533 Validated Export Licenses

533.1 Definition

A validated export license is a document issued by the Office of Export Administration, authorizing a specific export pursuant to an application by the exporter. Further information can be obtained from the sources referenced in 531.1.

533.2 Shipper’s Electronic Export Filing Required

Electronic filing of export information is required for every shipment covered by a validated export license, except technical data (see 520).

533.3 Mailing Under Validated Export Licenses

533.31 Marking and Disposition by Sender
533.311 Validated License Number

When shipping under a validated export license, the sender must enter the complete validated license number on the address side of the wrapper covering the commodity to be mailed and electronically file the export information (see 521).

533.312 Record of All Shipments

The validated license document will be retained by the sender, who will record all shipments of commodities or related technical data on the reverse side.

533.32 Processing in Post Office Facilities
533.321 Commodities Other Than Technical Data

For items containing commodities other than technical data that show a validated license number, verify the customs declaration for completion (see 123).

533.322 No Discrepancy

If no discrepancy is noted and the contents of the item are mailable and are not prohibited by the country of destination, accept the item and dispatch accordingly.