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3 Special Services

3 Special Services

310 Certificate of Mailing

311 Description

312 Availability

313 Fees

313.1 Individual Pieces

313.2 Bulk Pieces

314 Processing Requests

314.1 Forms

314.2 Preparation

320 Insurance

321 Description

322 Availability

323 Fees and Insured Value

323.1 Insurance Fees

323.2 Insured Value

324 Processing Requests

324.1 Mailing Receipt and Insurance Number

324.2 Marking

324.3 Postmarking

324.4 Sealing

324.5 Return Receipt

325 Indemnity Claims and Payments

330 Registered Mail

331 Description

332 Availability

333 Fees and Indemnity Limits

333.1 Registration Fees

333.2 Indemnity Limit

334 Processing Requests

334.1 Mailing Receipt and Registration Number

334.2 Marking

334.3 Postmarking

334.4 Sealing

334.5 Return Receipt and Restricted Delivery

335 Indemnity Claims and Payments

336 Preparation

340 Return Receipt

341 Description

342 Availability

343 Fee

344 Processing Requests

344.1 Form

344.2 Marking

344.3 Confirmation of Delivery After Mailing

344.4 Return Receipt Improperly Completed or Not Received

350 Restricted Delivery

351 Description

351.1 General

351.2 Undeliverable Mail

352 Availability

353 Fee

354 Processing Requests

354.1 Marking

354.2 Postage

360 Recorded Delivery

361 Description

362 Availability

363 Recorded Delivery Fee

364 Processing Requests

364.1 General Use

364.2 Marking

364.3 Where to Mail

364.4 Return Receipt and Restricted Delivery

370 Supplemental Services

371 International Money Orders

371.1 Description

371.2 Availability

371.3 Fees

371.4 Processing Requirements

371.5 Procedures for Cashing Money Orders Issued by Foreign Countries

371.6 Lost Reissued Money Orders

371.7 Inquiries

371.8 Standard International Money Orders (Discontinued)

372 International Reply Coupons

372.1 Description

372.2 Availability

372.3 Selling Price and Rate of Exchange

372.4 Processing Requests

373 International Business Reply Service

373.1 Description

373.2 Availability

373.3 Who May Distribute IBRS Mail

373.4 Fees

373.5 Size and Weight Requirements

373.6 Format Requirements ( Exhibit 373.6 )

373.7 Foreign International Business Reply Service

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