Domestic Mail Manual
Domestic Mail Manual
- 100 Retail Mail
- 101 Physical Standards
- 102 Elements on the Face of a Mailpiece
- 110 Retail Mail Priority Mail Express
- 120 Retail Mail Priority Mail
- 130 Retail Mail First-Class Mail and USPS Ground Advantage — Retail
- 140 USPS Marketing Mail Flats Every Door Direct Mail-Retail (EDDM-Retail)
- 170 Retail Media Mail and Library Mail
- 200 Commercial Letters, Cards, Flats, and Parcels
- 201 Physical Standards
- 202 Elements on the Face of a Mailpiece
- 203 Basic Postage Statement, Documentation, and Preparation Standards
- 204 Barcoding Standards
- 207 Periodicals
- 210 Commercial Mail Priority Mail Express
- 220 Commercial Mail Priority Mail
- 230 Commercial Mail First-Class Mail
- 240 Commercial Mail USPS Marketing Mail
- 250 Commercial Mail Parcel Select
- 260 Commercial Bound Printed Matter
- 270 Commercial Media Mail and Library Mail
- 280 Commercial Mail USPS Ground Advantage — Commercial
- 500 Additional Mailing Services
- 600 Basic Standards for All Mailing Services
- 601 Mailability
- 602 Addressing
- Elements of Addressing
- Restrictions
- Use of Alternative Addressing
- Detached Address Labels (DAL) and Detached Marketing Labels (DMLs)
- Move Update Standards
- ZIP Code Accuracy Standards
- Carrier Route Accuracy Standard
- Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation (PAVE)
- Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS)
- Dual Shipping Labels
- Commercial Plus One Mailpieces
- 604 Postage Payment Methods and Refunds
- 607 Mailer Compliance and Appeals of Classification Decisions
- 608 Postal Information and Resources
- 609 Filing Indemnity Claims for Loss or Damage
- 700 Special Standards
- Index and Appendices
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