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216.3 Discounted Rates

216.31 General

Discounted rates apply to Global Express Guaranteed customers who prepare and pay for Global Express Guaranteed shipments online using the Web application located at The Global Express Guaranteed online application provides the necessary systems for tracking usage and volume, as well as verifying and protecting revenue. These discounts do not apply to Global Express Guaranteed shipments that are paid for at participating Post Office facilities because the necessary volume tracking capabilities are not available at retail locations.

216.32 Eligibility for Online Discounts

To be eligible for discounts for purchasing Global Express Guaranteed online, customers must register via the Global Express Guaranteed Web site, Registration is accomplished by selecting the designated icon on the Global Express Guaranteed home page and following the accompanying instructions. This one-time registration will establish a shipping record and a customer history for purposes of calculating the appropriate discounts. To be eligible for online discounts, customers must prepare their shipping labels and pay for their shipments online using a credit card.

216.33 Online Discounts
216.331 General

Two types of online discounts are offered: standard discounts and volume-based discounts. The discount applies only to the postage portion of the Global Express Guaranteed rates. It does not apply to any other service charges or additional insurance coverage fees. The discounted postage rates applicable to Global Express Guaranteed are set forth in 216.36 and are separate and distinct from the postage rates set forth in 216.1 and 216.2.

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216.332 Standard Web Discount

A standard discount schedule will apply to all Global Express Guaranteed items prepared and paid for on the Web that do not qualify for the volume discount schedule. The discount is automatically applied to each shipment.

216.333 Volume Discounts

If previous volume minimums are met, volume discounts will apply to registered customers who prepare and pay for shipments online. Volume is calculated on a weekly basis, with a week defined as Monday through Sunday. The Web application automatically tracks the customer's daily shipping activity and applies the appropriate discount based on delivery destination.

216.334 Determination of Volume Discounts

There are three different rate schedules for Global Express Guaranteed volume discounts. Each rate schedule reflects different rates based on previous usage averaging 5 shipments or more per week, 12 shipments or more per week, and 20 or more shipments per week.

The first week of shipping, all shipments get the standard online discount of 5 percent off the applicable non-discounted rate. The second week, the discount is based on the volume shipped the first week. The third week, the discount is based on the average volume of the first 2 weeks. The fourth week, the discount is based on the average volume of the first 3 weeks. This continues through a 12-week cycle. After a 12-week history is established, the discount is always based on the average volume of the preceding 12 weeks.

216.34 Online Postage Payment
216.341 Credit Card Payment

Customers must pay postage online using a credit card. The following credit cards are accepted for payment online: American Express, Diner's Club, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa.

216.342 Deposit Within 24 Hours

Customers paying postage online must enter their shipment via any of the methods outlined in 216.35 within 24 hours of the time when the label is printed or the transaction will be voided.

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216.343 Postage Adjustments

Use of the online service is subject to subsequent verification of the shipment upon acceptance by the Postal Service to verify that the payment, weight, and time of entry are accurate. Registration for online service constitutes an authorization to the Postal Service to make adjustments to the initial credit charge for any postage deficiencies discovered upon acceptance. Adjustments for items paid online will be made to the customer's credit card account.

216.344 Notification

An email notification will be provided to each customer showing the exact postage amount applicable for the online shipment, as well as the acceptance time and date.

216.35 Shipment Preparation and Deposit
216.351 Preparation

Customers must prepare shipments following the shipping preparation instructions on the Global Express Guaranteed Web site.

216.352 Deposit

The following choices are available for depositing Global Express Guaranteed shipments prepared online:

a. On-call and scheduled pickup services are available for an added charge of $13.25 for each pickup stop, regardless of the number of pieces picked up. Only one pickup fee will be charged if domestic Express Mail, International Express Mail, domestic Priority Mail, international parcel post, and/or domestic Parcel Post is picked up at the same time. No pickup fee will be charged when Global Express Guaranteed is picked up during a delivery stop or during a scheduled stop made to collect other mail not subject to a pickup fee. Pickup service is provided in accordance with the information in DMM 507.5; for more information, also visit the online site at A complete listing of participating Global Express Guaranteed Post Office facilities is available on the Web site at

b. Customers may present their online shipments at the retail counter of any participating Global Express Guaranteed Post Office facility.

c. Customers using the online postage payment option may drop shipments in collection boxes served by a participating Global Express Guaranteed Post Office facility.

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216.353 Acceptance of Online Shipments

For purposes of computing the delivery guarantee, Postal Service acceptance of a Global Express Guaranteed item prepared online occurs when the shipment is received and scanned at a participating Global Express Guaranteed Post Office facility. Collection box deposit and carrier pickup do not constitute Postal Service acceptance of a Global Express Guaranteed shipment. Acceptance occurs when the shipment is brought back to the Post Office facility and the acceptance office performs a retail system scan to verify the weight and dimensions of the shipment. The customer will receive an email verification of the acceptance date, time, and weight, as well as a verification of the amount of postage applicable for the shipment.

216.36 Discounted Rates
216.361 Document Rates With Standard Web Discount (Discounts apply only to customers who pay for postage online.)
Weight Not Over (lbs.) Rate Group 1 Rate Group 2 Rate Group 3 Rate Group 4 Rate Group 5 Rate Group 6 Rate Group 7 Rate Group 8
0.5 $24.00 $24.95 $32.05 $32.05 $45.15 $33.00 $33.95 $65.10
1 33.00 33.95 38.95 45.15 52.00 47.00 46.10 75.05
2 38.00 40.15 46.10 52.00 65.10 55.10 52.00 89.05
3 40.15 46.10 52.95 59.15 79.10 62.00 60.10 101.20
4 43.00 50.10 60.10 66.05 93.10 68.15 68.15 112.10
5 46.10 55.10 66.95 73.15 106.15 75.05 75.05 124.20
6 48.00 58.20 72.20 80.05 119.20 80.05 82.20 136.10
7 51.05 61.05 76.00 86.20 131.10 86.20 89.05 148.20
8 52.95 65.10 80.05 93.10 143.20 91.20 96.20 160.30
9 55.10 68.15 85.00 100.20 156.30 96.20 103.05 172.20
10 58.20 70.05 89.05 104.00 165.30 102.15 110.20 180.25
11 60.10 73.15 92.15 109.25 175.30 105.20 116.15 191.20
12 62.00 76.00 96.20 115.20 185.25 109.25 122.10 203.30
13 65.10 79.10 99.05 120.20 195.20 113.05 127.05 215.15
14 66.95 81.00 103.05 125.15 205.20 117.10 132.30 226.35
15 69.10 84.10 106.15 130.15 214.25 121.15 137.30 238.20
16 72.20 87.15 109.25 136.10 223.25 125.15 142.25 249.40
17 74.10 89.05 113.05 141.05 231.30 129.20 147.25 260.30
18 76.00 92.15 116.15 146.30 238.20 133.25 153.20 271.45
19 79.10 95.25 120.20 151.30 246.30 137.30 159.15 282.40
20 81.00 97.15 123.25 156.30 253.40 141.05 165.30 293.30
21 83.15 100.20 126.10 161.25 260.30 144.15 171.25 302.35
22 85.00 102.15 130.15 166.25 268.40 148.20 176.20 311.35
23 87.15 105.20 133.25 171.25 275.25 152.25 181.20 318.50
24 90.00 108.05 137.30 176.20 283.35 156.30 186.20 325.40
25 92.15 110.20 140.15 181.20 290.45 160.30 191.20 333.45
26 94.05 113.05 143.20 186.20 298.30 164.10 196.15 340.35
27 96.20 115.20 147.25 190.25 305.45 168.15 201.15 347.45
28 98.10 118.05 150.10 195.20 313.50 172.20 206.15 355.55
29 100.20 120.20 153.20 200.20 320.40 176.20 211.40 362.45
30 103.05 124.20 158.15 207.35 331.30 182.15 216.35 373.60
31 105.20 127.05 162.20 212.35 338.45 186.20 221.35 381.40
32 107.10 129.20 165.30 217.30 346.50 190.25 226.35 388.55
33 109.25 131.10 169.35 222.30 353.40 194.30 231.30 396.65
34 112.10 132.30 172.20 227.30 361.45 198.30 236.30 403.50
35 114.25 134.20 175.30 232.30 369.55 202.35 241.30 411.60
36 116.15 136.10 179.30 236.30 376.45 206.15 246.30 418.50
37 118.05 138.20 182.15 241.30 384.50 210.20 251.25 426.55
38 120.20 140.15 186.20 246.30 391.40 214.25 256.25 433.70
39 122.10 142.25 189.30 251.25 398.55 218.25 261.25 440.55
40 124.20 144.15 192.15 256.25 404.45 222.30 266.25 448.65
41 126.10 146.30 196.15 261.25 411.60 226.35 271.45 455.50
42 $130.15 $148.20 $199.25 $266.25 $418.50 $230.40 $276.45 $463.60
43 132.30 150.10 203.30 271.45 425.60 234.40 281.45 470.70
44 134.20 151.30 206.15 276.45 432.50 238.20 286.45 478.55
45 137.30 153.20 210.20 280.25 439.60 242.25 291.40 485.70
46 139.20 155.10 213.25 285.45 446.50 246.30 296.40 492.60
47 141.05 156.30 216.35 290.45 452.65 250.30 301.40 500.65
48 143.20 158.15 220.40 295.45 459.55 254.35 306.40 507.75
49 146.30 160.30 223.25 300.45 466.70 258.40 311.35 515.60
50 148.20 163.15 229.20 308.50 478.55 264.35 316.35 528.70
51 152.25 165.30 232.30 313.50 485.70 264.35 321.35 543.65
52 154.15 167.20 236.30 318.50 492.60 272.40 326.30 543.65
53 156.30 169.35 239.40 323.50 499.70 276.45 331.30 559.80
54 159.15 170.30 243.20 328.45 506.60 280.25 336.55 559.80
55 160.30 172.20 246.30 333.45 513.70 283.35 341.50 572.85
56 162.20 173.15 250.30 338.45 520.60 288.35 346.50 572.85
57 163.15 175.30 253.40 343.45 527.75 291.40 351.50 584.75
58 164.10 176.20 256.25 348.40 533.65 296.40 356.50 584.75
59 166.25 178.15 260.30 353.40 540.80 299.50 361.45 597.80
60 167.20 180.25 263.40 358.40 547.65 304.50 366.45 597.80
61 169.35 181.20 267.45 363.40 554.80 307.30 371.45 612.75
62 170.30 182.15 270.25 367.40 560.75 313.50 376.45 612.75
63 171.25 184.30 274.30 372.40 568.80 315.40 381.40 627.70
64 172.20 185.25 277.40 377.40 571.65 321.35 386.40 627.70
65 173.15 187.15 281.45 382.60 582.80 323.50 391.40 642.90
66 174.35 188.35 284.30 387.60 582.80 329.40 396.65 642.90
67 175.30 190.25 287.40 392.60 593.75 331.30 401.60 657.90
68 176.20 192.15 291.40 397.55 595.90 337.50 406.60 657.90
69 177.20 193.30 294.50 402.55 604.65 339.40 411.60 672.85
70 178.15 194.30 298.30 407.55 604.65 345.55 416.60 672.85
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