940 Postage Refunds

941 Postage Refunds for First-Class Mail International and Priority Mail International

941.1 General

A refund may be made when postage, extra service fees, or other charges have been paid on First-Class Mail International and Priority Mail International items:

  1. For which full service was not rendered.
  2. Which were paid in excess of the proper price.

941.2 Applications by Senders

Senders requesting postage refunds should submit to the postmaster at the office at which the items were mailed:

  1. An application on PS Form 3533, Application and Voucher for Refund of Postage, Fees, and Services, in duplicate.
  2. When available, the envelope or wrapper, or the portion thereof having names and addresses of sender and addressee, canceled postage, and postal markings.
  3. Any other evidence of payment of the amount of postage, fees, or charges for which refund is desired.

941.3 Processing Refund Applications

941.31 Items Originating in United States

When the refund request relates to mail originating in the United States and there is no reason to believe that the other country is at fault, process the application as prescribed in DMM 604.

941.32 Items Originating in a Country Other Than the United States

When there is reason to believe that the other country is at fault, or when the request relates to mail originating in another country, forward the application with the wrapper and all supporting papers to the International Inquiry Center, US Postal Service, PO Box 39955, Denver, CO 80239–0955.