). 9.12.4 Application ProceduresA permit holder who wants to use bulk weight averaged BRM for nonletter-size pieces must submit a written request to the postmaster of the office where the BRM permit is held. The postmaster forwards this information to the manager, Customer Service Standardization, USPS Headquarters (see 608.8.0 for address). The request must include the following information: a. Permit holder’s name and address. b. Name and location of the Post Office at which BRM will be received and a CAPS account number, if available. c. Information about the number of pieces expected to be returned over a 24-hour period and a 30-day period, and a breakdown of the weight distribution of those pieces (in nearest ounces or pounds) (e.g., X number of 3-ounce pieces, Y number of 4-ounce pieces, and Z number of 5-ounce pieces). d. Based on the estimated volume in 9.12.4c, a 24-hour estimate and a 30-day estimate of postage and per piece fees using the postage and charges listed in 9.1.5, Bulk Weight Averaged Nonletter-Size BRM. e. A statement indicating whether the piece volume has seasonal variation and, if applicable, estimates of monthly volumes for a 12-month period. 9.12.5 AuthorizationThe permit holder's request will be reviewed and approved by the manager, Customer Service Standardization, USPS Headquarters. If the request is approved, then a letter of authorization is sent to the permit holder from the Post Office where the BRM permit is held. The permit holder signs a service agreement and, if necessary, is assigned a Post Office box address. 9.12.6 Denial of AuthorizationIf the permit holder's request is not approved, then the Post Office sends a written notice, giving reasons for the denial. The permit holder has 15 days following receipt of the notice to file a written appeal of the decision with the postmaster and to furnish further information. If the postmaster still finds that the application should be denied, then the postmaster forwards the file to the manager, Customer Service Standardization, USPS Headquarters, who issues a final written decision to the permit holder. 9.12.7 Revoking AuthorizationTo revoke authorization for bulk weight averaging, the postmaster sends written notice to the permit holder. A postmaster may terminate authorization for bulk weight averaged BRM for any of the following reasons: a. The permit holder provided incorrect or incomplete information on the request for authorization. b. The permit holder’s BRM pieces no longer meet the eligibility requirements in 9.0. c. The USPS finds that bulk weight averaging no longer provides adequate revenue protection. d. The permit holder no longer desires to participate in bulk weight averaging. 9.12.8 Notice and AppealTermination takes effect 15 days from the permit holder’s receipt of the notice unless the permit holder files a written appeal within that period with the postmaster. The postmaster forwards the permit holder’s appeal together with all pertinent information to the manager, Customer Service Standardization, USPS Headquarters, who issues a final agency decision to the permit holder. The permit holder may continue to use the bulk weight averaging method until a final decision is made on the appeal. 10.0 Permit Reply Mail10.1 General Information10.1.1 DescriptionPermit reply mail (PRM) enables a permit imprint permit holder to receive First-Class Mail and Priority Mail back from customers by prepaying postage for reply pieces at the time of mailing. Mailers must distribute PRM pieces as part of a First-Class Mail mailing (see 230) using a permit imprint, and not through any other means. 10.1.2 ServicesNo extra services (e.g., Certified Mail, insurance, Registered Mail) are permitted with PRM. 10.1.3 AddressThe delivery address on a PRM mailpiece may not be altered to redirect it to any address other than the one preprinted on the piece. 10.1.4 Permit Holder IntentionsPRM may not be used for any purpose other than the purpose intended by the permit holder, even when postage is affixed. 10.2 Authorization and Revocation10.2.1 AuthorizationPRM customers must apply for authorization through the district manager of Business Mail Entry at the office where the permit imprint account is held. 10.2.2 SamplesPermit holders must submit preproduction samples of PRM pieces to the Postal Service for approval prior to distribution. 10.2.3 Error NotificationIf the Postal Service discovers a PRM format error, the permit holder or authorized agent will receive a written notification of the error. The permit holder must correct the error and ensure that all future PRM pieces meet appropriate specifications. The Postal Service may revoke a PRM authorization if a mailer repeatedly distributes PRM with format errors (see 10.2.4). 10.2.4 Revocation of AuthorizationThe Postal Service may revoke a PRM authorization because of format errors or misuse. If the authorization is revoked due to format errors, the format errors must be corrected before reauthorization. 10.3 Format Elements10.3.1 GeneralAll pieces of PRM must include the format elements shown in Exhibit 10.3.1.
Exhibit 10.3.1
Permit Reply Mail Format Elements 10.3.2 Printing and Print ReflectanceAll legible forms of printing are permitted. Mailers may not use handwriting, typewriting, or handstamping to prepare PRM. 10.3.3 No Postage Necessary ImprintThe imprint, “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES,” must be printed in the upper right corner of the address side of the piece. The imprint must not extend more than 1-3/4 inches from the right edge of the piece. 10.3.4 Permit Reply Mail LegendThe legend, “PERMIT REPLY MAIL,” must appear on all pieces. The legend must appear above the address in capital letters at least 3/16 inch high. At the permit holder's discretion, the permit reply mail legend may be surrounded by a rule or border. 10.3.5 Permit Number and Postage EndorsementDirectly below the permit reply mail legend, the words, “FIRST-CLASS MAIL PERMIT NO. [NO., CITY, STATE]” (representing the permit holder's number and the Post Office that issued the permit) must appear in capital letters. The permit holder may replace the permit number and the Post Office with a company permit as described in 10.5. Directly below that, the endorsement, “POSTAGE HAS BEEN PREPAID BY ADDRESSEE,” must appear in capital letters. At the permit holder's discretion, the permit number and postage endorsement may be surrounded by a rule or border. 10.3.6 Delivery AddressThe complete address (including the permit holder's name, delivery address, city, state, and ZIP+4 code) must be printed on the piece. PRM pieces must bear a delivery point POSTNET or Intelligent Mail barcode. 10.3.7 Facing Identification MarkA facing identification mark (FIM) C must be printed on all letter-size PRM. The FIM C must meet the physical standards in 708.9.0. 10.3.8 Company LogoA company logo is permitted as follows: a. On letter-size PRM, if the logo is placed no lower than 5/8 inch from the bottom edge of the piece. b. On any piece, if the logo does not interfere with any required format element. 10.4 Permit Imprint AccountMailers may distribute PRM as part of the contents of an outgoing mailing only by using a valid permit imprint account. The standards for using permit imprints are located in 604.5.0. 10.5 Company Permit Reply Mail Imprint10.5.1 DefinitionA company permit reply mail imprint is one in which the exact name of the company holding the permit is shown in the permit reply mail indicia in place of the city, state, and permit number. 10.5.2 UseA customer may use a company permit reply mail imprint if, for 1 year from the date of mailing, the permit holder or its agent keeps records of each mailing paid with a company permit reply mail imprint and makes them available for USPS review on request. These records must include the weight of a single piece; the total number of pieces mailed; the total postage; and the dates and Post Offices of mailing. A complete sample mailpiece must be included for each mailing. 10.5.3 FormatTo create a company permit reply mail imprint, replace the words “PERMIT No. [NO., CITY, STATE]” (representing the permit holder's number and the Post Office that issued the permit), with “PERMIT PAID BY [COMPANY NAME]” (representing the name of the company in the delivery address of the mailpiece) in capital letters. 11.0 Merchandise Return Service11.1 Prices and Fees11.1.1 Permit FeeAn annual permit fee must be paid once each 12-month period at each Post Office where a Merchandise Return Service (MRS) permit is held. See Notice 123—Price List for the applicable fee. Payment of the annual permit fee is based on the anniversary date of the permit’s issuance. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next 12 months and only during the last 60 days of the current service period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. 11.1.2 Advance Deposit Account and Account Maintenance FeeThere is an annual account maintenance fee for the advance deposit account (see Notice 123—Price List). The permit holder must pay postage and extra service fees through an advance deposit account and must pay an annual account maintenance fee (see 11.1). The account maintenance fee is charged once each 12-month period on the anniversary date of the initial account maintenance fee payment. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next year and only during the last 60 days of the current service period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. A separate advance deposit account for MRS is not required; the annual account maintenance fee is charged if MRS postage and fees are paid from an existing account: a. For each withdrawal, only one statement is provided for each annual account maintenance fee paid. b. The permit holder must pay an annual account maintenance fee for each separate statement (accounting) requested. If only one annual account fee is paid, then the permit holder receives only one statement. 11.1.3 PostageMerchandise return service parcels are charged single-piece price postage and extra service fees based on the class or subclass marking on the label. If a parcel is unmarked, then it is charged Parcel Post prices. If the postage for the returned parcel is zoned and there is no way to determine its zone of origin (i.e., no postmark or return address), then postage is calculated at zone 4 (for Priority Mail or Parcel Post). Postage is deducted from an advance deposit account. 11.1.4 Postage Due Weight AveragingMRS mailers may participate in the Postage Due Weight Averaging program described in 705.20.0. 11.1.5 Priority Mail Commercial Base and Commercial Plus PricesPriority Mail commercial base and commercial plus prices are available to MRS permit holders when the following criteria are met: a. Commercial base prices are available for permit holders using MRS for Priority Mail items (423.1.2) when all MRS requirements for Priority Mail are met. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable prices. b. Commercial plus prices are available for permit holders using MRS for Priority Mail items who qualify for commercial base prices (423.1.2) and whose account volume exceed 100,000 pieces in the previous calendar year or who have a customer commitment agreement with the USPS (423.1.3.2). 11.2 Basic Standards11.2.1 DescriptionMerchandise return service allows an authorized permit holder to pay the postage and extra service fees on single-piece price First-Class Mail, Priority Mail, and Package Services parcels that are returned to the permit holder by the permit holder’s customers via a special label produced by the permit holder. 11.2.2 AvailabilityMerchandise return service is available to the permit holder for mailing to the postage due unit at any Post Office where authorized by an approved application. 11.2.3 Payment GuaranteeThe permit holder guarantees payment of the proper postage and extra service fees (except for insurance and certificate of mailing purchased by the sender) on all parcels returned via a special label produced by the permit holder. 11.2.4 Where Service EstablishedMerchandise return service may be established at any Post Office in the United States and its territories and possessions or at any U.S. military Post Office overseas (APO/FPO). It is not available for any foreign country. 11.2.5 Official MailAny authorized user of official (penalty) mail may use merchandise return service subject to the standards in 703.7.0, which supersede conflicting standards below. 11.2.6 Application ProcessThe applicant must submit a completed Form 3615 and the annual permit fee to the Post Office issuing the permit. If the applicant already has a completed Form 3615 on file at that office, the form may be amended by adding the merchandise return service authorization to existing permit authorizations. Except for MRS labels generated by the USPS Application Program Interface (API), the Form 3615 must be accompanied by copies of the MRS labels (including printed copies of labels intended to be faxed to customers or transmitted to customers electronically) and the instructions provided to the permit holder’s customers. All MRS labels that have preprinted Delivery Confirmation barcodes must be approved by the USPS (503.9.0). If articles are to be returned from customers as Registered Mail, the applicant must write “Registered Mail” on the application. After a permit is obtained, any change to label formats or customer instructions must be approved by the Post Office where the permit is held. The permit is valid for 12 months after the approval date of the application. 11.2.7 ProcedureAn approved merchandise return permit on Form 3615 must be on file at every Post Office to which parcels are returned. 11.2.8 Multiple AccountsWhen an advance deposit account is kept at each entry location, a separate permit is needed and the annual merchandise return service permit and annual account maintenance fees must be paid at each Post Office. 11.2.9 RenewalTo renew the permit, the permit holder must send the annual fee to the issuing Post Office by the expiration date of the permit or authorize the postmaster to deduct the fee from the advance deposit account. Written authorization is not needed for permit renewal if there is no change to the authorization on file at the delivery unit. 11.2.10 Nonrenewed PermitIf the permit is not renewed, merchandise return mail is returned to the sender if a return address is provided. Merchandise return mail that does not contain the sender’s return address is treated as dead mail. 11.2.11 Permit CancellationThe USPS may cancel a permit if the permit holder refuses to accept and pay postage and fees on merchandise return service parcels, fails to keep sufficient funds in the advance deposit account to cover postage and fees, or distributes merchandise return labels or tags that do not meet USPS standards. 11.2.12 Reapplying After CancellationTo receive a new permit at the same Post Office after a merchandise return permit is canceled, the applicant must amend the Form 3615 on file at that office to reflect the new application date; pay a new permit fee; submit for approval two samples of any label format to be used; provide evidence that the reasons for the permit cancellation are corrected; and provide and keep funds in an advance deposit account to cover normal returns for at least 2 weeks. 11.2.13 Using Other Post OfficesThe permit holder may distribute merchandise return labels for return through other Post Offices without paying an additional permit fee if the permit holder opens and keeps a centralized advance deposit account at the Post Office where the permit is issued and supplies the postmaster of the Post Office where the application is submitted the name, address, and telephone number of a representative in each additional location if different from the information on the application. 11.3 Additional Standards for Permit Holder11.3.1 InsuranceThe permit holder may obtain insured mail service with MRS. Only Package Services matter (matter not required to be mailed at First-Class Mail prices under 133.3.0, Content Standards) may be insured. Insured mail may be combined with Delivery Confirmation and special handling, or both. To request insured mail service, the permit holder must preprint or rubber-stamp “Insurance Desired by Permit Holder for $______ (value)” to the left of and above the “Merchandise Return Label” legend and below the “Total Postage and Fees Due” statement on the merchandise return label. The value part of the endorsement, showing the dollar amount of insurance for the article, may be handwritten by the permit holder. If insurance is paid for by the MRS permit holder, then only the MRS permit holder may file a claim (609). 11.3.2 Registered MailThe permit holder may obtain Registered Mail service with MRS. The following standards apply: a. The customer using the MRS label must declare the full value of the article to be registered when presented at the Post Office. Registered Mail service may be obtained only on articles returned at First-Class Mail or Priority Mail prices and may not be combined with any other extra service. b. A permit holder wanting to add Registered Mail service under an existing permit must submit a written request to the Post Office where the permit is held, with samples of the merchandise return labels and a copy of the instructions to be provided to the permit holder’s customers. The permit holder must not distribute labels that request Registered Mail service before receiving USPS written approval. 11.3.3 Delivery ConfirmationThe permit holder may obtain Delivery Confirmation service with MRS. If the permit holder chooses to preprint the Delivery Confirmation barcode on labels, then those labels must be approved by the USPS. MRS labels with Delivery Confirmation barcodes must meet the standards in 503.9.0 as shown in Exhibit 11.5.13d. Delivery Confirmation may be combined with insurance and special handling, or both. Delivery Confirmation is always charged at the retail price (503.9.1). 11.3.4 Return Receipt for MerchandiseThe permit holder may obtain return receipt for merchandise (503.6.0) with MRS. 11.3.5 Special HandlingThe permit holder may obtain special handling service with MRS. 11.3.6 Pickup on Demand ServiceThe permit holder may obtain Pickup on Demand service with MRS. Pickup on Demand service may be combined with Certified Mail (Priority Mail only), Delivery Confirmation, and special handling. 11.3.7 Mailing AcknowledgmentThe permit holder may prepare a detachable mailing acknowledgment form, subject to these conditions: a. The acknowledgment must not bear adhesive but must be attached to the label and perforated or designed for easy separation at the time of mailing. b. The acknowledgment establishes no USPS liability for the parcel if damaged, lost, or stolen. c. The acknowledgment provides documentation for account management between the mailing customer and the permit holder. The USPS charges no fee, keeps no records, and does not provide copies of or further information about the acknowledgment. d. A merchandise return service parcel containing the detachable mailing acknowledgment form must be presented to the USPS acceptance employee at the time of mailing to be executed. e. Each mailing acknowledgment part of the label must include a unique parcel identification number assigned by the permit holder; the return address of the customer mailing the parcel, in the upper part of the detachable form; the permit holder’s address, in the lower part of the form; an initials section in the acknowledgment portion for use by the USPS acceptance employee; and space in the acknowledgment part where the USPS acceptance employee places the date stamp. 11.4 Additional Standards for Permit Holder’s Customer11.4.1 Customer OptionsIf the permit holder has not indicated the extra services listed in 11.3.1 through 11.3.6 a customer may request the extra services listed in 11.3.1 through 11.3.6 at their own expense. 11.4.2 InsuranceIf insurance is paid by the customer, then only the customer may file a claim (609). 11.4.3 Certificate of MailingA customer mailing merchandise return service articles may also obtain a certificate of mailing at the customer’s own expense at the time of mailing by presenting the certificate at a Post Office to obtain the receipt. 11.5 Preparation11.5.1 Distribution of LabelsMerchandise return service labels may be distributed to customers as an enclosure with merchandise, as a separate item, as part of a double postcard subject to and the approval of the PCSC, as a facsimile transmission (fax), as an electronic transmission for customer downloading and printing, or through one of the permit holder’s designated pickup facilities. Any such label distributed to a customer must meet the format standards in 11.5.13, including the requirement to furnish instructions. 11.5.2 LabelsThe label or tag used for merchandise return service must have the delivery address of the postage due unit at the Post Office where the permit is held, the permit holder’s address, a space for the customer’s return address, and otherwise meet the format standards in 11.5.13. 11.5.3 Mailer Markings and EndorsementsIt is recommended but not required that permit holders preprint a price marking on the merchandise return service labels they distribute. Preprinting a price marking guarantees that returned parcels will be given service and charged postage according to the wishes of the permit holder. Regardless of weight, all unmarked parcels will be treated as Parcel Post and charged Parcel Post prices. 11.5.4 Label PreparationAny photographic, mechanical, or electronic process or any combination of such processes other than typewriting or handwriting may be used to prepare the MRS label or tag and detachable acknowledgment form. The background may be any light color that allows the address, postmark, and other endorsements to be readily discerned. Brilliant colors may not be used for the background. If labels are faxed to customers or electronically transmitted to customers for their local printing, the permit holder must advise customers of these preparation requirements as part of the instructions required by 11.5.6. All MRS labels that include Delivery Confirmation barcodes must be certified for use by the USPS prior to distribution. Labels with Delivery Confirmation barcodes cannot be faxed to customers. 11.5.5 Labeling MethodsIf all applicable content and format standards are met (including the written instructions required by 11.5.6), a merchandise return service label may be produced by any of the following methods: a. As an impression printed by the permit holder directly onto the mailpiece to be returned. b. As a separate label preprinted by the permit holder for affixing by the customer onto the mailpiece to be returned. The reverse side of the label must bear an adhesive strong enough to bond the label securely to the mailpiece. c. As a facsimile transmission (fax) of a preprinted label sent by the permit holder to the customer. The facsimile transmission must include instructions that explain how to affix the label securely to the mailpiece to be returned and that caution against covering with tape or other material any part of the label where postage and fee information is to be recorded. d. As an electronic file created by the permit holder for local output and printing by the customer. The electronic file must include instructions that explain how to affix the label securely to the mailpiece to be returned and that caution against covering with tape or other material any part of the label where postage and fee information is to be recorded. 11.5.6 InstructionsWritten instructions must be provided with the label that, at a minimum, direct the customer: a. To affix the label squarely onto the address side of the parcel, covering up any previous delivery address and barcode without overlapping any adjacent side. If tape or similar material is used, it must not cover any part of the label where postage and fee information is to be recorded. b. To obliterate any other addresses and barcodes on the outside of the parcel. c. To take the parcel to a Post Office, drop it in a collection box, or give it to a postal carrier. If insurance, return receipt for merchandise, or special handling is marked on the label, the parcel must be taken to a Post Office. 11.5.7 Insured MarkingsThe permit holder must either leave a clear space on the merchandise return label to the right of the return address for the insured label or instruct the customer to affix the merchandise return label to the article so that the USPS acceptance employee can place the insured label on the article directly above the merchandise return label. 11.5.8 Registered Mail EndorsementTo request Registered Mail service, the permit holder must preprint or rubber-stamp “Registered Mail Service without Postal Insurance Desired by Permit Holder” or “Registered Mail Service with Postal Insurance Desired by Permit Holder,” as applicable, to the left of and above the “Merchandise Return Label” legend and below the “Total Postage and Fees Due” statement on the merchandise return label. The First-Class Mail or Priority Mail marking must also be preprinted or hand-stamped on the labels. 11.5.9 Placement of Registered Mail LabelThe permit holder must either leave a clear space on the merchandise return label to the right of the return address for the placement of Label 200 or instruct the customer to affix the merchandise return label to the article so that the USPS acceptance employee can place the Registered Mail label on the article directly above the merchandise return label. 11.5.10 Placement of Return Receipt for Merchandise LabelThe permit holder must either leave a clear space on the MRS label to the right of the return address for the placement of Label 3804 or instruct the customer to affix the MRS label to the article so that the USPS acceptance employee can place Label 3804 on the article directly above the MRS label. 11.5.11 Special Handling EndorsementTo request special handling, the permit holder must preprint or rubber-stamp “Special Handling Desired by Permit Holder” to the left of and above the “Merchandise Return Label” legend and below the “Total Postage and Fees Due” statement on the merchandise return label. 11.5.12 Special Handling LabelThe permit holder must provide “Special Handling” labels with instructions to customers about their placement on the parcel, leave a clear space on the merchandise return label to the right of the return address for the placement of the “Special Handling” marking, or instruct the customer to affix the merchandise return label to the article so that the USPS acceptance employee can place the “Special Handling” marking on the article directly above the merchandise return label. 11.5.13 Format ElementsFormat standards required for the merchandise return label are shown in Exhibit 11.5.13a through Exhibit 11.5.13d, and described as follows: a. Postage Guarantee. The endorsement “No Postage Necessary if Mailed in the United States” must be printed in the upper right corner on the face of the label. The left edge of the endorsement must not extend more than 1-3/4 inches from the right edge of the label.
Exhibit 11.5.13a
Merchandise Return Label With No Extra Services or With Insurance, Special Handling, or Pickup on Demand Service (*see 11.5.13d)
b. “Merchandise Return Label” Rectangle. The “Merchandise Return Label” rectangle must be placed above the return delivery address and must enclose these lines: 1. Line1: The words “MERCHANDISE RETURN LABEL” (the “Merchandise Return Label” legend) must be shown in capital letters at least 3/16 inch high. 2. Line 2: The words “PERMIT NUMBER” or “PERMIT NO.,” followed by the permit number, and the name of the issuing Post Office (city and state), followed by the ZIP Code, must be shown in capital letters. 3. Line 3: The name and delivery address (street or Post Office box number) of the permit holder at that Post Office must be placed directly below the permit number line. Alternatively, a permit holder may use a name other than the permit holder’s own name on this line if a written notification of the change is provided to the issuing Post Office. A separate permit or fee is not required for using this alternative name.
Exhibit 11.5.13b
Merchandise Return Label With Registered Mail Service
c. Price Marking. If a price marking is used, it must be placed in the space to the right and above the “Merchandise Return Label” legend. The marking must be at least 3/16 inch high and printed or rubber-stamped. Only the permit holder may apply this marking.
Exhibit 11.5.13c
Merchandise Return Label With Mailing Acknowledgment (*see 11.5.13d)
d. Extra Services Except Registry. If no extra service is requested, or if extra services other than registry service are requested, the applicable entries below must be shown in capital letters above the “Merchandise Return Label” legend rectangle and to the left of the space reserved for any class marking: 1. If no extra service is requested, “POSTAGE DUE COMPUTED BY DELIVERY UNIT” must appear; if any available extra service other than registry is requested, “POSTAGE DUE COMPUTED BY ACCEPTANCE POST OFFICE” must appear. 2. As marked with an asterisk below, insurance, special handling, Delivery Confirmation, return receipt for merchandise, and Pickup on Demand service fee entries may not appear if the permit holder does not choose the corresponding service(s). As appropriate, these postage and fee markings must appear: *DELIVERY CONFIRMATION FEE (IF ANY) _____ *RETURN RECEIPT FOR MERCHANDISE FEE (IF ANY) _____ *SPECIAL HANDLING FEE (IF ANY) _____ *PICKUP ON DEMAND SERVICE FEE (IF ANY) _____ TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES DUE $ _____
Exhibit 11.5.13d
Merchandise Return Label With Delivery Confirmation Service
e. Registry Service. If registry service is requested, the appropriate class marking must appear for First-Class Mail (“First-Class” or “First-Class Mail”) or Priority Mail (“Priority” or “Priority Mail”). In addition, the following applicable endorsements must appear in capital letters above the “Merchandise Return Label” legend rectangle and to the left of the space reserved for the class marking: 1. “ACCEPTANCE POST OFFICE COMPUTE POSTAGE DUE.” 2. The following postage and fee entries: TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES DUE $ ____ 3. The appropriate insurance endorsement, below the “TOTAL POSTAGE AND FEES DUE” entry: if matter returned has value ($0.01 or greater), “REGISTERED MAIL SERVICE WITH POSTAL INSURANCE DESIRED BY PERMIT HOLDER”; if matter returned has no value ($0.00), “REGISTERED MAIL SERVICE WITHOUT POSTAL INSURANCE DESIRED BY PERMIT HOLDER.” f. Customer’s Return Address. The return address of the customer mailing the article back to the permit holder must be shown in the upper left corner. Space must be provided for the customer’s return address if it is not preprinted by the permit holder. g. Delivery Address. The lines “POSTAGE DUE UNIT” and “US POSTAL SERVICE,” followed by the delivery address line and by the city, state, and ZIP Code line of the postage due unit at the Post Office where the permit is authorized, must be printed on the front of the mailpiece, at least 1 inch from the left edge of the piece, in capital letters at least 1/8 inch high. h. Horizontal Bars. Horizontal bars must be placed on the label below the postage endorsement that appears in the upper right corner. The bars must be uniform in length, at least 1 inch long, 1/16 inch thick, and evenly spaced. The vertical column of horizontal bars must not extend below the delivery address line, which is the line above the line containing the ZIP Code. A facing identification mark (FIM) must not be used on this label. i. Additional information. Additional information (e.g., company logo, return authorization number, inventory barcode) is permitted if it does not interfere with any required format elements. Inventory barcodes must not resemble the barcodes described in 402.4.0. 11.5.14 Certificate of MailingA customer mailing merchandise return service articles may obtain a certificate of mailing at the customer’s own expense at the time of mailing by presenting the certificate at a Post Office to obtain the receipt. 11.6 Enter and Deposit11.6.1 Customer Mailing OptionsThe permit holder’s customers must mail the parcel within the service area of the Post Office shown in the return address on the label by depositing it at the main Post Office or any associated office, station, or branch; in any collection box (except an Express Mail box); with any rural carrier; on business routes during regular mail delivery if prior arrangements are made with the carrier; as part of a collection run for other mail (special arrangements might be required); or at any place designated by the postmaster for the receipt of mail. Parcels with extra services must be mailed either with the rural carrier or at the main Post Office or any associated office, station, or branch. Any such parcels deposited in collection boxes are returned to the sender or, if there is no return address, treated as undeliverable mail. 11.7 Priority Mail Reshipment11.7.1 DescriptionAn authorized permit holder may use merchandise return service to have mail (previously sent at First-Class Mail and Package Services prices) reshipped by Priority Mail to the Post Office where the permit is held. The permit holder must make a written request for reshipment and send the request to the postmaster where the merchandise return service permit is authorized, specifying how often the reshipments are to be made from each affected postal facility. Reshipment is activated by the use of tags and address labels provided by the permit holder to those designated postal facilities that the permit holder authorizes to reship the mail by Priority Mail merchandise return service. 11.7.2 Reshipment ServiceThe USPS gathers mail addressed to Post Office boxes or business street addresses and, pursuant to the written request of the addressee and consequent service agreement between the addressee and the USPS, dispatches it as a Priority Mail merchandise return service shipment subject to these standards: a. Service frequency is scheduled. b. Priority Mail postage and fees are paid against the merchandise return service permit. The sack or container and its contents are considered a single piece for calculation of the Priority Mail price of postage and must not exceed 70 lbs. c. The mailer must keep a postage-due, merchandise return service account, or business reply mail account at the postal facility where the Post Office box or business street address is located for any shortpaid, merchandise return service, or business reply mail. The letter of request must state that such an account exists. d. Delivery Confirmation and accountable mailpieces (Certified Mail, COD, insured, Signature Confirmation, or Express Mail) are reshipped and charged separately from non-accountable mailpieces. Registered Mail is not allowed for Priority Mail reshipment service. e. The written request by the customer must list the postmaster at the originating office as the “Firm Representative” and show the pickup time is when the USPS employee gathers the mail and prepares it for dispatch as Priority Mail merchandise return service. f. A written request to the postmaster by the customer to terminate the agreement must be submitted 30 days in advance 11.7.3 Sack TagIf a sack is used as the mail container for Priority Mail reshipment, the permit holder must provide a tag and an address label containing the delivery address of the postage due unit at the Post Office where the permit is held, the permit holder's address, a space for the customer's return address, and otherwise meet the format standards in 11.6 for each affected postal facility. The sack or container and its contents are considered a single piece for calculation of the Priority Mail price of postage. 12.0 Bulk Parcel Return Service12.1 Bulk Parcel Return Service (BPRS) Fees12.1.1 Permit FeeAn annual permit fee is required. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable fee. 12.1.2 Account Maintenance FeeAn annual account maintenance fee is required. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable fee. 12.1.3 Per Piece ChargeThere is a per piece charge for each mailpiece returned, regardless of weight. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable fee. 12.2 Charges and Fees12.2.1 Permit FeeAn annual permit fee must be paid once each 12-month period at each Post Office where a BPRS permit is held. Payment of the annual permit fee is based on the anniversary date of the permit’s issuance. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next 12 months and only during the last 60 days of the current service period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. 12.2.2 Per Piece FeeEach piece returned through BPRS is charged only the per piece fee in 12.1. Postage is not charged for pieces returned through BPRS. 12.2.3 Advance Deposit Account and Annual Account Maintenance FeeThe permit holder must pay BPRS fees through an advance deposit account and must pay an annual account maintenance fee (see 12.1). This fee covers the administrative cost of maintaining the account and provides the mailer with a single accounting of all charges deducted from that account. The account maintenance fee is charged once each 12-month period on the anniversary date of the initial account maintenance fee payment. The fee may be paid in advance only for the next year and only during the last 60 days of the current service period. The fee charged is that which is in effect on the date of payment. 12.2.4 Existing Advance Deposit AccountA separate advance deposit account for BPRS is not required; the annual account maintenance fee is charged if BPRS fees are paid from an existing account. 12.2.5 Payment GuaranteeThe permit holder guarantees payment of all applicable fees. The Post Office returns BPRS items to the permit holder only when there are sufficient funds in the advance deposit account to pay the fees on returned pieces. 12.2.6 Postage Due Weight AveragingBPRS mailers may participate in the Postage Due Weight Averaging program described in 705.20.0. 12.3 General Information12.3.1 DescriptionBulk parcel return service (BPRS) allows mailers of large quantities of Standard Mail machinable parcels that are either undeliverable-as-addressed or opened and remailed by addressees to be returned to designated postal facilities. The mailer has the option of picking up all returned parcels from a designated postal facility at a predetermined frequency specified by the USPS or having them delivered by the USPS in a manner and frequency specified by the USPS. For this service a mailer pays an annual permit fee and a per piece charge for each parcel returned. Payment for the returned pieces is deducted from an advance deposit account. 12.3.2 AvailabilityA mailer may be authorized to use BPRS when the following conditions apply: a. All returned parcels are initially prepared as Regular or Nonprofit Standard Mail and are machinable parcels as defined in 401.1.0. b. At least 10,000 Standard Mail machinable parcels will be returned to a designated postal facility during a 12-month period.
c. Parcels are returned to the mailer either because they are undeliverable-
d. Parcels bear one of the following BPRS endorsements (2.0, Forwarding): e. Parcels have a return address that is in the delivery area of the Post Office that issued the BPRS permit. f. The postal facility designated for returned parcels is located in the United States, its territories or possessions, or is a U.S. military Post Office overseas (APO or FPO). g. The mailer has a valid postage due advance deposit account and pays the annual BPRS permit fee. h. BPRS parcels may be combined with the shipper paid forwarding service (4.2.9). i. Standard Mail parcels that qualify for a single-piece Package Services price under the applicable standards and that contain the name of the Package Services price in the mailer’s ancillary service endorsement are not eligible for BPRS. 12.3.3 Optional LabelAn authorized BPRS permit holder has the option to use a label to identify BPRS parcels for return to a designated postal facility. The label is prepared at the mailer’s expense and must meet all format requirements described in 12.5 and 12.6 and specifications in 402.4.0, General Barcode Placement for Parcels, for a postal routing barcode symbology used to produce a correct, readable barcode for the return address. Each label must be accompanied by complete instructions for its use. 12.3.4 Extra ServicesExtra services cannot be added to pieces returned via bulk parcel return service. 12.4 Permits12.4.1 Application ProceduresTo obtain a BPRS permit, a mailer must send a written request to the postmaster at each Post Office where parcels are to be returned. The request must include the following: a. Payment for the annual BPRS permit fee. b. Information pertinent to each requested delivery point that documents either the receipt of at least 10,000 machinable parcels originally mailed at Standard Mail prices during the past 12 months, or that there are reasonable grounds to expect at least 10,000 machinable parcels originally mailed at Standard Mail prices will be returned during the next 12-month period. c. A description of the returned parcels (e.g., piece size and packaging). d. A statement of the desired frequency and location of the parcel pickup or delivery point. e. Sample documentation that will be used to substantiate the number of parcels returned daily to each location. f. If labels will be furnished for returning opened parcels, sample labels prepared in accordance with 12.5 along with instructions for their use. g. A written statement agreeing to pay the per piece fee for each returned parcel from a centralized advance deposit account. 12.4.2 AuthorizationUpon approval of a mailer’s request, the Post Office issues an authorization letter and provides a postage due service agreement with a BPRS permit number. The permit number is used for account administration only and is not for use on mail. 12.4.3 Postage Due Service AgreementA BPRS mailer will be required to sign a postage due service agreement with each Post Office that issues a permit for the return of BPRS parcels. 12.4.4 Permit RenewalA Post Office provides BPRS permit holders with annual renewal notices advising that their permits are due to expire. A notice must be returned to the issuing Post Office with the fee payment or authorization for the postmaster to deduct the fee from the advance deposit account by the permit expiration date. Written authorization is not necessary for renewal of a permit if there is no change to the authorization on file at the Post Office where the parcels are returned. If a permit holder does not renew a BPRS permit after having been given notice, the USPS will endorse the mail “Bulk Parcel Return Service Canceled” and will charge postage due at the single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority Mail price as appropriate for the weight of the piece. If the single-piece First-Class Mail or Priority Mail price is not paid, the mail is forwarded to the nearest mail recovery center. 12.4.5 Permit CancellationA BPRS permit may be canceled by the USPS for any of the following reasons: a. Failure to meet the minimum volume requirement of 10,000 parcels returned during a 12-month period to each postal facility. b. Failure of the mailer to pay the required postage and fees for returned parcels. c. Insufficient funds in an advance deposit account to cover postage and fees that are due for returned parcels. d. Failure to fulfill the terms and conditions of the BPRS permit authorization. e. Failure to conform return labels to the specifications in sections 12.5 and 12.6. 12.4.6 Reapplying After CancellationA mailer must do the following to receive a new BPRS permit at the same Post Office where a permit was previously canceled: a. Submit a letter to that office requesting a permit and new agreement. c. Provide evidence showing that the reasons for cancellation of the previous permit no longer exist. d. Maintain adequate funds in an advance deposit account to cover the number of returns expected over at least a 2-week period. 12.5 Label Requirements12.5.1 Production MethodsAny photographic, mechanical, or electronic process, or any combination of such processes other than typewriting or handwriting may be used to prepare the BPRS label. The background may be any light color that allows the address, postmark, and other endorsements to be easily read. Brilliant colors may not be used for the background. If a label is prepared with adhesive on its reverse side, the adhesive must be capable of securely bonding the label to the parcel. 12.5.2 Label InstructionsWritten instructions must be provided with the label that, at a minimum, advise the user to do the following: a. Obliterate all other delivery addresses and barcodes on the outside of the parcel. b. Print a complete return address in the location provided in the upper left corner of the label. c. Place the label with the delivery address and barcode on the side of the mailpiece with the largest surface area. If tape or similar material is used, it must not cover any part of the label where the mailer’s return address and postal routing barcode are located. The barcode should be at least 1 inch from the edge of the parcel. If the shape of the parcel requires specific orientation for stability, the label must be placed on the top surface. d. Take the parcel to a Post Office, drop it in a collection box, or give it to a postal carrier. 12.5.3 DistributionBPRS return labels may be distributed to customers as an enclosure with merchandise, as a separate item, as a facsimile transmission (fax), or as an electronic transmission for customer downloading and printing. Regardless of distribution method, all standards in 12.5.2 and 12.6 must be met. An electronic file must include instructions that explain how to affix the label securely to the parcel as required in 12.5.2. 12.6 Format12.6.1 GeneralThe BPRS label contents and format must meet all applicable standards before the label may be distributed for use. Format requirements are shown in Exhibit 12.6.9. 12.6.2 Postage GuaranteeThe endorsement “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES” must be printed in the upper right corner of the face of the piece. The endorsement must not extend more than 1-3/4 inches (1.75 inches) from the right edge of the label. 12.6.3 Horizontal BarsTo facilitate recognition of BPRS parcels, a series of horizontal bars parallel to the label length must be printed directly below the endorsement “NO POSTAGE NECESSARY IF MAILED IN THE UNITED STATES:” a. The bars must be uniform in length, at least 1 inch long and 1/16 inch (0.0625 inch) to 3/16 inch (0.1875 inch) thick, and evenly spaced. b. There must be at least a 1/2 inch (0.500 inch) clearance between the right edge of the ZIP Code in the delivery address and the left edge of the horizontal bars. c. The bottom bar in the series must be above (not on or below) the top of the delivery address line (the next-to-last line in the address, just above the line with the city, state, and ZIP Code). d. Do not use a facing identification mark (FIM) on this label. 12.6.4 Class EndorsementThe “STANDARD MAIL” class endorsement must be at least 1/4-inch (.25 inch) high and shown in capital letters to the left of the postage guarantee endorsement. 12.6.5 Bulk Parcel Return Service LegendThe “BULK PARCEL RETURN SERVICE” legend must be placed above the return delivery address on all BPRS parcels. The legend means that the BPRS permit holder guarantees payment of postage and fees on all returned Standard Mail parcels. The following information must be enclosed in a rectangle: a. Line 1: Show the words “BULK PARCEL RETURN SERVICE” in capital letters at least 3/16 inch (0.1875 inch) high, enclosed in a rectangle. b. Line 2: The name of the BPRS permit holder must also be printed in capital letters in the rectangle directly below the words “BULK PARCEL RETURN SERVICE.” c. The permit holder’s city, state, and ZIP Code must appear in capital letters and must be located on the same line as the company name. d. The Post Office box number and/or street address must appear in capital letters on the line beneath this information. 12.6.6 Delivery AddressA complete delivery address (city, state, ZIP Code) specified by the Post Office that issued the BPRS permit and to which parcels are returned must be printed in capital letters at least 3/16 inch (0.1875) high below the “BULK PARCEL RETURN SERVICE” rectangle and at least 1 inch from the left edge of the label. There must be at least a 1/2-inch (0.50 inch) clearance between the ZIP Code and the horizontal bars. 12.6.7 Customer’s Return AddressThe complete return address (street, city, state, ZIP Code) of the customer mailing the article back to the permit holder must be shown in the upper left corner of the label. Space must be provided for the customer’s return address if it is not preprinted by the permit holder. 12.6.8 Optional InformationAt the option of the permit holder, a single line above the top line of the customer return address may be used for customer account or other information. 12.6.9 Postal Routing BarcodeEvery BPRS label must include a properly prepared barcode that represents the correct ZIP Code information for the delivery address of the returned parcel plus the appropriate verifier character suffix or application identifier prefix characters appropriate for the barcode symbology as described in 402.4.0, General Barcode Placement for Parcels, for machinable parcels. In addition to the barcode requirements in 402.4.0, the following requirements must be met in preparing BPRS labels: a. Barcode Location. The barcode must be placed on the label immediately adjacent to the address and the label must be located on the parcel so the barcode is at least 1 inch from the parcel edge. b. Barcode Clear Zone. No printing may appear in the area 1/8 inch (0.125 inch) above and below the barcode regardless of location on the label. A minimum clear zone equal to 10 times the average measured narrow element (bars or space) width must be maintained to the left and right of the barcode. c. Human-Readable Barcode Information. The human-readable equivalent of the ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code encoded in the barcode as referenced in 402.4.0 may be omitted.
Exhibit 12.6.9
Bulk Parcel Return Service Label 13.0 Parcel Return Service13.1 Basic Information13.1.1 DescriptionThe Parcel Return Service (PRS) standards in 13.0 apply to parcels that are retrieved in bulk by authorized permit holders or their agents. The permit holder guarantees payment of postage and retrieval of all PRS parcels mailed with a PRS label. When a merchant or other party provides an approved PRS label to its customers or others, the merchant or other party designates the permit holder identified on the label as their agent for receipt of mail bearing that label, and authorizes the USPS to provide that mail to the permit holder or its designee. The permit holder has the option of retrieving parcels at a designated return delivery unit (a postal facility designated as a pickup location for PRS parcels, also known for PRS purposes as an “RDU”) or at the return network distribution center (also known for PRS purposes as an “RNDC”) that serves the Post Office where returned parcels are deposited by customers. Payment for parcels returned under PRS is deducted from a separate advance deposit (postage-due) account funded through the Centralized Account Processing System (CAPS). 13.1.2 Conditions for MailingParcels may be mailed as PRS when all of the following conditions apply: a. Parcels contain eligible matter as described in 153.3.0 and 153.4.0. b. Parcels bear a PRS label that meets the standards in 13.4. c. Parcels show the permit number, and the permit holder has paid the annual PRS permit fee and the annual PRS account maintenance fee. 13.1.3 ServicesPieces using PRS may not bear an ancillary service endorsement (see 102.4.0 and 507.1.5). Only a Certificate of Mailing, when the fee is paid by the mailer returning the parcel, is available as an extra service. 13.1.4 Customer Mailing OptionsReturned parcels may be deposited as follows: a. At any Post Office, station, or branch. b. In any collection box (except an Express Mail box). d. As part of a collection run for other mail (special arrangements may be required). e. At any place designated by the postmaster for the receipt of mail. 13.1.5 ApplicationCompanies who wish to participate in PRS must send a request on company letterhead to the manager, Business Mailer Support (see 608.8.0 for address). The request must contain the following information: b. An individual's contact name, telephone number, fax number, and e-mail address. c. The price category or categories to be used, and the proposed retrieval locations (delivery units and network distribution centers). d. A description of the electronic returns manifesting system to be used to document returns listed by location and price eligibility. 13.1.6 ApprovalThe manager, Business Mailer Support reviews each request and proceeds as follows: a. If the applicant meets the criteria, the manager, Business Mailer Support approves the letter of request. The USPS will require the customer to enter into a service agreement, may require additional documentation, and may conduct periodic review and inspection of each participant's PRS processing and accounting operations. b. If the application does not meet the criteria, the manager, Business Mailer Support denies the request and sends a written notice to the applicant with the reason for denial. 13.1.7 CancellationUSPS may cancel a PRS permit for any of the following reasons: a. The permit holder fails to pay the required postage and fees for returned parcels. b. The permit holder does not maintain adequate available funds to cover postage and fees for returned parcels. c. The permit holder does not fulfill the terms and conditions of the PRS permit authorization. d. The return labels do not conform to the specifications in 13.4. 13.1.8 Reapplying After CancellationTo receive a new PRS permit after cancellation under 13.1.7 the mailer must: a. Submit a letter to the manager, Business Mailer Support requesting a permit and a new agreement. c. Provide evidence showing that the reasons for cancellation no longer exist. d. Maintain adequate available funds to cover the expected number of returns. 13.1.9 Pickup SchedulePermit holders or their agents must set up a recurring or standing appointment to retrieve PRS parcels. If the permit holder (or their agent) already has existing appointments to deliver Parcel Select parcels to a destination network distribution center or to a destination delivery unit, those same appointments can be used for retrieving PRS parcels. Permit holders or their agents must retrieve parcels on a regular schedule as follows: a. From RNDCs, at a minimum of every 48 hours, excluding Sundays and USPS holidays. b. From RDUs, according to the service agreement. 13.1.10 Parcels Endorsed Hold for PickupPRS participants must pay the appropriate Parcel Return Service RDU price under 13.3 for any unclaimed, refused, undeliverable as addressed, or recalled parcels that are endorsed “Hold For Pickup” (under 508.7.0) and that bear the marking “PARCEL RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED” or “PRS REQUESTED” followed by a unique 569 prefix ZIP Code. 13.2 Postage and Fees13.2.1 PostageThere are two PRS price categories: a. Parcel Return Service — RDU. Parcels returned as Parcel Post to, and retrieved in bulk from, a designated delivery unit. b. Parcel Return Service — RNDC. Parcels returned as Parcel Post to, and retrieved in bulk from, a designated NDC. 13.2.2 Permit FeeThe participant must pay an annual permit fee at the Post Office where the PRS permit is held. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable fee. 13.2.3 Advance Deposit Account and Annual Account Maintenance FeeThe participant must pay postage through an advance deposit account and pay an annual account maintenance fee. See Notice 123—Price List for applicable fee. 13.3 Prices13.3.1 Parcel Return Service—MachinableRNDC parcels that weigh less than 20 pounds but measure more than 84 inches in combined length and girth are charged the applicable price for a 20-pound parcel (balloon price). Regardless of weight, any parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized price. For Parcel Return Service prices see Notice 123–Price List. 13.3.2 Parcel Return Service—NonmachinableRNDC parcels that weigh less than 20 pounds but measure more than 84 inches in combined length and girth are charged the applicable price for a 20-pound parcel (balloon price). Regardless of weight, any parcel that measures more than 108 inches (but not more than 130 inches) in combined length and girth must pay the oversized price. For Parcel Return Service prices see Notice 123–Price List. 13.4 Label Formats13.4.1 Label PreparationPRS labels must be certified by the USPS for use prior to distribution as defined in the service agreement. In addition, permit holders must obtain USPS certification for barcode symbologies. Any photographic, mechanical, or electronic process or any combination of these processes may be used to produce PRS labels. The background of the label may be any light color that allows the address, barcodes, and other required information to be easily distinguished. If labels are electronically transmitted to customers for their local printing, the permit holder must advise customers of these printing requirements as part of the instructions in 13.4.3. 13.4.2 Labeling MethodsIf all applicable contents and formats are approved (including instructions to the user), permit holders or their agents may distribute a PRS label by any of the following methods: a. As an enclosure with merchandise when initially shipped as part of the original invoice accompanying the merchandise, or as a separate label preprinted by the permit holder. If the reverse side of the label bears an adhesive, it must be strong enough to bond the label securely to the mailpiece. b. As an electronic file created by the permit holder for local printing by the customer. 13.4.3 InstructionsRegardless of label distribution method, permit holders or their agents must always provide written instructions to the user of the PRS label that, at a minimum, direct the user to do the following: a. “If your name and address are not already printed in the return address area, please print them neatly in that area or attach a return address label there.” b. “Attach the label provided by the merchant squarely onto the largest side of the mailpiece, unless you need to use another side to make the parcel more stable. Place the label at least 1 inch from the edge of the parcel, so that it does not fold over to another side. If you are using tape to attach the new label, do not put tape over any barcodes on the label, even if the tape is clear.” c. “If you are reusing the original container to return the merchandise, use the label to cover your original delivery address, barcodes, and any other postal information on the container. If it is not possible to cover all that information with the label, remove the old labels, mark them out completely with a permanent marker, or cover them completely with blank labels or paper that cannot be seen through. If that cannot be done, or if the original container is no longer sound, please use a new box to return the merchandise and attach the return label to the new box.” d. “Once repackaged and labeled, mail the parcel at a Post Office, deposit it in a collection box, or leave it with your letter carrier.” 13.4.4 Label Format ElementsThere is no minimum size for PRS labels; however, the label must be big enough to accommodate all of the label elements and standards in this section. All PRS label elements must be legible. Except where a specific type size is required, elements must be large enough to be legible from a normal reading distance and be separate from other elements on the label. See the PRS label format examples in 13.4.5a and 13.4.5b. The following elements are required: a. Postage guarantee. The imprint “No Postage Necessary If Mailed in the United States” must appear in the upper right corner. b. Horizontal bars. A minimum of three horizontal bars must appear directly below the imprint in the upper right corner. The bars must be uniform in length, at least 1 inch long, 1/16 inch thick, and evenly spaced. c. Parcel Return Service legend. The legend must be placed directly above the address and must include: 1. Line 1: In capital letters at least 3/16” high, “PARCEL SELECT RETURN SERVICE” (or “PARCEL SELECT RTN SVC”). 2. Line 2: In all capital letters, the permit holder's name, left justified, followed by “PERMIT NO.,” followed by the actual permit number. d. Customer's return address. The return address of the customer using the label to mail the parcel back to the permit holder must appear in the upper left corner. If it is not preprinted by the permit holder or merchant, space must be provided for the customer to enter the return address. e. Address for Parcel Return Service labels. The address must contain the unique PRS ZIP Code (569 prefix) assigned by the USPS to the particular customer or agent. The address must consist of two or three lines in all capital letters, as specified below. The ZIP Code must be printed in at least 12-point type on a line directly below the Parcel Return Service line. 1. Line 1: PRS AGENT'S OR MERCHANT'S NAME. 2. Line 2: “PARCEL RETURN SERVICE” (or “PARCEL RETURN SVC”). 3. Line 3: The unique PRS 569## ZIP Code assigned by the USPS in the service agreement. The unique ZIP Code alternatively may be located as part of the second line of the address. f. Parcel Return Service barcode. A PRS barcode must be printed directly on the label. The barcode may appear in any location on the label except the upper left, upper right, and lower right corners. The barcode must meet the standards for barcodes in Publication 91, Confirmation Services Technical Guide, with the following exceptions: 1. The barcode must be produced using the GS1-128 barcode symbology. 2. The service type code (STC) contained in the barcode on PRS labels must contain the value “58.” 3. Text above the barcode must read “USPS PARCEL RETURN SERVICE” (or “USPS PARCEL RTN SVC”). If the barcode is a single concatenated barcode with the postal routing code described in 13.4.4g, the text above the barcode must read “NDC ZIP - USPS PARCEL RETURN SERVICE” (or “NDC ZIP - USPS PARCEL RTN SVC”). In the text below the barcode, the leading application identifier (“420”), ZIP Code information, and subsequent numbers must be parsed as shown in 13.4.5b. 4. The clear zone between the barcode, the human-readable text, and the horizontal bar above and below the barcode must be at least 1/16 inch. g. Postal routing barcode. If a single concatenated barcode is not used for the PRS barcode, a postal routing barcode also must be printed directly on the label. The barcode may appear in any location on the label, except the upper left, upper right, and lower right corners. Postal routing barcodes must meet the standards in 708.5.0, except that the text below the barcode must read “NDC ZIP -,” followed by the unique PRS ZIP Code assigned by USPS in the service agreement. h. Mailer identification (ID). The permit holder assigns a mailer ID to each individual client (merchant). An individual mailer ID must appear in the lower right corner as follows:
1. The mailer ID must consist of a single, uppercase alpha character followed by a two-, three-, or four-digit number, with no spaces or dashes. 2. The mailer ID must be at least 3/16 inch high and be surrounded by a box, with a clearance of at least 1/16 inch between the mailer ID characters and the edges of the box. 3. The mailer ID may be reverse-printed. i. Additional information. Additional information (e.g., company logo, return authorization number, inventory barcode) is permitted on the PRS label if it does not interfere with any required format elements. Inventory barcodes must not resemble the barcodes described in 708.5.0, Standards for Package and Extra Service Barcodes. 13.4.5 PRS Label Format ExamplesThe following are PRS label format examples. Note: The ZIP Code 56999 appears in each example for demonstration purposes only. a. Parcel Select Return Service label using a separate PRS barcode and postal routing barcode. b. Parcel Select Return Service label using a concatenated barcode. |