Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 3 Special Services > 350 Restricted Delivery
351 Description
Restricted delivery is a service that generally limits who may receive an item.
The details of the service however are governed by the internal legislation of
the destination country. Some countries will deliver only to the addressee in
person and will obtain that person's signature on the receipt. Other countries
may permit delivery to agents of the addressee and/or require only the
signature of a postal official on the return receipt.
If the country of destination is unable to deliver the item in accordance with its
regulations it will be returned as undeliverable.
352 Availability
Restricted delivery is available only:
a. At time of mailing.
b. For registered items or recorded delivery.
c. If accompanied by a return receipt (see 340).
d. To certain countries. See Individual Country Listings.
Fee is $3.70 and is in addition to postage and other applicable fees.
354 Processing Requests
Sender must endorse item "A REMETTRE EN MAIN PROPRE" or the
equivalent in a language known in the destination country. Endorsement
should be located on the address side below the return address.

Accepting clerk must affix and cancel postage equal to the sum of the
restricted delivery fee regular postage and other fees.