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DMM TOC > Index and Appendices A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z absentee balloting materials, 703.8.0 accelerated reply mail, 508.5.8 additional entry for Periodicals, 707.30.0 authorization, 707.30.2 cancellation, 707.30.5 fee, 707.1.4 address correction services, 507.4.0 address element correction, 507.7.4, 507.7.5 Address Information System (AIS) products, 509.1.0 detached address labels (DALs), 602.4.0 Periodicals, 707.3.2.2 accuracy, 708.3.0 verification of, 708.3.5 address placement, 602.1.0 parcels, 102.3.3 Periodicals, 707.3.3.3 address quality standards, flats First-Class Mail, 333.5.1 Standard Mail, 343.7.1 barcoded pieces, 333.5.5, 343.7.4, 363.6.4 Bound Printed Matter, 363.5.4 carrier route code accuracy, 343.6.2, 363.5.4 enhanced carrier route, 343.6.1.2 Bound Printed Matter, 363.3.1 First-Class Mail, 333.3.3 Standard Mail, 343.3.3 Move Update, 333.3.5 Bound Printed Matter, 363.4.3 First-Class Mail, 333.3.6 Standard Mail, 343.3.8 address quality standards, general Alternative Addressing Format, 602.3.0 Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS), 708.3.0 address quality standards, letters and cards First-Class Mail, 233.5.1 Standard Mail, 243.7.1 automation enhanced carrier route, First-Class Mail, 233.5.5 Standard Mail, 243.7.5 First-Class Mail, 233.5.3 Standard Mail, 243.6.2 enhanced carrier route, First-Class Mail, 233.3.0 Standard Mail, 243.5.1 Move Update, 233.3.5 First-Class Mail, 233.3.6 Standard Mail, 243.3.8 address quality standards, parcels Bound Printed Matter, 463.5.2 Standard Mail, 443.6.2 enhanced carrier route, 443.6.1 Bound Printed Matter, 463.5.1 First-Class Mail, 433.3.0 Standard Mail, 443.5.1 Move Update, 433.3.5 Bound Printed Matter, 463.4.3 First-Class Mail, 433.3.6 Standard Mail, 443.3.8 address quality standards, Periodicals barcoded/automation, 707.14.1.1 carrier route, 707.13.1.2 general, 707.12.1.2 address sequencing services, 507.8.0 Address Change Service (ACS), 507.4.2 address correction, 507.4.1 carrier route schemes, 507.9.4 Delivery Statistics Product, 507.9.1 FASTforward, 507.4.3 mailing list services, 507.7.0 fees, 507.7.1 sequencing for cards and electronic files, 507.8.0 fees, 507.8.1 addressee, See recipient services alternative addressing formats, 602.3.0 First-Class Mail, 233.5.5 Standard Mail, 243.7.5 Bound Printed Matter, 363.6.4 First-Class Mail, 333.5.5 Standard Mail, 343.7.4 Periodicals, 707.14.5 change of address, 507.2.1 commercial mail receiving agencies, 602.2.3 detached address labels (DALs), 602.4.0 elements of a complete address, 602.1.4, 602.1.5 exceptional address, 602.3.4 military mail, 703.2.2 "occupant"-style addressing, 602.3.3.1 Periodicals, 707.3.2 return address, 602.1.5 simplified address, 602.3.2 ZIP Code, 602.1.8 advance deposit account, 604.6.4 nonprofit and classroom Periodicals, 707.10.1.3 nonprofit Standard Mail, 703.1.6 pandering, 508.8.1 Periodicals, 707.4.13 sexually-oriented material, 508.9.0 aerosols, 601.2.5 Science-of-Agriculture, 707.1.2, 707.11.2 State Departments of Agriculture, 707.6.3 USDA, 703.7.3.2 air transportation prohibitions for hazardous materials, 601.10.10 Alternate Mailing System (AMS), 705.4.0 ancillary service endorsements address service requested, 507.1.0 change service requested, 507.1.0 class of mail, explanation by, 507.1.0 BPRS Standard Mail, 507.1.5.3k. Express Mail, 507.1.5.5 First-Class Mail and Priority Mail, 507.1.5.1 Standard Mail, 507.1.5.3 Package Services, 507.1.5.4 Periodicals, 507.1.5.2 flats, 302.4.4 letters and cards, 202.4.4 parcels, 402.3.4 retail, 102.4.4 electronic service requested, 507.1.0 forwarding service requested, 507.1.0 flats, 302.4.0 letters and cards, 202.4.0 parcels, 402.3.0 retail, 102.4.0 return service requested, 507.1.0 temp-return service requested, 507.1.0 ACS participant codes, 507.4.2.5 flats, 302.4.4 letters and cards, 202.4.4 parcels, 402.3.4 retail, 102.4.4 flats, 302.4.0 letters and cards, 202.4.0 parcels, 402.3.3 adult fowl, 601.9.3.4 bees, 601.9.3.7 cold-blooded, 601.9.3.3 container for mailing, 601.9.3.10 day-old poultry, 601.9.3.2 dead, 601.9.4 furs or pelts, 601.9.5 insects, 601.9.3.8 nonmailable, 601.9.7 scorpions, 601.9.3.9 special permits for animals mailed to Pacific islands, 601.9.3.6 warm-blooded, 601.9.3.5 APO, See military mail appeals for decision made about mailing standards, 607.2.0 appeals for Post Office box and caller service, 508.4.9.3, 508.5.7.3 Armed Forces, mail sent by, 703.4.0 aspect ratio, 201.3.7 Automated Flat Sorting Machine 100 (AFSM 100), See automation flats automation cards, 201.3.0 automation discount, 243.4.2 enclosed in letters, 201.3.14 labels, 201.3.13 First-Class Mail, 235.6.0 Standard Mail, 245.7.0 size, 201.1.0 tabs and wafer seals, 201.3.10 automation flats, general 301.3.0 Bound Printed Matter, 363.6.0 First-Class Mail, 333.5.5 Standard Mail, 343.7.4, attachments, 301.3.6.2 automation discount, 346.4.2 Bound Printed Matter, 363.6.0 First-Class Mail, 301.3.0, 333.5.0 labels, 301.1.8 First-Class Mail, 335.6.0 Standard, 345.7.0 Bound Printed Matter, 365.7.0 polywrap, 301.1.5 Periodicals, 707.14.0 addressing, 707.14.5 mail preparation, 707.25.0 reply mail enclosed in an automation flat, 201.3.17 size, 301.3.0 size, 301.3.2 staples, 301.3.4.2 Standard Mail, 343.7.0 tabs and wafer seals, 301.3.4 uniformity, 301.3.6 automation letters, general 201.3.0 First-Class Mail, 233.5.5 Standard Mail, 243.7.5 automation discount, 243.4.2 First-Class Mail, 233.5.0 enhanced carrier route, 243.6.1 heavy letters, 201.3.6, labels, 201.3.12 First-Class Mail, 235.6.0 Standard Mail, 245.7.0 Periodicals, 707.14.0 addressing, 707.14.5 mail preparation, 707.24.0 reply mail enclosed in an automation letter, 201.3.17 size, 201.3.3 Standard Mail, 243.7.0 tabs and wafer seals, 201.3.10 different payment methods, 705.5.0 reply mail enclosed in mailing, 201.3.17 automation parcels, See barcoded parcels ballots, 703.8.0 Parcel Post, 101.7.1 Priority Mail, 101.5.3 barcoded parcels, 708.5.0 flats, 302.5.6 letters, 202.5.7 letters, 202.5.1 machinable parcels, 402.4.2 certification, 708.4.6 container labels, 708.6.0 dimensions and spacing, 708.4.2.5 human-readable information, 708.5.10 inserts, 202.5.8 letters and cards, 202.5.0, 708.4.0 reflectance, 708.4.4 second barcode on flats, 302.5.3 skew, 708.4.5 5-digit barcode, 708.4.2.2 letters, 202.5.4 flats, 302.5.4 concatenated, 708.5.3 Confirm, 503.13.3 Delivery Confirmation, 503.9.4, 708.5.3 delivery point barcode (DPBC), 708.4.2.4 flats, 302.5.5 letters, 202.5.6 Four-State Customer Barcode, See Intelligent Mail barcode integrated, 708.5.3 Intelligent Mail barcode, 708.4.3 PLANET Code barcode, 503.13.3 POSTNET barcode, 708.4.2 Signature Confirmation, 708.5.3, 503.10.4 USS Code, 708.5.1 GS1-128, 708.5.1 flats, 302.5.4 general, 708.4.2.3 letters, 202.5.4 window envelope, 202.5.9 - 202.5.11 battery-powered devices, 601.11.17 lithium, 601.10.20 primary (non-rechargeable) cells, 601.10.20.5 secondary (rechargeable) cells, 601.10.20.6 nonspillable batteries, 601.10.19.4 beer, 601.11.7 bees, 601.9.3.7 retail, 113.3.0 commercial, 413.2.0 commercial flats, 333.2.2 commercial letters, 233.2.2 commercial parcels, 433.2.2 retail mail, 133.3.2 Priority Mail, 123.3.0 solicitations in guise of, 601.12.1 biological products, 601.10.17.2b bird stamp, for hunting migratory birds, 509.2.1 blind, free matter for, 703.5.0 what may be mailed, 703.5.2, 703.5.3 who is qualified, 703.5.1.3 blood, 601.10.17 packaging for mailing, 601.7.2 Bound Printed Matter, commercial flats annual destination entry mailing fee, 366.3.4 attachments, 363.3.3 barcoded flats, 301.3.2 carrier route accuracy, 363.5.4 cobundling, 705.11.4 combined with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 combined with other Package Services, 705.7.0 computing postage, 363.1.0 content standards, 363.2.0 cotraying and cosacking bundles, 705.9.4 deposit, 366.3.9 appeals, 366.3.9.11 nonpresorted pieces, 366.1.1 scheduling appointments, 366.3.9.3 verification, 366.2.1 destination entry discount, 366.3.0 documentation, 364.2.0 carrier route mail, 364.2.7 facsimile postage statements, 364.2.10 machinable mail, 364.2.3 multiple mailings, 364.2.9 standard format, 364.2.7 drop shipments, 366.2.6 eligibility, 363 barcoded pieces, 363.6.0 basic, 363.3.0 carrier route, 363.5.0 machinable, 363.5.0 enclosures, 363.3.3 DNDC entry, 366.4.0 DDU entry, 366.6.0 destination entry, 366.3.0 verification, 366.2.1 DSCF entry, 366.5.0 general standards, 301.2.3.1 invoices, 363.3.3.1 markings required on mailpiece, 302.1.0, 302.3.2.2 postage payment options, 364.1.0 preparation of mail, 365 barcoded flats, 365.7.0 carrier route flats, 365.6.0 bundles of flats on pallets, 705.8.10.4 bundling for mail on pallets, 705.8.9.5 presorted flats, 365.5.0 sacks of flats on pallets, 705.8.10.4 machinable mail, 365.7.0 optional endorsement lines, 365.2.11 carrier route info lines, 365.2.11 sacks, 365.3.0 barcoded flats, 363.6.1 carrier route prices, 363.4.1 DNDC prices, 366.4.0 DDU prices, 366.6.0 DSCF prices, 366.5.0 nonpresorted prices, 363.1.1 presorted prices, 363.5.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight standards, 301.2.3 written additions, 363.3.4 ZIP Code accuracy, 363.4.3 Bound Printed Matter, commercial parcels annual destination entry mailing fee, 466.3.4 attachments, 463.3.3 barcoded parcels, 465.7.0 carrier route accuracy, 463.5.2 combined with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 combined with other Package Services, 705.9.4 computing postage, 463.1.0 content standards, 463.2.0 deposit, 466.3.9 appeals, 466.3.9.11 nonpresorted pieces, 466.1.0 scheduling appointments, 466.3.9.3 verification, 466.2.1 barcoded machinable parcels, 465.7.1 destination entry, 466.3.0 documentation, 464.2.0 facsimile postage statements, 464.2.8 multiple mailings, 464.2.7 drop shipments, 466.2.6 eligibility, 463 carrier route, 463.5.0 mailings, 463.3.0 enclosures, 463.3.3 DNDC entry, 466.4.0 DDU entry, 466.6.0 destination entry, 466.3.0 verification, 466.2.1 DSCF entry, 466.5.0 general standards, 401.2.6.1 invoices, 463.3.3.1 markings required on each mailpiece, 402.2.4 carrier route irregular parcels, 465.6.2, 465.6.3 carrier route parcels, 465.6.1.1 presorted irregular parcels, 465.5.2, 465.5.3 presorted parcels, 465.5.1.1 nonmachinable parcels, 401.2.6 postage payment options, 464.1.0 preparation of mail, 465 bundles of irregular parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5 bundling, 465.2.0 bundling for mail on pallets, 705.8.9.5 carrier route irregular parcels, 465.6.2, 465.6.3 carrier route machinable parcels, 465.6.4 combined machinable parcels, 465.6.4 combining parcels, 465.1.4 machinable parcels on pallets, 705.8.10 optional endorsement lines, 465.2.10 - 465.2.11 carrier route info lines, 465.2.10 presorted irregular parcels, 465.5.2, 465.5.3 presorted machinable parcels, 465.5.4, 465.5.5 sacks of irregular parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5 prices and fees, Price List carrier route prices, 463.4.1, DNDC prices, 466.4.0 DDU prices, 466.6.0 DSCF prices, 466.5.0 nonpresorted prices, 463.1.1 presorted prices, 463.5.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight standards, 401.1.0, 401.2.6 written additions, 463.3.4 ZIP Code accuracy, 463.4.3 acceptable sizes and load, 601.3.2 Post Office boxes, 508.4.0 bulk mail, See commercial mail Network Distribution Center (NDC) acceptance Parcel Post, 156.1.4 Bound Printed Matter, 366.2.5 Bound Printed Matter, 466.2.5 Parcel Select, 456.1.4 bulk parcel return service (BPRS), 507.12.0 annual accounting fee, 507.12.1.2 annual permit fee, 507.12.1.1, 507.12.2.1 application for a permit, 507.12.4.1 fees, 507.12.1 general information, 507.12.3 label format, 507.12.6 label placement, 507.12.5 label example, 507.12.6 postage and fees, application, 507.12.2 pallets, 705.8.5.7 - 705.8.5.12 counter-stacking, 705.8.5.8 labeling bundles of mail, 705.8.5.10 securing bundles of mail, 705.8.5.11 facing slips for carrier route mail Standard Mail, 245.2.10 First-Class Mail, 235.2.0 First-Class Mail, 235.2.8 Standard Mail, 245.2.8 First-Class Mail, 235.2.4 Standard Mail, 245.2.4 Standard Mail, 245.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.4 Library Mail, 385.2.4 Media Mail, 375.2.4 Standard Mail, 345.2.4 facing slips for carrier route mail Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.12 Standard Mail, 345.2.13 First-Class Mail, 335.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.10 First-Class Mail, 335.2.8 Library Mail, 385.2.9 Media Mail, 375.2.9 Standard Mail, 345.2.11 Library Mail, 385.2.0 Media Mail, 375.2.0 Standard Mail, 345.2.6 Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.5 First-Class Mail, 335.2.4 Library Mail, 385.2.5 Media Mail, 375.2.5 Standard Mail, 345.2.5 Standard Mail, 345.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.4 Library Mail, 485.2.4 Media Mail, 475.2.4 Standard Mail, 445.2.6 facing slips for carrier route mail Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.11 Standard Mail, 445.2.11 Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.9 Library Mail, 485.2.8 Media Mail, 475.2.8 Standard Mail, 445.2.9 Library Mail, 485.2.0 Media Mail, 475.2.0 First-Class Mail, 435.2.0 Standard Mail, 445.3.0 Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.5 Library Mail, 485.2.5 Media Mail, 475.2.5 Standard Mail, 445.2.5 Standard Mail, 445.2.0 bundles of Periodicals, 707.19.0 counter-stacking, 707.19.3 facing slips for carrier route mail, 707.19.15 labeling bundles of mail, 707.19.13 sacks, 707.19.8 securing bundles of mail, 707.19.4 Business Mail, See commercial mail business reply mail (BRM), 507.9.0 annual accounting fee, 507.9.6.4 annual permit, renewal, 507.9.5.4 application for a permit, 507.9.5.2 distributed by agents of the permit holder, 507.9.11 fees and per piece charges, 507.9.1 general information, 507.9.4 how annual accounting fee is applied, 507.9.6.3 how annual permit fee is applied, 507.9.5.3 how postage and fees are applied, 507.9.6 official U.S. government mail, 703.7.11 physical characteristics, 507.9.7 qualified business reply mail (QBRM), 507.9.3, 507.9.10 refunds for postage affixed to business reply mail, 604.9.2.10 sample of business reply mail, 507.9.8.1 weight-averaged business reply mail, 507.9.12 caller service, 508.5.0 accelerated reply mail, 508.5.8 appeals, 508.5.7.3 application for service, 508.5.3.1 refunds, 508.5.6 reserved caller service number, 508.5.2.6 reserved caller service number fee, 508.5.1 automation, See automation cards First-Class Mail 235.2.3 Standard Mail, 245.2.3 Periodicals, 707.19.5 double cards (double postcards) commercial mail, retail mail, eligibility for First-Class Mail card prices retail mail,, 133.1.0 commercial mail, 233.6.1 commercial mail, 233.1.0 retail mail, 133.1.0 First-Class Mail, 333.5.6 letters, 201.3.14 First-Class Mail, 233.5.6 Standard Mail, 243.7.6 Standard Mail, 343.7.5 Periodicals, 707.14.1.2 commercial mail, 201.1.2 retail mail, See also Bound Printed Matter, general; Enhanced Carrier Route (ECR); Periodicals; Standard Mail, general carrier route information lines, 708.8.0 carrier route schemes, 509.1.4 submitting cards for sequencing, 507.8.3 Bound Printed Matter, 363.5.4 Standard Mail, 343.6.2 carrier route information lines Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.11 Standard Mail, 345.2.12 Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.12 Standard Mail, 345.2.13 Standard Mail, 345.6.9, 345.6.10 Standard Mail, 243.6.2 carrier route information lines Standard Mail, 245.2.9 Standard Mail, 245.2.10 Standard Mail, 245.6.8 Bound Printed Matter, 463.5.2 Standard Mail, 443.6.2 carrier route information lines, Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.10 Standard Mail, 445.2.10 Bound Printed Matter, 465.2.11 Standard Mail, 445.2.11 Standard Mail, 445.7.6, 445.7.7 carrier route information lines, 707.19.14 facing slips on bundles, 707.19.15 sequencing requirements, 707.23.8, 707.23.9 CASS-Certified Software, 708.3.2.3 Certificate of Mailing, 503.5.0 bulk quantities, 503.5.2.4 fees, 503.3.1 other extra services that can be added, 503.5.2.6 what may be mailed, 503.5.2 Certified Mail, 503.3.0 fees, 503.3.1 filling out label, 503.3.3.5 other extra services that can be added, 503.3.2.3 requesting a delivery record, 503.3.3.5 required label, 503.3.3.3 what may be mailed, 503.3.2.2 submitting, 507.2.1 cigarette lighters, 601.10.13.4 City State Product, 507.9.2, 509.1.0 claims, 609 criteria for approval, 609.4.1 filing, 609.1.0 filing a duplicate claim, 609.1.7 reasons for denial, 609.4.3 time limit for filing, 609.1.4 clinical specimens, 601.10.17 Coding Accuracy Support System (CASS), 708.3.0 certification and testing, 708.3.6 dates for matching and coding, 708.3.3 documentation submitted with a mailing, 708.3.5 software certification and configuration, 708.3.2 deposit for Priority Mail, 126.1.0 deposit for First-Class Mail, 136.1.0 Collect on Delivery (COD), 503.11.0 combined with Express Mail, 503.11.2.5 combined with registered mail, 503.11.2.4 delivery of COD items, 503.11.5 fees, 503.11.1 filing a claim, 609 mailing instructions, 503.11.4 other extra services that can be added, 503.11.2.3 required forms, 503.11.3 what may be mailed, 503.11.2.2 where to mail, 503.11.4.6 First-Class Mail or Standard Mail with different payment methods, 705.5.0 Media Mail and Bound Printed Matter, 703.9.6 multiple editions or publications of a periodical, 707.27.0 First-Class Mail, 230 Standard Mail, 240 Bound Printed Matter, 360 First-Class Mail, 330 Library Mail, 380 Media Mail, 370 Standard Mail, 340 Bound Printed Matter, 460 Express Mail, 410 First-Class Mail, 430 Library Mail, 480 Media Mail, 470 Parcel Select, 450 Priority Mail, 420 Standard Mail, 440 commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA) addressing requirements, 508.1.9 delivery to, 508.1.5 forwarding mail to CMRA customers, 507.2.2.7 commingled mail, 455.1.7, 705.8.14.4 complaints, 608.6.0 commercial flats, 363.1.1.6 commercial parcels, 463.1.1.5 commercial flats, 333.1.5 commercial letters, 233.1.6 commercial parcels, 433.1.6 retail mail, 133.1.6 commercial flats, 383.1.6 commercial parcels, 483.1.5 commercial flats, 373.1.6 commercial parcels, 473.1.5 commercial parcels, 453.1.4 retail mail, 153.1.4 - 153.1.5 Periodicals, 707.2.2 retail, 123.1.10 commercial, 423.1.10 commercial flats, 343.1.5 commercial letters, 243.1.6 commercial parcels, 443.1.5 general, 604.7.0 conditions of mail delivery, 508.2.0 confirm, 503.13.0 confirmation, See Delivery Confirmation and Signature Confirmation addressing, 703.6.2.1 - 703.6.2.3 delivery, 703.6.2.4, 703.6.2.5 contact information, 608.8.0 boxes, 601.3.2 envelopes, 601.3.1 paper bags and wraps, 601.3.4 plastic bags and film, 601.3.5 - 601.3.6 content identifier numbers (CINs), 708.6.2.4 content markings, 601.5.2 contraceptives and abortion devices, 601.11.18 controlling mail delivery, 508.2.0 cooperative mailing, 703.1.6.3 copalletize, 705.8.7 copyrights of the USPS, 608.7.2 corporate accounts, 414.2.0 corrosives, 601.10.19 courtesy reply mail (CRM), customer mail receptacles, 508.3.0 Customized MarketMail, 705.1.0 bundling and labeling, 705.1.4.6 containerization, 705.1.4.7 documentation, 705.1.4.4 eligibility, 705.1.1.2 endorsements, 705.1.4.2 mail preparation, 705.1.4 physical standards, 705.1.1.3 postage options, 705.1.4.3 prices, 705.1.2 cushioning, 601.4.0 filing claims for loss or damage, 609 dangerous materials, 601.10.0 dead mail, 507.1.9 city delivery service, 508.2.1 highway contract delivery service, 508.2.3 rural delivery service, 508.2.2 Delivery Confirmation, 503.9.0 barcodes on privately printed labels, 503.9.4 electronic file transmission for electronic option, 503.9.5 electronic option, 503.9.2.3 fees, 503.9.1 other extra services that can be added, 503.9.2.6 required labels, 503.9.3 retail option, 503.9.2.5 what may be mailed, 503.9.2.4 where to mail, 503.9.6 delivery of mail, 508.1.0, 508.2.0 accountable mail, 508.1.1.7 agent, 508.1.5 commercial mail receiving agency, 508.1.9 delivery to addressee only, See restricted delivery Express Mail, 508.1.1.7 hotels, institutions, and schools, 508.1.7 individual at a business, 508.1.6 military units, 703.2.7 refusal by addressee, 508.1.1 letters, flats, 333.5.5.3 Delivery Statistics File, 509.1.1 general, 509.1.5 Department of State mail, 703.3.0 prohibited material, 703.3.2.2 prices, 703.3.2.4 weight, 703.3.2.3 Bound Printed Matter, 366 First-Class Mail, 336 Library Mail, 386 Media Mail, 376 Standard Mail, 346 First-Class Mail, 236 Standard Mail, 246 Bound Printed Matter, 466 Express Mail, 416 First-Class Mail, 436 Library Mail, 486 Media Mail, 476 Parcel Select, 456 Priority Mail, 426 Standard Mail, 446 nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter, 366.1.1 Periodicals, 707.28.0 Express Mail, 116 First-Class Mail, 136 Library Mail, 186 Media Mail, 176 Parcel Select, 156 Priority Mail, 126 indicia design, 604.4.0 reproductions of copyrighted material, 608.7.2.3 destination entry, See price eligibility under individual classes of mail destination entry mailing fee, See mailing fees detached address labels (DALs), 602.4.0 alternative addressing formats, 602.4.1.5 Bound Printed Matter, 602.4.1.4 disposing of undeliverable material, 602.4.4.1 documentation, 602.4.1.6 label preparation, 602.4.2 mail preparation, 602.4.3 Periodicals, 602.4.1.2 postage computation, 602.4.5 Standard Mail, 602.4.1.3 undeliverable DALs, 602.4.4.2 commercial flats, 301 commercial letters, 201 commercial parcels, 401 retail mail, 101 retail, 123.1.4 commercial, 423.1.6 direct mail, See commercial mail Library Mail, 184.2.3 First-Class Mail, 234.4.0 Standard Mail, 244.4.0 Bound Printed Matter, 364.2.0 First-Class Mail, 334.4.0 Library Mail, 384.2.0 Media Mail, 374.2.0 Standard Mail, 344.4.0 Bound Printed Matter, 464.2.0 First-Class Mail, 434.3.0 Library Mail, 484.2.0 Media Mail, 474.2.0 Parcel Select, 454.1.4 Priority Mail, 424.2.3 Standard Mail, 444.3.0 Periodicals, 707.17.0 standardized, 708.1.0 double cards (double postcards), see cards drop box, See collection box drop shipment, 705.15.0, 705.16.0, 705.18.0 Express Mail Open and Distribute, 705.16.0 metered mail drop shipment, 705.18.0 plant-verified drop shipment, 705.15.0 Priority Mail Open and Distribute, 705.16.0 drug paraphernalia, 601.11.12 drugs, 601.11.11 dry ice, 601.10.20.4 duck stamp, See bird stamp, for hunting migratory birds qualifying for Media Mail prices commercial flats, 373.2.0, 373.3.0 commercial parcels, 473.2.0, 473.3.0 qualifying for Library Mail prices commercial flats, 383.2.0 commercial parcels, 483.2.0, 483.3.0 election boards, mailing list services, 507.7.3.4, 507.7.7 Electronic Verification System (eVS), 705.2.9 incidental First-Class Mail, 703.9.5 Package Services, 703.9.4 Periodicals, 703.9.3 Standard Mail, 703.9.4 endorsements, See ancillary service endorsements See also carrier route, general and Standard Mail, general flats, 343.6.3, letters, 243.6.3, parcels,443.6.3 eligibility for automation prices, 243.6.0 flats, 343.6.4, letters, 243.6.4, parcels,443.6.4 flats, 343.6.0 letters, 243.6.0 parcels, 443.6.0 flats, 343.6.5 letters, 243.6.5 parcels, 443.6.5 Bound Printed Matter, 366 First-Class Mail, 336 Library Mail, 386 Media Mail, 376 Standard Mail, 346 First-Class Mail, 236 Standard Mail, 246 Bound Printed Matter, 466 Express Mail, 416 First-Class Mail, 436 Library Mail, 486 Media Mail, 476 Parcel Select, 456 Priority Mail, 426 Standard Mail, 446 Periodicals, 707.29.0, 707.30.0 Express Mail, 115.1.0, 601.6.1 green bordered, 601.6.2 Priority Mail, 125.1.1, 601.6.1 reusable, 601.6.4 window envelopes, 601.6.3 with postage preprinted by USPS, See stamped stationery exceptional dispatch for Periodicals, 707.28.3 how to apply, 707.28.3.5 prices, 707.28.3.4 expedited services, 604.5.3.5, 705.16.5.8 experimental classifications and prices, 709 Negotiated Service Agreements, 709.1.0 explosives, 601.10.11 computing postage, 113.1.2, 413.1.2, 413.1.8 combined with COD, 503.11.2.5 combined with other classes of mail, 703.2.0 drop shipment, 705.16.0 extra services, 503.1.0 filing a claim, 609.1.0 Flat Rate Envelope, 113.1.4, 413.1.5 insurance, 503.1.1 manifest mail agreements, 705.2.6 drop shipment, 705.16.5 Pickup on Demand service, 507.6.0 postage payment options, 114, 414 postage refunds, 604.9.5 Custom Designed, 413.4.4 Express Mail Military Service, 703.2.6 Next Day Delivery, 113.4.2, 413.4.2 Second Day Delivery, 113.4.3, 413.4.3 prices, retail, 113.1.0; commercial, Price List refunds, 604.9.5 reship service, 507.6.6.1 size, 101.1.0 - 101.4.0, 401.1.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.5 Express Mail Open and Distribute, 705.16.0 extra services, 503 Certified Mail, 503.3.0 Certificate of Mailing, 503.5.0 Collect on Delivery (COD), 503.11.0 Confirm, 503.13.0 Delivery Confirmation, 503.9.0 Express Mail, for, 503.1.0 Insured Mail, 503.4.0 Registered Mail, 503.2.0 Restricted Delivery, 503.7.0 Return Receipt, 503.6.0 Return Receipt for Merchandise, 503.8.0 Signature Confirmation, 503.10.0 Special Handling, 503.12.0 forwarding mail with extra services, 507.2.3.7, 507.4.4.2 holding mail with extra services, 507.4.4.4 money orders, 503.14.0 treatment of undeliverable mail, 507.1.4.5 with mixed classes of mail, 703.9.13 content, 601.5.0 insured mail, 503.4.3.3, 503.4.3.6 commercial flats, 302 commercial letters, 202 commercial parcels, 402 retail mail, 102 facing identification mark (FIM), 708.9.0 facing slip, See carrier route, general FASTforward, 507.4.3 federal government, See official mail Express Mail, 113.1.0 First-Class Mail, 133.1.0 Parcel Post, 153.1.0 Priority Mail, 123.1.0 Library Mail, 183.1.0 Media Mail, 173.1.0 commercial letters, see Price List for the following: commercial flats, see Price List for the following: commercial parcels, see Price List for the following: Periodicals, Price List filing claims, 609 antiques, 601.11.2 definitions, 601.11.1.1 pistols, revolvers, and other concealable firearms, 601.11.1 rifles and shotguns, 601.11.3 who may mail, 601.11.1.3, 601.11.1.5, 601.11.1.7 firm holdout, 508.7.0 First-Class Mail, commercial flats alternate payment methods, 705.5.0 annual mailing fee, 333.1.4, 333.3.4 automation mailings, 333.5.0 address standards, 333.5.5 cobundling, 335.6.8 combined with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 computing postage, 333.1.1, 333.1.2, 333.1.6 content standards, 333.2.0 cotraying and cosacking bundles, 335.6.8 deposit of, 336 documentation for mailings, 334.4.0 facsimile postage statements, 334.4.10 multiple mailings, 334.4.9 standard format, 334.4.7, 708.9.0 eligibility standards, 333 automation, 333.5.0 nonautomation, 333.4.0 incidental enclosure with another class of mail, 703.9.5 mail preparation, 335 automation, 335.6.0 bundles, 335.2.0 nonautomation flats, 335.5.4 combining presorted mailings, 335.6.8 combined automation and presorted flats, 705.9.1, 705.11.1 nonautomation, 335.5.0 optional tray-based preparation, 335.6.6 trays, 335.3.0 tray labels, 335.4.0 markings required on each mailpiece automation, 335.6.3 general, 302.3.0 mixed mail, 703.9.7 presorted prices, 335.5.1 Move Update standard, 333.3.5 nonmachinable surcharge, 333.4.3 postage payment methods, 334 automation prices, 334.3.0 presorted prices, 334.2.0 postage statements, 334.4.0 presort mailing fee, 333.3.4 presort verification, 336.2.0 automation, 333.5.0 prices and fees, Price List reply cards and envelopes, 333.5.6 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.1 verifying a mailing, 336.2.0 weight, 301.2.1 ZIP Code accuracy, 333.3.6 First-Class Mail, commercial letters alternate payment methods, 705.5.0 annual mailing fee, 233.1.5, 233.3.4 automation mailings, 233.5.0 address standards, 233.5.5 combined with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 computing postage, 233.1.2, 233.1.6 content standards, 233.2.0 deposit, 236 documentation, 234.4.0 facsimile postage statements, 234.4.10 multiple mailings, 234.4.9 standard format, 234.4.7, 708.9.0 eligibility standards, 233 automation, 233.5.0 nonautomation, 233.4.0 incidental enclosure with another class of mail, 703.9.5 mail preparation, 235 automation letters, 235.6.0 bundles, 235.2.0 nonautomation, 235.5.0 presorted machinable cards and letters, 235.5.2 presorted nonmachinable cards and letters, 235.5.3 trays, 235.3.0 tray labels, 235.4.0 markings required on each mailpiece for presorted prices, 235.5.1 general, 202.3.0 mixed mail, 703.9.7 Move Update standard, 233.3.5 postage payment methods, 234 automation, 234.3.0 presorted, 234.2.0 postage statements, 234.4.0 presort mailing fee, 233.3.4 presort verification, 236.2.0 automation, 233.5.0 presorted, 233.3.0, 233.4.0, 233.6.0 prices and fees, Price List reply cards and envelopes, 233.5.6 standardized documentation, 234.4.7 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.1 verifying a mailing, 236.2.0 ZIP Code accuracy, 233.3.6 First-Class Mail, commercial parcels alternate payment methods, 705.5.0 annual mailing fee, 433.3.5 combined with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 computing postage, 433.1.1, 433.1.6 content standards, 433.2.0 deposit of, 436.1.0 documentation, 434.3.0 facsimile postage statements, 434.3.8 standard format, 434.3.5, 708.9.0 eligibility standards, 433 incidental enclosure with another class of mail, 703.9.5 mail preparation, 435 nonautomation, 435.4.0 sacks, 435.2.0 sack labels, 435.3.0 markings required on each mailpiece presorted prices, 435.4.1 general, 402.1.0 mixed mail, 703.9.7 Move Update standard, 433.3.5 nonmachinable surcharge, 433.3.4 postage payment methods, 434 postage statements, 334.3.0 presort mailing fee, 433.3.4 presort verification, 436.2.0 presorted, 433.4.0 prices and fees, Price List standardized documentation, 434.3.5 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.1 verifying a mailing, 436.2.0 ZIP Code accuracy, 433.3.6 computing postage, 133.1.0 content standards, 133.3.0 deposit of, 136 eligibility standards, 133.2.0 keys and identification devices, 133.1.4, 133.1.4 mail preparation, 102.4.3, 135 markings required on each mailpiece, 102.4.3, 135.1.1 nonmachinable surcharge, 101.1.2,, 133.1.5 postage payment options, 134 price eligibility, 133.1.1, 133.1.6, 133.2.0 prices, 133.1.0 service objectives, 133.2.1 size, 101.6.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.1 weight, 101.6.1 liquids, 601.10.13 solids, 601.10.14 Priority Mail,, 423.1.7.2 Express Mail, 113.1.4. 413.1.5 Priority Mail,, 423.1.7.1 automation, 301.3.0, 333.5.0, 343.7.0 barcode placement, 302.4.0 Bound Printed Matter, 365.2.0 Library Mail, 385.2.0 Media Mail, 375.2.0 definition, 301.1.0 endorsement placement, 302.4.0 physical standards, 301.1.0 automation, 301.3.0 marking placement, 302.3.0 size, 301.1.0, food, 601.9.0 See also individual classes of mail general information, 507.2.0 instructions by the sender, 507.4.4 postage charged for forwarding mail, 507.2.3 Premium Forwarding Service, 507.3.0 with extra services, 507.1.4.5, 507.4.4.2 Four-State Customer Barcode, See Intelligent Mail barcode Fourth-Class Mail, See Bound Printed Matter, Library Mail, Media Mail, or Parcel Post fragile articles, 503.2.4.7, 601.2.1, 601.4.0 fragrance sample, 601.11.15 fraud, how to report, 608.6.2 franked mail, for Members of Congress, 703.6.0 blind and other handicapped persons, 703.5.0 Members of Congress, 703.6.0 U.S. armed forces, 703.4.2 fulfillment, 507.11.0 furs or pelts, 601.9.5 gases, 601.10.12 general delivery, 508.6.0 government mail, See U.S. government mail graphic matter, 601.12.0 handicapped, free matter for, 703.5.0 what may be mailed, 703.5.2, 703.5.3 who is qualified, 703.5.1.3 alterations to barcodes, 708.6.2.1 Bulk Parcel Return labels, 507.12.5.1 Business Reply Mail, 507.9.8.2 COD forms, 503.11.4.3 First-Class Mail, 233 Standard Mail, 243.4.0, 243.5.0, 243.6.0, 243.7.0 Bound Printed Matter, 363.3.4 First-Class Mail, 333 Standard Mail, 343 Bound Printed Matter, 463.3.4 Express Mail, 413.2.2 First-Class Mail, 433 Priority Mail, 423.2.2 Standard Mail, 443 Express Mail, 113.3.2 First-Class Mail, 133.3.4 Priority Mail, 123.3.2 Library Mail, 183.3.0, 173.4.3 sent by blind or physically handicapped persons, 703.5.3.2 sent by U.S. Armed Forces, 703.4.2 insurance value, 507.11.3.1 label preparation, 507.11.5.4 business reply mail, 703.7.11.4 insurance value, 703.7.12.8 Periodicals, 703.7.13.4 permit imprint, 703.7.8.3 battery-powered devices, 601.11.17 nonspillable batteries, 601.10.19.4 biological products, 601.10.17 cigarette lighters, 601.10.13.4 clinical specimens, 601.2.6, 601.10.17 corrosives, 601.10.19 explosives, 601.10.11 flammable and combustible liquids, 601.10.13 flammable solids, 601.10.14 gases, 601.10.12 general, 601.10.0 infectious substances, 601.10.17 matches, 601.10.14.3 medical devices, used, 601.10.17.5 oxidizing substances and organic peroxides, 601.10.15 packaging and markings, 601.10.8 radioactive material, 601.10.18 rulings, 601.10.6 sharps, 601.10.17.4, 601.10.17.5 shipping papers, 601.10.9 toxic substances, 601.10.16 heavy letter mail, 201.3.6, high-density carrier route sequencing requirements commercial flats, 345.6.9, 345.6.10 commercial letters, 245.6.8, 245.6.9 commercial parcels, 445.7.6, 445.7.7 Periodicals, 707.23.8, 707.23.9 packaging, 601.7.1 endorsement, 508.1.3 label, Exhibit 455.4.1.4e mail preparation, 455.4.1.4 holding mail, 507.4.4.4, 508.6.4 holidays, 608.3.2 retail mailing services, 101 - 186 recipient services, 508 dry ice, 601.10.20.4 water ice, 601.9.2.3 identification statement for Periodicals, required elements, 707.4.12.5 infectious substances, 601.10.17 information-based indicia (IBI), 604.4.0 Bound Printed Matter, 363.2.2 First-Class Mail, 333.3.0 Library Mail, 383.2.5 Media Mail, 373.2.3 Standard Mail, 343.2.0 First-Class Mail, 233.2.0 Standard Mail, 243.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 463.2.2 Express Mail, 413.3.0 First-Class Mail, 433.2.0 Library Mail, 483.2.5 Media Mail, 473.2.3 Parcel Select, 453.2.4 Priority Mail, 423.3.0 Standard Mail, 443.2.0 Periodicals, 707.3.4.2 Express Mail, 113.2.2, 113.2.2 First-Class Mail, 133.2.0 Library Mail, 183.2.2 Media Mail, 173.2.2 Parcel Post, 153.2.3 Priority Mail, 123.2.3 general, 604.8.0 penalty metered mail, 703.7.7.9 rural delivery service, 508.2.2.5 insurance, 503.4.0 bulk insurance, 503.4.4 delivery of insured items, 503.4.5 Express Mail insurance, 503.1.1 extra services, 503.4.2.4 fees, 503.4.1.1 filing a claim, 609 filling out insurance label, 503.4.3.3 what may be mailed, 503.4.2.2 Intelligent Mail barcode, 708.4.3 commercial mail, 401.1.6 retail mail, 101.3.6 manifest mailing system, 705.2.3 optional endorsement line, 708.7.1.3 fee for additional Post Office box keys, 508.4.1 general information about mailing keys, 123.1.7, 133.1.4 Post Office boxes, 508.4.8 prices for return through the mail, 123.1.6, 133.1.4 knives, 601.11.5 known office of publication, for Periodicals, 707.4.6 labeling lists, Appendix 1 (online only) barcoded labels, 708.6.0 pallets, 705.8.6 Bound Printed Matter, 365.4.0 First-Class Mail, 335.4.0 Library Mail, 385.4.0 Media Mail,375.4.0 Standard Mail, 345.4.0 First-Class Mail, 235.4.0 Standard Mail, 245.4.0 Bound Printed Matter, 465.4.0 Express Mail, 415.2.0 First-Class Mail, 435.3.0 Library Mail, 485.4.0 Media Mail, 475.4.0 Parcel Select, 455.3.0 Standard Mail, 445.4.0 Periodicals, 707.21.0 automation, See automation letters, general commercial mail, 201.2.1 retail mail, 101.1.2 commercial mail, 201.1.0 retail mail, 101.1.0 First-Class Mail, 235.3.0 Standard Mail, 245.3.0, 345.3.5 Periodicals, 707.20.2 liability, 609 Library Mail, commercial flats annual mailing fee, 383.1.5 attachments, 383.2.6 bundles, 385.2.0 sacks, 385.3.0 sack labels, 385.4.0 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 combining with other Package Services, 705.7.0 computing postage, 383.1.1, 383.1.6 content standards, 383.2.0 deposit and verification, 386 documentation, 384.2.0 eligibility, 383 enclosures, 383.2.6 general, 385 flats on pallets, 705.8.10.4 markings required on each mailpiece, 302.3.2 postage payment options, 384.1.0 price eligibility, 383.3.0 prices and fees, Price List size, 301.2.5 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight standards, 383.3.1 what may be mailed, 383.2.0 written additions, 383.2.7 Library Mail, commercial parcels annual mailing fee, 483.1.4 attachments, 483.2.6 computing postage, 483.1.0 combined machinable parcels, 705.6.0 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 combining with other Package Services, 705.7.0 content standards, 483.2.0 deposit and verification, 486 commercial for barcoded machinable parcels, 485.5.4 documentation, 484.2.0 eligibility, 483 enclosures, 483.2.6 irregular parcels, 485.5.3 irregular parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5 machinable parcels, 485.5.2 machinable parcels on pallets, 705.8.17 mail preparation, 485 bundles, 485.2.0 irregular parcels, 485.5.3 for combined machinable parcels, 705.6.0 sacks, 485.3.0 sack labels, 485.4.0 markings required on each mailpiece, 402.2.5 nonmachinable parcels, 401.1.6, 401.1.7 postage payment options, 484.1.0 price eligibility, 483.3.0 prices and fees, Price List size, 401.1.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight limits, 483.3.1 what may be mailed, 483.2.0 written additions, 483.2.7 attachments, 183.4.0 computing postage, 183.1.1, 183.1.3, 183.1.6, 183.1.7 content standards, 183.3.0 deposit of, 186.1.0 eligibility, 183 enclosures, 183.4.0 mail preparation, 185 markings required on each mailpiece, 102.3.3, 185.1.2 postage payment methods, 184 price eligibility, 183.2.0 prices, 183.1.0 service objectives, 183.2.1 size, 101.9.0 flats, 101.2.0 parcels, 101.3.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight limits, 101.9.1 what may be mailed, 183.2.0 - 183.4.0 written additions, 183.4.3 optional endorsement line information for LOT, 708.7.1.7 Standard Mail,, 345.6.9.6, 445.7.6.6 Periodicals, 707.23.8.6 submitting cards for sequencing, 507.8.3 liquids, nonhazardous, 601.11.9 601.2.4 liquor, 601.11.7 availability of USPS Lists, 508.9.4 definitions, 708.3.4 mailing list services, 507.7.0 occupant lists, 507.7.5 sortation of lists, 507.7.6 literature for the blind, 703.5.0 Lithium batteries, 601.10.20 primary (non-rechargeable) cells, 601.10.20.5 secondary (chargeable) cells, 601.10.20.6 locksmithing devices, 601.11.10 low-cost items, 703.1.6.11 lottery materials, 601.12.3 commercial mail, 201.1.0 retail mail, 101.1.0 commercial mail, 401.1.0 retail mail, 101.3.0 magazine, 301.3.4.2, 301.3.6.3 packaging, 601.7.5 magnetized materials, 601.10.21 mailability, 601 Bound Printed Matter, 365 First-Class Mail, 335 Library Mail, 385 Media Mail, 375 Standard Mail, 345 First-Class Mail, 235 Standard Mail, 245 Bound Printed Matter, 465 Express Mail, 415 First-Class Mail, 435 Library Mail, 485 Media Mail, 475 Parcel Select, 455 Priority Mail, 425 Standard Mail, 445 Periodicals, 707.18.0 - 707.25.0 Express Mail, 115 First-Class Mail, 135 Library Mail, 185 Media Mail, 175 Parcel Post, 155 Priority Mail, 125 mail receptacles, 508.3.0 apartments, 508.2.1.7 custom-built mail receptacles, 508.3.2.2 door slots, 508.2.1.6 location, 508.3.2.5 maintenance of, 508.2.1.3 newspaper receptacles, 508.3.2.11 manufacturer specifications, 508.3.2.1 Department of State mail, 703.3.3 general, 608.6.2 mailboxes, See mail receptacles or collection box mailer services, 507 Bound Printed Matter, 363.1.2.6, 366.3.4 First-Class Mail, 333.1.4, 333.3.4 Library Mail, 383.1.5 Media Mail, 373.1.5 Standard Mail, 343.1.4.1, 343.3.4 First-Class Mail, 233.1.5, 233.3.4 Standard Mail,, 243.3.4 Bound Printed Matter, 463.1.2.5, 466.3.4 First-Class Mail, 433.1.6 Library Mail, 483.1.4 Media Mail, 473.1.4 Parcel Select, 453.1.3 Standard Mail, 443.1.4.1, 443.3.4 mailing list services, 507.7.0 basic information, 507.7.2 election boards and voter commissions, 507.7.3.4, 507.7.7 list correction, 507.7.4 occupant lists, 507.7.5 sortation of lists on cards by 5-digit ZIP Code, 507.7.6 mailing permits, See mailing fees alternate mailing systems, 705.4.0 eVS, 705.2.9 manifest mailing systems, 705.2.0 optional procedure mailing systems, 705.3.0 plant-verified drop shipment, 705.15.0 mailpiece design, 101, 201, 301, 401, 601 manifest mailing systems, 705.2.0 applying for authorization, 705.2.4 Express Mail agreements, 705.2.6 marking, 705.2.2.6 postage statement, 705.2.2.7 service agreement, 705.2.2.1 marking, on mailpieces, 102, 202, 302, 402 See also individual classes of mail imitation markings, 604.1.5 injurious or harmful items, 601.8.7 master keys for motor vehicles, 601.11.10 matches, 601.10.14.3 advertising, 707.17.4.5, 707.17.5.2 annual mailing fee, 373.1.5 attachments, 373.2.4 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 combining with other Package Services, 705.7.0 computing postage, 373.1.1, 373.1.6 content standards, 373.2.0 deposit and verification, 376 documentation, 374.2.0 eligibility, 373 enclosures, 373.2.4 mail preparation, 375 bundles, 375.2.0 flats on pallets, 705.8.10.4 sacks, 375.3.0 sack labels, 375.4.0 markings required on each mailpiece, 302.3.2 postage payment options, 374.1.0 price eligibility, 373.3.0 prices and fees, Price List size, 301.2.4 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 what may be mailed, 373.2.0 weight limits, 373.3.1 written additions, 373.2.5 Media Mail, commercial parcels annual mailing fee, 473.1.4 attachments, 473.2.4 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 combining with other Package Services, 705.7.0 computing postage, 473.1.1, 473.1.5 content standards, 473.2.0 deposit and verification, 476 commercial for barcoded machinable parcels, 473.3.4, 475.5.2.3 documentation, 474.2.0 eligibility, 473 enclosures, 473.2.4 mail preparation, 475 bundles, 475.2.0 combined machinable parcels, 705.2.0 combining parcels, 705.7.0 irregular parcels, 475.5.3 irregular parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5 machinable parcels, 475.5.2 machinable parcels on pallets, 705.8.17 sacks, 475.3.0 sack labels, 475.4.0 markings required on each mailpiece, 402.2.5 nonmachinable parcels, 401.1.6, 401.1.7 postage payment options, 474.1.0 price eligibility, 473.3.0 prices and fees, Price List size, 401.1.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 what may be mailed, 473.2.0 weight limits, 473.3.1 written additions, 473.2.5 attachments, 173.4.0 computing postage, 173.1.1, 173.1.3, 173.1.6, 173.1.7 content standards, 173.3.0 deposit of, 176.1.0 eligibility, 173 enclosures, 173.4.0 mail preparation, 175 markings required on each mailpiece, 102.3.3, 175.1.3 postage payment methods, 174 price eligibility, 173.2.0 prices, 173.1.0 service objectives, 173.2.1 size, 101.8.0 flats, 101.2.0 parcels, 101.3.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight limits, 101.8.1 what may be mailed, 173.3.0, 173.4.0 written additions, 173.4.3 merchandise return service, 507.11.0 adding extra services (by the mailer), 507.11.4 adding extra services (by the permit holder), 507.11.3 annual accounting fee, 507.11.1.2 annual permit fee, 507.11.1.1 applying for a permit, 507.11.2.6 examples of merchandise return service labels, 507.11.5 fees, 507.11.1 format for label, 507.11.5 general information, 507.11.2 official U.S. government mail, 703.7.12 postage and fees, 507.11.1 merged containerization, 705.10.0 merged bundles of flats, See mail preparation under Periodicals and Standard Mail meter, See metered mail and postage meters drop shipment of, 705.18.0 postage refunds, 604.9.3 where to mail, 604.4.5.3 metered reply mail, 604.4.4.2 methods of payment, See postage payment commercial mailing services, 201-486 retail mailing services, 101-186 military mail, 703.2.0, 703.4.0 free mail for U.S. armed forces, 703.4.2 military address, 703.4.2.4 military ordinary mail (MOM), 703.2.4 retirees, 703.2.3.4 mixed classes, 703.9.0 combined Media Mail and Bound Printed Matter, 703.9.6 Bound Printed Matter, 703.9.4 First-Class Mail, 703.9.5 Library Mail, 703.9.4 Media Mail, 703.9.4 Parcel Post, 703.9.4 Periodicals, 703.9.3 Standard Mail, 703.9.4 Express Mail and Priority Mail drop shipments, 705.16.0 price qualification, 703.9.2.2 money orders, 503.14.0 fees, 503.14.1 how to cash, 503.14.3 payable to another party, 503.14.3.6 where to purchase, 503.14.2.1 commercial flats, 333.3.5 commercial letters, 233.3.5 commercial parcels, 433.3.5
National Change of Address Linkage Coding Accuracy Support Systems, 708.3.0 election boards and voter registration, 507.7.7 flats, 333.3.5.2 letters, parcels,433.3.5.2 National Customer Support Center (NCSC), 608.8.1 negotiated service agreements, 709.1.0 news agent, 707.5.1.6, 707.6.6 mailing issues, 707.4.9.4, 707.4.9.5 penalty, 703.7.13.3 service objectives, 707.28.1 newspaper receptacles, 508.3.2.11 next-day delivery, See Express Mail nonautomation flats, 301.2.0 Parcel Select, 401.2.5.2 commercial letters, 201.2.1 First-Class Mail parcels, 401.2.3.2 retail letters and parcels, fees 133.1.5 Standard Mail parcels, 401.2.4.3 Standard Mail NFM, 401.2.4 animals and plants, 601.8.7 due to noxious odors, 601.11.8 due to packaging, 601.8.3, 601.12.12 mailer's responsibility, 601.1.7 written, printed, and graphic materials, 601.12.0 nonpostal services, 509.2.0 eligibility for nonprofit Periodicals prices, 707.4.0 how to apply for nonprofit Periodicals authorization, 707.10.5 types of organizations, 707.10.2 Standard Mail, 703.1.0 applying for authorization, 703.1.7 - 703.1.9 discounts, 703.1.1.3 eligibility for Standard Mail prices, 703.1.0 matter, 703.1.6 organizations, 703.1.2 identification of authorized organization on Standard Mail, 703.1.5 low-cost items, 703.1.6.11 marking, on Standard Mail, 202.1.2, 302.1.2, 402.1.2 political mailings, 703.1.6.10 revenue deficiencies for nonprofit Standard Mail, 604.10.2 types of organizations, 703.1.2 what may be mailed, 703.1.6 nonstandard surcharge, See nonmachinable surcharge Not Flat-Machinable (NFM) pieces, 401.2.4.2 See also Standard Mail, parcels obscene material, 601.12.5.4 occupant lists, 507.7.5 OCR (Optical Character Reader) read area discount, 202.2.1 retail, 102.2.1 members of Congress (franked) 703.6.0 addressing, 703.6.2 eligibility, 703.6.1 U.S. Government (penalty) 703.7.0 authorized users, 703.7.4 business reply mail, 703.7.11 contractors, use of, 703.7.15 eligibility, 703.7.3 Express Mail, 703.7.14 insurance, 703.7.12.8, 703.7.12.9 merchandise return service, 703.7.12 Periodicals, 703.7.13 postage and fees, 703.7.2 indicia, 703.7.6 permit imprint, 703.7.8 postage meters, 703.7.7 stamps and stationery, 703.7.9 preparation, 703.7.5 prices, 703.7.5 Registered Mail, 703.7.12.10 reply mail, 703.7.10 OneCode ACS, 507.4.2 optional endorsement lines (OELs), 708.7.0 optional procedure mailing systems, 705.3.0 applying for authorization, 705.3.2 description, 705.3.1.1 postage statements, 705.3.3.1 record keeping, 705.3.3 overnight delivery, See Express Mail Overseas Military Mail, 703.2.0 Express Mail Military Service, 703.2.6 First-Class Mail, 703.2.1.1 parcels, 703.2.1.3 Parcel Airlift, 703.2.5 Periodicals, 703.2.1.4 Preparation standards, 703.2.1.5 Restrictions, 703.2.3 Parcel Select, 453.3.1 Parcel Post, 153.1.1 Package Services, See Bound Printed Matter, Library Mail, Media Mail, or Parcel Post packages, See bundles or parcels packaging, for mailing, 601.2.0 - 601.4.0 acceptable containers, 601.3.0 animals, 601.9.3.10 closure and sealing, 601.4.0 cushioning, 601.4.0 high-density items, 601.7.1 liquids, 601.2.4 magnetic tapes, 601.7.5 nonmailable matter, 601.1.7, 601.8.3, 601.12.12 soft goods, 601.7.3 sound recordings, 601.7.4 special envelopes, 601.6.0 stationery, 601.2.2 USPS-provided, 115.1.1, 125.1.1 pallet box, See pallets bundles on pallets, 705.8.9 flats on pallets, 705.8.7 general standards, 705.8.0 labels, 705.8.6 labeling pallets, 705.8.10 minimum and maximum loads, 705.8.5 pallet boxes, 705.8.4 Periodicals on pallets 705.8.10.2 physical characteristics, 705.8.1 preparation of pallets 705.8.0 securing bundles for pallets, 705.8.5.11 stacking pallets, 705.8.3 Standard Mail on pallets 705.8.10.3 top caps, 705.8.2 types of mail that can be put on pallets, 705.8.8 pandering advertisements, 508.8.0 parcel airlift service (PAL), 703.2.5 fees, 703.2.5.3 other extra services that can be added, 703.2.5.5 required marking on each piece, 703.2.5.6 what may be mailed, 703.2.5.2 attachments, 153.4.0 computing postage, 153.1.3 - 153.1.5 deposit, 156.1.0 eligibility, 153 enclosures, 153.4.0 mail preparation, 155 Pickup on Demand fee, 156.1.5 markings required on each mailpiece, 102.4.2, 155.1.3 postage payment methods, 154 price eligibility, 153.2.0 prices, 153.1.0 service objectives, 153.2.1 size, 101.7.0 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight limits, 101.7.1 written additions, 153.4.2 Parcel Return Service (PRS), 507.13.0 annual accounting fee, 507.13.2.3 annual permit fee, 507.13.2.2 application for a permit, 507.13.1.5 general information, 507.13.1 label examples, 507.13.4.5 label formats, 507.13.4 postage and fees, 507.13.2 attachments, 453.2.5 Balloon Price, 453.3.5 computing postage, 453.1.1, 453.1.4 combined with other Package Services, 705.7.0 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 cotraying and cosacking bundles of flats, 705.9.0 deposit of, 456.2.0 destination entry mailing fee, 453.1.3 documentation, 454.1.4 eligibility, 453 enclosures, 453.2.5 Growth rebates, 453.3.7 Loyalty rebates, 453.3.6 Hold For Pickup service, 455.4.1.4, 508.1.3 NDC Presort prices on pallets, 705.8.18 combined machinable parcels, 705.6.0 combining parcels for destination entry, 705.7.0 general, 455 irregular parcels on pallets, 705.8.10.5 machinable parcels in sacks, 455.2.0 machinable parcels on pallets, 705.8.0 nonmachinable parcels on pallets, 705.8.18.2, 705.8.19.2 ONDC Presort prices, 705.8.19, 443.3.2.2 Parcel Select DDU prices, 705.8.22, 453.3.1.4 Parcel Select DSCF prices, 705.8.20, 705.8.21, 453.3.1.4 markings required on each mailpiece, 402.2.5, 455.1.8 nonmachinable parcels, 401.2.5.2 Parcel Return Service, 507.13.0 postage payment options, 454.1.0 price eligibility, 453.3.0 NDC presort prices, 453.3.2 ONDC Presort prices, 453.3.3 oversized prices, 453.3.4 destination entry prices, 453.3.1 DDU prices, 453.3.1.4 DSCF prices, 453.3.1.4 prices, Price List size, 401.2.5 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.4 weight limits, 401.2.5 written additions, 453.2.6 commercial mail, 401.1.6, 401.1.7 commercial mail, 401.1.0 retail mail, 101.3.0 PAVE, 708.2.0 definition, 708.2.1.1 request for participation, 708.2.1.3 Penalty Mail, See official mail address correction, 507.4.2.7 addressing, 707.3.2 calculating percentage, 707.2.1.5 copies, 707.7.3 definition of, 707.4.13 nonprofit and classroom publications, 707.2.1.5 marked copies, 707.16.2 public service announcement, 707.4.13.2 applications, 707.5.0 additional entry, 707.30.2 appealing denied application, 707.5.3.7 nonprofit prices, 707.10.5 re-entry, 707.9.0 mailing while application is pending, 707.5.2 attachments, 707.3.3.8 back orders and reprints, 707.4.11 bundle prices, 707.1.0, 707.2.1.8 computing postage, 707.2.2, carrier route sequencing requirements, 707.23.8, 707.23.9 categories of Periodicals authorization foreign, 707.6.5 general, 707.6.1 institutions and societies, 707.6.2 news agent, 707.6.6 requester, 707.6.4 state departments of agriculture, 707.6.3 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 complimentary copies, 707.7.7 container prices, 707.1.0, 707.2.1.9 definition and characteristics, 707.4.0 multiple issues, 707.4.9.4, 707.4.9.5 edition, 707.4.10 issue, 707.4.9 deposit of, 707.28.0 documentation, 707.17.0 standardized, 708.1.0 exceptional dispatch, 707.28.3 exchange copies, 707.7.5 expired subscription copies, 707.7.6 fees, 707.1.4 firm bundles, 707.22.3 frequency of publication, 707.4.7 general standards, 707.4.0 gift subscriptions, 707.7.4 identification statement, 707.4.12.5 known office of publication, 707.4.6 label carrier, 707.3.3.10 loose enclosures, 707.3.3.4 barcoded price flats, 707.25.0 barcoded price letters, 707.24.0 bundles on pallets, 705.8.10.2, 705.8.11 bundling, 707.19.0 bundling for carrier route prices, 707.23.2 bundling for nonbarcoded prices, 707.22.2 carrier route flats in sacks, 707.23.4 carrier route irregular parcels in sacks, 707.23.4 carrier route letters in trays, 707.23.3 cobundling flats, 707.25.1.9, 705.11.2 combined barcoded and nonbarcoded flats, 705.9.2, 705.11.2 combined flats on pallets, 705.8.16.2 containerization of bundles, 707.25.1.10 irregular parcels in sacks, 707.22.6 merged flats in sacks, 705.10.1.4 using 5% Threshold, 705.12.1.5 using City State Product, 705.10.1.5, using City State Product and 5% Threshold, 705.13.1.5 nonbarcoded flats in sacks, 707.22.6 nonbarcoded letters in trays, 707.22.5 sacks on pallets, 705.8.10.2 trays on pallets, 705.8.10.2 markings for enclosures on mixed mailings, 703.9.7 nonsubscriber/nonrequester copies, 707.7.9 components of, 707.3.5 covers, 707.3.3.6 flats dimensions, 301.1.0, 707.26.2 letter dimensions, 201.1.0 mailpiece construction, 707.3.5 printed features, 707.3.6 printed sheets, 707.4.5 size and weight, 707.3.5.2 wrappers, 707.3.3.7 postage payment methods, 707.16.0 prohibited matter, 707.3.4.2 proof copies, for advertisers, 707.7.8 barcoded (automation) prices, 707.14.1, 707.14.3 carrier route prices, 707.13.0 copies mailed by the public, 707.11.5 destination entry prices, 707.29.0 In-County prices, 707.11.3 nonbarcoded (presorted) prices, 707.12.0 Nonprofit prices, 707.10.0 Outside-County Classroom prices, 707.11.1.3 Outside-County Nonprofit prices, 707.11.1.3 Outside-County Science-of-Agriculture prices, 707.11.2 prices and fees, see Price List for the following: records maintained by the publisher, 707.8.0 return address, 707.3.2.3 Ride-Along piece, 707.15.0 sample copies, 707.7.0 service objectives, 707.28.1 standardized documentation, 708.1.0 statement of ownership, 707.8.3 supplements, 707.3.3.5 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.2 perishables, 601.9.0 permit imprint, 604.5.0 application fee, 604.5.1.5 content of the permit imprint indicia, 604.5.3.6 - 604.5.3.9 format of the permit imprint indicia, 604.5.3.10, 604.5.3.11 general information, 604.5.1 minimum quantity for a mailing, 604.5.1.2 placement on a mailpiece, 604.5.3.4 samples of permit imprint indicia, 604.5.3.10 standards for mailing, 604.5.1 Permit Reply Mail, 507.10.0 pesticides, 601.11.14 philatelic services, 608.4.0 commercial flats, 301 commercial letters, 201 commercial parcels, 401 retail mail, 101 Pickup on Demand service, 507.6.0 Express Mail fees, 507.6.1 Parcel Post fees, 507.6.1 Priority Mail fees, 507.6.1 pistols, 601.11.1 plant load operations, 705.14.0 applying, 705.14.2 Bound Printed Matter, 705.14.7.4 expedited shipments, 705.14.4 Library Mail, 705.14.7.4 mail preparation, 705.14.5 - 705.14.7 Media Mail, 705.14.7.4 Parcel Select, 705.14.7.4 Periodicals, 705.14.7.3 postage payment requirements, 705.14.5.3 Standard Mail, 705.14.7.4 Volume requirements, 705.14.7.6, 705.14.7.7 plant-verified drop shipment (PVDS), 705.15.0 Bound Printed Matter, 705.15.5 Library Mail, 705.15.5 Media Mail, 705.15.5 Parcel Select, 705.15.5 participation requirements, 705.15.2 Periodicals, 705.15.2.4 Bound Printed Matter, 705.15.2.8 consolidated, 705.15.5.5 Library Mail, 705.15.2.8 Media Mail, 705.15.2.8 Parcel Post, 705.15.2.8 Periodicals, 705.15.2.6 Standard Mail, 705.15.2.7 purpose, 705.15.1.1 Standard Mail, 705.15.4 general mailability, 601.9.6 nonmailable plants, 601.9.7 poisons, 601.8.5, 601.8.6, 601.10.16 automation flats, 301.1.5 certification process, 301.1.5.4 Post Office box service, 508.4.0 appeals, 508.4.9.3 applying for service, 508.4.3.1 keys, 508.4.8 locks, 508.4.8 refunds, 508.4.7 Post Offices, 608.3.1, 608.3.2 See also prices in individual classes of mail computing postage, 604.7.0 payment for mailings of mixed classes, 703.9.8 - 703.9.12 postage due, 604.6.0 refunds, 604.9.0 revenue deficiencies, 604.10.0 stamps, 604.1.0 postage meters, 604.4.0 approved providers, 604.4.1.3, 604.4.1.4 date corrections, 604.4.4.1 postage corrections, 604.4.4.1 types of postage devices, 604.4.1.2 Bound Printed Matter, 364 First-Class Mail, 334 Library Mail, 384 Media Mail, 374 Standard Mail, 344 First-Class Mail, 234 Standard Mail, 244 Bound Printed Matter, 464 First-Class Mail, 434 Library Mail, 484 Media Mail, 474 Parcel Select, 454 Standard Mail, 444 nonpresorted Bound Printed Matter, 364.1.1 Periodicals, 707.16.0 Express Mail, 114 First-Class Mail, 134 Library Mail, 184 Media Mail, 174 Parcel Post, 154 Priority Mail, 124 postage stamps, 604.1.0, 604.3.0 applying for a permit to use precanceled stamps, 604.3.2 Breast Cancer Research semipostal stamp, 604.1.11 forever stamp, 604.1.10 imitation stamps, 604.1.4, 604.1.5 precanceled stamps, 604.3.0 validity of stamps, 604.1.2, 604.1.3 Bound Printed Matter, 364.2.0 First-Class Mail, 334.4.0 Library Mail, 384.2.0 Media Mail, 374.2.0 Standard Mail, 344.4.0 First-Class Mail, 234.4.0 Standard Mail, 244.4.0 Bound Printed Matter, 464.2.0 First-Class Mail, 434.3.0 Library Mail, 484.2.0 Media Mail, 474.2.0 Parcel Select, 454.1.3 Standard Mail, 444.3.0 Periodicals, 707.17.0 Bound Printed Matter, 363.2.2 First-Class Mail, 333.2.0 Library Mail, 383.2.5 Media Mail, 373.2.3 Standard Mail, 343.2.0 First-Class Mail, 233.2.0 Standard Mail, 243.2.0 Bound Printed Matter, 463.2.2 First-Class Mail, 433.2.0 Library Mail, 483.2.5 Media Mail, 473.2.3 Parcel Select, 453.2.4 Standard Mail, 443.2.0 Periodicals, 707.3.5.8 Express Mail, 113.2.2 First-Class Mail, 133.2.0 Library Mail, 183.2.2 Media Mail, 173.2.2 Parcel Post, 153.2.3 Priority Mail, 123.2.3 postcard, See cards POSTNET barcode, 708.4.2 adult fowl and chickens, 601.9.3.4 day-old poultry, 601.9.3.2 powders, 601.11.9 precanceled stamps, See postage stamps Premium Forwarding Service, 507.3.0 Official Mail, 703.7.2.2 Reply Mail, 114.1.3, 703.7.10.2 prescription drugs, 601.11.11 presort, See commercial mail Presort Accuracy Validation and Evaluation program, (PAVE), 708.2.0 presort mailing fee, See mailing fees Bound Printed Matter, 366.2.1, 366.3.8 First-Class Mail, 336.2.0 Library Mail, 386.1.0 Media Mail, 376.1.0 Standard Mail, 346.2.5 First-Class Mail, 236.2.0 Standard Mail, 246.2.5 Bound Printed Matter, 466.2.1, 466.3.8 First-Class Mail, 436.2.0 Library Mail, 486.1.0 Media Mail, 476.1.0 Parcel Select, 456.1.0 Standard Mail, 446.2.5 presorting, See mail preparation under individual classes of mail commercial flats, see Price List for the following: commercial letters, see Price List for the following: commercial parcels, see Price List for the following: Periodicals, Price List Express Mail, 113.1.0 First-Class Mail, 133.1.0 Library Mail, 183.1.0 Media Mail, 173.1.0 Parcel Post, 153.1.0 Priority Mail, 123.1.0 Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC) address and phone number, 608.8.4 barcoded letters and flats, 708.4.4.2 barcoded parcels, 708.5.8 business reply mail, 507.9.8.2 computing postage, 123.1.1, 123.1.10, 423.1.1, 423.1.10 combining with other classes of mail, 703.9.0 drop shipment, 705.16.0 eligibility for prices, 123.2.0, 423.2.0 Flat Rate Boxes,, 423.1.7.2 Flat Rate Envelope,, 423.1.7.1 keys and identification devices, 123.1.7 drop shipment, 705.16.5, 705.16.5.13 marking required on each mailpiece, 102.3.1, 102.4.2, 125.2.0 Pickup on Demand service, 507.6.0 prices, retail, and commercial, Price List reship service, 507.11.7 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.1 weight, minimum and maximum, 101.5.1 Priority Mail Open and Distribute, 705.16.0 Private Express Statutes, 608.5.1 prohibited items, See nonmailable matter publications, See Periodicals Puerto Rico, 608.2.1 qualified business reply mail (QBRM) See also business reply mail (BRM) authorization to participate, 507.9.3.2 eligibility for prices, 507.9.3.3 - 507.9.3.5 quarantines, delivery of mail during, 508.2.2.4 radioactive material, 601.10.18 Rates and Classification Service Center (RCSC), see Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC) recall of mail, 507.5.0 how to recall mail, 507.5.2 who may recall, 507.5.1 customer, 508.3.0 mailbox, 508.3.2 recipient options, 508.1.0 recipient services, 508 record-keeping for Periodicals mailers, 707.8.0 redirection, See forwarding mail refunds, 604.9.0 applying for a postage refund, 604.9.2.7, 604.9.4.16, 604.9.5.4 Express Mail, 604.9.5 metered mail, 604.9.3 postage and fees, 604.9.2 stamps affixed to business reply mail, 604.9.2.10 stamps, 604.9.1 value-added, 604.9.4 refused mail, 604.8.1.2, 507.1.8.2 Registered Mail, 503.2.0 delivery, 503.2.5 fees, 503.2.1 fees assessment, 503.2.5 other extra services that can be added, 503.2.2.5 refunds, 503.2.3.4 required label, 503.2.4.4 sealing, 503.2.4.6 what may be mailed, 503.2.2.2 regular mailpieces, See machinable letters, flats, or machinable parcels reinforcement for mailpieces, 601.4.0 religious organization, See nonprofit See also Business Reply Mail (BRM) bulk parcel return service, 507.12.0 Courtesy Reply Mail, merchandise return service, 507.11.0 metered reply mail, 604.4.4.2 Permit Reply Mail, 507.10.0 Repositionable Notes (RPNs), 705.21.0 See also Premium Forwarding Service Express Mail, 507.6.6.1 Priority Mail, 507.11.7 city routes, 508.2.1 restricted delivery, 503.7.0 after time of mailing, 503.7.3.2 at time of mailing, 503.7.3.1 delivery of items, 503.7.4 fees, 503.7.1.1 other extra services that can be added, 503.7.2.5 refunds, 503.7.1.3 what may be mailed, 503.7.2.2 controlled substances, 601.11.11 drug paraphernalia, 601.11.12 drugs, 601.11.11 noxious odors, 601.11.8 general, 602.1.0 Periodicals, 707.3.2.3 when required, 602.1.5.3 with ancillary services, 602.1.9 return receipt, 503.6.0 after time of mailing, 503.6.3.2 delivery, 503.6.4 fees, 503.6.1.1 filing a request for delivery information, 503.6.5 other extra services that can be added, 503.6.2.3 refunds, 503.6.1.3 required label, 503.6.2.5 what may be mailed, 503.6.2.2 return receipt for merchandise, 503.8.0 delivery, 503.8.4 fees, 503.8.1.1 how to mail, 503.8.3.2 other extra services that can be added, 503.8.2.3 required label, 503.8.3.4 what may be mailed, 503.8.2.2 returned mail, 507.1.8 reusable mailpieces, 601.6.4, 601.6.5 general, 604.10.1 nonprofit Standard Mail, 604.10.2 Ride-Along piece for Periodicals, 707.15.0 rural routes, 508.2.2 barcoded labels, 708.6.0 Bound Printed Matter, 365.3.0, 465.3.0 First-Class Mail, 435.2.0 Library Mail, 385.3.0, 485.3.0 Parcel Select, 455.2.0 Periodicals, 707.20.1, 707.20.3 Standard Mail, 345.3.0, 445.3.0 saturation carrier route sequencing requirements commercial flats, 345.6.9, 345.6.10 commercial letters, 245.6.8, 245.6.9 commercial parcels, 445.7.6, 445.7.7 Periodicals, 707.23.8, 707.23.9 Saturday delivery, 608.3.0 Bound Printed Matter, 366.3.9.4, 466.3.9.4 Parcel Select, 456.2.9 Standard Mail,, 346.2.6.4, 446.2.6.4 Pickup on Demand, 507.6.5 scheme sort, See mail preparation under individual classes of mail scorpions, 601.9.3.9 sealing, 601.4.0 Second-Class Mail, See Periodicals self-mailer, 201.3.14 Sectional Center Facility (SCF), 246.4.0, 346.4.0, 366.5.0, 446.4.0, 466.5.0 sexually-oriented advertisements, 508.9.0 sharps, 601.10.17.4 annual accounting fee, 507.4.2.9 fee, 507.4.2.10 how it works, 507.2.3.5 how to sign up, 507.4.2.9 shipping papers for hazardous materials, 601.10.9 shortpaid mail, 604.6.0, 604.8.1 Signature Confirmation, 503.10.0 barcodes on privately printed labels, 503.10.4 electronic file transmission for electronic option, 503.10.5 electronic option, 503.10.2.4 fees, 503.10.1.1 other extra services that can be added, 503.10.2.6 required labels, 503.10.3 retail option, 503.10.2.4 what may be mailed, 503.10.2.2 where to mail, 503.10.6 simplified address, 602.3.2 Express Mail, 113 First-Class Mail, 133 Library Mail, 183 Media Mail, 173 Parcel Post, 153 Priority Mail, 123 automation cards and letters, 201.3.0 automation flats, 301.3.0 barcoded parcels, 402.4.0 Express Mail, 101.4.1, 101.5.2 First-Class Mail, 101.6.3, 201.1.2, 202.1.2 general, maximum and minimum, 601.1.2 - 601.1.3 letters, 101.1.2, 201.1.0, 201.2.1 machinable parcels, 101.3.0, 401.1.3 nonmachinable letters, 101.1.0, 201.2.0 nonmachinable parcels, 101.3.6, Package Services, 101.7.0 - 101.9.0, 301.2.3 - 301.2.5 Periodicals, 707.3.5.2 Standard Mail, 301.2.2.1, 401.2.4.1 skill contests, 601.12.7 flats, 345.3.5 Periodicals, 707.20.1.3 software specifications, 708.3.2 sorting mail, See mail preparation under individual classes of mail packaging, 601.7.4 space available mail (SAM), 703.2.1.3 special handling, 503.12.0 fees, 503.12.1.1 marking, 503.12.2.5 other extra services that can be added, 503.12.2.3 what may be mailed, 503.12.2.2 special mailing containers, 601.6.0 Special Standard Mail, See Media Mail, general specimens, 601.10.17.3e. stamp collecting, See philatelic services stamped stationery, 604.2.1 alternate payment methods, 705.5.0 annual mailing fee, 343.3.4 attachments, 343.2.5 automation mailings, 343.7.0 cobundling, 705.9.3.3 enclosures, 343.7.5 weight, 301.3.2.2 barcodes, 343.7.4 bundling, 345.2.0 computing postage, 343.1.5, carrier route sequencing requirements, 345.6.9, 345.6.10 circulars, 343.2.0 combining with other classes of mail, 343.2.5, 703.9.0 content standards, 343.2.0 cotraying and cosacking bundles, 705.9.0 scheduling appointments for, 346.2.6.3 vehicle unloading, 346.2.6.9 destination entry, 346.2.0 DNDC entry, 346.3.0 DDU entry, 346.5.0 DSCF entry, 346.4.0 dimensions, 301.2.2 documentation, 344.4.0 automation, 344.4.3 basic, 344.4.2 facsimile postage statements, 344.4.10 multiple mailings, 344.4.9 standard format, 344.4.5, 344.4.7, 708.1.0 eligibility 343 automation flats, 343.7.0 basic, 343.4.0 enhanced carrier route flats, 343.6.0 machinable/nonmachinable flats, 343.5.0 enclosures, 343.2.5 envelopes, enclosed, 343.7.5 fees, 343.1.4 general standards for any Standard Mail mailing, 343.3.3 mail preparation, 345 automation flats, 345.7.0 bundles, 345.2.0 bundling for enhanced carrier route prices, 345.6.3 - 345.6.4 bundling for presorted flats, 345.5.0 bundles on pallets, 705.8.9, 705.8.10.3 carrier route information line, 345.2.12 combined automation and presorted flats, 705.9.3, 705.11.3 combined flats on pallets, 705.8.16.3 containerization of bundles, 705.10.2 Customized MarketMail, 705.1.4 enhanced carrier route flats, 345.6.0 general information, 345.1.0 machinable mail, 345.7.0 merged flats in sacks, 705.10.2.4 merged flats on pallets, 705.10.2.5, 705.12.2.4, 705.13.2.4 optional endorsement line, 345.2.0 presorted flats, 345.5.0 sack labels, 345.6.0 sacks, 345.5.0 sacks on pallets, 705.8.10.3 tray labels, 345.6.0 trays, 345.5.0 trays on pallets, 705.8.10.3 markings, 302.3.0 enhanced carrier route prices, 345.6.1 mixed mail, 703.2.7 presorted prices, 345.5.1 using 5% Threshold, 705.12.2 using 5% Threshold and City State Product, 705.13.2 applications for nonprofit prices applying for authorization, 703.1.7 applying for authorization at additional offices, 703.1.8 mailing while application is pending, 703.1.9 what may be mailed, 703.1.6 who will qualify, 703.1.2, 703.1.3 prices, see Price List for the following: physical standards, 301 postage payment methods, 344.2.0, 344.3.0 postage statements, See documentation automation, 343.7.0 destination entry, 346.2.0 - 346.5.0 enhanced carrier route, 343.6.0 presorted, 343.5.0 prices and fees, Price List size, 301.2.2.1 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.3 written additions, 343.2.6 ZIP Code accuracy, 343.3.8 alternate payment methods, 705.5.0 annual mailing fee,, 243.3.4 attachments, 243.2.5 enclosures, 243.7.6 physical standards, 201.3.0 barcodes, 243.7.5 bundling, 245.2.0 computing postage, 243.1.6, carrier route sequencing requirements, 245.6.8, 245.6.9 circulars, 243.2.0 combining with other classes of mail, 243.2.5, 703.9.0 content standards, 243.2.0 deposit of, 246.1.0 scheduling appointments for, 246.2.6 vehicle unloading, destination entry, 246.2.0 DNDC entry, 246.3.0 DDU entry, 246.5.0 DSCF entry, 246.4.0 discount for destination entry, 246.2.0 - 246.5.0 documentation, 244.4.0 automation, 244.4.3 basic, 244.4.2 facsimile postage statements, 244.4.10 multiple mailings, 244.4.9 standard format, 244.4.5, 244.4.7, 708.1.0 eligibility 243 automation, 243.7.0 basic, 243.4.0 ECR flats, 243.6.0 machinable/nonmachinable, 243.5.0 envelopes, enclosed, 243.7.6 enclosures, 243.2.5 fees, 243.1.5 general standards for any Standard Mail mailing, 243.3.3 mail preparation, 245 automation letters, 245.7.0 bundles, 245.2.0 bundling for enhanced carrier route prices, 245.6.4 - 245.6.4 bundles on pallets, 705.8.9, 705.8.10.3 carrier route information line, 245.2.9 containerization of bundles, 705.10.2 Customized MarketMail, 705.1.4 enhanced carrier route letters and cards mailings, 245.6.0 enhanced carrier route letters and cards, 245.6.4, 245.6.6 general information, 245.1.0 presorted machinable letters and cards, 245.5.3 presorted nonmachinable letters and cards, 245.5.4 tray labels, 245.4.0 trays, 245.3.0 trays on pallets, 705.8.10.3 markings required on each mailpiece, 202.2.0 enhanced carrier route prices, 245.6.1 mixed mail, 703.2.7 presorted prices, 245.5.1 applications for nonprofit prices applying for authorization, 703.1.7 applying for authorization at additional offices, 703.1.8 mailing while application is pending, 703.1.9 what may be mailed, 703.1.6 who will qualify, 703.1.2, 703.1.3 prices, see Price List for the following: physical standards, 201 postage payment methods, 244 automation, 244.3.0 enhanced carrier route, 244.2.0 presorted, 244.2.0 postage statements, See documentation automation prices, 243.4.0 - 243.7.0 destination entry discounts, 246.2.0 - 246.5.0 enhanced carrier route prices, 243.6.0 prices and fees, Price List reply card, enclosed, 243.7.6 size, 201 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.3 weight, 243.2.1 written additions, 243.2.6 ZIP Code accuracy, 243.3.8 alternate payment methods, 705.5.0 annual mailing fee, 443.1.4.1, 443.3.4 attachments, 443.2.5 bundling, 445.2.5 computing postage, 443.1.1, 443.1.5 carrier route sequencing requirements, 445.7.5, 445.7.6 circulars, 443.2.0 combined mailings with Package Services parcels, 705.6.1 documentation, 705.6.1.3 postage payment, 705.6.1.2 preparation, 705.6.2.3 qualification, 705.6.1.1 combined parcels mailings, 705.6.3 postage payment, 705.6.1.2 qualification, 705.6.3.1 combining with other classes of mail, 443.2.5, 703.9.0 content standards, 443.2.0 deposit, 446 scheduling appointments for, 446.2.6.3 vehicle unloading, 346.2.6.9 destination entry, 446.2.0 DNDC entry, 446.3.0 DDU entry, 446.5.0 DSCF entry, 446.4.0 for destination entry, 446.2.0 - 446.5.0 documentation, 444.3.0 basic, 444.3.2 facsimile postage statements, 444.3.8 multiple mailings, 444.3.7 standard format, 444.3.3, 444.3.5, 708.1.0 eligibility 443 enhanced carrier route, 443.6.0 presorted parcels, 443.5.0 enclosures, 443.2.5 extra services that can be added, 443.4.5 fees, 443.1.4 general standards for any Standard Mail mailing, 443.3.3 mail preparation, 445 bundles, 445.2.0 bundling for enhanced carrier route prices, 445.7.4 bundling for irregular parcels, 445.5.4, 445.7.5 bundles on pallets, 705.8.9, 705.8.10.3 carrier route information line, 445.2.10 combined machinable parcels, 705.6.0 containerization of bundles, 705.10.2 enhanced carrier route parcels, 445.7.0 machinable parcels on pallets, 705.8.17 Not Flat-Machinable (NFM) pieces, 445.6.0 presorted irregular parcels, 445.5.4 presorted machinable parcels, 445.5.3 sack labels, 445.4.0 sacks, 445.3.0 sacks on pallets, 705.8.10.3 markings required on each mailpiece, 402.1.2 enhanced carrier route prices, 445.7.1 mixed mail, 703.2.7 presorted prices, 445.5.1 applications for nonprofit prices applying for authorization, 703.1.7 applying for authorization at additional offices, 703.1.8 mailing while application is pending, 703.1.9 what may be mailed, 703.1.6 who will qualify, 703.1.2, 703.1.3 prices, see Price List for the following: Not Flat-Machinable (NFM) pieces, 401.2.4.2 physical standards, 401 postage payment methods, 444 enhanced carrier route parcels, 444.2.0 presorted parcels, 444.2.0 postage statements, See documentation destination entry discounts, 446.2.0 - 446.5.0 enhanced carrier route prices, 443.6.0 prices and fees, Price List shipper paid forwarding, 507.4.2.9 size, 401.2.4.1 undeliverable mail, 507.1.5.3 written additions, 443.2.6 ZIP Code accuracy, 443.3.8 Standard Mail (A), See Standard Mail Standard Mail (B), See Bound Printed Matter, Library Mail, Media Mail, or Parcel Post standardized documentation, 708.1.0 staples, 201.3.9, 301.3.4.2, 601.4.8 statement of ownership, management, and circulation for Periodicals, 707.8.3 Express Mail, 113.3.0 Priority Mail, 123.3.0 commercial flats, 333.2.2 commercial letters, 233.2.2 commercial parcels, 433.2.2 retail mail, 133.3.2 solicitations in guise of, 601.12.1 stationery, 604.2.0 personalized stamped envelopes sold by USPS, 604.2.2 plain stamped envelopes sold by USPS, 604.2.1 prices and fees, 604.2.1.1, 604.2.2.1, 604.2.3.2 stamped cards, 604.2.3.1 sweepstakes, 601.12.6 sealing mailpieces, 601.4.3 - 601.4.5 territories and possessions of the U.S., 608.2.0 Third-Class Mail, See Standard Mail tobacco, 601.11.12 toxic substances, 601.10.16 tracking, 503.13.2 trademarks of the USPS, 608.7.1 First-Class Mail, 335.3.0 First-Class Mail, 235.3.0 Periodicals, 707.20.1, 707.20.2 Standard Mail, 245.3.0, 345.3.0 barcoded labels, 708.6.0 treatment of mail, 507.1.0 endorsements used by USPS, 507.1.4.1 First-Class Mail, 507.1.5.1 Package Services, 507.1.5.4 Periodicals, 507.1.5.2 Priority Mail, 507.1.5.1 Standard Mail, 507.1.5.3 with extra services, 507.1.4.5 unaddressed mail, See dead mail unpaid mail, 508.2.2.5, 508.2.3.3 U.S. Armed Forces Mail, 703.2.0, 703.4.0 eligibility, 703.4.1.1, 703.4.2.2 matter sent free, 703.4.2 postage, 703.4.1.2 U.S. Department of Transportation regulation of hazardous materials, 601.10.2 Department of State mail, 703.3.0 free mail for U.S. armed forces, 703.4.2 military address, 703.4.2.4 military mail, 703.2.0, 703.4.0 official mail for Members of Congress, 703.6.1.1 official mail for U.S. government, 703.6.0, 703.7.0 prepared by contractors, 703.7.15 voting materials, 703.8.0 address for USPS functional areas, 608.8.1 - 608.8.3 appealing decision made about mailing standards, 607.2.0 business mail entry offices, addresses and phone numbers, 608.8.4 copyrights of the USPS, 608.7.2 complaints, 608.6.1 Domestic Mail Manual, general information, 608.1.0 holidays recognized by USPS, 608.3.2 philatelic services offered by USPS, 608.4.0 postal publications, 608.7.2 Post Offices, general information, 608.3.1, 608.3.2 postal inspection of mail, See inspection by USPS Pricing and Classification Service Center (PCSC), 608.8.4 Private Express Statutes, 608.5.1 reporting crimes, 608.6.2 requesting exceptions to mailing standards, 607.2.0 service to territories and possessions of the United States, 608.2.0 trademarks of the USPS, 608.7.1 valuable items, 609.3.2, 503.2.3.1 Bound Printed Matter, 363.4.0 First-Class Mail, 333.3.3 Library Mail, 383.3.2 Media Mail, 373.3.2 Standard Mail, 343.3.3 First-Class Mail, 233.3.3 Standard Mail, 243.3.3 Bound Printed Matter, 463.4.0 First-Class Mail, 433.3.3 Library Mail, 483.3.2 Media Mail, 473.3.2 Parcel Select, 453.3.1 Standard Mail, 443.3.3 retail mailings paid with permit imprint First-Class Mail, 134.2.2 Library Mail, 184.2.2 Media Mail, 174.2.2 Parcel Post, 154.2.2 absentee balloting materials, 703.8.0 voter registration commissions mailing list services, 507.7.3.4, 507.7.7 walk sequence carrier route sequencing requirements commercial letters, 245.6.8, 245.6.9 commercial flats, 345.6.9, 345.6.10 commercial parcels, 445.7.6, 445.7.7 Periodicals, 707.23.8, 707.23.9 window envelopes and inserts, 202.5.0, 601.6.3 wine, 601.11.7 written matter, See handwriting list matching, 708.3.3.2 ZIP Code, 602.1.8 sorting cards by 5-digit ZIP Code, 507.7.6 Bound Printed Matter, 363.4.3 First-Class Mail, 333.3.6 Standard Mail, 343.3.8 First-Class Mail, 233.3.6 Standard Mail, 243.3.8 Bound Printed Matter, 463.4.3 First-Class Mail, 433.3.6 Standard Mail, 443.3.8 ZIP+4 code, 602.1.8.2 zone charts, 708.10.3 zones, for computing postage, 708.1.6