Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 2 Conditions for Mailing > 250 Postcards and Aerogrammes
250 Postcards and Aerogrammes
251 Description
251.1 Postcards and Postal Cards
Postcards and postal cards consist of single cards sent without a wrapper or
envelope. Folded (double) cards must be mailed in envelopes at the
letter-post rate of postage.
251.12 Reply-Paid Cards
Reply-paid cards are not accepted in international mail, except as provided in
251.13 Specifications
Postcards must be made of cardboard or paper that meets the material and
color specifications in 142.
251.14 Privately Manufactured Postcards
Privately manufactured postcards, except picture postcards, must bear the
heading Postcard.
251.15 Permitted Attachments
The following may be glued on the left half of the address side of a card, or
on the side opposite the address side, if they are made of paper or other thin
material and adhere completely to the card:
a. Clippings of any kind.
b. Illustrations or photographs.
c. Labels other than address labels.
d. Stamps of any kind, except stamps likely to be confused with postage
stamps, must not be placed on the address side of the card.
e. Address labels or address tabs that may be glued to the address side
of the card.

251.16 Nonpermitted Attachments
The following must not be attached to cards:
a. Cloth, embroidery, or spangles.
b. Samples of merchandise.
251.2 Aerogrammes
Aerogrammes are letter sheets that can be folded into the form of an
envelope and sealed. Tape or stickers must not be used to seal
Aerogrammes (bearing imprinted postage) are sold at all Post Office facilities.
Approved aerogrammes (without imprinted postage) obtained from private
firms must have aerogramme-rate postage affixed.
251.23 Available Service
Aerogramme service is available to all countries. Registry is available for
aerogrammes. Recorded delivery service is available for aerogrammes if that
service is available to the country of destination. See Individual Country
251.24 Enclosures
Enclosures are not permitted in aerogrammes. Aerogrammes that contain
enclosures are treated as airmail letters and are subject to air letter postage
rates. Aerogrammes with enclosures on which postage has not been paid at
airmail letter rates must be returned to the sender for the deficiency or treated
in accordance with 423.
251.3 Aerogrammes of Private Manufacture
251.31 Authorization
Individuals or firms may be authorized by the Postal Service to manufacture
aerogrammes, without imprinted postage, for their own use or for sale to the

251.32 Approval
Before engaging in production, the applicant must apply for an aerogramme
permit, submit three printed samples of the proposed aerogramme, and
obtain authorization from:
WASHINGTON DC 20260-3436
A sample format may be obtained from that office.
251.33 Specifications for Submitted Samples
The samples submitted for approval and the final printing of the
aerogrammes must be on 18-pound paper (500 sheets, 17 x 22 inches) of
light blue color as well as the texture equivalent to the regular three-flap
aerogramme issued by the U.S. Postal Service. No artificial slippery finish,
such as a silicon plastic, is permitted. The sheets, when folded, must
measure 7-1/4 x 3-9/16 inches and have three sealing flaps. Samples
submitted for approval need not have the flaps gummed, but the areas to be
gummed must be identified. The sheets must:
a. Bear the printed endorsements that appear on the address and reverse
sides of the aerogramme issued by the Postal Service.
b. Contain the printed return address of the applicant, or lines on which
the return address may be written if the sheets are to be reproduced for
sale to the public.
AEROGRAMME - P.S. PERMIT NO..." (the number to be filled in
when issued). These words must be printed in small, clear type and
appear on the lower edge of the address side (when the sheet is folded
for mailing). The permit number will be issued at the time the
aerogramme is approved.
252 Postage Rates
Postcards and Postal Cards
Canada and Mexico $0.55
Marshall Islands and Micronesia $0.34
All other countries $0.75
All countries $0.75

253 Weight and Size Limits
253.1 Weight Limits
Postcards weigh approximately the same as postal cards. See 142.
253.2 Size Limits
253.21 Postcards
a. Minimum: 3-1/2 x 5-1/2 inches.
b. Maximum: 4-1/4 x 6 inches.
Note: See 243.23 for larger cards.
The size limit for an aerogramme is 7-1/4 x 3-9/16 inches.
254 Preparation Requirements
See 122.
254.2 Marking - Postcards and Postal Cards
254.21 Airmail
The sender should mark postcards Par Avion or affix Label 19-A, Par Avion
Airmail, or Label 19-B, Par Avion Airmail, on the left side on the front.
254.22 Right Half of Postcard
The right half of the address side of a card must be reserved for the address
of the addressee and postal notations or labels.
254.23 Left Half and Reverse Side
The sender may use the left half of the address side of the card and the
reverse side for a message or permissible attachments. The sender must use
the upper-left half of the address side for his or her return address. (Unless
they bear the name and address of the sender, undeliverable cards are
disposed of in the country of destination.)

Tape or stickers must not be used to seal aerogrammes.