Mailing Standards of the United States Postal Service - International Mail Manual > 2 Conditions for Mailing > 270 Free Matter for the Blind > 275 Mail Entry and Deposit
Eligible Free Matter for the Blind items bearing a computer-generated customs form with customs data that has been electronically transmitted may be deposited through any of the following methods provided any extra service fees have been paid by a means other than the use of postage stamps:
Note: First-Class Mail International letter-size and flat-size items weighing 13 ounces or less, bearing “Free Matter for the Blind” as postage, and not requiring a customs form (see 123.6) may also be deposited through the aforementioned methods.
Customers must present the following eligible Free Matter for the Blind items requiring a customs form to an employee at a Post Office retail service counter. Deposit and pickup methods listed in 275.1 are prohibited. The Postal Service will return improperly presented items to the sender for proper entry and acceptance.