Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 2 Conditions for Mailing > 210 Global Express Guaranteed > 216 Postage > 216.4 Payment of Postage
216.41 Methods of Payment
Postage may be paid by postage stamps, postage validation imprinter (PVI)
labels, postage meter strips, PC postage, or other payment methods noted
on the Global Express Guaranteed Web site at
216.42 Official Mail
Global Express Guaranteed shipments that are originated by federal
agencies and departments are subject to the same postage payment
requirements, weight and size limits, customs requirements, and general
conditions for mailing as Global Express Guaranteed shipments that are
originated by non-governmental entities.
Both Global Express Guaranteed Document Service shipments and
Non-Document service shipments mailed by Postal Service entities must
bear the G-10 permit indicia that is prescribed for all Postal Service official
mail. There is a 70-pound weight limit for Postal Service-originated Global
Express Guaranteed shipments going to all authorized destinating countries.
See section 143.2.
The weight, dimensional weight, and size limits set forth in this section are
the same for both Global Express Guaranteed Document service shipments
and Non-Document service shipments unless otherwise noted in the
Individual Country Listings.
The maximum weight is 70 pounds.
The equation for determining dimensional weight is as follows:
Dimensional Weight = (Length x Width x Height)/166
When determining the dimensional weight, round each individual
measurement down to the nearest whole inch. Determine the postage
rate for nondocument shipments by comparing the dimensional weight,
(Length x Width x Height)/166, with the actual weight. Round the dimensional
weight up to a full pound. For example, (14 x 10 x 6)/166 = 5.06, which is
rounded up to 6 pounds.
Of these two weights (dimensional and actual scale weight), use the higher
one for Global Express Guaranteed nondocument shipments, along with the
appropriate rate chart for the service required. For document shipments,
record the dimensions of 1" x 1" x 1" and use the actual weight to determine
the postage.

217.4 Size Limits
217.41 Minimum Size
An envelope or package must be large enough to hold on its face the
postage and the plastic pouch that carries the Global Express Guaranteed Air
Waybill/Shipping Invoice (shipping label). The shipping label is approximately
5.5 inches high and 9.5 inches long, and the plastic pouch that carries it is
approximately 7 inches high and 12 inches long.
217.42 Maximum Size
Length and girth combined may not exceed 108 inches. Individual
dimensions may not exceed 46 inches in length, 35 inches in width, and 46
inches in height.
a. Prepare the item as a flat or package using either the Global Express
Guaranteed envelope provided by the Postal Service or mailer-supplied
packaging. Mailers using their own envelope or wrapping must also
affix a Global Express Guaranteed sticker (Item 107PGG3) to the front
and back of the item.
b. Complete the Global Express Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice
(Item 11FGG1) to show the complete address of the sender and
addressee. Items cannot be addressed to a post office box or an APO
or FPO address.
c. Global Express Guaranteed Document Service Shipment Preparation:
Complete the Shipment Details to show the contents in detail including
description and estimated cost of reconstruction. A separate customs
declaration is not used. Sign and date the mailer agreement.
d. Global Express Guaranteed Non-Document Service Shipment
Preparation: Complete the Shipment Details to show the contents in
detail including description, valuation, and country of manufacture.
Non-Document service shipments cannot have a value that exceeds
$2,499. A separate customs declaration is not used. Sign and date the
mailer agreement.

a. Check that the sender has properly completed the Global Express
Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice.
b. Complete the postage transaction if the item is not prepaid.
c. Complete the "Origin" information.
d. Remove the customer's copy of the Global Express Guaranteed Air
Waybill/Shipping Invoice and give it to the customer. Process the Global
Express Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice according to
directions on the shipping document.
The Global Express Guaranteed Air Waybill/Shipping Invoice contains space
for the sender to declare the contents. A separate postal customs declaration
is not used.