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The Summary of Changes lists revisions to this edition of Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service, Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) by effective date. Summary of Changes by Effective Date Collect on Delivery (COD)--Service Features We revised 503.12.0, 507.4.0 and 508.1.0 to provide new standards for the automatic holding period for Collect on Delivery (COD) articles, expand the acceptable payment methods for COD articles, and provide current options for the redirecting of COD articles. We published this information in the July 11, 2013, Postal Bulletin. New Ancillary Service Endorsement Options We revised 507.1.5 to provide mailers with new ancillary service endorsement options. We published this information in the July 11, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Clarification of Official Mail Standards We revised 703 to clarify the standards for using Official Mail, such as the use of postage statements and the sale of Penalty Mail stamps and stationery. We published this information in the June 27, 2013, Postal Bulletin. More Leeway for Barcodes on Flats We revised 302.5.0 to remove obsolete language that prohibits 5-digit or 9-digit routing barcodes on automation flats. We published this information in the June 27, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Package Simplification & Priority Mail Insurance Enhancement We revised various related sections to reflect the renaming of Priority Mail Express® as Priority Mail Express™ and new standards to include insurance coverage in the price of barcoded domestic Priority Mail. We published this information in the June 27, 2013, Postal Bulletin. We revised 604.9.0 and other DMM sections to remove obsolete standards pertaining to postage refunds and stamp exchanges, and to standardize processes for requesting refunds for PC Postage® labels and extra service refunds.. We published this information in the June 27, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Expansion of Optional Use of Flat Trays for Periodicals Flats We revised 705 and 707 to allow Periodicals nonmachinable flats and Periodicals flats sorted to carrier routes to be prepared in flat trays instead of sacks, whenever the current standards allow such mail in sacks. We published this information in the May 30, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Clarification of Eligibility Standards for Merchandise Return Service We revised 505.3.2.1 to remove a discrepancy regarding the mail products eligible for Merchandise Return Service (MRS). We published this information in the May 16, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Priority Mail Express and Priority Mail Open and Distribute eVS Tags and Labels We revised 705.18.0 to include new tags and labels for Priority Mail Express Open and Distribute™ and Priority Mail Open and Distribute™ mailings prepared under an authorized Electronic Verification System (eVS®) manifest mailing system. We published this information in the May 16, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Clarification of Picture Permit Imprint Promotion Eligibility We revised 709.3.3.4 to clarify the eligibility of residual pieces for the promotional discount for Picture Permit imprint mailings. We published this information in the May 2, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Folded Self-Mailer Clarifications We revised 201.3.0 to clarify standards for folded self-mailers. We published this information in the April 18, 2013, Postal Bulletin. 5-Digit/Scheme and 3-Digit/Scheme Sortation We revised 235 and 245 to clarify the preparation of 5-digit/scheme and 3-digit/scheme trays. This notice similarly revises DMM 345, 365, and 375 regarding 5-digit/scheme sacking of Standard Mail®, Bound Printed Matter, Media Mail®, and Library Mail flats. We published this information in the March 7, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Clarification of Standards Relating to IMpb Use We revised 708.5.1.1 to clarify standards relating to the data requirements of the electronic file that mailers submit along with mailings bearing Intelligent Mail® package barcodes (IMpb). We published this information in the March 7, 2013, Postal Bulletin. New Price Eligibility for 5-Digit Containers Deposited at FSS Facilities We revised 346.4.0, 366.5.0 and 707.29.0 to provide Destination Sectional Center Facility (DSCF) eligibility for 5-digit containers of bundles of addressed machinable Periodicals, Standard Mail® or Bound Printed Matter flats deposited at Flats Sequencing System (FSS) processing facilities. We published this information in the March 7, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Promotions and Incentive Programs for First-Class Mail and Standard Mail We revised 709.3.0 to include new promotions and incentive programs that will be offered at various time periods during calendar year 2013 for Presorted and automation First-Class Mail® cards, letters, and flats, and Standard Mail® letters, flats, or parcels. We published this information in the March 7, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Usage of Franked Envelopes and Labels We revised 703.6.2.1to clarify the use of franked envelopes and labels. We published this information in the February 21, 2013, Postal Bulletin. We revised 503.10.0 to clarify the use and application of integrated retail systems labels and other unique, USPS-provided tracking labels for USPS Tracking service. We published this information in the February 21, 2013, Postal Bulletin. Intelligent Mail Barcode on Periodicals, Flats and Letters We revised 707.12.0, 13.0 and 14.0 to correct the omission of standards limiting automation discounts for Periodicals letters and flats to Intelligent Mail® barcodes only. We published this information in the February 7, 2013, Postal Bulletin. New Minimum Value for Treatment as Dead Mail We revised 507.1.9 to update the minimum value for treating undeliverable articles as dead mail. We published this information in the January 10, 2013, Postal Bulletin. New Standards for Domestic Mailing Services We revised various sections to reflect price adjustments and mailing requirements changes associated with the October 2012 filing with the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC). We published this information in the December 27, 2012, Postal Bulletin. We revised various sections to add new standards for saturation mailings of Standard Mail® mailpieces known as Every Door Direct Mail-Retail® (EDDM-R or EDDM-Retail). We published this information in the December 27, 2012, Postal Bulletin. Domestic Shipping Services Pricing and Mailing Standards Changes We revised various sections, to reflect changes to prices and mailing standards for the following Shipping Services: Priority Mail Express, Priority Mail, First-Class Package Service, Parcel Select, Parcel Return Service, Mailer Services, and Recipient Services. We published this information in the December 13, 2012, Postal Bulletin. Customs Declaration Requirements for Mailpieces Sent To or From APO, FPO, and DPO Locations We revised 703.2.3.7 to stipulate that mailers may use either PS Form 2976, Customs Declaration CN 22 or PS Form 2976-A, Customs Declaration and Dispatch Note – CP 72 for items sent to or from any Army Post Office™ (APO), Fleet Post Office (FPO), or Diplomatic Post Office (DPO) location. We published this information in the December 27, 2012, Postal Bulletin. New Eligibility Standards for Parcel Select Nonpresort Mailpieces We revised 453.3.3 and 604.5.1.2 to provide new minimum volume eligibility criteria for Parcel Select® Nonpresort mailpieces, either entered within a single mailing or as part of a combined mailing of mixed class parcels. We published this information in the December 27, 2012, Postal Bulletin. Retirement of FASTforward Technology We revised 602.5.0 to terminate the use of FASTforward®technology as a Move Update option for commercial First-Class Mail®, First-Class Package Service™, Standard Mail®, and Parcel Select Lightweight® mailings. We published this information in the December 27, 2012, Postal Bulletin. Products Mailable at Nonprofit Standard Mail Prices We revised 703.1.6.11 to reflect that, for 2013, the value of a low-cost item is $10.20 or less. We published this information in the November 29, 2012, Postal Bulletin. New Marking Standards for Parcel Containing Hazardous Materials We revised 601.10.0 to adopt new marking standards for parcels containing mailable hazardous materials which will be required for parcel intended for air transportation. We published this information in the December 13, 2012, Postal Bulletin. POSTNET Barcode Discontinuation We revised various sections to discontinue price eligibility based on the use of POSTNET™ barcodes on all types of mail. We published this information in the December 27, 2012, Postal Bulletin. |