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M700 Package Services
M740 describes the preparation, sortation, and documentation requirements for single-piece and presorted Library Mail mailings.
There are no presort, sacking, or labeling standards for single-piece Library Mail. All mailings of Presorted Library Mail are subject to the standards in 2.0 through 4.0 and to these general standards:
a. Each mailing must meet the applicable standards in E710, E714, and in M010, M020, and M030.
b. All pieces in a mailing must be within the same processing category as described in C050. A Library Mail irregular parcel is a piece that is not a machinable parcel as defined in C050.4.1 or a flat as defined in C050.3.1. Pieces that meet the size and weight standards for a machinable parcel but are not individually boxed or packaged to withstand processing on BMC parcel sorters under C010 are also considered irregular parcels.
c. All pieces must be sorted to the finest extent possible under 2.0 through 4.0 or palletized under M045.
d. Each piece claimed at Library Mail rates must be marked Library Mail under M012. Each piece claimed at Presorted Library Mail rates also must be marked Presorted or PRSRT under M012.
A complete, signed postage statement, using the correct USPS form or an approved facsimile, must accompany each mailing. Documentation of postage is not required if the correct rate is affixed to each piece or if each piece is of identical weight, and the pieces are separated by rate level at the time of mailing.
[10-30-03] A bundle must be prepared when the quantity of addressed pieces for a required presort level reaches a minimum of 10 pieces. Smaller volumes are not permitted except for mixed ADC bundles. The maximum weight of each physical bundle is 20 pounds, except that 5-digit bundles, placed in 5-digit sacks may weigh a maximum of 40 pounds. Each physical bundle must contain at least two addressed pieces.
[10-30-03] Preparation sequence, bundle size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit (optional, but required for 5-digit rate eligibility); 10-piece minimum; red Label 5 or optional endorsement line (OEL).
b. 3-digit (required); 10-piece minimum; green Label 3 or OEL.
c. ADC (required); 10-piece minimum; pink Label A or OEL.
d. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum; tan Label X or OEL.
[10-30-03] A sack must be prepared when the quantity of mail for a required presort destination reaches the minimums specified in 2.4 or 1,000 cubic inches. Smaller volumes are not permitted (except in mixed ADC sacks).
[10-30-03] Preparation sequence, sack size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit: optional, but required for 5-digit rate eligibility (10-piece minimum).
(1) Line 1, use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail (see M031 for overseas military mail).
(2) Line 2: PSVC FLTS 5D NON BC.
b. 3-digit: required (20-piece minimum).
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: PSVC FLTS 3D NON BC.
c. ADC: required (20-piece minimum).
(1) Line 1: use L004, Column B.
d. Mixed ADC: required (no minimum).
(1) Line 1: use MXD followed by city, state, and ZIP Code of ADC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office, as shown in L004, Column B.
[10-30-03] A bundle must be prepared when the quantity of addressed pieces for a required presort level reaches a minimum of 10 pieces. Smaller volumes are not permitted except for mixed ADC bundles. Bundling is not required for pieces placed in 5-digit scheme sacks and 5-digit sacks when such pieces are enclosed in an envelope, full-length sleeve, full-length wrapper, or polybag and the minimum bundle volume is met. The maximum weight of each physical bundle is 20 pounds, except that 5-digit bundles placed in 5-digit sacks may weigh a maximum of 40 pounds. Each physical bundle must contain at least two addressed pieces. Bundling is also subject to these conditions:
a. Identical-weight pieces that weigh 1 pound or less must be prepared using the 10-piece minimum; those that weigh more than 1 pound must be prepared using the 10-pound minimum.
b. For nonidentical-weight pieces, mailers must use either the minimum that applies to the average piece weight for the entire mailing (divide the net weight of the mailing by the number of pieces; the resulting average single-piece weight determines whether the 10-piece or 10-pound minimum applies) or bundle by the actual piece count or mail weight for each sack, if documentation can be provided with the mailing that shows (specifically for each sack) the number of pieces and their total weight.
c. Mailers must note on the postage statement which sacking method was used.
[10-30-03] Preparation sequence, bundle size, and labeling:
a. 5-digit (optional, but required for 5-digit rate eligibility); 10-piece minimum; red Label 5 or optional endorsement line (OEL).
b. 3-digit (required); 10-piece minimum; green Label 3 or OEL.
c. ADC (required); 10-piece minimum; pink Label A or OEL.
d. Mixed ADC (required); no minimum; tan Label X or OEL.
[10-30-03] A sack must be prepared when the quantity of mail for a required presort destination reaches 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, whichever occurs first. At the mailers option, a sack may be prepared when the quantity of mail reaches 1,000 cubic inches. Smaller volumes are not permitted (except in mixed ADC sacks). Sacking is also subject to these conditions:
a. Identical-weight pieces weighing 2 pounds or less must be sacked using the 10-piece minimum; those that weigh more must be sacked using the 20-pound or 1,000 cubic inch minimum.
b. For nonidentical-weight pieces, mailers must use either the minimum that applies to the average piece weight for the entire mailing (divide the net weight of the mailing by the number of pieces; the resulting average single-piece weight determines whether the 10-piece or 20-pound minimum applies). Alternatively, mailers may sack by the actual piece count, mail weight for each bundle destination, or 1,000 cubic inch minimum, if documentation can be provided with the mailing that shows (specifically for each sack) the number of pieces and their total weight.
c. Mailers must note on the postage statement which sacking method was used.
[10-30-03] Preparation sequence and labeling:
a. 5-digit scheme: optional.
(1) Line 1: use L606, Column B.
b. 5-digit: optional, but required for 5-digit rate eligibility.
(1) Line 1: use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail (see M031 for overseas military mail).
(2) Line 2: PSVC IRREG 5D.
c. 3-digit: required.
(1) Line 1: use L002, Column A.
(2) Line 2: PSVC IRREG 3D.
d. ADC: required.
(1) Line 1: use L004, Column B.
(2) Line 2: PSVC IRREG ADC.
e. Mixed ADC: required (no minimum).
(1) Line 1: use MXD followed by city, state, and ZIP Code of ADC serving 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of entry post office, as shown in L004, Column B.
(2) Line 2: PSVC IRREG WKG.
[10-30-03] A sack must be prepared when the quantity of mail for a required presort destination reaches 10 addressed pieces or 20 pounds, whichever occurs first. At the mailers option, a sack may be prepared when the quantity of mail reaches 1,000 cubic inches. Smaller volumes are not permitted (except in mixed BMC sacks). Sacking also is subject to these conditions:
a. Identical-weight pieces that weigh 2 pounds or less must be sacked using the 10-piece minimum; those that weigh more must be sacked using the 20-pound or 1,000 cubic inch minimum.
b. For nonidentical-weight pieces, mailers must use either the minimum that applies to the average piece weight for the entire mailing (divide the net weight of the mailing by the number of pieces; the resulting average single-piece weight determines whether the 10-piece or 20-pound minimum applies). Alternately, mailers may sack by the actual piece count, mail weight for each bundle destination, or 1,000 cubic inch minimum, provided that documentation can be provided with the mailing that shows (specifically for each sack) the number of pieces and their total weight.
c. Mailers must note on the postage statement which sacking method was used.
[10-30-03] Preparation sequence and labeling:
a. 5-digit scheme: optional.
(1) Line 1: use L606, Column B.
b. 5-digit: optional, but required for 5-digit rate eligibility.
(1) Line 1: use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail (see M031 for overseas military mail).
(2) Line 2: PSVC MACH 5D.
c. BMC: required.
(1) Line 1: use L601, Column B.
(2) Line 2: PSVC MACH BMC.
d. Mixed BMC: required (no minimum).
(1) Line 1: MXD followed by information in L601, Column B, for BMC serving 3-digit ZIP Code of entry post office.
(2) Line 2: PSVC MACH WKG.
DMM Issue 58 Updated 12-9-04