Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service - International Mail Manual > 1 International Mail Services > 130 Mailability > 132 Written, Printed, and Graphic Matter All written, printed, and graphic matter that is described as nonmailable in DMM 601 is nonmailable internationally. This matter includes but is not limited to the following: - Advertisements for abortion.
- Advertisements for motor vehicle master keys.
- Copyright violations.
- Fictitious matter.
- Lottery matter.
- Matter inciting violence.
- Solicitations in the guise of bills or statements of account.
- Solicitations or inducements for mailing harmful matter, radioactive materials, controlled substances, or intoxicating liquors.
Note: Immoral or obscene articles and advertisements for them are nonmailable. Mailpieces that are sent to foreign addressees may not contain prepaid reply cards or envelopes that bear a U.S. postage stamp, meter stamp, meter impression, or a domestic business reply indicia. See Note: for regulations governing mailer use of International Business Reply Service (IBRS). Exception: The prohibition against enclosing U.S. domestic business reply cards or envelopes does not apply when they are bound into, are stapled to, or form an integral part of the printed page of mailpieces that are periodicals. Such enclosures may be admitted so long as they are not used as response vehicles by foreign recipients and the postal administrations of the destination countries do not object to their presence in U.S.-origin publications. | |