Postal Explorer > International Mail Manual - Issue 32 > 3 Special Services > 340 Return Receipt
341 Description
PS Form 2865 Return Receipt for International Mail (Avis de Reception) is a
pink card that is attached to a registered or insured item and to Global
Express Mail to certain countries (see 221.4) at the time of mailing
and which is removed and signed at the point of delivery and returned to
sender. It provides the sender with evidence of delivery. Return receipts are
completed in the country of destination in accordance with its internal
regulations which may not require the addressee's signature except under
special circumstances. These receipts are returned to sender by airmail.
342 Availability
Return receipts can be purchased only at the time of mailing and are
available only for registered insured or recorded delivery mail. Return
receipts are available to a limited number of countries for Global Express Mail
(see 221.4). A few countries do not admit return receipts and many
restrict them to registered mail. See Individual Country Listings.
The fee for a return receipt is $1.85. This fee must be paid in addition to
postage and other applicable charges. Return receipt service is available at
no additional charge for Global Express Mail to certain countries.
Note: Include the weight of the return receipt when determining the
postage for mailing the item.
344 Processing Requests
344.11 Sender's Responsibility
Sender must record return address on the return receipt.

344.12 Accepting Clerk's Responsibility
Accepting clerk must:
a. Record return receipt fee on insured or registered mailing receipt.
b. Record address of addressee on return receipt.
c. Attach return receipt to item.
d. Affix and cancel postage equal to the sum of the return receipt fee
postage and other applicable fees.
Accepting clerk must mark address side of item either "AVIS DE
A sender may request confirmation of delivery for registered or insured mail
within 1 year after mailing by presenting the mailing receipt and filing an
inquiry (see 922.1).
344.4 Return Receipt Improperly Completed or Not Received
If the sender pays for but does not receive a return receipt, or receives an
improperly completed return receipt, the sender may request a refund of the
return receipt fee at the Post Office where the service was purchased by
presenting the mailing receipt.