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Quick Service Guide 201

Commercial Letters and Postcards

Physical Standards for Commercial Letters and Postcards

January 25, 2015
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Card Dimensions

QSG 201 SUMMARY="This table contains Card Dimensions." Alt="The graphic shows the minimum and maximum size for a postcard. The minimum and maximum size for a card claimed at a card rate must be: a. Rectangular; b. Not less than 3-1/2 inches high, 5 inches long, and 0.007 inch thick; c. Not more than 4-1/4 inches high, or more than 6 inches long, or greater than 0.016 inch thick."





5 inches

6 inches


3-1/2 inches

4-1/4 inches


0.007 inch

0.016 inch

Letter Dimensions

The graphic show the minimum and maximum size for letters. Letter-size mail is: a. Not less than 5 inches long, 3-1/2 inches high, and 0.007-inch thick; b. Not more than 11-1/2 inches long, or more than 6-1/8 inches high, or greater than 1/4-inch thick.





5 inches

11-1/2 inches


3-1/2 inches

6-1/8 inches


0.007 inch

1/4 inch

Mailpieces are classified by shape and by the way they are prepared. These classifications are based on how efficiently mailpieces can be processed on Postal Service equipment. The Postal Service classifies letters and cards into one of three categories: machinable, nonmachinable, and automation. For the purposes of determining mailability or machinabilty, the length is the dimension parallel to the address as read (601.1.1.2).

Machinable Letters and Cards (201.1.0)

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If you prepare your letters and cards so that they have an accurate address and can be processed on Postal Service equipment, your mail is “machinable” and eligible for “presort” prices. Machinable mailpieces must meet specific standards, including size, shape, and weight.

Maximum weight: First-Class Mail, machinable letters and Standard Mail machinable letters: 3.3 ounces, Periodicals letters: 3.5 ounces.

Machinable letters must not meet any of the nonmachinable characteristics (201.2.0).


Nonmachinable Letters (201.2.0)

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Maximum weight: First-Class Mail and Periodicals nonmachinable letters 3.5 ounces; Standard Mail nonmachinable letters; less than 16 ounces.


Examples of a nonmachinable letter include:

Automation Letters and Cards (201.3.0)

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If your letter-size mailpiece is machinable and displays the correct delivery point barcode or Intelligent Mail barcode, you may qualify for lower, “automation” prices. A letter or card meets automation standards and qualifies for automation prices if it meets the specific addressing, barcoding, and design standards.

For additional information, see:

Maximum weight:

Shape: rectangular. Aspect ratio (length divided by height): 1.3 to 2.5 (201.3.7).


Length is the dimension parallel to the address as read (601.1.1.2).

All letter-size reply cards and envelopes (Business Reply Mail, Courtesy Reply Mail, and meter reply mail) provided as enclosures must meet the physical standards for automation letters and cards in 201.3.17.

Quick Service Guides

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First-Class Mail

See Quick Service Guides:

230a Nonmachinable Letters

230b Machinable Letters and Cards

230c Automation Letters and Cards

Standard Mail

See Quick Service Guides:

240a Nonmachinable Letters

240b Machinable Letters

240c Automation Letters

240d Carrier Route Letters


See Quick Service Guides:

207c Nonbarcoded Letters

207e Barcoded (Automation) Letters


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