Physical Standards (201)
Maximum weight: less than 16 ounces.
For an overview of the physical standards for commercial flats, see Quick Service Guide 201c.
Prices and Fees (243.1.0)
For a complete list of commercial USPS Marketing Mail prices, see Notice 123–Price List.
Destination discounts apply to mail prepared as prescribed by USPS and addressed for delivery within service area of destination NDC/ASF or SCF (246.2.0).
Annual presort mailing fee applies.
Content (243.2.0)
Flats containing mailable items not required to be sent using First-Class Mail can be sent using USPS Marketing Mail. USPS Marketing Mail is typically used for advertisements, flyers, and catalogs. Additional content restrictions must be met for authorized nonprofit mailers (703.1.0).
Eligibility Standards (243.3.0)
Mailings of 200 or more addressed pieces (or 50 pounds of addressed pieces), sorted and marked as described below. All pieces must meet the physical standards for flats (201). Pieces are eligible if not required to be mailed at First-Class Mail prices or not eligible for Periodicals prices. Nonprofit prices require specific authorization (703.1.0).
Each piece must include a complete delivery address with correct ZIP Code or ZIP+4 code.
A certified process (243.3.8) must be used within 12 months before mailing to ensure accuracy of 5-digit ZIP Codes.
Rigid, nonrectangular, and pieces that are not uniformly thick must be prepared as parcels pieces and pay parcel prices (
Mailers can apply Repositionable Notes. See 202.7.0.
Addresses on all pieces must be updated within 95 days before mailing through a USPS-approved address update method (e.g., ACS, NCOALink, or the appropriate ancillary service endorsement (except Forwarding Service Requested) under 507.1.5.3). For an overview of the Move Update standards, see Quick Service Guide 602a.
Postage Payment and Documentation (244)
Precanceled stamp (604.3.0), meter (604.4.0), or permit imprint (604.5.0).
Additional standards apply to mailings of nonidentical-weight pieces.
Mail Preparation (245)
Marking on each piece in the postage area (202.3.0):
- Regular: “Presorted USPS Marketing” or “PRSRT MKT,” “Marketing,” “MKT,” “PRESORT MKTG,” or “MKTG.”
- Nonprofit: “Nonprofit Organization,” “NONPROFIT ORG,” “NONPROFIT,” “NONPROFIT MKT,” or “NONPROFIT MKTG.”
Palletization is preferred, see Quick Service Guide 705d.
Any mailing job that contains bundles of Presorted flats and bundles of automation flats must be co-sacked using 705.9.3.
Enter and Deposit (246)
Mailing entered at an acceptance point designated by USPS.
Bundling and Sacking Sequence (245.8.0) |
5-Digit/Scheme 1 Bundles: Scheme bundles required for 5-digit ZIP Codes in L007. Required with 15 pieces or more for mailings containing only pieces weighing 5 ounces or less. Required with 10 or more pieces for mailings containing any pieces weighing more than 5 ounces. Fewer pieces in a bundle not permitted.2 Labels: Red Label 5 or optional endorsement line (OEL). | 3-Digit/Scheme 1 Bundles: Scheme bundles required for 3-digit ZIP Codes in L008. Required with 10 or more pieces to same 3-digit/scheme; fewer than 10 pieces in a bundle not permitted.2 Labels: Green Label 3 or OEL. | ADC Bundles: Required with 10 or more pieces to same ADC (see L004); fewer than 10 pieces in a bundle not permitted.2 Labels: Pink Label A or OEL. | Mixed ADC Bundles: Any remaining pieces must be bundled in mixed ADC bundles. Labels: Tan Label X or OEL. |
5-Digit/Scheme 3 Sacks: Required when there are 125 pieces or 15 pounds to the same 5-digit/scheme; smaller volume not permitted.4 Labels: Line 1: For 5-digit scheme sacks, use L007, Column B. For 5-digit sacks, use city, state, and 5-digit ZIP Code on mail. Line 2: For 5-digit scheme sacks, use “MKT FLT 5D SCH NON BC.” For 5–digit sacks, use “MKT FLTS 5D NON BC.” Price: 5-Digit | 3-Digit Sacks: Required when there are 125 pieces or 15 pounds; smaller volume not permitted. Optional: After all full sacks are prepared, mailers may make one less-than-full sack for any remaining bundles for each origin 3-digit ZIP Code prefix of SCF serving post office where mail is verified. Labels: For Line 1, use L002, Column A, for destination facility. Price: 3-Digit or ADC 5 | ADC Sacks: Required when there are 125 pieces or 15 pounds; smaller volume not permitted. Labels: For Line 1, use L004, Column B for destination facility. Price: ADC | Mixed ADC Sacks: Any remaining bundles placed in mixed ADC sacks. Labels: For Line 1, use L009, Column B. Price: Mixed ADC |
Prices are based on sack level. |
1. Pieces meeting the automation-compatibility standards in 201.6.0 must be prepared in 5-digit scheme and 3-digit scheme bundles. Mailers must prepare all possible 5-digit scheme bundles and 5-digit scheme sacks before preparing 5-digit bundles and 5-digit sacks. All possible 3-digit scheme bundles must be prepared before preparing 3-digit bundles and 3-digit sacks.
2. Bundles may contain less than the 10 or 15 piece minimums when there are at least the minimum number of pieces to a destination and the bundle size would exceed the maximum size (601.2.0).
3. For 5-digit scheme sacks, use “MKT FLT 5D SCH NON BC,” for 5-digit sacks, use “MKT FLTS 5D NON BC.”
4. For nonidentical-weight pieces, see 245.8.5b.
5. ADC price for any 3-digit sack for origin SCF not meeting 125-piece or 15-pound minimum.
Note: Customers should not convert to the USPS Marketing Mail markings until a date is announced.